Re: Using beagle from PHP...?

Hi there,

I'm new to the list so I can't directly reply to a message posted
earlier here.

        3) You could implement the Beagle XML messaging protocol in PHP.
        This is what the libbeagle C bindings do.  It's a fair amount of
        work, and the API isn't completely stable, but if you were just
        interested in a subset of Beagle's API then this might be the
        quickest way to go.

I like the idea of an alternative network based search client for beagle
(beside the included "web service") maybe even providing an XML RPC
interface or other advanced options. I searched the
website for more details about the mentioned XML messaging protocol.
Unfortunately I had no luck and can't find anything about it.

Where is a documentation (with/out examples) for this protocol? Which
port must be contacted for communication? Please give me some hints if
you have a spare minute.

Thanks in advance

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