Re: Beagled: Sharing violation

Dnia 23-09-2005, pią o godzinie 12:01 -0400, Joe Shaw napisał(a):
> Hi,
> On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 06:50 +0200, Maciej Bliziński wrote:
> > During the beagle daemon run, I get lots of messages like this:
> I don't know how you manage to trigger all these exceptions that no one
> else has seen. ;)

My pleasure! ;)

If you fix those, don't worry, I already have some more issues related
to web pages indexing with Mozilla Firefox and diacritic characters. Now
let's just start off with this sharing violation.

> Is your home directory on NFS, per chance?

Nope. It's a local hard drive with Reiserfs. The whole system is on a
single 20GB partition.

What more can I say about my install... It's Slackware 10.1 with
Dropline Gnome 2.10. All Beagle related software was downloaded in
source form and compiled with gcc-3.4.3 with flags "-march=pentium4
-pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -O3".

Do you want a larger chunk of beagled output? Is there anything more
that I can provide you with?

Maciej Bliziński <m blizinski wsisiz edu pl>

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