Re: Memory usage

On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 18:02 -0400, Joe Shaw wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, 2005-09-19 at 17:55 -0400, Gregory Pierce wrote:
> > I am not sure what to look for.  I just typed "beagled --debug-memory
> > --allow-backend" and before this I deleted the .beagle directory.  Will
> > this restart the indexing process again? And how can I tell whether the
> > problem is in Files and Mail?
> Sorry, I should have been more clear.
> If you run beagled --list-backends, it will show you a list of backends
> that beagled starts up by default.  By providing --allow-backend
> <backend name> you can limit it to one or more backends.  So
> beagled --allow-backend Files
> would allow only the file backend.
> What I suggest doing is starting with just the files backend and then
> just the mail backend and see if you see the kind of memory spike you
> have been seeing.  If it's in one and not the other (or in both or
> neither) then that helps narrow down the problem.
> Thanks,
> Joe

Thanks, that was clearer.  I am now running "beagled --allow-backend
Files". We'll see if Files are the problem.


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