Re: .noindex files are ignored and disappearing file index

> But it is spend most of it's time indexing my collection of kernel trees
> and other random source code. I added an empty .noindex file to the
> directory, but nothing changed. Then I grep'ed the beagle source for
> "noindex". It is not there.
> Has this feature been removed? I like the idea of it and the new
> "beagle-config indexing AddIgnorePattern" thing does not replace it
> because you cannot recursively ignore a specific directory, because
> matching is done on single path elements instead of the entire path.

If you're running the CVS version of Beagle you should be able to find a
thing called "Search & Indexing" in your gnome control center (or
'beagle-settings' for the commandline kinda guy) which will allow you to
add other directories than $HOME for indexing, as well as exclude stuff
like directories, patterns and mail folders.


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