Re: mono red-carpet channel

On Wed, 2005-01-26 at 11:45 -0500, Joe Shaw wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-01-26 at 15:03 +0000, Paul Cooper wrote:
> > Feeling very stupid today. Installed to demo version of NLD to have a
> > play with beagle goodies, however for the life of me I can find how to
> > add the mono red carpet service / channel. The only channel I have
> > available is MDE and only two services
> > and What am I missing?
> If you have, you should see a channel called
> "mde-snaps" or "Mono Desktop Extensions Snapshots".  If you subscribe to
> that channel, you should be able to "rug install beagle" and have it
> pull in all the necessary dependencies.  Or you can use the Red Carpet
> GUI to do the same.

That's what I did initially however red carpet complained of missing
dependencies: first libgtkmozembed (so I installed mozilla via yast)
then gecko-sharp - eventually after a bit more searching I added the service, subscribed to the mono channel
and added mono and others til it was happy. However beagle will now run,
but in best I get the following error when I try to search

The query for test failed with error:

System.EntryPointNotFoundException: dbus_message_append_iter_init in
<0x00053> (wrapper managed-to-native) DBus.Arguments:
dbus_message_append_iter_init (intptr,intptr) in [0x00011]
(at /tmp/bb-daemon.36526/beagle-snaps/dbus/BUILD/dbus-0.23/mono/Arguments.cs:221) DBus.Arguments:InitAppending () in <0x0006e> Beagle.Factory.Proxy:NewQueryPath () in [0x00005] (at /tmp/bb-daemon.36389/beagle-snaps/beagle/BUILD/beagle-0.0.5/BeagleClient/Factory.cs:52) Beagle.Factory:NewQuery () in [0x00035] (at /tmp/bb-daemon.36389/beagle-snaps/beagle/BUILD/beagle-0.0.5/Best/BestWindow.cs:469) Best.BestWindow:Search (string) in [0x00011] (at /tmp/bb-daemon.36389/beagle-snaps/beagle/BUILD/beagle-0.0.5/Best/BestWindow.cs:365) Best.BestWindow:DoSearch (object,System.EventArgs) 


> Joe
Paul Cooper                    |  Tel: 0121 634 1620
Assistant Director             |  Fax: 0121 634 1630
OpenAdvantage                  |

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