beagled Web Service Interface prototype working!

Hi Folks!

Today I finally got the Web Service interface to beagled working. The
Glib dependencies in dbus-sharp library prevented me from using dbus IPC
between the web service and beagled - so I had to resort to .Net
remoting for now. The web service is in the form of beagled.asmx webapp
and needs XSP for now (until we add a httpListener within beagled). 

I have included two web service methods :
1. beagledQuery - the full featured interface that can be invoked via
2. simplebeagledQuery - simpler interface that takes a searchString
(like best) which can be invoked both via SOAP and a web browser
The web service limits the no. of results to the first 20 results
received from beagled.

Attached is a screen-shot of the Firefox browser screen showing results
from the web-service for search term 'document'.  A screenshot is also
posted at . Note
that this 'TestForm' in the browser is more to get a feel for the
webservice interface - and is not meant to provide browser access to
beagled per se. 

I will submit the web service protoype code soon. Comments welcome. 


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