Re: Could not find assembly dbus-sharp, references from /usr/lib/beagle/Beagle.dll

On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 11:59 -0500, Joe Shaw wrote:
> Mono can't find the dbus you built from source.  You'll need to set your
> MONO_GAC_PREFIX environment variable to the prefix where you installed
> dbus.  If you didn't specify it when you built dbus, it's in /usr/local,
> so you'd run it like so:
> $ MONO_GAC_PREFIX=/usr/local beagled

This shouldn't be necessary... beagle asks pkg-config for dbus-sharp's
prefix at configure-time and explicitly adds it to the MONO_GAC_PREFIX
in the beagled launcher script.

What do you see when you run the following two commands?
% pkg-config --variable=prefix dbus-sharp
% grep GAC_PREFIX /path/to/beagle/Makefile


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