Re: gst-sharp warning

On Fri, 2005-02-25 at 13:32 -0800, Joe Barnett wrote:
> I've just compiled beagled with gst-sharp support to test the
> resolution of bug 164845.  I updated gst-sharp from svn (svn up), and
> rebuilt it before re-configuring and re-building beagle.
> When I run beagled, it repeatedly spits out the following warning to
> the console after a short time:
> ** (<unknown>:6185): WARNING **: Could not load class from token
> 0x0100000a in /usr/lib/mono/gac/gst-sharp/
> it spits out about 3-4 terminals worth of these, and then stops.
> is this problematic?  what does it mean?

Problematic, yes. :)  I'm not 100% sure, but I think that beagle is
trying to reference a class in gst-sharp which is no longer there.

You might want to try rebuilding beagle (make clean && make) to see if a
build error or some other incompatibility is caught at build-time.  A
few people on IRC have noticed compilation issues with beagle and
gst-sharp, so it might be related to this.


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