Re: Beagle search engine


On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 18:46:51 +0530, Veerapuram Varadhan
<vvaradhan novell com> wrote:
> Mario Sopena wrote:
> > Hallo guys,
> >   I know Beagle uses the Lucene.NET indexer. I want to use it inside
> > monodoc to search all the documentation.
> You can use "beagle" to do the searching part.

Well, it will be great that Beagle could index the Monodoc
documentation, but we cannot force everybody that wants to search in
Monodoc to install Beagle. So the problem is still there.
> AFAIK, fredrik (fredrik hedberg avafan com) has done monodoc indexing in
> beagle.  A primitive code is available in beagle,
> beagled/MonodocQueryable/MonodocQueryable.cs.

I will look at it carefully, but my question is still there; is the
Lucene engine from Beagle a hacked version or it is just copied from
the dotLucene project? Is there a way we can share that with monodoc?

Any suggestion will be apreciated.

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