Trouble launching beagled

When I try and launch beagled I get this:
   [-(~/sources/dbus/dbus)> beagled
   Could not initialize Beagle's bus connection:
   System.DllNotFoundException: dbus-glib-1
   in <0x00053> (wrapper managed-to-native)
   Beagle.Daemon.DBusisms:dbus_g_thread_in it ()
   in [0x0000b] (at /home/darryl/sources/beagle/beagled/DBusisms.cs:60)
   Beagle.Daem on.DBusisms:Init ()
   in [0x000e3] (at
   /home/darryl/sources/beagle/beagled/BeagleDaemon.cs:205) Beagle
   .Daemon.BeagleDaemon:Main (string[])
   Is there supposed to be a dbus-glib-1.dll?
   As far as I can tell i compiled cvs dbus per the instructions on the
   beagle wiki.

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