Re: RSS Feed Indexer

nope, you're not. i got rid of it a little while back in favor of
Bloglines. but the lack of offline support is a killer. or it would be,
if this hadn't happened:

this might be an option for bloglines access, perhaps. as nat says, it
comes down to getting access to what you haven't browsed yet.

On Fri, 2004-10-01 at 14:41, Michael Koby wrote:
> Maybe I'm the only one but I never really liked Straw.  More
> specifically I don't like it's interface.  I perfer the folder
> hierchey(sp?).
> What about Bloglines.  There might be something there, though I'm not
> sure how difficult that would be to impliment.  Also it's not a gnome
> application and thus might not meet that end of the requirements.
> Just my $0.02

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