[PATCH] Beagle - HitFlavor.cs

Just Browsing The Code (tm) and found this mistake. Probabbly a logical
thing. I'm wondering whetever it is OK to commit small stuff like this
right away without sending patches to the list.

I have another question. Where should I implement the IMLog viewer - n
Util/IMLog.cs (probabbly best) or in Best it self.

--- HitFlavor.cs.~1.2.~	2004-06-28 09:30:31.000000000 +0200
+++ HitFlavor.cs	2004-07-18 22:06:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@
 			if (str == "")
 				return false;
 			foreach (char c in str)
-				if (c != '*')
-					return false;
-			return true;
+				if (c == '*')
+					return true;
+			return false;
 		public bool IsMatch (Hit hit)

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