Bugzilla renderer: updated

Updated a bit.  Nat, you can toss this one in cvs.

Kevin Godby <godbyk yahoo com>
// GNOME Dashboard
// BugzillaBugMatchRenderer.cs: Knows how to render BugzillaBug matches.
// Author:
//   Kevin Godby  <godbyk yahoo com>

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;

namespace Dashboard {

	class BugzillaBugMatchRenderer : MatchRenderer {

		public override void Startup ()
			Type = "BugzillaBug";

		public override string HTMLRenderMatches (ArrayList matches)
			StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ();
			XmlWriter xw = new XmlTextWriter (sw);

			xw.WriteStartElement ("div");	// Start the bugzilla results block
			xw.WriteElementString ("u", "Bugzilla Bugs");	// Print the title

			xw.WriteStartElement ("table");	// Start the results table
			xw.WriteAttributeString ("width", "100%");
			xw.WriteAttributeString ("border", "0");
			xw.WriteAttributeString ("cellpadding", "0");
			xw.WriteAttributeString ("cellspacing", "0");
			// We're using .WriteRaw because all html is generated
			// with sw inside the loop -- so we should be safe
			foreach (Match m in matches)
				HTMLRenderSingleBugzillaBug (m, xw);

			xw.WriteEndElement ();	// End results table
			xw.WriteEndElement ();	// End bugzilla results block

			xw.Close ();

			return sw.ToString ();

		private void HTMLRenderSingleBugzillaBug (Match m, XmlWriter xw)
			string Number  = Convert.ToString (m ["Number"]);
			string Product = Convert.ToString (m ["Product"]);
			string Owner   = Convert.ToString (m ["Owner"]);
			string Email   = Convert.ToString (m ["Owner"]);
			string Summary = Convert.ToString (m ["Summary"]);
			string Status  = Convert.ToString (m ["Status"]);
			string Icon    = "internal:bug.png";

			// Trim the sender name
			if (Owner.IndexOf ("@") != -1)
				Owner = Owner.Substring (0, (Owner.LastIndexOf ("@") - 1));

			// StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ();
			// XmlWriter xw = new XmlTextWriter (sw);

			xw.WriteStartElement ("tr");
			xw.WriteStartElement ("td");
			xw.WriteAttributeString ("valign", "top");

			xw.WriteStartElement ("img");	// Bug icon
			xw.WriteAttributeString ("src", Icon);
			xw.WriteEndElement ();	// td

			xw.WriteStartElement ("td");
			xw.WriteStartElement ("font");	// Make the font smaller to fit window width
			xw.WriteAttributeString ("size", "-2");

			xw.WriteString ("#" + Number + ": " + Summary);
			xw.WriteStartElement ("br");
			xw.WriteEndElement ();	// br

			xw.WriteString (Product + " ");

			xw.WriteStartElement ("a");
			xw.WriteAttributeString ("href", "mailto:"; + Email);
			xw.WriteString (Owner);
			xw.WriteEndElement ();	// a href

			xw.WriteRaw (" " + Status);

			xw.WriteEndElement ();	// font
			xw.WriteEndElement ();	// td
			xw.WriteEndElement ();	// tr

			// xw.Close ();

			// return sw.ToString ();


Attachment: db-bugzilla.png
Description: PNG image

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