vim-frontend for dashboard.


I've written a frontend for vim. It's not 100% done yet but it works
great for me.

When Kevin Godby tried it out it crashed but I've traced that to be a
problem of the vim-version that comes with redhat 9.

So, to use this make sure you have perl-support in vim (:version look
for +perl).  Then make sure you don't have the buggy vim.  If you try to
run ":perl $mybuf = $curwin->Buffer()" and it dies you have it :)

Other than that, the info is in the file.  Any comments are welcome.

ps. I'm not on the lists so please CC me or add me to the list :)
" Dashboard frontend for vim.
" Author Erik Bågfors <erik bagfors nu>
" Just dump this file and into ~/.vim/plugin and everything
" should work, if you have perl-support in your vim.
" It sends cluepackages when you are in insert mode and hit <space>, 
" <return> or when you hit <esc> to go out of insert mdoe
" It sends the following cluepackages to dashboard
" word_at_point with the relevance 10
" sentence_at_point with the relevance 8 (currently same as line_at_point)
" line_at_point with relevance 6
" textblock with relevance 4
" identifier with relevance 10
" sentence_at_point are currenly the same as line_at_point. This will be fixed
" textblock is 10 lines before and 10 lines after current line.
" identifier is there to make sure it uses the manpage backend get's the clue

if has('perl')

fun! SendDash()
	perl <<EOF
        # For some reason I cannot move the "use blaha" code
	# Above the function, this means that this runs very time which is 
	# unnecessary
	use lib ("$ENV{HOME}/.vim/plugin");
	use Dashboard;
	use Encode;

	sub to_utf8 { $convert?encode("utf8", $_[0]):$_[0]; }

	unless(defined $dash) { # set these global variables
	    $frontend = "vim";
	    $focused = 1; # Vim never does anything unless it's in focus..
	    $dash = new Dashboard($frontend);
	    my ($success, $enc) = VIM::Eval('&encoding');
	    $convert = 1 unless ($enc eq "utf-8");
	my $context = $curbuf->Name();
	my ($row, $col) = $curwin->Cursor();
	if ($col == 0) {

	my $from = $row - 10 > 0?$row - 10:1; 
	my $to = $row + 10;
	my @lines = $curbuf->Get($from .. $to);
	my $spaceposs = 0;
	my $line_at_point = $lines[$row-$from];
	my $inp = rindex $line_at_point, " ", $col-2;
	my $outp = index $line_at_point, " ", $col-2;
	my $word_at_point;
	if ($outp == -1) {
		$word_at_point = &to_utf8(substr $line_at_point, $inp+1);
	} else {
		$word_at_point = &to_utf8(substr $line_at_point, $inp+1, $outp - $inp);
	$line_at_point = &to_utf8($line_at_point);

	my $sentence_at_point = $line_at_point;
	my $textblock = &to_utf8(join "\n", @lines);

	my $clue = [
	   {'type' => 'word_at_point', 'relevance' => 10, 'data' => $word_at_point}, 
	   {'type' => 'sentence_at_point', 'relevance' => 8, 'data' => $sentence_at_point}, 
	   {'type' => 'line_at_point', 'relevance' => 6, 'data' => $line_at_point},
	   {'type' => 'textblock', 'relevance' => 4, 'data' => $textblock},
	   {'type' => 'identifier', 'relevance' => 10, 'data' => $word_at_point}
	$dash->send_cluepacket($context, $focused, $clue);
	return ""

:inoremap <Esc> <c-r>= SendDash()<CR><Esc>
:inoremap <space> <space><c-r>=SendDash()<CR>
:inoremap <Return> <Return><c-r>=SendDash()<CR>

endif "has('perl')

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