Rhyhthmbox backend

I've updated this to show album covers for albums
(http://www.leewillis.co.uk/dashboard/albumart.png), however there's two
points of contention to resolve before this should be considered "good".

1. It currently uses hmv.co.uk (A UK music site), ideally I'd like to
use Amazon or similar which is slightly more global, but I haven't had
time to check out the APIs available - does anyone have any of the old
Amazon code?

2. gui.cs seemed to have problems showing images served off the web. My
patch resolves this as a problem, but I'm not sure if it's "right" - I'd
appreciate comments

Patch is at:
http://www.leewillis.co.uk/dashboard/albumart.patch [It's intermingled
with Jim's patch - I can clean that up once his changes filter into
anoncvs - the important bit is the changes to lines 142 onwards]

Thanks & hope you have/have had a nice Christmas ...

Lee Willis                                lee leewillis co uk

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