Re: Epiphany History Dashboard backend

Dashboard folks, I received this straight from Thomas, it looks a good
patch at first glance, and in the comments below I think there are some
interesting points, so I've CCd the list with my reply.

On Thu, 2003-12-18 at 21:14, Thomas Sutton wrote:
> I've modified your code to use XPath to grab only children of the
> correct Epiphany History version 1.0 format document (<ephy_history
> version="1.0">) and to grab the children (using XPath to grab only the
> ones we want is quicker (or maybe not being XML) than running through
> them all).

Yep - I was learning (By reading the code that was there) c# at the time
and didn't realise you could do this - I'd worked it out by the time I
did the rhythmbox backend but hadn't had chance to go back and fix the
ephy history one ...

> I've also included the code I stole from backend-ephybookmarks.cs to
> grab the favicons from Epiphany and am attempting to modify the
> compositing to give less tiny renditions of the favicons.


> I've also moved a few things to that should give a very slight speedup
> in general and worse cases: only grabbing the URL if the current node
> has matched and such like.


> I am planning on adding filtering at load time to kill as much noise
> (banner farms, possibly search engines, etc) as possible to speed loads
> and searches engines. At the moment, it just stops after it has found
> ten matches (many of which will be banners and junk on many searches)

Hmmm - one of the reasons that I didn't do this limiting was that I
wanted to make sure it was returning the most recent 10 matches, can we
guarantee that based on order in the XML and order that xPath pulls out
the items? I suspected not (Or at least that it probably wasn't a good
idea to rely on it!) so ideally I would have got all matches into an
array/XML document, sorted by date and then returned the last ten but I
couldn't quite work that out ...

> but I think it would probably be useful to do some nicer filtering.
> Perhaps by collapsing very similar matches into one (though this would
> probably be rather processor intensive). It would also be nice if we
> could see all matches somehow...

Yeah - I've also had some ideas about this. Especially the rhythmbox
backend needs something like this. Ideally I'd like a backend to be able
to pass XML back to dashboard representing a structure, where items
could have actions associated with them. In this case we'd probably want
the hierarchy to be based on website, e.g.

- Pages on
   Foo wins the world cup
   Health scare for Foo
+ Pages on
+ Pages on

In this case it's trivial to see that you *could* do this by spitting
back some javascript/dhtml stuff and get the desired effect, however in
the rhythmbox backend I'd really like to return some XML representing:

+ Greatest Hits - "Artist Foo"
   1 - Introduction
   2 - Some other song
   3 - Yet another song
   4 - Fade Out
- My First album - "Artist Foo"
- Second album - "Artist Foo"

So you'd get a nice set of information, *but* where HTML falls short is
that you should also be able to tie system actions into each item, so
that you could present a PLAY button next to "Greatest Hits - Artist
Foo" and spawn rhythmbox --album "Greatest Hits" --artist "Artist

At this point you need some kind of XML schema generated by the backend
and understood by the frontend ... I'm not sure if this is on the
roadmap or not?[2]

> It also needs to have some form of compression for long titles and
> (especially) URLs to prevent really nasty
> running-off-the-edge-of-the-window and not-lining-up-properly display
> errors.

Yep, I think there's probably no point showing the URL (If we go with
grouping by "website" as I discussed above) Then you're just left with
titles to sort out, and we should be able to wrap them intelligently.

> A patch is attached modifying your with my changes.

>From what I can see it looks good - but I don't have:

a) CVS access to commit it
b) Time to test it right now [Or this weekend, I have Christmas family
visiting plans!]
c) A propensity for reading straight diffs [I prefer diff -u]

Hence the CC to the dashboard list - hopefully someone can review,
commit and  comment on some of the points I've made ...

[1] Assuming that we can patch rhythmbox to support that, but I imagine
it would be reasonably trivial and sensible
[2] It may even be already possible for all I know!
Lee Willis <lee leewillis co uk>
> using System.Reflection;
> using Gdk;
< 		XmlNodeList         titles;
> 		XmlNodeList         items;
< 			Name = "Web Browser History";
> 			this.Name = "Web Browser History";
< 				doc = new XmlDocument ();
< 				doc.Load (path);
> 				this.doc = new XmlDocument ();
> 				this.doc.Load (path);
< 				titles = doc.SelectNodes ("//node");
> 				items = this.doc.SelectNodes ("/ephy_history[ version=\"1.0\"]/node");
> 				Console.WriteLine ("Epiphany history backend loaded {0} items.",
>                           items.Count);
> 		        path = Path.Combine (home_dir,
>                              ".gnome2/epiphany/ephy-favicon-cache.xml");
> 		        if (File.Exists (path))
> 		        {
> 		        	this.favicondoc = new XmlDocument ();
> 					this.favicondoc.Load (path);
> 		        }
< 			string html = String.Format("<table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"#003366\" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td>");
> 			string html = String.Format(
> 				"<table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"#003366\" border=0 " +
> 				"cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td>");
< 			html += String.Format ("<table bgcolor=\"#003366\" cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 width=100%>");
> 			html += String.Format (
> 				"<table bgcolor=\"#003366\" cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 " +
> 				"width=100%>");
< 			html += String.Format ("<tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#003366\"><img heiight=36 width=36 src=\"internal:bookmark.png\" border=0></td><td width=\"100%\" valign=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#003366\"><font color=#ffffff size=+2>Epiphany Recently Visited</font></td></tr></table>");
< 			html += String.Format ("<tr><td><table bgcolor=\"#003366\" cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1 width=100%>");
> 			html += String.Format (
> 				"<tr><td align=\"center\" valign=\"center\" " +
> 				"bgcolor=\"#003366\"><img heiight=36 width=36 " +
> 				"src=\"internal:bookmark.png\" border=0></td><td " +
> 				"width=\"100%\" valign=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#003366\">" +
> 				"<font color=#ffffff size=+2>Epiphany History</font></td>"+
> 				"</tr></table>");
> 			html += String.Format (
> 				"<tr><td><table bgcolor=\"#003366\" cellpadding=3 " +
> 				"cellspacing=1 width=100%>");
< 			foreach (XmlNode node in titles) {
> 			foreach (XmlNode node in this.items) {
< 				foreach (XmlNode property in node.ChildNodes) {
< 					string property_id = (property.Attributes["id"].Value).ToString();
< 					// Only match on page title, or URL - should this only match on title?
< 					if (property_id == "2") {
< 						PageTitle = property.InnerText.ToString();
< 					} else if (property_id == "3") {
< 						PageURL = property.InnerText.ToString();
< 					}
< 				}
> 				string PageIcon = "";
> 				// XXX: Use XPath to grab correct children...
> 				PageTitle  = node.SelectSingleNode("property[ id=2]").InnerText;
> 					// Only grab this stuff if we will need it...
>         			PageURL = 
> 						node.SelectSingleNode("property[ id=3]").InnerText;
> 					PageIcon = this.GetIconPath (PageURL);
> 					//FIXED - <thsutton utas edu au>
< "<tr>" +
< "<td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"{2}\">" +
< "<a href=\"{1}\">" +
< "<img  border=0 width=24 height=24 src=\"internal:bookmark.png\"></a></td>" +
< "<td width=\"100%\" valign=top bgcolor=\"{2}\">" +
< "<a href=\"{1}\" style=\"text-decoration: none;\">{0}<br>" +
< "<font size=-1 color=#666666>{1}</font></a>" +
< "</td>" +
< "</tr>",  PageTitle, PageURL, bgcolor);
< 				match_count ++;
< 				if (bgcolor == "#dddddd")
< 					bgcolor = "#ffffff";
< 				else
< 					bgcolor = "#dddddd";
> 						"<tr>" +
> 						"<td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"{2}\">" +
> 						"<a href=\"{1}\">" +
> 						"<img  border=0 width=24 height=24 src=\"{3}\"></a>" +
> 						"</td>" +
> 						"<td width=\"100%\" valign=top bgcolor=\"{2}\">" +
> 						"<a href=\"{1}\" style=\"text-decoration: none;\">" +
> 						"{0}<br>" +
> 						"<font size=-1 color=#666666>{1}</font></a>" +
> 						"</td>" +
> 						"</tr>",  PageTitle, PageURL, bgcolor, PageIcon);
> 					match_count ++;
> 					if (bgcolor == "#dddddd")
> 						bgcolor = "#ffffff";
> 					else
> 						bgcolor = "#dddddd";
> 				if (match_count == 10){
> 					html += String.Format (
> 						"<tr>" +
> 						"<td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"{0}\" colspan=\"2\">" +
> 						"<span>...</span>" +
> 						"</td>" +
> 						"</tr>",  bgcolor);
> 					break;
> 				}
> 			} //foreach
< 			}
<       html += String.Format ("</table></td></tr></table><br>");
>       		html += String.Format ("</table></td></tr></table><br>");
< 			return new Match (this, html, 0, String.Format ("history:{0}", clue_text));
< 		}
> 			return new Match (this, html, 0, 
> 				String.Format ("history:{0}", clue_text));
> // Below was grabbed from backend-ephybookmarks.cs and modified a bit by 
> // <thsutton utas edu au>
> 		private Stream GetImage (string name)
> 		{
> 			Assembly assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly ();
> 			//Console.WriteLine ("ASSEMBLY NAMED " + assembly.FullName);
> 			System.IO.Stream s = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream (name);
> 			return s;
> 		}
> 		private string GetIconPath (string url)
> 		{
> 			if (favicondoc == null)
> 			        return "internal:bookmark.png";
> 			int index = url.IndexOf ("/", 7);
> 			//Console.WriteLine (String.Format ("url is {0}; index is {1}", url, index));
> 			if (index > -1)
> 			   url = url.Substring (0, index);
> 			//Console.WriteLine ("url base: " + url);
> 			string xpath = "descendant::node[starts-with(child::property[1]/child::text(), '" + url + "')]";
> 			//Console.WriteLine ("xpath expression: " + xpath);
> 			XmlNode fav_node = favicondoc.SelectSingleNode (xpath);
> 			if (fav_node != null) {
> 				xpath = "child::property[position()=2]";
> 				XmlNode favicon = fav_node.SelectSingleNode (xpath);
> 				string home_dir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("HOME");
> 				string path = Path.Combine (home_dir, ".gnome2/epiphany/favicon_cache");
> 				string iconfile = Path.Combine (path, favicon.InnerText);
> 				// Fixes bug #128935
> 				if (! File.Exists (iconfile)) {
> 					iconfile = "internal:bookmark.png";
> 				} 
> 				// XXX: Need to look at Gdk.Pixbuf to make scaling nicer.
> 				//      This will do till then...
> 				return iconfile;
> 				// Composite an icon...
> 				Gdk.Pixbuf icon = new Pixbuf (iconfile);
> 				Gdk.Pixbuf bookmark =
> 					new Pixbuf (GetImage ("bookmark.png"));
> 				Gdk.Pixbuf white =
> 					new Pixbuf (GetImage ("white.png"));
> 				white = white.ScaleSimple (
> 					72, 30, //dest x,y
> 					Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear);
> 				white.Composite (bookmark,
> 					 0,  0, // dest x,y
> 					72, 30, // width, height
> 					20,  0, // offset x,y
> 					 1,  1, // scaling x,y
> 					Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear,
> 					127); //Alpha
> 				// I just want to make the icon be 16x16.
> 				// This does it for me!
> 				Gdk.Pixbuf small_icon = icon.ScaleSimple (
> 					28, 28, //dest x,y
> 					Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear);
> 				small_icon.Composite(bookmark,
> 					 0,  0, // dest x,y
> 					28, 28, // width, height
> 					 0,  0, // offset x,y
> 					 1,  1, // scaling x,y
> 					Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear,
> 					255);   //Alpha
> 				iconfile = Path.GetFileName (iconfile);
> 				string home = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("HOME");
> 				iconfile = Path.Combine( Path.Combine (home,
> 				String.Format (".dashboard/tmp/")),
> 				"ephyhist-"+iconfile.ToString());
> 				bookmark.Savev (iconfile, "png", null, null);
> 				return iconfile;
> 			}
> 			return "internal:bookmark.png";
> 		}
> }

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