[glib] (10 commits) Created branch atomic-older-cplusplus

The branch 'atomic-older-cplusplus' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  ce6afa1... meson: Build C++ tests for the currently supported C++ stan
  af57797... glib-typeof: Define glib_typeof on on older C++ standard ve
  b8ef9be... glib/tests/cxx: Add clear and steal pointer functions tests
  f7a4aca... gatomic: Support atomic compare_and_exchange macros on olde
  82cf815... glib/tests/cxx: Enable the c++ tests for all the C++ versio
  e3425d0... glib/glib-typeof: Ensure glib_typeof is defined in MSCV C++
  0c6ca4d... gmacros: Define G_CXX_STD_VERSION and check macros
  26c4515... glib: Use G_CXX_STD_VERSION to check how to behave with C++
  a882bca... gmacros: Define NULL ass nullptr with C++11 and onwards if 
  84f66a0... gmacros: Prioritize the usage of [[noreturn]] in C++11

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