[libsoup] Created tag 3.1.4

The unsigned tag '3.1.4' was created.

Tagger: Patrick Griffis <pgriffis igalia com>
Date: 1662144106 +0000

    3.1.4 (dev)

Changes since the last tag '3.1.3':

Carlos Garcia Campos (14):
      connection: always handle http proxies
      http2: finish the message IO when request is cancelled
      http2: do not send RST_STREAM for already closed sreams
      server: fix crash when HTTP/2 connection is closed early
      http2: check error/progress before session want read/write
      http2: handle connection terminated unexpectedly error when reading
      http2: finish the async close task in case of IO error
      http2: set the IO error for sync requests too
      http2: mark IO as shutting down before processing async pending messages
      server: make sure we don't call nghttp2 IO functions from callbacks
      http2: retry messages that failed due to IO errors
      http2: Handle all http2 errors on stream close
      http2: always try to write before every read
      http2-test: add invalid header received test

Patrick Griffis (2):
      Fix ssize_t not being defined on msvc

Piotr Drąg (1):
      Update POTFILES.in

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