[chronojump] Encoder Analyzer: Load-Speed graph show momentum. TODO: change graph name?

commit 455b39044d626222558bb2c95fb356094558845a
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Tue Oct 18 06:06:49 2022 +0200

    Encoder Analyzer: Load-Speed graph show momentum. TODO: change graph name?

 encoder/graph.R | 17 +++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
diff --git a/encoder/graph.R b/encoder/graph.R
index e4949af8a..f73befae1 100644
--- a/encoder/graph.R
+++ b/encoder/graph.R
@@ -2093,7 +2093,7 @@ paintCrossVariables <- function (paf, varX, varY, option,
                                                 #draw points and mtext
-                                                text(x=V0, y=0, paste("V0=", round(V0,2), "m/s", sep=""), 
col="darkgreen", pos = 1)
+                                                text(x=V0, y=0, paste("V0=", round(V0,2), "m/s", sep=""), 
col="darkgreen", pos = 3)
                                                if(varY == "Force")
                                                        text(x=0, y=F0, paste("F0=", round(F0,2), "N", 
sep=""), col="blue", pos = 4)
@@ -2143,18 +2143,19 @@ paintCrossVariables <- function (paf, varX, varY, option,
                                                 mtext(side = 3, at = V0 / 2, paste("Pmax = ",round(F0 * V0 / 
4, digits = 2),"W*", sep =""), col = "red")
                                                 legend(x = V0*1.04, y = V0 * F0 * 0.2, xjust = 1, yjust = 
                                                        text.col = c("Blue", "darkgreen", "red", "black"), 
cex = 1.3,
-                                                       legend = c(paste("F0 = ", round(F0, digits = 0), "N", 
sep = ""),
-                                                                  paste("V0 = ", round(V0, digits = 2), 
"m/s", sep = ""),
-                                                                  paste("Pmax = ", round(F0*V0/4, digits = 
0), "W", sep = "")
+                                                       legend = c(paste("F0 = ", round(F0, digits = 0), " 
N", sep = ""),
+                                                                  paste("V0 = ", round(V0, digits = 2), " 
m/s", sep = ""),
+                                                                  paste("Pmax = ", round(F0*V0/4, digits = 
0), " W", sep = "")
                                                                   #,paste("Load = ", round(optimLoad, 
digits=1), "Kg", sep = "")),
                                        else if(varX == "Speed" && varY == "Load") #is "Load,Power" but using 
Force to have less problems
-                                                legend(x = V0*1.04, y = V0 * F0 * 0.2, xjust = 1, yjust = 
-                                                       text.col = c("Blue", "darkgreen", "red", "black"), 
cex = 1.3,
-                                                       legend = c(paste("L0 = ", round(F0, digits = 0), 
"Kg", sep = ""),
-                                                                  paste("V0 = ", round(V0, digits = 2), 
"m/s", sep = "")
+                                                legend(x = V0*1.04, y = F0, xjust = 1, yjust = 1,
+                                                       text.col = c("Blue", "darkgreen", "black"), cex = 1.3,
+                                                       legend = c(paste("L0 = ", round(F0, digits = 0), " 
Kg", sep = ""),
+                                                                  paste("V0 = ", round(V0, digits = 2), " 
m/s", sep = ""),
+                                                                  paste("Momentum = ", round(F0*V0/2, digits 
= 2), " Kg*m/s", sep = "")
                                                                   #,paste("Load = ", round(optimLoad, 
digits=1), "Kg", sep = "")),

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