[chronojump/michrolab] Added error of the model/raw RFD. Hardcoded at 50ms
- From: Xavier Padullés <xpadulles src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [chronojump/michrolab] Added error of the model/raw RFD. Hardcoded at 50ms
- Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2022 10:52:53 +0000 (UTC)
commit 3afe0ab515b04555de81117814f4d082812b08ff
Author: xpadulles <x padulles gmail com>
Date: Thu Aug 4 19:34:30 2022 +0200
Added error of the model/raw RFD. Hardcoded at 50ms
r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R | 98 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
1 file changed, 64 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
diff --git a/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R b/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R
index f20ec324d..8f691e16f 100644
--- a/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R
+++ b/r-scripts/maximumIsometricForce.R
@@ -626,43 +626,38 @@ drawDynamicsFromLoadCell <- function(title, exercise, datetime,
} else if(RFDoptions$type == "BEST_AVG_RFD_IN_X_MS")
- RFD = 0
- window = RFDoptions$start / 1000 # RFDoptions$start from ms to s
- #if window does not fit in graph, discard it
- if (dynamics$time[dynamics$startSample] + window > dynamics$time[dynamics$endSample])
- next
- if (RFDoptions$rfdFunction == "FITTED")
- {
- } else if(RFDoptions$rfdFunction == "RAW")
- {
- for (i in dynamics$startSample:dynamics$endSample)
- {
- #stop calculating when currentSample + window is greater than endSample
- if (i + window > dynamics$time[dynamics$endSample])
- break()
- forceTemp1 = dynamics$f.raw[i]
- forceTemp2 = interpolateXAtY(dynamics$f.raw, dynamics$time, dynamics$time[i]
+ window)
- RFDtemp = (forceTemp2 - forceTemp1) / window
- if (RFDtemp > RFD)
- {
- force1 = forceTemp1
- force2 = forceTemp2
- RFD = RFDtemp
- time1 = dynamics$time[i]
- time2 = interpolateXAtY(dynamics$time, dynamics$time,
dynamics$time[i] + window)
- }
- }
- legendText = c(legendText, paste("RFD max avg in", RFDoptions$start, "ms = ",
round(RFD, digits = 1), " N/s", sep = ""))
- legendColor = c(legendColor, "black")
- }
- }
+ window = RFDoptions$start / 1000
+ print("detected BEST_AVG_RFD_IN_X_MS")
+ if (RFDoptions$rfdFunction == "FITTED")
+ {
+ print("FITTED")
+ #In the model the max RFD is always the RFD0
+ time1 = dynamics$time[dynamics$startSample]
+ # print(paste("In drawDynamics time1:", time1))
+ time2 = time1 + window
+ force1 = 0
+ force2 = dynamics$fmax.fitted*(1 - exp(-dynamics$k.fitted*window))
+ RFD = force2 / window
+ legendText = c(legendText, paste("RFD max avg in ", RFDoptions$start, "ms = ",
round(RFD, digits = 1), " N/s", sep = ""))
+ legendColor = c(legendColor, "blue")
+ } else if(RFDoptions$rfdFunction == "RAW")
+ {
+ maxAvgRFD = getAvgRfdXSeconds(dynamics, window )
+ force1 = maxAvgRFD$force1
+ time1 = maxAvgRFD$time1
+ time2 = maxAvgRFD$time2
+ force1 = maxAvgRFD$force1
+ force2 = maxAvgRFD$force2
+ RFD = maxAvgRFD$RFD
+ legendColor = c(legendColor, "black")
+ legendText = c(legendText, paste("RFD max avg in ", RFDoptions$start, "ms = ",
round(RFD, digits = 1), " N/s", sep = ""))
+ }
+ }
#The Y coordinate of the line when it crosses the Y axis
intercept = force1 - RFD * time1
+ print(paste("Intercetp:", intercept))
#The slope of the line seen in the screen(pixels units), NOT in the time-force units
windowSlope = RFD*(plotHeight/yHeight)/(plotWidth/xWidth)
@@ -701,6 +696,12 @@ drawDynamicsFromLoadCell <- function(title, exercise, datetime,
legendColor = c(legendColor, "grey40")
+ force2 = dynamics$fmax.fitted*(1 - exp(-dynamics$k.fitted*window))
+ modelRFD=force2/0.05
+ rawRFD = getAvgRfdXSeconds(dynamics, 0.05 )$RFD
+ legendText = c(legendText, paste("RFD50 error = ", round((rawRFD - modelRFD)*100/rawRFD, 2), "%"))
+ legendColor = c(legendColor, "grey20")
legend(x = xmax, y = dynamics$fmax.fitted/2, legend = legendText, xjust = 1, yjust = 0.1, text.col =
if(op$singleOrMultiple == "FALSE")
@@ -709,6 +710,35 @@ drawDynamicsFromLoadCell <- function(title, exercise, datetime,
+getAvgRfdXSeconds <-function(dynamics, window)
+ print("In getAvgRfdxSeconds")
+ RFD = 0
+ #if window does not fit in graph, discard it
+ if (dynamics$time[dynamics$startSample] + window > dynamics$time[dynamics$endSample])
+ next
+ #Measure how much samples corresponds to the window
+ time = dynamics$time[dynamics$startSample:dynamics$endSample]
+ windowSamples = which.min(time - (dynamics$time[dynamics$startSample] + window))
+ for (i in dynamics$startSample:(dynamics$endSample - windowSamples))
+ {
+ forceTemp1 = dynamics$f.raw[i]
+ forceTemp2 = interpolateXAtY(dynamics$f.raw, dynamics$time, dynamics$time[i] + window)
+ RFDtemp = (forceTemp2 - forceTemp1) / window
+ if (RFDtemp > RFD)
+ {
+ force1 = forceTemp1
+ force2 = forceTemp2
+ RFD = RFDtemp
+ time1 = dynamics$time[i]
+ time2 = interpolateXAtY(dynamics$time, dynamics$time, dynamics$time[i] + window)
+ }
+ }
+ return(list(RFD = RFD, time1 = time1, force1 = force1, time2 = time2, force2=force2))
#getDynamicsFromLoadCellFolder <- function(folderName, resultFileName, captureOptions)
# originalFiles = list.files(path=folderName, pattern="*")
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