[adwaita-icon-theme] symbolic: make delete and unavailable icons use full canvas

commit 46971d666bf0690e2f73e4808f709f3d9b1750b7
Author: Sam Hewitt <sam snwh org>
Date:   Fri May 20 10:30:18 2022 -0230

    symbolic: make delete and unavailable icons use full canvas

 .../actions/action-unavailable-symbolic.svg        |  2 +-
 Adwaita/scalable/actions/edit-delete-symbolic.svg  |  4 +--
 src/symbolic/core.svg                              | 35 +++++++++++++++-------
 3 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/action-unavailable-symbolic.svg 
index 13d3cdb83..49dd2183e 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/action-unavailable-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/actions/action-unavailable-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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m 0 2 c -1.019531 0 -1.957031 0.289062 -2.75 0.8125 l 6.9375 6.9375 c 0.523438 -0.792969 0.8125 -1.730469 
0.8125 -2.75 c 0 -2.757812 -2.242188 -5 -5 -5 z m -4.1875 2.25 c -0.523438 0.792969 -0.8125 1.730469 -0.8125 
2.75 c 0 2.757812 2.242188 5 5 5 c 1.019531 0 1.957031 -0.289062 2.75 -0.8125 z m 0 0" fill="#2e3436"/>
+    <path d="m 8 0 c -4.410156 0 -8 3.589844 -8 8 s 3.589844 8 8 8 s 8 -3.589844 8 -8 s -3.589844 -8 -8 -8 z 
m 0 2 c 3.332031 0 6 2.667969 6 6 c 0 1.300781 -0.40625 2.503906 -1.105469 3.480469 l -8.378906 -8.375 c 
0.980469 -0.699219 2.183594 -1.105469 3.484375 -1.105469 z m -4.894531 2.519531 l 8.378906 8.375 c -0.980469 
0.699219 -2.183594 1.105469 -3.484375 1.105469 c -3.332031 0 -6 -2.667969 -6 -6 c 0 -1.300781 0.40625 
-2.503906 1.105469 -3.480469 z m 0 0" fill="#2e3436"/>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/edit-delete-symbolic.svg 
index 939b2f184..597d0201b 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/actions/edit-delete-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/actions/edit-delete-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<svg height="16px" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16px" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";>
-    <path d="m 7.96875 1 c -3.851562 0 -6.96875 3.117188 -6.96875 6.96875 s 3.117188 6.96875 6.96875 6.96875 
s 6.96875 -3.117188 6.96875 -6.96875 s -3.117188 -6.96875 -6.96875 -6.96875 z m -2 3.96875 c 0.265625 0 
0.519531 0.105469 0.707031 0.292969 l 1.292969 1.292969 l 1.292969 -1.292969 c 0.1875 -0.1875 0.441406 
-0.292969 0.707031 -0.292969 s 0.519531 0.105469 0.707031 0.292969 c 0.390625 0.390625 0.390625 1.023437 0 
1.414062 l -1.292969 1.292969 l 1.292969 1.292969 c 0.390625 0.390625 0.390625 1.023437 0 1.414062 s 
-1.023437 0.390625 -1.414062 0 l -1.292969 -1.292969 l -1.292969 1.292969 c -0.390625 0.390625 -1.023437 
0.390625 -1.414062 0 s -0.390625 -1.023437 0 -1.414062 l 1.292969 -1.292969 l -1.292969 -1.292969 c -0.390625 
-0.390625 -0.390625 -1.023437 0 -1.414062 c 0.1875 -0.1875 0.441406 -0.292969 0.707031 -0.292969 z m 0 0" 
+<svg height="16px" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16px" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"/>
diff --git a/src/symbolic/core.svg b/src/symbolic/core.svg
index 25829171d..2a10fa451 100644
--- a/src/symbolic/core.svg
+++ b/src/symbolic/core.svg
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@
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@@ -8371,9 +8372,9 @@
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0,-3.86296 3.13705,-7 7,-7 z m 0,2 c -1.01943,0 -1.95898,0.28763 -2.75,0.8125 l 6.9375,6.9375 C 
64.71237,597.95898 65,597.01943 65,596 c 0,-2.75926 -2.24075,-5 -5,-5 z m -4.1875,2.25 C 55.28763,594.04102 
55,594.98057 55,596 c 0,2.75925 2.24075,5 5,5 1.01943,0 1.95898,-0.28763 2.75,-0.8125 z"
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68 600.40955 68 596 C 68 591.59044 64.409576 588 60 588 z M 60 590 C 63.331537 590 66 592.66847 66 596 C 66 
597.30195 65.591863 598.50269 64.896484 599.48242 L 56.517578 591.10352 C 57.497311 590.40814 58.698049 590 
60 590 z M 55.103516 592.51758 L 63.482422 600.89648 C 62.502689 601.59187 61.301955 602 60 602 C 56.668473 
602 54 599.33152 54 596 C 54 594.69805 54.408136 593.49731 55.103516 592.51758 z " />
@@ -8449,8 +8450,8 @@
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-         d="M 167.96875 41 C 164.11548 41 161 44.11547 161 47.96875 C 161 51.82202 164.11548 54.9375 
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167.96875 41 z M 165.96875 44.96875 C 166.23395 44.96879 166.48828 45.074169 166.67578 45.261719 L 167.96875 
46.554688 L 169.26172 45.261719 C 169.44922 45.074169 169.70355 44.96879 169.96875 44.96875 C 170.23395 
44.96879 170.48828 45.074169 170.67578 45.261719 C 171.0662 45.652229 171.0662 46.285271 170.67578 46.675781 
L 169.38281 47.96875 L 170.67578 49.261719 C 171.0662 49.652229 171.0662 50.285271 170.67578 50.675781 C 
170.28527 51.066201 169.65223 51.066201 169.26172 50.675781 L 167.96875 49.382812 L 166.67578 50.675781 C 
166.28527 51.066201 165.65223 51.066201 165.26172 50.675781 C 164.8713 50.285271 164.8713 49.652229 165.26172 
49.261719 L 166.55469 47.96875 L 165.26172 46.675781 C 164.8713 46.285271 164.8713 45.652229 165.26172 
45.261719 C 165.44922 45.074169 165.70355 4
 4.96879 165.96875 44.96875 z "
+         d="M 168 40 C 163.59043 40 160 43.590444 160 48 C 160 52.409556 163.59043 56 168 56 C 172.40958 56 
176 52.409546 176 48 C 176 43.590444 172.40958 40 168 40 z M 168 42 C 171.33154 42 174 44.668473 174 48 C 174 
51.331517 171.33154 54 168 54 C 164.66847 54 162 51.331517 162 48 C 162 44.668473 164.66847 42 168 42 z M 
165.96875 44.96875 C 165.70355 44.96879 165.44922 45.074169 165.26172 45.261719 C 164.8713 45.652228 164.8713 
46.285272 165.26172 46.675781 L 166.55469 47.96875 L 165.26172 49.261719 C 164.8713 49.652228 164.8713 
50.285272 165.26172 50.675781 C 165.65223 51.066201 166.28527 51.066201 166.67578 50.675781 L 167.96875 
49.382812 L 169.26172 50.675781 C 169.65223 51.066201 170.28527 51.066201 170.67578 50.675781 C 171.0662 
50.285272 171.0662 49.652228 170.67578 49.261719 L 169.38281 47.96875 L 170.67578 46.675781 C 171.0662 
46.285272 171.0662 45.652228 170.67578 45.261719 C 170.48828 45.074169 170.23395 44.96879 169.96875 44.96875 
C 169.70355 44.96879 169.44922 45.07416
 9 169.26172 45.261719 L 167.96875 46.554688 L 166.67578 45.261719 C 166.48828 45.074169 166.23395 44.96879 
165.96875 44.96875 z "
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@@ -11202,6 +11203,20 @@
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