[adwaita-icon-theme] symbolic: refine phone glyph in modem icon

commit f7468e0b26c4432fa4b59c3019ba64dca9300eb1
Author: Sam Hewitt <sam snwh org>
Date:   Fri May 20 10:24:30 2022 -0230

    symbolic: refine phone glyph in modem icon

 Adwaita/scalable/devices/modem-symbolic.svg |  5 +-
 src/symbolic/core.svg                       | 78 ++++++++++++++---------------
 2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/modem-symbolic.svg b/Adwaita/scalable/devices/modem-symbolic.svg
index 276b3b943..fe4e9268d 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/devices/modem-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/devices/modem-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
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2.289062 -0.839844 z m 0 0"/>
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-0.238281 -0.242187 -0.472657 -0.394531 -0.699219 z m -7
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-0.371093 2.492188 h -1.488281 c 0.105468 -1.152344 0.554687 -2.191406 1.246093 -3.019531 z m 8.464844 
0.003906 c 0.6875 0.828125 1.136719 1.867187 1.242187 3.015625 h -1.457031 c -0.023437 -0.761719 -0.101562 
-1.621094 -0.363281 -2.5 c 0.191406 -0.160156 0.386719 -0.332031 0.578125 -0.515625 z m -6.984375 1.140625 c 
0.757812 0.472656 1.507812 0.753906 2.25 0.84375 v 1.03125 h -2.484375 c 0.023437 -0.601562 0.078125 
-1.238281 0.234375 -1.875 z m 5.539062 0.007812 c 0.152344 0.632813 0.210938 1.269532 0.230469 1.867188 h 
-2.519531 v -1.027344 c 0.796875 -0.085937 1.558594 -0.378906 2.289062 -0.839844 z m -9.289062 3.867188 c 
-0.550781 0 -1 0.449219 -1 1 v 1 c 0 0.75 0.394531 1.1875 0.824219 1.605469 c 0.429687 0.417969 0.984375 
0.804687 1.648437 1.15625 c 1.324219 0.695312 3.085938 1.238281 5.027344 1.238281 s 3.703125 -0.542969 
5.027344 -1.238281 c 0.664062 -0.351563 1.21875 -0
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-0.144531 0.175781 c -0.242188 0.238281 -0.65625 0.539063 -1.179688 0.8125 c -0.167968 0.089844 -0.40625 
0.148438 -0.597656 0.230469 z m 0 0" fill="#2e3434"/>
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-         d="M 167.49609 540 C 163.59776 540.002 160.33603 543.01266 160.02344 546.89844 L 159.94336 
547.89453 L 161 547.98047 L 161 548 L 161.24023 548 L 161.9375 548.05664 L 161.94141 548 L 173.05859 548 L 
173.0625 548.05078 L 173.6875 548 L 174 548 L 174 547.97461 L 175.05664 547.88867 L 174.97461 546.89062 C 
174.6581 543.00516 171.39442 539.99804 167.49609 540 z M 167 542.02344 L 167 544.95898 C 166.391 544.86642 
165.75136 544.60923 165.07031 544.15039 C 165.38489 543.41231 165.87317 542.70052 166.65625 542.06445 C 
166.76961 542.04711 166.88451 542.03379 167 542.02344 z M 168 542.02344 C 168.1322 542.0353 168.26319 
542.05321 168.39258 542.07422 C 169.16737 542.7067 169.65179 543.41353 169.96484 544.14648 C 169.30559 
544.59859 168.65322 544.87473 168 544.96484 L 168 542.02344 z M 164.68164 542.77344 C 164.5193 543.02009 
164.37916 543.27045 164.25781 543.52344 C 164.16463 543.44238 164.07133 543.35808 163.97656 543.26953 C 
164.19715 543.08582 164.43391 542.921 164.68164 542.77344 z
  M 170.37695 542.81055 C 170.60515 542.95041 170.8227 543.1045 171.02734 543.27539 C 170.94207 543.35627 
170.85644 543.43434 170.77148 543.50977 C 170.65772 543.27406 170.52626 543.04083 170.37695 542.81055 z M 
163.26953 543.97852 C 163.47384 544.1696 163.67817 544.34436 163.88086 544.50781 C 163.61881 545.38322 
163.53855 546.24011 163.51367 547 L 162.02344 547 C 162.12816 545.84838 162.57928 544.8083 163.26953 
543.97852 z M 171.73438 543.98438 C 172.42214 544.81304 172.87004 545.85084 172.97461 547 L 171.52148 547 C 
171.49654 546.23793 171.41817 545.37801 171.1543 544.5 C 171.34901 544.33896 171.54304 544.16677 171.73438 
543.98438 z M 164.74805 545.125 C 165.50917 545.59714 166.25917 545.87715 167 545.9668 L 167 547 L 164.51562 
547 C 164.53738 546.39931 164.59396 545.7614 164.74805 545.125 z M 170.28906 545.13086 C 170.44211 545.76534 
170.4998 546.40113 170.52148 547 L 168 547 L 168 545.97266 C 168.79736 545.88816 169.55753 545.59279 
170.28906 545.13086 z "
+         d="M 167.49609 540 C 163.59779 540.002 160.33603 543.01266 160.02344 546.89844 L 160 547.18945 L 
160 547.5 L 160 548 L 175 548 L 175 547.5 L 174.97461 546.89062 C 174.65811 543.00519 171.39442 539.99804 
167.49609 540 z M 167 542.02344 L 167 544.95898 C 166.391 544.86638 165.75136 544.60923 165.07031 544.15039 C 
165.38489 543.41231 165.87317 542.70052 166.65625 542.06445 C 166.76961 542.04715 166.88451 542.03374 167 
542.02344 z M 168 542.02344 C 168.1322 542.03534 168.26319 542.05322 168.39258 542.07422 C 169.16737 542.7067 
169.65179 543.41356 169.96484 544.14648 C 169.30559 544.59859 168.65322 544.87473 168 544.96484 L 168 
542.02344 z M 164.68164 542.77344 C 164.5193 543.02009 164.37916 543.27045 164.25781 543.52344 C 164.16461 
543.44234 164.07133 543.35808 163.97656 543.26953 C 164.19715 543.08582 164.43391 542.921 164.68164 542.77344 
z M 170.37695 542.81055 C 170.60515 542.95041 170.8227 543.1045 171.02734 543.27539 C 170.94204 543.35629 
170.85644 543.43434 170.77148 543.
 50977 C 170.65772 543.27406 170.52626 543.04083 170.37695 542.81055 z M 163.26953 543.97852 C 163.47384 
544.1696 163.67817 544.34436 163.88086 544.50781 C 163.61881 545.38322 163.53855 546.24011 163.51367 547 L 
162.02344 547 C 162.12816 545.84838 162.57928 544.80827 163.26953 543.97852 z M 171.73438 543.98438 C 
172.42211 544.81301 172.87004 545.85084 172.97461 547 L 171.52148 547 C 171.49658 546.23793 171.41817 
545.37801 171.1543 544.5 C 171.34901 544.33896 171.54304 544.16674 171.73438 543.98438 z M 164.74805 545.125 
C 165.50917 545.59714 166.25917 545.87715 167 545.9668 L 167 547 L 164.51562 547 C 164.53742 546.39931 
164.59392 545.7614 164.74805 545.125 z M 170.28906 545.13086 C 170.44211 545.76534 170.4998 546.40113 
170.52148 547 L 168 547 L 168 545.97266 C 168.79736 545.88816 169.55753 545.59279 170.28906 545.13086 z M 161 
549 A 1.0001 1.0001 0 0 0 160 550 L 160 551 C 160 551.75 160.3943 552.18555 160.82422 552.60547 C 161.25414 
553.02539 161.8098 553.4109 162.47266 553.75977 C 
 163.79835 554.4575 165.55953 555 167.5 555 C 169.44047 555 171.20165 554.4575 172.52734 553.75977 C 173.1902 
553.4109 173.74586 553.02539 174.17578 552.60547 C 174.6057 552.18555 175 551.75 175 551 L 175 550 A 1.0001 
1.0001 0 0 0 174 549 L 171 549 C 171 549 170.54125 548.9862 170.05273 549.23047 C 169.56422 549.47473 169 
550.16667 169 551 L 169 552.80078 C 168.50775 552.88978 168.02207 553 167.5 553 C 166.97793 553 166.49225 
552.88974 166 552.80078 L 166 551 C 166 550.16667 165.43578 549.47473 164.94727 549.23047 C 164.45875 
548.98621 164 549 164 549 L 161 549 z M 162.07812 551 L 164 551 L 164 552.21875 C 163.81004 552.13635 
163.57113 552.07907 163.40234 551.99023 C 162.8777 551.71411 162.46461 551.41211 162.22266 551.17578 C 
162.15456 551.10928 162.11109 551.05033 162.07812 551 z M 171 551 L 172.92188 551 C 172.88891 551.05033 
172.84544 551.10929 172.77734 551.17578 C 172.53539 551.41211 172.1223 551.71411 171.59766 551.99023 C 
171.42887 552.07903 171.18996 552.13632 171 552.21875 
 L 171 551 z "
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