[calls] uncrustify: Treat g_auto* as types

commit 873e7f9890ef8585cc18440af88b618a72b85344
Author: Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras <devrtz fortysixandtwo eu>
Date:   Mon May 9 10:46:50 2022 +0200

    uncrustify: Treat g_auto* as types
    Because g_autoptr () is considered a function call we also need to set
    nl_func_var_def_blk to zero because any occurence of g_autoptr () would
    be considered the end of a block of variable declarations.

 .uncrustify.cfg | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.uncrustify.cfg b/.uncrustify.cfg
index af1d5856..5ebd3309 100644
--- a/.uncrustify.cfg
+++ b/.uncrustify.cfg
@@ -2064,7 +2064,7 @@ nl_after_func_body_one_liner    = 0        # unsigned number
 # of a function body.
 # 0: No change (default).
-nl_func_var_def_blk             = 1        # unsigned number
+nl_func_var_def_blk             = 0        # unsigned number
 # The number of newlines before a block of typedefs. If nl_after_access_spec
 # is non-zero, that option takes precedence.
@@ -3126,7 +3126,43 @@ debug_timeout                   = 0        # number
 set FUNC_CALL_USER               N_
 set FUNC_CALL_USER               _
-type                             g_autofree
+type                             g_autofree\ char
+type                             g_autofree\ gchar
+type                             g_auto\ (GStrv)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (CallsBestMatch)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (CallsContactsProvider)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (CallsDBusCallsCall)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (CallsDBusObjectSkeleton)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (CallsDummyOrigin)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (CallsManager)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (CallsMMOrigin)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (CallsOrigin)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (CallsPhoneNumberQuery)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (CallsProvider)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (CallsSettings)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (CallsSipMediaPipeline)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (CallsSipOrigin)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GDateTime)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GeeCollection)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GeeSet)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GEnumClass)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GError)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GKeyFile)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GList)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GNotification)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GRegex)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GSocket)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GSocketAddress)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GstCaps)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GstPad)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GString)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GTask)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GTimeZone)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GtkCssProvider)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GVariant)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (GVariantType)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (HdyValueObject)
+type                             g_autoptr\ (MMModem3gpp)
 set FUNC_CALL_USER               i18n
 set FUNC_CALL_USER               tr
 # option(s) with 'not default' value: 46

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