[libnma] (9 commits) Created branch ac/release

The branch 'ac/release' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  b044863... cert-chooser-button: ellipsize the label
  2beaf78... cert-chooser-dialog: respond successfully to a double-click
  0336d14... cert-chooser-dialog: prefer CKA_LABEL to subject name
  aa47c18... pkcs11: fix support for gcr git snapshot
  1437de1... build: move GCR API checking to a macro
  fb2d021... build: enable GCR support for libnma-gtk4
  e0c598a... meson: move GCR API checker to an outer block
  1aa982c... meson: enable GCR support for libnma-gtk4
  421e984... release: update NEWS

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