[gtk] (11 commits) Created branch wip/chergert/gsk-gl-texture-library

The branch 'wip/chergert/gsk-gl-texture-library' was created.

Summary of new commits:

  79fad9f... gtk-demo: Don't hardcode a title font
  9dbd137... gsk/gl: make max-frame-age configurable
  7062411... gsk/gl: ignore max_entry_size when zero
  a66a0dd... gsk/gl: only clear glyph cache durign reclaimation
  2efc172... gsk/gl: check for format as well
  1b9da2b... gsk/gl: allow configuring atlas size
  9d56f44... gsk/gl: rename glyphs to glyphs_library
  9defc7f... gsk/gl: add more control over shader generation
  6b23fe3... gsk/gl: pin atlases to single texture library
  8b067c3... gsk/gl: make texture libraries more autonomous
  92d2fac... gsk/gl: use consistent library naming

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