[releng/mcatanzaro/freeze-dates] Fix the freeze announcement code

commit 82f7e69c2a74bcf7aea71ef31d8a9d54d8920ff2
Author: Michael Catanzaro <mcatanzaro redhat com>
Date:   Thu Feb 24 14:53:00 2022 -0600

    Fix the freeze announcement code
    In GNOME 3.4 we added a "the-freeze" category but failed to give it a
    description. We also stopped using previous categories that still lived
    on in this script. Remove them.
    Also, always print the date that a freeze begins, to avoid confusion,
    since the announcement mails are sent prior to the start of the freeze.

 tools/schedule/libschedule.py | 18 ++++--------------
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tools/schedule/libschedule.py b/tools/schedule/libschedule.py
index 11a8cadf..ce616a56 100755
--- a/tools/schedule/libschedule.py
+++ b/tools/schedule/libschedule.py
@@ -64,37 +64,27 @@ update of the GNOME runtime.""",
             "prio": 5,
             "automail": True,
             "summary_template": {
-                'feature': 'Feature and Module Freeze',
                 'the-freeze': 'API/ABI, UI and Feature Addition Freeze; String Change Announcement Period',
                 'string': 'String Freeze',
                 'hard-code': 'Hard Code Freeze',
                 'hard-code-end': 'Hard Code Freeze ends',
             "wiki_template": {
-                'feature': '[[ReleasePlanning/Freezes|Feature and Module Freeze]]: new system-wide 
functionality and modules are chosen now.',
                 'the-freeze': 'The Freeze: [[ReleasePlanning/Freezes|UI Freeze]]: No significant UI changes 
may be made without approval from the [[https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Releng/freeze-breaks|release-team]]; 
[[ReleasePlanning/Freezes|Feature Freeze]]: new functionality is implemented now; 
[[ReleasePlanning/Freezes|API/ABI Freeze]] for GNOME $newstable: Developer APIs should be frozen at this 
point; String Change Announcement Period: All string changes must be announced to 
                 'string': '[[ReleasePlanning/Freezes|String Freeze]]: no string changes may be made without 
approval from the i18n team ([[https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-i18n|gnome-i18n@]]).',
                 'hard-code': '[[ReleasePlanning/Freezes|Hard Code Freeze]]: no source code changes can be 
made without approval from the [[https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Releng/freeze-breaks|release-team]]. 
Translation and documentation can continue.',
                 'hard-code-end': 'Hard Code Freeze ends, but other freezes remain in effect for the stable 
             'description_template': {
-                'string-announcement': 'String Change Announcement Period',
-                'ui-announcement': 'UI Change Announcement Period',
-                'api': """No API or ABI changes should be made in the platform libraries. For instance, no 
new functions, no changed function signatures or struct fields.
+                'the-freeze': """API freeze begins on $date at 23:59 UTC. No API or ABI changes should be 
made in the platform libraries. This provides a stable development platform for the rest of the schedule.
-This provides a stable development platform for the rest of the schedule.
+Feature freeze begins on $date at 23:59 UTC. No new modules or features will be accepted for this release 
period. Bug fixes of existing features are not affected. This allows developers to concentrate on refining 
the new features instead of adding yet more functionality.
-There should usually be a "Slushy" API/ABI Freeze before the Hard API/ABI Freeze, to encourage developers to 
think about API problems while they have a chance to correct them.
-API freeze is not required for non-platform libraries, but is recommended.""",
-                'feature': """Desktop and platform release module additions are finalised, major feature 
additions are listed. No new modules or features will be accepted for this release period. "Feature" should 
be interpreted as "Functionality" or "Ability". Bug fixes of existing features are not affected.
-This allows developers to concentrate on refining the new features instead of adding yet more 
-                'ui': """No major UI changes may be made without confirmation from the release team. Small 
fixes do not require permission.""",
+UI freeze begins on $date at 23:59 UTC. No major UI changes may be made without confirmation from the 
release team. Small fixes do not require permission.""",
                 'string': """No string changes may be made without confirmation from the i18n team.
 From this point, developers can concentrate on stability and bugfixing. Translators can work without 
worrying that the original English strings will change, and documentation writers can take accurate 
screenshots. For explanation of the string freeze, and to see which kind of changes are not covered by freeze 
rules, check https://wiki.gnome.org/TranslationProject/HandlingStringFreezes. """,
-                'hard-code': """This is a late freeze to avoids sudden last-minute accidents which could 
risk the stability that should have been reached at this point. No source code changes are allowed without 
approval from the release team, but translation and documentation should continue. Simple build fixes are, of 
course, allowed without asking. """,
+                'hard-code': """Hard code freeze begins on $date at 23:59 UTC. This is a late freeze to 
avoids sudden last-minute accidents which could risk the stability that should have been reached at this 
point. No source code changes are allowed without approval from the release team, but translation and 
documentation should continue. Simple build fixes are, of course, allowed without asking. """,
                 'hard-code-end': """Hard Code Freeze ends, but other freezes remain in effect for the stable 

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