[evolution/wip/jimmac/private-symbolic-icons] icons: private symbols
- From: Jakub Steiner <jimmac src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [evolution/wip/jimmac/private-symbolic-icons] icons: private symbols
- Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2022 13:36:25 +0000 (UTC)
commit d446a92a103c0c900c62a20309b31fff23259433
Author: Jakub Steiner <jimmac gmail com>
Date: Wed Jun 29 15:09:51 2022 +0200
icons: private symbols
- follow the UI icon style guidelines while maintaining the Evolution
asset conventions.
See https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/evolution/-/issues/1848
data/icons/CMakeLists.txt | 21 +
...s_symbolic_accessories-text-editor-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
...tions_symbolic_folder-saved-search-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
.../hicolor_actions_symbolic_go-today-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
...olor_actions_symbolic_mail-archive-symbolic.svg | 541 ++++++++++++++
...icolor_actions_symbolic_mail-inbox-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
...or_actions_symbolic_mail-mark-junk-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
...ctions_symbolic_mail-mark-not-junk-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
...color_actions_symbolic_mail-outbox-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
...hicolor_actions_symbolic_mail-sent-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
...ctions_symbolic_stock_shared-by-me-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
...ctions_symbolic_stock_shared-to-me-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
...icolor_actions_symbolic_user-trash-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
...actions_symbolic_view-calendar-day-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
...ctions_symbolic_view-calendar-list-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
...tions_symbolic_view-calendar-month-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
...ctions_symbolic_view-calendar-week-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
...ns_symbolic_view-calendar-workweek-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
...ctions_symbolic_view-calendar-year-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
...ons_symbolic_x-office-address-book-symbolic.svg | 542 ++++++++++++++
...actions_symbolic_x-office-calendar-symbolic.svg | 59 ++
data/icons/source-symbols.svg | 826 +++++++++++++++++++++
22 files changed, 11203 insertions(+)
diff --git a/data/icons/CMakeLists.txt b/data/icons/CMakeLists.txt
index b57d6d6ff3..e3c7e02744 100644
--- a/data/icons/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/data/icons/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -117,6 +117,26 @@ set(private_icons
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_accessories-text-editor-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_folder-saved-search-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_go-today-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_mail-archive-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_mail-inbox-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_mail-mark-junk-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_mail-mark-not-junk-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_mail-outbox-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_mail-sent-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_stock_shared-by-me-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_stock_shared-to-me-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_user-trash-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_view-calendar-day-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_view-calendar-list-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_view-calendar-month-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_view-calendar-week-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_view-calendar-workweek-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_view-calendar-year-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_x-office-address-book-symbolic.svg
+ hicolor_actions_symbolic_x-office-calendar-symbolic.svg
@@ -810,6 +830,7 @@ set(noinst_icons
+ source-symbols.svg
add_icon_cache_files("${SHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" public_icons)
diff --git a/data/icons/hicolor_actions_symbolic_accessories-text-editor-symbolic.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfa9048316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/hicolor_actions_symbolic_accessories-text-editor-symbolic.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
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+ <g
+ id="layer1"
+ transform="translate(-156)">
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+ id="g32008"
+ transform="translate(-856,-180)">
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+ id="title32010">mail-archive</title>
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+ id="path23975"
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+ d="m 937.5,200 c -0.277,0 -0.5,0.223 -0.5,0.5 0,0.277 0.223,0.5 0.5,0.5 h 13 c 0.277,0 0.5,-0.223
0.5,-0.5 0,-0.277 -0.223,-0.5 -0.5,-0.5 z m 0,2 c -0.277,0 -0.5,0.223 -0.5,0.5 0,0.277 0.223,0.5 0.5,0.5 h 13
c 0.277,0 0.5,-0.223 0.5,-0.5 0,-0.277 -0.223,-0.5 -0.5,-0.5 z m 0.6875,2 C 936.98238,204 936,204.7992
936,206 v 7.97656 c 0,1.2008 0.98238,2 2.1875,2 h 11.625 c 1.20512,0 2.1875,-1.01795 2.1875,-2.21875 v
-7.53906 C 952,205.01795 951.01762,204 949.8125,204 Z m 0.64648,2 h 10.08399 l -4.92578,3.86914 z M
950,206.42188 V 214 h -12 v -7.375 l 6.00781,4.50586 z"
+ transform="translate(-80,-20)" />
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+ id="g5403"
+ transform="translate(-830,-179.98828)">
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+ id="title76934">inbox</title>
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+ id="path23134"
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11.625 c 1.20512,0 2.1875,-1.01795 2.1875,-2.21875 v -9.53906 C 872,183.01795 871.01762,182 869.8125,182 H
866 v 2 h 4 v 10 h -12 v -10 h 4 v -2 z" />
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+ style="fill:#222222"
+ d="m 857,189 v 1 h 3.625 c 0.024,0.30186 -0.006,0.6058 0.30273,1.22266 C 861.36236,192.09191
862.33334,193 864,193 c 1.66666,0 2.63764,-0.90809 3.07227,-1.77734 0.30842,-0.61686 0.27873,-0.9208
0.30273,-1.22266 H 870 v -1 h -3.5 v 0.5 c 0,0 -0.007,0.6466 -0.32227,1.27734 C 865.86236,191.40809
865.33333,192 864,192 c -1.33333,0 -1.86236,-0.59191 -2.17773,-1.22266 C 861.50689,190.1466 861.5,189.5
861.5,189.5 V 189 Z"
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5.59375 l -0.28125,-0.28125 C 862.52846,185.12983 862.25689,185 862,185 h -1 v 1 c 0,0 0.0903,0.55232
0.28125,0.75 L 864,189.40625 866.71875,186.75 C 866.9097,186.55232 867,186.30945 867,186 Z"
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+ id="g6061"
+ transform="translate(-804,-180)">
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+ id="title76936">outbox</title>
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+ d="M 858.1875,182 C 856.98238,182 856,182.7992 856,184 v 9.97656 c 0,1.2008 0.98238,2 2.1875,2 h
11.625 c 1.20512,0 2.1875,-1.01795 2.1875,-2.21875 v -9.53906 C 872,183.01795 871.01762,182 869.8125,182 H
868 v 2 h 2 v 10 h -12 v -10 h 2 v -2 z" />
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+ style="fill:#222222"
+ d="m 857,189 v 1 h 3.625 c 0.024,0.30186 -0.006,0.6058 0.30273,1.22266 C 861.36236,192.09191
862.33334,193 864,193 c 1.66666,0 2.63764,-0.90809 3.07227,-1.77734 0.30842,-0.61686 0.27873,-0.9208
0.30273,-1.22266 H 870 v -1 h -3.5 v 0.5 c 0,0 -0.007,0.6466 -0.32227,1.27734 C 865.86236,191.40809
865.33333,192 864,192 c -1.33333,0 -1.86236,-0.59191 -2.17773,-1.22266 C 861.50689,190.1466 861.5,189.5
861.5,189.5 V 189 Z"
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-4.59375 l -0.28125,0.28125 C 862.52846,184.87017 862.25689,185 862,185 h -1 v -1 c 0,0 0.0903,-0.55232
0.28125,-0.75 L 864,180.59375 866.71875,183.25 C 866.9097,183.44768 867,183.69055 867,184 Z"
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+ id="g39967"
+ transform="translate(-797.89948,-220)">
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+ id="title39969">junk-alt</title>
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+ style="fill:#222222"
+ d="m 881.9043,220.17578 a 1.0001,1.0001 0 0 0 -0.4043,1.06445 c 0,0 0.37634,1.52153 0.65625,3.22071
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z m 2.10937,3.39063 c 0.37753,0.31766 0.40032,0.27986 0.81641,0.67382 1.49422,1.41475 2.94464,3.2969
3.12304,4.51563 0.32457,2.21718 -0.24576,3.9417 -2.11132,4.80859 -1.99899,0.92891 -4.41286,0.34767
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0.23047,-0.73828 0.60436,0.75928 1.35334,1.58974 2.52148,1.83398 a 1.00
01,1.0001 0 0 0 1.10157,-0.53516 c 0.36773,-0.74409 0.34552,-1.49003 0.30664,-2.35546 -0.0389,-0.86544
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+ id="path39221" />
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+ id="g43846"
+ transform="translate(-792,-220)">
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+ id="title43848">not-junk-alt</title>
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+ d="m 902.375,220.01953 a 1.0001,1.0001 0 0 0 -0.37109,0.15625 1.0001,1.0001 0 0 0 -0.4043,1.06445 c
0,0 0.37634,1.52153 0.65625,3.22071 0.13952,0.84694 0.25368,1.73493 0.28711,2.46875 -0.20448,-0.19367
-0.35748,-0.22583 -0.53711,-0.45703 -0.51419,-0.6618 -0.85742,-1.29297 -0.85742,-1.29297 a 1.0001,1.0001 0 0
0 -1.80469,0.0996 c 0,0 -0.53796,1.31751 -0.91016,2.9082 -0.37219,1.59069 -0.75496,3.48958 0.23243,5
1.59789,2.44431 4.64876,3.35058 7.33398,2.49609 v -2.14843 c -0.0199,0.01 -0.0384,0.0199 -0.0586,0.0293
-1.99899,0.92891 -4.41286,0.34767 -5.60157,-1.4707 -0.28981,-0.44334 -0.28958,-2.03816 0.041,-3.45117
0.0936,-0.3998 0.12675,-0.3952 0.23047,-0.73828 0.60436,0.75928 1.35334,1.58974 2.52148,1.83398 a
1.0001,1.0001 0 0 0 1.10157,-0.53516 c 0.36774,-0.74408 0.34551,-1.49003 0.30664,-2.35546 -0.0389,-0.86544
-0.16482,-1.81641 -0.3125,-2.71289 -0.0497,-0.30189 -0.0624,-0.28496 -0.11524,-0.56836 0.37753,0.31766
0.40031,0.27986 0.81641,0.67382 1.49422,1.41475 2.94465,3.2969
3.12304,4.51563 0.0636,0.43468 0.0922,0.85008 0.084,1.24414 h 1.98047 c 0.0191,-0.50708 -0.009,-1.02141
-0.084,-1.5332 -0.32553,-2.22387 -2.1126,-4.14777 -3.72851,-5.67774 -1.61592,-1.52997 -3.16211,-2.60937
-3.16211,-2.60937 a 1.0001,1.0001 0 0 0 -0.76758,-0.16016 z" />
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+ d="m 907,231 h 1.375 L 909.5,232.09375 910.59375,231 H 912 v 1.46875 l -1.09375,1.0625
1.09375,1.0625 V 236 h -1.4375 L 909.5,234.9375 908.4375,236 H 907 v -1.40625 l 1.0625,-1.0625
-1.0625,-1.0625 z"
+ id="path43629" />
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+ <g
+ id="g48576"
+ transform="translate(-725.89362,-220.0017)">
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+ id="title48578">send-alt</title>
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+ id="path47511"
+ style="fill:#222222"
+ d="m 870.7302,220.0452 c -0.11888,0.019 -0.23335,0.0594 -0.33789,0.11914 l -13.97768,7.96652 c
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1.70703,0.70703 l 2.48438,-2.48437 4.44921,1.71093 c 0.62491,0.23979 1.30441,-0.19004 1.35547,-0.85742 l
0.97768,-12.96652 c 0.0379,-0.50141 -0.30248,-0.95295 -0.79492,-1.05469 -0.11822,-0.0249 -0.23997,-0.0282
-0.35937,-0.01 z m -0.98242,2.79297 -0.72964,9.74581 -4.4414,-1.70703 3.33398,-4.87695 -5.05664,4.21289
-3.61719,-1.39062 z" />
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+ <g
+ style="fill:none"
+ transform="translate(107.94102,-398.00318)"
+ id="g8029">
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+ id="title8019">pencil-and-paper</title>
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+ d="m 53.055768,408 6.998,-7 2,2 -7,7 h -2 z"
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+ id="path8043"
+ style="fill:#222222" />
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1.163,-1.162 c 0.20146,-0.20085 0.20146,-0.52715 0,-0.728 l -1.277,-1.275 c -0.09629,-0.0971
-0.22728,-0.15176 -0.364,-0.152 z"
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3.189453,3.19141 h 6.810547 c 1.645006,0 3,-1.355 3,-3 v -5.00977 l -2,2 v 3.00977 c 0,0.56413 -0.435872,1
-1,1 h -6.810547 c -0.668966,0 -1.189453,-0.52244 -1.189453,-1.19141 v -9.80859 c 0,-0.56413 0.435872,-1 1,-1
h 4.585938 l 1.703125,1.70313 1.414062,-1.41407 -1.996094,-1.99609 a 1.0001,1.0001 0 0 0 -0.707031,-0.29297
z" />
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+ transform="matrix(0,-1,-1,0,494,35.99975)"
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+ id="title2437">share</title>
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+ style="fill:#222222"
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-6.59375 v -2 h 6.59375 l -1.28125,-1.28125 c -0.18267,-0.19029 -0.3125,-0.4086 -0.3125,-0.71875 v -1 h 1 c
0.30945,0 0.55232,0.0903 0.75,0.28125 l 3.65625,3.71875 -3.65625,3.71875 c -0.19768,0.19095 -0.44055,0.28125
-0.75,0.28125 z"
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1.37026,3.03125 3.0332,3.03125 h 1.97442 v -2 h -1.97442 c -0.58954,0 -1.0332,-0.4417 -1.0332,-1.03125 v
-7.91796 c 0,-0.58954 0.44367,-1.03321 1.0332,-1.03321 h 1.97442 v -2 z"
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0,-0.58953 0.44366,-1.0332 1.0332,-1.0332 H 725 v -2 z m 6.96094,0 v 2 h 0.95703 c 0.58955,0 1.03125,0.44366
1.03125,1.0332 v 1.97461 h 2 V 694 c 0,-1.66294 -1.3683,-3.0332 -3.03125,-3.0332 z"
+ transform="matrix(0,-1,-1,0,720.00741,1031.9999)" />
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+ id="g12568"
+ transform="translate(-244,12.000004)">
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+ id="title11428">folder-remote</title>
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+ id="path12516-3"
+ d="m 455.9687,-11.99497 c -1.64501,0 -3,1.35499 -3,3 v 6 c 0,1.64501 1.35499,3 3,3 h 2.98438 l
0.0156,2 h -5.5 c -0.277,0 -0.5,0.223 -0.5,0.5 v 1 c 0,0.277 0.223,0.5 0.5,0.5 h 13 c 0.277,0 0.5,-0.223
0.5,-0.5 v -1 c 0,-0.277 -0.223,-0.5 -0.5,-0.5 h -5.5 v -2 h 3 c 1.64501,0 3,-1.35499 3,-3 v -4 c 0,-1.64501
-1.35499,-3 -3,-3 h -2.58594 l -1.70701,-1.70703 a 1.0001,1.0001 0 0 0 -0.70703,-0.29297 z m 0,2 h 2.58594 l
1,1 h -4.58594 c 0,-0.56413 0.43587,-1 1,-1 z m -1,2 h 6 1 2 c 0.56413,0 1,0.43587 1,1 v 4 c 0,0.56413
-0.43587,1 -1,1 h -3 -5 c -0.56413,0 -1,-0.43587 -1,-1 z"
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+ id="title12566">today</title>
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0,-1.13261 -0.91231,-2.04492 -2.04492,-2.04492 z m -0.0449,4.96289 h 10 v 7 h -10 z" />
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0.5,-0.5 v -1 c 0,-0.277 -0.223,-0.5 -0.5,-0.5 h -5.5 v -2 h 3 c 1.64501,0 3,-1.35499 3,-3 v -4 c 0,-1.64501
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1,1 h -4.58594 c 0,-0.56413 0.43587,-1 1,-1 z m -1,2 h 6 1 2 c 0.56413,0 1,0.43587 1,1 v 4 c 0,0.56413
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