[gjs/depend-on-gi-1.71] tmp

commit 5e7479f6a4c527c84a33edddd37021e6d312c9b6
Author: Marco Trevisan (TreviƱo) <mail 3v1n0 net>
Date:   Wed Jun 29 07:37:32 2022 +0200


 .gitlab-ci.yml | 369 ---------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 369 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 0d3b27a85..62a7f266c 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -5,377 +5,8 @@ include:
   - remote: 
-  - prepare
-  - source_check
-  - test
-  - thorough_tests
-  - manual
   - deploy
-  variables:
-    FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: '2021-08-18.0'
-  extends:
-    - .fdo.container-build@alpine@x86_64
-    - .gjs-alpine
-  stage: prepare
-  variables:
-    FDO_DISTRIBUTION_PACKAGES: cppcheck git python3 yarn bash grep
-      python3 -m ensurepip &&
-      rm -r /usr/lib/python*/ensurepip &&
-      pip3 install --no-cache --upgrade cpplint reuse codespell &&
-      mkdir -p /cwd
-.coverage: &coverage
-  image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gjs:fedora.mozjs91-debug
-  variables:
-    coverage: '/^  lines.*(\d+\.\d+\%)/'
-  script:
-    - export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
-    - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
-    - 'export DISPLAY="${DISPLAY:-:0}"'
-    # This script runs the build inside its own build tree and generates the
-    # coverage report
-    - xvfb-run -a tools/run_coverage.sh
-  artifacts:
-    name: log_coverage
-    when: always
-    paths:
-      - _coverage/html
-      - _coverage_build/meson-logs/*log*.txt
-.build: &build
-  when: on_success
-  artifacts:
-    name: log
-    when: always
-    paths:
-      - _build/compile_commands.json
-      - _build/meson-logs/*log*.txt
-      - scripts.log
-  script:
-    - test/test-ci.sh SETUP
-    - test/test-ci.sh BUILD
-#               Regular tests               #
-# Test despite any changes in the Docker image
-# SpiderMonkey has been configured with --enable-debug
-  <<: *build
-  stage: source_check
-  image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gjs:job-1740076_fedora.mozjs91-debug  # pinned on purpose
-  variables:
-    TEST_OPTS: --verbose --no-stdsplit --print-errorlogs
-  except:
-    - schedules
-  <<: *build
-  stage: test
-  tags:
-    - asan # LSAN needs CAP_SYS_PTRACE
-  image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gjs:fedora.mozjs91-debug
-  variables:
-    CONFIG_OPTS: -Db_sanitize=address,undefined
-    TEST_OPTS: --timeout-multiplier=3
-  except:
-    - schedules
-  <<: *build
-  stage: manual
-  when: manual
-  allow_failure: true
-  tags:
-    - asan # TSAN needs CAP_SYS_PTRACE
-  image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gjs:fedora.mozjs91-debug
-  variables:
-    CONFIG_OPTS: -Db_sanitize=thread
-    TEST_OPTS: --timeout-multiplier=3
-  except:
-    - schedules
-# There are a lot of debug log statements that are ifdef'd out in normal usage.
-# These sometimes get invalid expressions in them, leading to annoyance the
-# next time you try to use debug logging.
-  <<: *build
-  stage: test
-  image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gjs:fedora.mozjs91-debug
-  variables:
-    CC: clang
-    CXX: clang++
-    CONFIG_OPTS: -Ddtrace=true -Dsystemtap=true -Dverbose_logs=true
-    ENABLE_GTK: "yes"
-  except:
-    - schedules
-  script:
-    - test/test-ci.sh SETUP
-    - test/test-ci.sh BUILD
-    - test/test-ci.sh SH_CHECKS
-  <<: *build
-  stage: test
-  image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gjs:fedora.mozjs91
-  variables:
-    CONFIG_OPTS: >-
-      -Dbuildtype=release
-      -Dcairo=disabled -Dreadline=disabled -Dprofiler=disabled
-  except:
-    - schedules
-  <<: *build
-  stage: test
-  image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gjs:fedora.mozjs91
-  variables:
-    # unity-size here is forced to use an high number to check whether we can
-    # join all the sources together, but should not be used in real world to
-    # not to break multi-jobs compilation
-    CONFIG_OPTS: >-
-      -Dprofiler=disabled
-      --unity on --unity-size=10000
-  except:
-    - schedules
-# Generates
-# The Code Coverage Report
-  <<: *coverage
-  when: on_success
-  stage: source_check
-  except:
-    - schedules
-  only:
-    refs:
-      - master@GNOME/gjs
-# Publishes
-# The code coverage report
-  stage: deploy
-  dependencies:
-    - coverage-automatic
-  script:
-    - mv $(pwd)/_coverage/html/ public/ || true
-  artifacts:
-    paths:
-      - public
-  only:
-    refs:
-      - master@GNOME/gjs
-  except:
-    variables:
-#              Static Analyzers             #
-  when: on_success
-  extends:
-    - .fdo.distribution-image@alpine
-    - .gjs-alpine
-  stage: source_check
-  script:
-    - cppcheck --version
-    - cppcheck . -v -f -q -UHAVE_PRINTF_ALTERNATIVE_INT --error-exitcode=1 --inline-suppr 
--library=gtk,tools/cppcheck.cfg --enable=warning,performance,portability
-  except:
-    refs:
-      - schedules
-      - tags
-    variables:
-      - $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[skip cppcheck\]/
-  when: on_success
-  stage: source_check
-  extends:
-    - .fdo.distribution-image@alpine
-    - .gjs-alpine
-  script:
-    - cpplint --version
-    - test/test-ci.sh CPPLINT
-  except:
-    refs:
-      - schedules
-      - tags
-    variables:
-      - $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[skip cpplint\]/
-  when: on_success
-  extends:
-    - .fdo.distribution-image@alpine
-    - .gjs-alpine
-  stage: source_check
-  script:
-    - ./tools/run_eslint.sh --version
-    - ./tools/run_eslint.sh
-  except:
-    refs:
-      - schedules
-      - tags
-    variables:
-      - $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[skip eslint\]/
-  when: on_success
-  stage: source_check
-  extends:
-    - .fdo.distribution-image@alpine
-    - .gjs-alpine
-  script:
-    - env SELFTEST=1 test/check-pch.sh
-    - test/check-pch.sh
-  except:
-    refs:
-      - schedules
-      - tags
-    variables:
-      - $CI_COMMIT_MESSAGE =~ /\[skip pch_check\]/
-  when: on_success
-  stage: source_check
-  image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gjs:fedora.mozjs91-debug
-  script:
-    - test/test-ci.sh UPSTREAM_BASE
-    - meson setup _build -Db_pch=false
-    - include-what-you-use --version
-    - ./tools/run_iwyu.sh ci-upstream-base
-  only:
-    refs:
-      - branches
-  except:
-    - schedules
-    - /^gnome-\d+-\d+$/
-  when: on_success
-  extends:
-    - .fdo.distribution-image@alpine
-    - .gjs-alpine
-  stage: source_check
-  script:
-    - codespell --version
-    - codespell -S "*.png,*.po,*.jpg,*.wrap,.git,LICENSES" -f --builtin "code,usage,clear" 
-  except:
-    - schedules
-  when: on_success
-  stage: source_check
-  extends:
-    - .fdo.distribution-image@alpine
-    - .gjs-alpine
-  script:
-    - reuse --version
-    - reuse lint
-  except:
-    - schedules
-#                Manual Jobs                #
-# Planned as daily
-  <<: *coverage
-  stage: manual
-  when: manual
-  except:
-    - schedules
-  when: manual
-  stage: manual
-  image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gjs:fedora.mozjs91-debug
-  script:
-    - meson setup _build
-    - ./tools/run_iwyu.sh
-  except:
-    - schedules
-  <<: *build
-  stage: manual
-  tags:
-    - asan # LSAN needs CAP_SYS_PTRACE
-  image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gjs:fedora.mozjs91-debug
-  variables:
-    CC: clang
-    CXX: clang++
-    CONFIG_OPTS: -Db_sanitize=address,undefined -Db_lundef=false
-    TEST_OPTS: --timeout-multiplier=3
-  when: manual
-  except:
-    - schedules
-  <<: *build
-  stage: manual
-  image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gjs:fedora.mozjs91-debug
-  variables:
-    CONFIG_OPTS: -Dinstalled_tests=true -Dprefix=/usr
-    TEST: skip
-  when: manual
-  except:
-    - schedules
-  script:
-    - test/test-ci.sh SETUP
-    - test/test-ci.sh BUILD
-    - sudo ninja -C _build install
-    - xvfb-run -a dbus-run-session -- gnome-desktop-testing-runner gjs
-  <<: *build
-  stage: manual
-  image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gjs:fedora.mozjs91-debug
-  variables:
-    TEST_OPTS: --setup=valgrind
-  allow_failure: true
-  when: manual
-  except:
-    - schedules
-# SpiderMonkey GC Tests (weekly)
-  <<: *build
-  stage: manual
-  image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gjs:fedora.mozjs91-debug
-  variables:
-    TEST_OPTS: --setup=extra_gc
-  when: manual
-  except:
-    - schedules
-  <<: *build
-  stage: manual
-  image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gjs:fedora.mozjs91-debug
-  variables:
-    TEST_OPTS: --setup=pre_verify
-  when: manual
-  except:
-    - schedules
-  <<: *build
-  stage: manual
-  image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gjs:fedora.mozjs91-debug
-  variables:
-    TEST_OPTS: --setup=post_verify
-  when: manual
-  except:
-    - schedules
 #          Create CI Docker Images          #

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