[gbrainy] Update Basque translation
- From: Translations User D-L <translations src gnome org>
- To: commits-list gnome org
- Cc:
- Subject: [gbrainy] Update Basque translation
- Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2022 06:50:13 +0000 (UTC)
commit 8feb890c247cf88341e5f89128de9502f939e336
Author: Asier Sarasua Garmendia <asiersarasua ni eus>
Date: Sat Jun 25 06:50:12 2022 +0000
Update Basque translation
po/eu.po | 12069 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
1 file changed, 5839 insertions(+), 6230 deletions(-)
diff --git a/po/eu.po b/po/eu.po
index fca8de84..a01519d1 100644
--- a/po/eu.po
+++ b/po/eu.po
@@ -1,6230 +1,5839 @@
-# Basque translation for gbrainy
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Asier Zabaleta <aza openbravo com>, 2008.
-# Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <dooteo euskalgnu org>, 2009, 2010, 2015.
-# Edurne Labaka <elabaka uzei com>, 2015.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: gbrainy master\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?";
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-07 12:32+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-01-28 13:38+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <dooteo euskalgnu org>\n"
-"Language-Team: Basque <itzulpena euskalgnu org>\n"
-"Language: eu\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.10\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:1
-msgid "Clock rotation"
-msgstr "Erlojuaren biraketa"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:2
-msgid "Every hour rotates 360 degrees."
-msgstr "Orduero 360 gradu biratzen da."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:3
-msgid "Brothers and sisters"
-msgstr "Anaiak eta arrebak"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:4
-msgid ""
-"Out of [people] people, [brothers] have brothers, [sisters] have sisters and "
-"[both] have both. How many people have neither brothers nor sisters?"
-msgstr ""
-"[people] pertsonetatik [brothers](e)k anaiak dituzte, [sisters](e)k arrebak "
-"edo ahizpak, eta [both](e)k bai anaiak bai arrebak/ahizpak. Zenbat jendek ez "
-"dauka ez anaiarik ez arrebarik/ahizparik?"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:5
-msgid ""
-"It is calculated by taking the total number of people minus [brothers_only] "
-"people that have brothers only, minus [sisters_only] that have sisters only "
-"and minus [both] that have sisters and brothers."
-msgstr ""
-"Honela kalkulatzen da: jendearen guztizko kopurua ken anaiak soilik dituzten "
-"[brothers_only] pertsonak, ken ahizpak/arrebak bakarrik dituzten "
-"[sisters_only] pertsonak, ken ahizpak/arrebak eta anaiak dituzten [both] "
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:6
-msgid "Age"
-msgstr "Adina"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:7
-msgid ""
-"John's son age is nowadays half of John's age minus [difference], that is, "
-"([father] / 2) - [difference]."
-msgstr ""
-"Jonen semearen oraingo adina Jonen adinaren erdia ken [difference] da, hau "
-"da, ([father] / 2) - [difference]."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:8
-msgid "Password"
-msgstr "Pasahitza"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:9
-msgid ""
-"Every digit has 10 possibilities. The total number of possibilities is 10 at "
-"the power of [digits]."
-msgstr ""
-"Digitu bakoitzak 10 aukera ditu. Posibilitateen guztirako kopurua 10 ber "
-"[digits] da."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:10
-msgid ""
-"Every digit has 8 possibilities. The total number of possibilities is 8 at "
-"the power of [digits]."
-msgstr ""
-"Digitu bakoitzak 8 aukera ditu. Posibilitateen guztirako kopurua 8 ber "
-"[digits] da."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:11
-msgid "Tennis game"
-msgstr "Tenis jokoa"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:12
-msgid ""
-"Every game is an independent event with 2 possible results. The total number "
-"of possibilities is 2 at the power of [games]."
-msgstr ""
-"Joko bakoitzak gertaera aske bat dauka 2 emaitza posiblerekin. "
-"Posibilitateen guztizko kopurua 2 ber [games] da."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:13
-msgid ""
-"In every match you eliminate one player. Therefore, the result is the total "
-"number of player minus one."
-msgstr ""
-"Partida bakoitzean jokalari bat kanporatzen duzu. Hortaz, jokalarien "
-"guztizko kopurua ken 1 izango da emaitza."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:14
-msgid "Bank interest"
-msgstr "Bankuaren interesa"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:15
-msgid ""
-"Compound interest is paid on the principal plus any past interest "
-msgstr ""
-"Interes konposatua honela ordaintzen da: printzipala gehi metatutako "
-"iraganeko edozein interes."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:16
-msgid "Simple equations"
-msgstr "Ekuazio bakunak"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:17
-msgid "What number plus [num_a] equals [num_b]?"
-msgstr "Zer zenbaki gehi [num_a] da [num_b](r)en berdina?"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:18
-msgid "x + [num_a] = [num_b]"
-msgstr "x + [num_a] = [num_b]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:19
-msgid "It is the result of the operation [num_b] - [num_a]."
-msgstr "[num_b] - [num_a] eragiketaren emaitza da."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:20
-msgid "What number minus [num_a] equals [num_b]?"
-msgstr "Zer zenbaki ken [num_a] da [num_b](r)en berdina?"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:21
-msgid "x - [num_a] = [num_b]"
-msgstr "x - [num_a] = [num_b]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:22
-msgid "It is the result of the operation [num_a] + [num_b]."
-msgstr "[num_a] + [num_b] eragiketaren emaitza da."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:23
-msgid "What number multiplied by [num_a] equals [num_b]?"
-msgstr "Zer zenbaki [num_a](r)ekin biderkatuz da [num_b](r)en berdina?"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:24
-msgid "x * [num_a] = [num_b]"
-msgstr "x * [num_a] = [num_b]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:25
-msgid "It is the result of the operation [num_b] / [num_a]."
-msgstr "[num_b] / [num_a] eragiketaren emaitza da."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:26
-msgid "What number divided by [num_a] equals [num_b]?"
-msgstr "Zer zenbaki [num_a](r)ekin zatituz da [num_b](r)en berdina?"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:27
-msgid "x / [num_a] = [num_b]"
-msgstr "x / [num_a] = [num_b]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:28
-msgid "It is the result of the operation [num_a] * [num_b]."
-msgstr "[num_a] * [num_b] eragiketaren emaitza da."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:29
-msgid "Boxes"
-msgstr "Kutxak"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:30
-msgid "Container"
-msgstr "Edukiontzia"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:31
-msgid "Box"
-msgstr "Kutxa"
-#. Translators: 0.5 should be formatted correctly to your locale, using "," for example instead of "." if
this is the convention for your language.
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:33
-msgid ""
-"How many boxes measuring 1 x 1 x 0.5 can be fit into a container measuring 6 "
-"x 5 x [z]?"
-msgstr ""
-"1 x 1 x 0,5 neurriko zenbat kutxa sartzen dira 6 x 5 x [z] neurriko "
-"edukiontzi batean?"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:34
-msgid "You can fit 6 * 5 * [z] * 2 boxes."
-msgstr "6 * 5 * [z] * 2 kutxa doi ditzakezu."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:35
-msgid "Palindromic years"
-msgstr "Urte palindromoak"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:36
-msgid ""
-"[year_start] is a palindromic year as [year_end] is, a gap of 11 years. What "
-"are the next two consecutive palindromic years after [year_end] with the "
-"same gap? Answer using two numbers (e.g.: [year_start] and [year_end])."
-msgstr ""
-"[year_start] urte palindromo bat da [year_end] den moduan, 11 urteko "
-"bitartea. Zein dira [year_end] urtearen ondoren jarraian dauden hurrengo bi "
-"urte palindromoak bitarte berdinarekin? Erantzun bi zenbaki erabiliz (adib.: "
-"[year_start] eta [year_end])."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:37
-msgid ""
-"A palindromic number remains the same when its digits are reversed (e.g.: "
-msgstr ""
-"Zenbaki palindromo batek bere balioa mantentzen du digituak alderantziz "
-"jartzean (adib. 2112)."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:38
-msgid "[rslt_a] and [rslt_b]"
-msgstr "[rslt_a] eta [rslt_b]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:39
-msgid ""
-"From year 1000 to year 10000, palindrome years occur at 110 year intervals "
-"except for the end of each millennium that occur at a 11 years interval."
-msgstr ""
-"1000 urtetik 10000 urtera arte urte palindromoak 110 urteko bitartearekin "
-"gertatzen dira, milurteko bakoitzaren amaieran izan ezik, 11 urteko "
-"bitartean gertatzen direlarik."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:40
-msgid "Dartboard"
-msgstr "Itua"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:41
-msgid ""
-"On the dartboard below, where would you need to throw the darts to add 120 "
-"points in 5 throws? Answer using a list of numbers (e.g.: 4, 5, 6, 3, 2)"
-msgstr ""
-"Ondorengo ituan, non jo behar dute geziek 120 puntu lortzeko 5 "
-"jaurtiketetan? Erantzun zenbakien zerrenda bat erabiliz (adib.: 4, 5, 6, 3, "
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:42
-msgid "Only 3 of the 4 numbers in the dartboard are used to add 120 points."
-msgstr "Ituko 4 zenbakietatik 3 bakarrik erabiltzen dira 120 puntu gehitzeko."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:43
-msgid "Horse race"
-msgstr "Zaldi lasterketa"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:44 ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:65
-msgid ""
-"In a horse race there are people and horses. You count [eyes] eye and [legs] "
-"leg. How many horses are present?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"In a horse race there are people and horses. You count [eyes] eyes and "
-"[legs] legs. How many horses are present?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Zaldi lasterketa batean pertsonak eta zaldiak daude. [eyes] begi eta [legs] "
-"hanka zenbatu ditzakezu. Zenbat zaldi daude?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Zaldi lasterketa batean pertsonak eta zaldiak daude. [eyes] begi eta [legs] "
-"hanka zenbatu ditzakezu. Zenbat zaldi daude?"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:45
-msgid ""
-"Every person has two legs and every horse four (2 * [men] + [horses] * 4). "
-"Every person and every horse have also two eyes (2 * [men] + 2 * [horses])."
-msgstr ""
-"Pertsona bakoitzak bi hanka ditu eta zaldi bakoitzak lau (2 * [men] + "
-"[horses] * 4). Gainera, pertsona eta zaldi bakoitzak bi begi ditu (2 * [men] "
-"+ 2 * [horses])."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:46
-msgid "Lever"
-msgstr "Palanka"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:47
-msgid ""
-"How much weight is needed at the point indicated by the question mark to "
-"balance the lever?"
-msgstr ""
-"Zenbatekoa izan behar du pisuak galdera ikurrak zehaztutako puntuan "
-"palankaren balantza orekatua izateko?"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:48
-msgid ""
-"Consider the sentence attributed to Archimedes: 'Give me a lever long enough "
-"and a place to stand and I can move the Earth'."
-msgstr ""
-"Eduki ezazu gogoan Arkimedes-ek esandakoa: eman palanka luze bat eta mundua "
-"mugituko dut."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:49
-msgid ""
-"A lever is in equilibrium when the objects placed on it are at a distances "
-"reciprocally proportional to their weights."
-msgstr ""
-"Palanka bat orekan dago bertako objektuak beren pisuaren arabera elkarrekiko "
-"proportzionalak diren distantzietan kokatuta daudenean."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:50
-msgid "Multiple number"
-msgstr "Zenbaki anizkoitza"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:51
-msgid ""
-"Which two numbers of the list below are both multiple of [num_x] and "
-"[num_y]? [option_answers]"
-msgstr ""
-"Ondorengo zerrendako zein bi zenbaki dira biak [num_x] eta [num_y] zenbakien "
-"multiploak? [option_answers]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:52
-msgid ""
-"A multiple is a number that may be divided by another number with no "
-"remainder. For example, 10, 15 and 25 are multiples of 5."
-msgstr ""
-"Anizkoitz bat beste zenbaki batengatik zatitu daiteke hondarrik gabe. "
-"Adibidez, 10, 15 eta 15 5en anizkoitzak dira."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:53
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesMultipleOptions.cs:102
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsOptions.cs:121
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationAverage.cs:185
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationCloserFraction.cs:177
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationPrimes.cs:151
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationProportions.cs:130
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationSelectedNumbers.cs:244
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigurePattern.cs:237
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigures.cs:192
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridDots.cs:340
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargerShape.cs:303
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingPiece.cs:173
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingSlice.cs:218
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMostInCommon.cs:313
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNextFigure.cs:166
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleOstracism.cs:176
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:196
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTetris.cs:171
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:219
-msgid "Choose one of the following:"
-msgstr "Aukeratu hauetako bat:"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:54
-msgid "[option_prefix] [option_a] and [option_c]"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] [option_a] eta [option_c]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:55
-msgid "[option_prefix] [option_a] and [option_b]"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] [option_a] eta [option_b]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:56
-msgid "[option_prefix] [option_b] and [option_c]"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] [option_b] eta [option_c]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:57
-msgid "[option_prefix] [option_c] and [option_d]"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] [option_c] eta [option_d]"
-#. Since this a multioption the answer string is set to option | this string, what makes answer_show is not
useful here
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:59
-msgid "[option_a] and [option_b]"
-msgstr "[option_a] eta [option_b]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:60
-msgid "[option_a] and [option_b] are both multiples of [num_x] and [num_y]."
-msgstr ""
-"bai [option_a] eta bai [option_b] [num_x] eta [num_y] zenbakien multiploak "
-"dira biak."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:61
-msgid "Cars in town"
-msgstr "Autoak hirian"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:63
-#, no-c-format
-msgid ""
-"In a small town, [all_cars]% of the inhabitants have a car and [males_cars]% "
-"have a car and are males. What percentage of the population are females and "
-"have a car? [option_answers]"
-msgstr ""
-"Herri txiki batean, biztanleen % [all_cars](e)k autoa daukate eta % "
-"[males_cars](e)k autoa daukate eta gizonak dira. Populazio osoaren ehuneko "
-"zenbat da emakumea eta auto bat daukana? [option_answers]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:65
-#, no-c-format
-msgid "[option_prefix] [option_a]%"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] %[option_a]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:67
-#, no-c-format
-msgid "[option_prefix] [option_b]%"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] %[option_b]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:69
-#, no-c-format
-msgid "[option_prefix] [option_c]%"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] %[option_c]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:71
-#, no-c-format
-msgid "[option_prefix] [option_d]%"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] %[option_d]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:73
-#, no-c-format
-msgid ""
-"[females_cars]% ([all_cars] - [males_cars]) of the inhabitants are women and "
-"have a car."
-msgstr ""
-"Biztanleen % [females_cars] ([all_cars] - [males_cars]) emakumeak dira, eta "
-"autoa dute."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:74
-msgid "Compare variables"
-msgstr "Konparatu aldagaiak"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:75
-msgid ""
-"If p < x < q and r < y < s and you know that x < y is true, "
-"which of the following options is correct? [option_answers]"
-msgstr ""
-"Baldin p < x < q eta r < y < s eta badakizu x < y egia dela, "
-"aukera hauetako zein da zuzena? [option_answers]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:76
-msgid "[option_prefix] s > p"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] s > p"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:77
-msgid "[option_prefix] p < r"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] p < r"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:78
-msgid "[option_prefix] p > r"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] p > r"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:79
-msgid "[option_prefix] q = s"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] q = s"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:80
-msgid "If x < y, then p < x < y < s so s > p is true."
-msgstr "If x < y, orduan p < x < y < s beraz s > p egia da."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:81
-msgid ""
-"If p < x < q and r < y < s and you know that x > y is true, "
-"which of the following options is correct? [option_answers]"
-msgstr ""
-"Baldin p < x < q eta r < y < s eta badakizu x > y egia dela, "
-"aukera hauetako zein da zuzena? [option_answers]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:82
-msgid "[option_prefix] r < q"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] r < q"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:83
-msgid "If x > y, then r < y < x < q, so r < q is true."
-msgstr "If x > y, orduan r < y < x < q, beraz r < q egia da."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:84
-msgid "Odd number"
-msgstr "Zenbaki bakoitia"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:85
-msgid ""
-"Given two integer numbers x and y, if x is even and y odd, which of the "
-"following expressions gives always an odd result? [option_answers]"
-msgstr ""
-"Bi osoko zenbaki ditugu, x eta y. x bikoitia bada eta y bakoitia, "
-"adierazpen hauetako zeinek ematen du beti emaitza bakoitia? [option_answers]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:86
-msgid "[option_prefix] 2x + y"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] 2x + y"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:87
-msgid "[option_prefix] x * y"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] x * y"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:88
-msgid "[option_prefix] x * y * 2"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] x * y * 2"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:89
-msgid "[option_prefix] (x - y) * 2"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] (x - y) * 2"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:90
-msgid ""
-"Multiplication of two even numbers always produces an even number, so x "
-"multiplied by 2 is even. Adding an odd number (y) to that even number always "
-"produces an odd number."
-msgstr ""
-"Bi zenbaki bikoitiren biderketak beti zenbaki bikoitia ematen du emaitza "
-"gisa; beraz, x 2 zenbakiarekin biderkatuta emaitza bikoitia lortuko da beti. "
-"Zenbaki bikoiti horri zenbaki bakoiti bat (y) gehituz gero, emaitza bakoitia "
-"lortuko da beti."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:91
-msgid "Warehouse"
-msgstr "Biltegia"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:92
-msgid "[option_prefix] [answer_a]"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] [answer_a]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:93
-msgid "[option_prefix] [answer_b]"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] [answer_b]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:94
-msgid "[option_prefix] [answer_c]"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] [answer_c]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:95
-msgid "[option_prefix] [answer_d]"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] [answer_d]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:96
-msgid "Two trucks"
-msgstr "Bi kamioi"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:97 ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:81
-msgid ""
-"You have two trucks that have a total weight of [add] unit. If the lighter "
-"truck weights 15 units less that half of the weight of the heavier truck, "
-"what is the weight of the lighter truck? [option_answers]"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You have two trucks that have a total weight of [add] units. If the lighter "
-"truck weights 15 units less that half of the weight of the heavier truck, "
-"what is the weight of the lighter truck? [option_answers]"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Guztira [add] unitateko pisua daukaten bi kamioi dituzu. Kamioi arinenak "
-"astunenaren pisuaren erdia baino 15 unitate gutxiago pisatzen badu, zein da "
-"kamioi arinenaren pisua? [option_answers]"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Guztira [add] unitateko pisua daukaten bi kamioi dituzu. Kamioi arinenak "
-"astunenaren pisuaren erdia baino 15 unitate gutxiago pisatzen badu, zein da "
-"kamioi arinenaren pisua? [option_answers]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:98
-msgid "The heavier truck weights [heavier] and the lighter [lighter]."
-msgstr "Kamioi astunenaren pisua [heavier] da eta arinenarena [lighter]."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:99
-msgid "Family relations"
-msgstr "Familia-loturak"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:100
-msgid ""
-"John's father's sister's sister-in-law is also? Do not assume that John has "
-"any relative that has not been mentioned. [option_answers]"
-msgstr ""
-"Jonen aitaren arrebaren koinata zer da baita ere? Ez pentsatu Jonek aipatu "
-"ez den familiartekorik daukanik. [option_answers]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:101
-msgid "[option_prefix] His mother"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] Bere ama"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:102
-msgid "[option_prefix] Has no relation"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] Ez dauka loturarik"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:103
-msgctxt "John's father's sister's sister-in-law is also?"
-msgid "[option_prefix] His cousin"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] Bere lehengusua"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:104
-msgid "[option_prefix] His son-in-law"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] Bere suhia"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:105
-msgid "His mother"
-msgstr "Bere ama"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:106
-msgid ""
-"The sister's sister-in-law is John's father's wife, that is, John's mother."
-msgstr "Arrebaren koinata Jonen aitaren emaztea da, hau da, Jonen ama."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:107
-msgid ""
-"John's mother's brother's brother-in-law is also? Do not assume that John "
-"has any relative that has not been mentioned. [option_answers]"
-msgstr ""
-"Jonen amaren anaiaren koinatua zer da baita ere? Ez pentsatu Jonek aipatu ez "
-"den familiartekorik daukanik. [option_answers]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:108
-msgid "[option_prefix] His father"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] Bere aita"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:109
-msgctxt "John's mother's brother's brother-in-law is also?"
-msgid "[option_prefix] His cousin"
-msgstr "[option_prefix] Bere lehengusua"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:110
-msgid "His father"
-msgstr "Bere aita"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:111
-msgid ""
-"The brother's brother-in-law is John's mother's husband, that is, John's "
-msgstr "Anaiaren koinatua Jonen amaren senarra da, hau da, Jonen aita."
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:112
-msgid "Third number"
-msgstr "Hirugarren zenbakia"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:113
-msgid ""
-"The average of three numbers is [three]. The average of two of these numbers "
-"is [two]. What is the third number? [option_answers]"
-msgstr ""
-"Hiru zenbakien batez bestekoa [three] da. Zenbaki horietako biren batez "
-"bestekoa [two] da. Zein da hirugarren zenbakia? [option_answers]"
-#: ../data/games.xml.h:114
-msgid "It is the result of the operation: ([three] * 3) - ([two] * 2)."
-msgstr "Eragiketa honen emaitza da: ([three] * 3) - ([two] * 2)."
-#: ../data/gbrainy.appdata.xml.in.h:1
-msgid ""
-"gbrainy is a game to train memory, arithmetical and logical capabilities "
-"with many sorts of exercises of different difficulty levels."
-msgstr ""
-"gbrainy memoria, aritmetika eta logikako gaitasunak entrenatzeko joko bat "
-"da, zailtasun-maila desberdineko ariketa-sorta ugari dituena."
-#: ../data/gbrainy.appdata.xml.in.h:2
-msgid ""
-"It should have something for all ages and purposes: kids whose parents want "
-"them to develop their capabilities, adults that want to keep their mind in "
-"form or just try it out for fun, older people that might need to do some "
-"memory exercises, etc."
-msgstr ""
-"Adin eta helburu guztietarako zerbait eduki beharko luke: guraso askok beren "
-"umeek gaitasunak lantzea nahi dute, heldu askok beren burua osasuntsu "
-"mantendu nahi dute edo besterik gabe ondo pasa, hirugarren adineko askok "
-"memoria lantzeko ariketak egin nahi dituzte..."
-#: ../data/gbrainy.desktop.in.h:1 ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:1
-msgid "gbrainy"
-msgstr "gbrainy"
-#: ../data/gbrainy.desktop.in.h:2
-msgid "Game"
-msgstr "Jokoa"
-#: ../data/gbrainy.desktop.in.h:3
-msgid ""
-"Play games that challenge your logic, verbal, calculation and memory "
-msgstr ""
-"Zure logika, hitzak, kalkuluak eta memoriaren ahalmenak erronkan jartzen "
-"dituen jokora jokatu."
-#: ../data/themes/themes.xml.h:1
-msgid "Classic"
-msgstr "Klasikoa"
-#: ../data/themes/themes.xml.h:2
-msgid "Notebook"
-msgstr "Koadernoa"
-#. Translators, please check these recommendations when translating gbrainy:
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:4
-msgid "Which of the following sports does not belong in this group?"
-msgstr "Kirol hauetatik zein da bitxia?"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:5
-msgid "Think of the items used in the game."
-msgstr "Jokoan erabilitako elementuei buruz pentsatu."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:6
-msgid "Golf"
-msgstr "Golf"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:7
-msgid "Basketball"
-msgstr "Saskibaloia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:8
-msgid "Tennis"
-msgstr "Tenis"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:9
-msgid "Cycling"
-msgstr "Txirrindularitza"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:10
-msgid "It is the only one that does not use a ball in the game."
-msgstr "Jokoan baloi bat erabiltzen ez duen bakarra da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:11
-msgid "A terrier is to a dog like a?"
-msgstr "Terrier bat txakurrari dagokio?"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:12
-msgid "Chicken / Parrot"
-msgstr "Oiloa / Txoria"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:13
-msgid "Pony / Horse"
-msgstr "Ponia /Zaldia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:14
-msgid "Ant / Vertebrate"
-msgstr "Inurria / Ornoduna"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:15
-msgid "Dog / Cat"
-msgstr "Txakurra / Katua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:16
-msgid "Dog and horse are species and terrier and pony are breeds."
-msgstr "Txakurra eta zaldia espezieak dira eta terrier eta poni arrazak dira."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:17
-msgid "The word 'taxidermist' is used to define a person that?"
-msgstr "Taxidermista hitzak zein pertsona mota definitzen du?"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:18
-msgid "Works with dead animals"
-msgstr "Hildako animaliekin lan egiten du"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:19
-msgid "Specializes in skin diseases"
-msgstr "Azaleko gaixotasunen espezializatuta dago"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:20
-msgid "Suffers a skin disease"
-msgstr "Azaleko gaixotasuna du"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:21
-msgid "Works with leather"
-msgstr "Larruarekin lan egiten du"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:22
-msgid "A car engine that is poorly designed and lacking of sophistication is?"
-msgstr "Diseinu txiroa eta sofistikaziorik gabeko auto baten motorra zer da?"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:23
-msgid "Simplistic"
-msgstr "Sinplista"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:24
-msgid "Erroneous"
-msgstr "Okerrekoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:25
-msgid "Broken"
-msgstr "Hautsitakoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:26
-msgid "Unorthodox"
-msgstr "Bat ere ez ortodoxoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:27
-msgid "Which of the following words is the closest in meaning to 'censure'?"
-msgstr "Zein hitz da 'zentsuratu' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:28
-msgid "Condemn"
-msgstr "Gaitzetsi"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:29
-msgid "Hide"
-msgstr "Ezkutatu"
-#. Translators: 'obscure' is used as a verb
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:31
-msgid "Obscure"
-msgstr "Iluna"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:32
-msgid "Ignore"
-msgstr "Ez ikusi egin"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:33
-msgid "An artist whose work has become the defining style of a genre is?"
-msgstr ""
-"Artista baten lanak genero baten estiloa definitzen badu, zer da artista "
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:34
-msgid "Pioneer"
-msgstr "Aitzindaria"
-#. Translators: referred to the life style
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:36
-msgid "Bohemian"
-msgstr "Bohemioa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:37
-msgid "Misunderstood"
-msgstr "Gaizki-ulertua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:38
-msgid "Martyr"
-msgstr "Martiria"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:39
-msgid "Which of the following sentences defines better an 'ostracized' person?"
-msgstr "Honako zein sententziak definitzen du hobeto pertsona 'baztertua'?"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:40
-msgid "Person expelled from society"
-msgstr "Gizartetik erbesteratutako pertsona"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:41
-msgid "Loner"
-msgstr "Bakartia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:42
-msgid "Connoisseur"
-msgstr "Aditua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:43
-msgid "Conspirator"
-msgstr "Azpikaria"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:44
-msgid "Which of the following words means fear of people?"
-msgstr "Hauetariko zein hitzek adierazten du pertsonekiko beldurra?"
-#. Translators: Anthropophobia is fear of people
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:46
-msgid "Anthropophobia"
-msgstr "Antropofobia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:47
-msgid "Hypochondria"
-msgstr "Hipokondria"
-#. Translators: Anthophobia is fear of flowers that poses little or no danger
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:49
-msgid "Anthophobia"
-msgstr "Antofobia"
-#. Translators: Acrophobia is fear of heights
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:51
-msgid "Acrophobia"
-msgstr "Akrofobia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:52
-msgid "A person with excessive preoccupation for his health has?"
-msgstr "Osasunarekiko gehiegizko kezka duen pertsona bat zer dauka?"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:53
-msgid "Agoraphobia"
-msgstr "Agorafobia"
-#. Selected to avoid physical characteristics like: has shield, legs or tail
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:55
-msgid "Which of the following words does not belong in this group?"
-msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da bitxia?"
-#. Translator: As a noun
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:57
-msgid "Violin"
-msgstr "Biolina"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:58
-msgid "Bassoon"
-msgstr "Fagota"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:59
-msgid "Flute"
-msgstr "Txirula"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:60
-msgid "Oboe"
-msgstr "Oboe"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:61
-msgid "It is the only one that is not a woodwind instrument."
-msgstr "Haize-instrumentua ez den bakarra da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:62
-msgid "What is a 'halberd'?"
-msgstr "Zer da 'alabarda' bat?"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:63
-msgid "Weapon"
-msgstr "Arma"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:64
-msgid "Flower"
-msgstr "Lorea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:65
-msgid "Fish"
-msgstr "Arraina"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:66
-msgid "Sport"
-msgstr "Kirola"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:67
-msgid "Fossil"
-msgstr "Fosila"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:68
-msgid "Portico"
-msgstr "Arkupea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:69
-msgid "Column"
-msgstr "Zutabea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:70
-msgid "Attic"
-msgstr "Ganbera"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:71
-msgid "It is the only one that is not related to architecture."
-msgstr "Arkitekturarekin zerikusia ez duen bakarra da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:72
-msgid "Kilometer"
-msgstr "Kilometroa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:73
-msgid "Hectogram"
-msgstr "Hektogramo"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:74
-msgid "Liter"
-msgstr "Litroa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:75
-msgid "Gallon"
-msgstr "Galoia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:76
-msgid "It is the only unit that does not belong to the metric system."
-msgstr "Sistema metrikokoa ez den unitate bakarra da."
-#. Translators: refers to the fruit
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:78
-msgid "Orange"
-msgstr "Laranja"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:79
-msgid "Apple"
-msgstr "Sagarra"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:80
-msgid "Grape"
-msgstr "Mahatsa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:81
-msgid "Potato"
-msgstr "Patata"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:82
-msgid "It is the only one that is not a fruit."
-msgstr "Fruitua ez den bakarra da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:83
-msgid "Turtle"
-msgstr "Dortoka"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:84
-msgid "Crocodile"
-msgstr "Krokodiloa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:85
-msgid "Lizard"
-msgstr "Sugandila"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:86
-msgid "Frog"
-msgstr "Apoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:87
-msgid "It is the only one that is not a reptile and also does not have a tail."
-msgstr "Narrasti bat ez den eta isatsik ez daukan bakarra da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:88
-msgid "Tiger"
-msgstr "Tigrea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:89
-msgid "Hyena"
-msgstr "Hiena"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:90
-msgid "Wolf"
-msgstr "Otsoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:91
-msgid "Deer"
-msgstr "Oreina"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:92
-msgid "It is the only one that is not a carnivore."
-msgstr "Haragijale bat ez den bakarra da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:93
-msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'hedonism'?"
-msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'hedonismoa' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:94
-msgid "Pleasure"
-msgstr "Atsegina"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:95
-msgid "Pain"
-msgstr "Mina"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:96
-msgid "Collectivism"
-msgstr "Kolektibismoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:97
-msgid "Abstinence"
-msgstr "Abstinentzia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:98
-msgid ""
-"The ethical doctrine holding that only what is pleasant is an intrinsic good."
-msgstr "Atsegina norbere baitako ona dela soilik eusten dion doktrina etikoa."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:99
-msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'asceticism'?"
-msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'aszetismo' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:100
-msgid "Positivism"
-msgstr "Positibismoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:101
-msgid ""
-"The practice of austere self-discipline in order to achieve a higher or "
-"spiritual idea."
-msgstr ""
-"Zorroztasunaren autodiziplina ideia edo egoera espiritual handiago bat "
-"lortzeko lantzen da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:102
-msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'oxymoron'?"
-msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'oximorona' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:103
-msgid "Contradictory"
-msgstr "Kontraesanezkoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:104
-msgid "Synonym"
-msgstr "Sinonimoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:105
-msgid "Related"
-msgstr "Antzekoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:106
-msgid "Ironic"
-msgstr "Ironiko"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:107
-msgid "A figure of speech that combines contradicting terms."
-msgstr "Kontraesanezko terminoak biltzen dituen hitz egiteko modu bat."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:108
-msgid "Lentils"
-msgstr "Dilistak"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:109
-msgid "Wheat"
-msgstr "Garia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:110
-msgid "Corn"
-msgstr "Artoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:111
-msgid "Rice"
-msgstr "Arroza"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:112
-msgid "It is the only one that is not a cereal."
-msgstr "Zereala ez den bakarra da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:113
-msgid "Onion"
-msgstr "Tipula"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:114
-msgid "Mango"
-msgstr "Mango"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:115
-msgid "Lychee"
-msgstr "Litchia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:116
-msgid "Olive"
-msgstr "Oliba"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:117
-msgid "Carbon"
-msgstr "Ikatza"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:118
-msgid "Sodium"
-msgstr "Sodioa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:119
-msgid "Titanium"
-msgstr "Titanioa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:120
-msgid "Zinc"
-msgstr "Zink"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:121
-msgid "It is the only one that is not a metal."
-msgstr "Metal bat ez den bakarra da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:122
-msgid "Cardiology"
-msgstr "Kardiologia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:123
-msgid "Hematology"
-msgstr "Hematologia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:124
-msgid "Psychiatry"
-msgstr "Psikiatria"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:125
-msgid "Paleontology"
-msgstr "Paleontologia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:126
-msgid "It is the only one that is not a medical specialty."
-msgstr "Mediku espezialitate bat ez den bakarra da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:127
-msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'negligent'?"
-msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'zabar' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
-#. Translator: Used as an adjective in English. Possible answer to: Which of the following words is closest
to the meaning of 'negligent'
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:129
-msgid "Careless"
-msgstr "Arduragabea"
-#. Translator: Used as an adjective in English. Possible answer to: Which of the following words is closest
to the meaning of 'negligent'
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:131
-msgid "Friendly"
-msgstr "Atsegina"
-#. Translator: Used as an adjective in English. Possible answer to: Which of the following words is closest
to the meaning of 'negligent'
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:133
-msgid "Polite"
-msgstr "Adeitsua"
-#. Translator: Used as an adjective in English. Possible answer to: Which of the following words is closest
to the meaning of 'negligent'
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:135
-msgid "Angry"
-msgstr "Haserre"
-#. Translator: definition of negligent
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:137
-msgid ""
-"It is the failure to take such care as may be rightfully or reasonably "
-msgstr "Espero baino kontu gutxiagorekin jokatzea."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:138
-msgid "Regular"
-msgstr "Arrunta"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:139
-msgid "Occasional"
-msgstr "Noizean behingoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:140
-msgid "Exceptional"
-msgstr "Ezohikoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:141
-msgid "Rare"
-msgstr "Ohiz kanpokoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:142
-msgid "The other words have the connotation of not occurring frequently."
-msgstr "Beste hitzek duen konnotazioa da \"maiz gertatzen ez dena\"."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:143
-msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'perplexing'?"
-msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'harrigarria' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
-#. Translator: As synonymous of 'perplexing'
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:145
-msgid "Confusing"
-msgstr "Nahasgarria"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:146
-msgid "Interesting"
-msgstr "Interesgarria"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:147
-msgid "Ordinary"
-msgstr "Ohikoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:148
-msgid "Trivial"
-msgstr "Tribiala+ç"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:149
-msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'unhappy'?"
-msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'triste' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:150
-msgid "Sad"
-msgstr "Goibela"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:151
-msgid "Unpleasant"
-msgstr "Desatsegina"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:152
-msgid "Tears"
-msgstr "Malkoak"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:153
-msgid "Incredible"
-msgstr "Sinesgaitza"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:154
-msgid "Famous"
-msgstr "Ospetsua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:155
-msgid "Acclaimed"
-msgstr "Goretsia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:156
-msgid "Celebrated"
-msgstr "Famatua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:157
-msgid "The other words have the meaning of distinguished."
-msgstr "Beste hitzek \"ospetsu\" esanahia dute."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:158
-msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'specific'?"
-msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'zehatz' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
-#. Translator: Pertaining to a single or specific person or thing
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:160
-msgid "Particular"
-msgstr "Partikularra"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:161
-msgid "Obvious"
-msgstr "Nabaria"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:162
-msgid "Generic"
-msgstr "Arrunta"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:163
-msgid "Plate"
-msgstr "Platera"
-#. Translator: As a noun
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:165
-msgid "Bottle"
-msgstr "Botila"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:166
-msgid "Amphora"
-msgstr "Anfora"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:167
-msgid "Bowl"
-msgstr "Katilua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:168
-msgid "It is the only one that is not used to storage liquids."
-msgstr "Likidoak gordetzeko erabiltzen ez den bakarra da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:169
-msgid "Walnut"
-msgstr "Intxaurra"
-#. Translator: In reference to the nut
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:171
-msgid "Macadamia"
-msgstr "Makadamia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:172
-msgid "Chestnut"
-msgstr "Gaztaina"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:173
-msgid "It is the only one that is not a nut."
-msgstr "Fruitu lehorra ez den bakarra da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:174
-msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'acclaim'?"
-msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'gorespen' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:175
-msgid "Applause"
-msgstr "Txalotzea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:176
-msgid "Commendation"
-msgstr "Goraipamena"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:177
-msgid "Citation"
-msgstr "Aipamena"
-#. Translator: As a noun (call upon a spirit by invocation)
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:179
-msgid "Conjure"
-msgstr "Konjurua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:180
-msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'grief'?"
-msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'pena' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
-#. Translator: As a noun
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:182
-msgid "Lament"
-msgstr "Aienea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:183
-msgid "Fraud"
-msgstr "Iruzurra"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:184
-msgid "Intolerance"
-msgstr "Intolerantzia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:185
-msgid "Risk"
-msgstr "Arriskua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:186
-msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'phlegmatic'?"
-msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'flematiko' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
-#. Translator: Used as an adjective in English
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:188
-msgid "Calm"
-msgstr "Lasaia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:189
-msgid "Authentic"
-msgstr "Benetakoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:190
-msgid "Clever"
-msgstr "Bizkorra"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:191
-msgid "Tense"
-msgstr "Larri"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:192
-msgid "Concert"
-msgstr "Kontzertua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:193
-msgid "Satire"
-msgstr "Satira"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:194
-msgid "Proverb"
-msgstr "Esaera zaharra"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:195
-msgid "Epigram"
-msgstr "Epigrama"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:196
-msgid "It is the only one that is not related to literature."
-msgstr "Literaturarekin zerikusirik ez duen bakarra da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:197
-msgid "Curve"
-msgstr "Kurba"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:198
-msgid "Cathetus"
-msgstr "Katetoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:199
-msgid "Hypotenuse"
-msgstr "Hipotenusa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:200
-msgid "Trigonometry"
-msgstr "Trigonometria"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:201
-msgid "It is the only one that is not related with triangles."
-msgstr "Hirukiekin zerikusirik ez duen bakarra da."
-#. Translator: As a noun
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:203
-msgid "Necklace"
-msgstr "Lepokoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:204
-msgid "Candelabra"
-msgstr "Argimutila"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:205
-msgid "Lantern"
-msgstr "Argiontzia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:206
-msgid "Lamp"
-msgstr "Lanpara"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:207
-msgid "It is the only one that does not produce light."
-msgstr "Argirik sortzen ez duen bakarra da."
-#. Translator: As a noun
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:209
-msgid "Shield"
-msgstr "Ezkutua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:210
-msgid "Helmet"
-msgstr "Kaskoa"
-#. Translator: As a noun
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:212
-msgid "Armor"
-msgstr "Armadura"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:213
-msgid "Crossbow"
-msgstr "Balezta"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:214
-msgid "It is the only one that is not used for protection."
-msgstr "Babesteko erabiltzen ez den bakarra da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:215
-msgid "Monolith"
-msgstr "Monolitoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:216
-msgid "Granite"
-msgstr "Granitoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:217
-msgid "Rock"
-msgstr "Harkaitza"
-#. Translator: As a noun
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:219
-msgid "Tree"
-msgstr "Zuhaitza"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:220
-msgid "It is the only one that is not related to rocks."
-msgstr "Harkaitzekin zerikusirik ez duen bakarra da."
-#. Translator: As a noun
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:222
-msgid "Carrot"
-msgstr "Azenarioa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:223
-msgid "Beet"
-msgstr "Erremolatxa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:224
-msgid "Radish"
-msgstr "Errefaua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:225
-msgid "Tomato"
-msgstr "Tomatea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:226
-msgid "It is the only one that does not have roots."
-msgstr "Sustrairik ez daukan bakarra da."
-#. Translator: Organ as a musical instrument
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:228
-msgid "Organ"
-msgstr "Organoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:229
-msgid "Piano"
-msgstr "Pianoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:230
-msgid "Accordion"
-msgstr "Akordeoia"
-#. Translator: 'keys' as the ones found in a keyboard
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:232
-msgid "It is the only instrument that does not have keys."
-msgstr "Teklarik ez daukan tresna bakarra da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:233
-msgid "car / garage | plane"
-msgstr "autoa / garajea | hegazkina"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:234
-msgid "Hangar"
-msgstr "Hangarra"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:235
-msgid "Airline"
-msgstr "Hegazkina"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:236
-msgid "Aircraft"
-msgstr "Hegazkina"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:237
-msgid "Bunker"
-msgstr "Bunkerra"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:238
-msgid "circle / semicircle | diameter"
-msgstr "zirkulua / zirkuluerdia | diametroa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:239
-msgid "Radius"
-msgstr "Erradioa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:240
-msgid "Chord"
-msgstr "Akordea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:241
-msgid "Tangent"
-msgstr "Tangentea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:242
-msgid "Angle"
-msgstr "Angelua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:243
-msgid "The radius of a circle is half the diameter."
-msgstr "Zirkulu baten erradioa bere diametroaren erdia da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:244
-msgid "talk / yell | dislike"
-msgstr "hitz egin / garrasi | higuina"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:245
-msgid "Repugnance"
-msgstr "Nazka"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:246
-msgid "Offensive"
-msgstr "Erasotzailea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:247
-msgid "Shame"
-msgstr "Lotsa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:248
-msgid "Ostentation"
-msgstr "Handikeria"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:249
-msgid "write / pen | eat"
-msgstr "idatzi / luma | jan"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:250
-msgid "Fork"
-msgstr "Sardexka"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:251
-msgid "Restaurant"
-msgstr "Jatetxea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:252
-msgid "Winery"
-msgstr "Upeltegia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:253
-msgid "Table"
-msgstr "Taula"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:254
-msgid "A pen is used to write and a fork is used to eat."
-msgstr "Luma bat idazteko erabiltzen da, eta sardexka bat berriz jateko."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:255
-msgid "desert / oasis | sea"
-msgstr "basamortua / oasia | itsasoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:256
-msgid "Island"
-msgstr "Uhartea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:257
-msgid "River"
-msgstr "Ibaia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:258
-msgid "Beach"
-msgstr "Hondartza"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:259
-msgid "Coast"
-msgstr "Kostaldea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:260
-msgid ""
-"An oasis is an isolated area of vegetation in a desert and an island is a "
-"piece of isolated land that is surrounded by water."
-msgstr ""
-"Oasi bat basamortu batean isolatutako landaredi-area bat da, eta uharte bat "
-"berriz urez inguratutako isolatutako lur zati bat da."
-#. Translators: letter refers to letter (in paper form)
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:262
-msgid "turtle / shell | letter"
-msgstr "dortoka / oskola | gutuna"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:263
-msgid "Envelope"
-msgstr "Gutun-azala"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:264
-msgid "Ink"
-msgstr "Tinta"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:265
-msgid "Printer"
-msgstr "Inprimagailua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:266
-msgid "Cellulose"
-msgstr "Zelulosa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:267
-msgid "A turtle is inside a shell and a letter is inside an envelope."
-msgstr ""
-"Dortoka bat oskol baten barruan dago, gutun bat, berriz, gutun-azalaren "
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:268
-msgid "wine / grape | rum"
-msgstr "ardoa / mahatsa | rona"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:269
-msgid "Sugarcane"
-msgstr "Azukre-kanabera"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:270
-msgid "Grain"
-msgstr "Garia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:271
-msgid "Sweet corn"
-msgstr "Arto gozoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:272
-msgid "horticulture / plants | ornithology"
-msgstr "baratzezaintza / landareak | ornitologia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:273
-msgid "Birds"
-msgstr "Txoriak"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:274
-msgid "Insects"
-msgstr "Intsektuak"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:275
-msgid "Amphibians"
-msgstr "Urlehortarrak"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:276
-msgid "Fishes"
-msgstr "Arrainak"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:277
-msgid "thankful / ingratitude | despotism"
-msgstr "esker onekoa / esker txarrekoa | despotismoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:278
-msgid "Democracy"
-msgstr "Demokrazia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:279
-msgid "Totalitarianism"
-msgstr "Totalitarismoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:280
-msgid "Oligarchy"
-msgstr "Oligarkia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:281
-msgid "Authority"
-msgstr "Agintaria"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:282
-msgid "pessimist / optimist | poor"
-msgstr "ezkorra / baikorra | behartsua"
-#. Translators: Affluent as antonym of poor, that is, somebody that is rich
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:284
-msgid "Affluent"
-msgstr "Aberatsa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:285
-msgid "Homeless"
-msgstr "Etxegabeak"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:286
-msgid "Property"
-msgstr "Propietatea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:287
-msgid "Money"
-msgstr "Dirua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:288
-msgid "five / pentagon | ten"
-msgstr "bost / pentagonoa | hamar"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:289
-msgid "Decagon"
-msgstr "Dekagonoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:290
-msgid "Enneagram"
-msgstr "Eneagrama"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:291
-msgid "Icosagon"
-msgstr "Ikosagonoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:292
-msgid "Decimal"
-msgstr "Dezimala"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:293
-msgid "parallel / meridian | longitude"
-msgstr "paraleloa / meridianoa | longitudea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:294
-msgid "Latitude"
-msgstr "Latitudea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:295
-msgid "Solstice"
-msgstr "Solstizioa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:296
-msgid "Pole"
-msgstr "Poloa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:297
-msgid "Azimuth"
-msgstr "Azimuta"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:298
-msgid ""
-"Parallel and longitude traverse from east to west while meridian and "
-"latitude traverse from north to south."
-msgstr ""
-"Paraleloak eta longitudeak ekialdetik mendebaldera gurutzatzen dute, eta "
-"latitudeak, berriz, iparraldetik hegoaldera."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:299
-msgid "art / gallery | drama"
-msgstr "artea / galeria | drama"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:300
-msgid "Theater"
-msgstr "Antzerkia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:301
-msgid "Museum"
-msgstr "Museoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:302
-msgid "Concert hall"
-msgstr "Kontzertu-aretoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:303
-msgid "Gym"
-msgstr "Gimnasioa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:304
-msgid "hunter / rifle | photographer"
-msgstr "ehiztaria / erriflea | argazkilaria"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:305
-msgid "Camera"
-msgstr "Kamera"
-#. Translators: tripod as used is photography
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:307
-msgid "Tripod"
-msgstr "Tripodea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:308
-msgid "Photography"
-msgstr "Argazkigintza"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:309
-msgid "Light"
-msgstr "Argia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:310
-msgid "dish / break | balloon"
-msgstr "platera / puskatu | baloia"
-#. Translators: like 'he burst the balloon'
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:312
-msgid "Burst"
-msgstr "Lehertu"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:313
-msgid "Bounce"
-msgstr "Bote egin"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:314
-msgid "Float"
-msgstr "Flotatu"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:315
-msgid "Roll"
-msgstr "Bildu"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:316
-msgid "Both relate to an action that breaks the related item."
-msgstr "Aipatutako elementua apurtzen duen ekintza bati dagozkio biak."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:317
-msgid "button / push | key (used in a lock)"
-msgstr "botoia / sakatu | giltza"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:318
-msgid "Turn"
-msgstr "Biratu"
-#. Translator: 'Open' as verb, like open with a key
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:320
-msgid "Open"
-msgstr "Ireki"
-#. Translator: 'Lock' as verb, like locked with a key
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:322
-msgid "Lock"
-msgstr "Giltzaz itxi"
-#. Translator: 'Close' as verb, like closed with a key
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:324
-msgid "Close"
-msgstr "Itxi"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:325
-msgid ""
-"To make both objects work, a button needs to be pushed and a key needs to be "
-msgstr ""
-"Bi objektuek funtziona dezaten, botoi bat sakatu behar da eta giltza bati "
-"buelta eman behar zaio."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:326
-msgid "concept / idea | obsession"
-msgstr "kontzeptua / ideia | obsesioa"
-#. As a synonym of obsession
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:328
-msgid "Fixation"
-msgstr "Obsesioa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:329
-msgid "Indifference"
-msgstr "Axolagabekeria"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:330
-msgid "Disinterest"
-msgstr "Interesik eza"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:331
-msgid "Intuition"
-msgstr "Intuizioa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:332
-msgid "The relation between the two words is that they are synonymous."
-msgstr "Bi hitzen arteko erlazioa sinonimia da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:333
-msgid "fish / water | bird"
-msgstr "arraina / ura | txoria"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:334
-msgid "Air"
-msgstr "Airea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:335
-msgid "Wings"
-msgstr "Hegoak"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:336
-msgid "Ship"
-msgstr "Itsasontzia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:337
-msgid "Cage"
-msgstr "Kaiola"
-#. Translator: 'rook' as a piece of chess
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:339
-msgid "rook / chess | soldier"
-msgstr "dorrea / xakea | soldadua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:340
-msgid "Battle"
-msgstr "Gudua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:341
-msgid "Gun"
-msgstr "Pistola"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:342
-msgid "Peace"
-msgstr "Bakea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:343
-msgid "Enemy"
-msgstr "Etsaia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:344
-msgid "competitive / cooperative | anxious"
-msgstr "lehiakorra / lagunkoia | kezkatua"
-#. Translator: Used as an adjective in English
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:346
-msgid "Flexible"
-msgstr "Malgua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:347
-msgid "Cautious"
-msgstr "Zuhurra"
-#. Translator: Used as an adjective in English
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:349
-msgid "Daring"
-msgstr "Ausarta"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:350
-msgid "pessimistic / optimistic | suspicious"
-msgstr "ezkorra / baikorra | fidagaitza"
-#. Translator: Used as an adjective in English
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:352
-msgid "Trusting"
-msgstr "Fidakorra"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:353
-msgid "Dubious"
-msgstr "Zalantzazkoa"
-#. Translator: compass as the instrument used for finding direction
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:355
-msgid "thermometer / temperature | compass"
-msgstr "termometroa / tenperatura | iparrorratza"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:356
-msgid "Direction"
-msgstr "Jarraibidea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:357
-msgid "Elevation"
-msgstr "Altitudea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:358
-msgid "Position"
-msgstr "Posizioa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:359
-msgid "Area"
-msgstr "Azalera"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:360
-msgid "The first word is the instrument and the second what it measures."
-msgstr "Aurreneko hitza instrumentua da eta bigarrena honek neurtzen duena."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:361
-msgid "hungry / eat | tired"
-msgstr "gosea / jan | nekatuta"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:362
-msgid "sleep | rest"
-msgstr "lo egin | atsedena"
-#. Translators: 'open' is used as a verb (open a box)
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:364
-msgid "box / open | banana"
-msgstr "kutxa / ireki | banana"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:365
-msgid "peel"
-msgstr "azala kendu"
-#. Translators: 'dig' is used as a verb (to dig)
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:367
-msgid "shovel / dig | axe"
-msgstr "pala / zuloa egin | aizkora"
-#. Translators: 'chop' is used as a verb (to chop)
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:369
-msgid "chop"
-msgstr "moztu"
-#. Translators: 'break' is used as a verb (to break)
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:371
-msgid "glass / break | paper"
-msgstr "edalontzia / hautsi | papera"
-#. Translators: 'tear' and 'rip' are used as verbs (to tear / to rip). Tear as in "To pull apart or into
pieces by force" (not lacrimation)
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:373
-msgid "tear | rip"
-msgstr "urradura| haustura"
-#. Translators: the concept 'toe' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toe) does not exist in all languages. It
means 'digits of the foot'. Feel free to change it to 'fingers' and adapt the answer accordingly
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:375
-msgid "feet / two | toes"
-msgstr "oinak / bi | behatzak"
-#. Translators: referred to 'feet / two | toes'
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:377
-msgid "ten | 10"
-msgstr "hamar | 10"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:378
-msgid "fish / aquarium | monkey"
-msgstr "arraina / akuarioa | tximinoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:379
-msgid "cage | zoo | zoological garden"
-msgstr "kaiola | zoologikoa | parke zoologikoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:380
-msgid "A fish in an aquarium lives in captivity."
-msgstr "Akuarioko arrain bat gatibutasunean bizi da."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:381
-msgid "ring / finger | bracelet"
-msgstr "eraztuna / hatza | eskumuturrekoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:382
-msgid "wrist | arm"
-msgstr "eskumuturra | besoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:383
-msgid "seal / flippers | bird"
-msgstr "itsas txakurra / hegalak | txoria"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:384
-msgid "wings"
-msgstr "hegoak"
-#. Translators: stick refers to a piece of wood
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:386
-msgid "stick / float | stone"
-msgstr "zotza / flotatu | harria"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:387
-msgid "sink"
-msgstr "urperatu"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:388
-msgid "leopard / spots | tiger"
-msgstr "lehoinabarra / puntuak | tigrea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:389
-msgid "stripes"
-msgstr "marrak"
-#. Translators: 'submarine' is used as a noun
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:391
-msgid "fish / submarine | bird"
-msgstr "arraina / urpeko ontzia | txoria"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:392
-msgid "airplane | aeroplane | plane"
-msgstr "hegazkina"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:393
-msgid "tears / eyes | sweat"
-msgstr "malkoak / begiak | izerdia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:394
-msgid "body | skin"
-msgstr "gorputza | azala"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:395
-msgid "bridge / over | tunnel"
-msgstr "zubia / gainetik | tunela"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:396
-msgid "in | under | through"
-msgstr "barruan | azpian | zehar"
-#. Translators: 'play' is used as a verb (to play)
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:398
-msgid "toy / play | tool"
-msgstr "jostailua / jolasa | tresna"
-#. Translators: 'work' is used as a verb (to work)
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:400
-msgid "work"
-msgstr "lana"
-#. 'correct' can be used as verb or adjective
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:402
-msgid "error / (to) correct | damage"
-msgstr "errorea / zuzendu | matxura"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:403
-msgid "repair | fix"
-msgstr "konpondu"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:404
-msgid "orange / fruit | spinach"
-msgstr "laranja / fruitua | ziazerba"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:405
-msgid "vegetable"
-msgstr "barazkia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:406
-msgid "hands / grab | teeth"
-msgstr "eskuak | hartu / hortzak"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:407
-msgid "bite"
-msgstr "kosk | hozka"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:408
-msgid "Grab and bite are finite actions."
-msgstr "Heltzea eta hozka egitea ekintza mugatuak dira."
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:409
-msgid "puzzle / solve | game"
-msgstr "puzzlea / ebatzi | jokoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:410
-msgid "win | play"
-msgstr "irabazi | jokatu"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:411
-msgid "eyebrow / eye | mustache"
-msgstr "bekaina / begia | bibotea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:412
-msgid "lip | upper lip | mouth"
-msgstr "ezpaina | goiko ezpaina | ahoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:413
-msgid "ice / slippery | glue"
-msgstr "izotza / irristakorra | kola"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:414
-msgid "sticky"
-msgstr "itsaskorra"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:415
-msgid "whirlpool / water | tornado"
-msgstr "zurrunbilo / ura | tornadoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:416
-msgid "wind | air"
-msgstr "haizea | airea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:417
-msgid "fox / den | bird"
-msgstr "azeria / etzalekua | txoria"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:418
-msgid "nest"
-msgstr "habia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:419
-msgid "dog / tame | wolf"
-msgstr "Txakurra / otzana | otsoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:420
-msgid "wild | savage"
-msgstr "basatia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:421
-msgid "sugar / sweet | vinegar"
-msgstr "azukrea / gozoa | ozpina"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:422
-msgid "sour"
-msgstr "garratza"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:423
-msgid "tennis / sport | ballet"
-msgstr "tenis / kirola | baleta"
-#. Translators: 'dance' is used as a noun
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:425
-msgid "dance"
-msgstr "dantza"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:426
-msgid "slurp / tongue | snort"
-msgstr "zurrupada / mingaina | arnas-hotsa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:427
-msgid "nose"
-msgstr "sudurra"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:428
-msgid "elbow / knee | wrist"
-msgstr "ukondoa / belauna | eskumuturra"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:429
-msgid "ankle"
-msgstr "orkatila"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:430
-msgid "novel / author | song"
-msgstr "eleberria / egilea | abestia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:431
-msgid "composer | songwriter | lyricist"
-msgstr "konpositorea | kantagilea | kanta-idazlea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:432
-msgid "car / road | train"
-msgstr "autoa / errepidea | trena"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:433
-msgid "track | railway | rails | railroad"
-msgstr "bidea | trenbidea | errailak | burdinbidea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:434
-msgid "pediatrics / children | numismatics"
-msgstr "pediatria / umeak | numismatika"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:435
-msgid "coins | currency | money"
-msgstr "txanponak | moneta | dirua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:436
-msgid "thermometer / temperature | clock"
-msgstr "termometro / tenperatura | erlojua"
-#. Translators: time as duration of an event. What a clock measures
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:438
-msgid "time"
-msgstr "ordua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:439
-msgid "poems / anthology | maps"
-msgstr "olerkiak / antologia | mapak"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:440
-msgid "atlas"
-msgstr "atlasa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:441
-msgid "letter / word | page"
-msgstr "hizkia / hitza | orrialdea"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:442
-msgid "book | magazine | document"
-msgstr "liburua | astekaria | dokumentua"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:443
-msgid "hour / minute | minute"
-msgstr "ordua / minutua | minutua"
-#. Translators: refers to the unit of time
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:445
-msgid "second"
-msgstr "segundo"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:446
-msgid "tiger / carnivore | cow"
-msgstr "tigrea / haragijale | behia"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:447
-msgid "herbivorous | herbivore"
-msgstr "herbiboroa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:448
-msgid "constellation / stars | archipelago"
-msgstr "konstelazioa / izarrak | artxipelagoa"
-#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:449
-msgid "islands"
-msgstr "uharteak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:100
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Unknown command line parameter {0}"
-msgstr "Komando-lerroko parametro ezezaguna ({0})"
-#. Translators: {0} is a date
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:110
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "(built on {0})"
-msgstr "(eraikitze-data: {0})"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:121
-msgid "List of available games"
-msgstr "Joko erabilgarrien zerrenda"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:172
-msgid "Usage: gbrainy [options]"
-msgstr "Erabilera: gbrainy [aukerak]"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:173
-msgid " --version\t\t\tPrint version information."
-msgstr " --version\t\t\tErakutsi bertsioren informazioa."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:174
-msgid " --help\t\t\tPrint this usage message."
-msgstr " --help\t\t\tErakutsi erabileraren mezu hau."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:175
-msgid " --gamelist\t\t\tShows the list of available games."
-msgstr " --gamelist\t\t\tErakutsi joko erabilgarrien zerrenda."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:176
-msgid ""
-" --customgame [game1, gameN]\tSpecifies a list of games to play during a "
-"custom game."
-msgstr ""
-" --customgame [jokoa1, jokoaN]\tJoko pertsonalizatu batean jokatuko diren "
-"jokoen zerrenda zehazten du."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:177
-msgid ""
-" --norandom \t\t\tThe custom game list provided will not be randomized."
-msgstr ""
-" --norandom \t\t\tJoko pertsonalizatuaren zerrenda ez da ausaz nahasiko."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:178
-msgid " --versions \t\t\tShow dependencies."
-msgstr " --versions \t\t\tErakutsi mendekotasunak."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:34
-msgid "Software"
-msgstr "Softwarea"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:37
-msgid "Based on ideas by"
-msgstr "Hauen burutazioetan oinarrituta:"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:41
-msgid "MENSA works"
-msgstr "MENSA lanak"
-#. Translators: Replace by the name of the people that translated the application
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:61
-msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr ""
-"Asier Zabaleta <aza at openbravo dot com>\n"
-"Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <dooteo euskalgnu org>"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:66
-msgid ""
-"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
-"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
-"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
-"any later version.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Programa hau software librea da; birbana eta/edo alda dezakezu Software "
-"Foundation-ek argitaratutako GNU Lizentzia Publiko Orokorraren 2. bertsioan, "
-"edo (nahiago baduzu) beste berriago batean, jasotako baldintzak betez gero.\n"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:67
-msgid ""
-"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
-"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
-"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
-"more details.\n"
-msgstr ""
-"Programa hau erabilgarria izango delakoan banatzen da, baina, INOLAKO "
-"BERMERIK GABE; era berean, ez da bermatzen beraren EGOKITASUNA "
-"nahi izanez gero, ikus GNU Lizentzia Publiko Orokorra.\n"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:68
-msgid ""
-"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
-"this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
-"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-msgstr ""
-"Programa honekin batera GNU Lizentzia Publiko Orokorraren kopia bat jasoko "
-"zenuen; hala ez bada, idatzi hona: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple "
-"Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:78
-msgid "A brain teaser game for fun and to keep your brain trained."
-msgstr "Ondo pasatzeko eta garuna gazte mantentzeko jokoa."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:80
-msgid "gbrainy project web site"
-msgstr "gbrainy proiektuaren webgunea"
-#. Column: Game Name
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/CustomGameDialog.cs:105
-msgid "Game Name"
-msgstr "Jokoaren izena"
-#. Column: Type
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/CustomGameDialog.cs:131
-msgid "Type"
-msgstr "Mota"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/CustomGameDialog.cs:157
-msgid "Selected"
-msgstr "Hautatuta"
-#. Translators: default file name used when exporting PDF files (keep the pdf extension please)
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PdfExportDialog.cs:73
-msgid "games.pdf"
-msgstr "jokoak.pdf"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PdfExportDialog.cs:80
-msgid "PDF files"
-msgstr "PDF fitxategiak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PdfExportDialog.cs:84
-msgid "All files"
-msgstr "Fitxategi denak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PdfExportDialog.cs:172
-msgid "The PDF file has been exported correctly."
-msgstr "Behar bezala esportatu da PDF fitxategia."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PdfExportDialog.cs:175
-msgid ""
-"There was a problem generating the PDF file. The file has not been created."
-msgstr "Errore bat gertatu da PDF fitxategia sortzean. Ez da sortu fitxategia."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PlayerHistoryDialog.cs:46
-msgid "The graph below shows the player's game score evolution."
-msgstr ""
-"Azpiko grafikoak jokalariaren jokoaren puntuazioaren garapena erakusten du."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PlayerHistoryDialog.cs:50
-msgid ""
-"You need more than one game session recorded to see the score evolution."
-msgstr ""
-"Jokoaren saio bat baino gehiago erregistratuta eduki behar duzu "
-"puntuazioaren garapena ikusteko."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PlayerHistoryDialog.cs:54
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "It is built using the results of {0} recorded game session."
-msgid_plural ""
-"It is built using the results of the last {0} recorded game sessions."
-msgstr[0] "Jokoaren saio {0}ean erregistratutako emaitzak erabiliz eraikita."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Jokoaren azken {0} saioetan erregistratutako emaitzak erabiliz eraikita."
-#. Translators: "The graph below" + "It is built using" sentences
-#. Translators: answer + rationale of the answer
-#. Translators: Concatenating two strings (rationale of answer + extra information).
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PlayerHistoryDialog.cs:61
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Game.cs:145
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsCompare.cs:75
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountSeries.cs:93
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "{0} {1}"
-msgstr "{0} {1}"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PlayerHistoryDialog.cs:67
-#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:102
-#: ../src/Core/Views/PlayerHistoryView.cs:85
-msgid "Total"
-msgstr "Guztira"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PreferencesDialog.cs:120
-msgid "You are about to delete the player's game session history."
-msgstr "Jokalariaren jokoaren saioaren historia ezabatzera zoaz."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PreferencesDialog.cs:121
-msgid ""
-"If you proceed, you will lose the history of the previous game sessions. Do "
-"you want to continue?"
-msgstr ""
-"Aurrera jarraitzen baduzu, aurreko jokoaren saioaren historia galdu egingo "
-"duzu. Jarraitzea nahi duzu?"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PreferencesDialog.cs:122
-msgid "_Delete"
-msgstr "_Ezabatu"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/CustomGameDialog.ui.h:1
-msgid "Custom Game"
-msgstr "Joko pertsonalizatua"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/CustomGameDialog.ui.h:2
-msgid "Select All"
-msgstr "Hautatu denak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/CustomGameDialog.ui.h:3
-msgid "Unselect all"
-msgstr "Desautatu denak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/CustomGameDialog.ui.h:4
-msgid "_Start"
-msgstr "_Hasi"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:1
-msgid "PDF export"
-msgstr "PDFra esportatzea"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:2
-msgid ""
-"This option allows to export a set of games in a PDF file. You can complete "
-"the puzzles without a computer."
-msgstr ""
-"Aukera honek joko multzo bat PDF fitxategi batera esportatzea uzten du. "
-"Puzzleak ordenagailurik gabe osatu ditzakezu."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:3
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:2
-msgid "<b>General Settings</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Ezarpen orokorrak</b>"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:4
-msgid "Skip games that use colors"
-msgstr "Saltatu koloreak erabiltzen dituzten jokoak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:5
-msgid "<b>Game Types</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Joko motak</b>"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:6
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:124
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTypes.cs:45 ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:109
-msgid "Logic"
-msgstr "Logika"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:7
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:128
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTypes.cs:49 ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:116
-msgid "Calculation"
-msgstr "Kalkulua"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:8
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:138
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTypes.cs:51 ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:130
-msgid "Verbal"
-msgstr "Hitzezkoa"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:9
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:8
-msgid "<b>Difficulty Level</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Zailtasun maila</b>"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:10
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:9
-msgid "Easy"
-msgstr "Erraza"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:11
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:10
-msgid "Medium"
-msgstr "Tartekoa"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:12
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:11
-msgid "Master"
-msgstr "Maisua"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:13
-msgid "<b>Number of games</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Joko kopurua</b>"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:14
-msgid "Total number of games:"
-msgstr "Jokoen guztirako kopurua:"
-#. Translators: this the number of pages that are included by side when exporting a PDF"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:16
-msgid "Pages per side:"
-msgstr "Orri kopurua aldeko:"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:17
-msgid "<b>Output File</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Irteerako fitxategia</b>"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:18
-msgid "_Save"
-msgstr "_Gorde"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PlayerHistoryDialog.ui.h:1
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:19
-msgid "Player's Game Session History"
-msgstr "Jokalariaren jokoaren saioaren historia"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PlayerHistoryDialog.ui.h:2
-msgid "Show:"
-msgstr "Erakutsi:"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:1
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:21
-msgid "Preferences"
-msgstr "Hobespenak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:3
-msgid "Skip games that use colors (for colorblind users)"
-msgstr ""
-"Saltatu koloreak erabiltzen dituzten jokoak (erabiltzaile daltonikoentzako)"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:4
-msgid "Force gbrainy to always use English language (ignore translations)"
-msgstr "Behartu gbrainy beti ingelesa erabiltzera (ez ikusi egin itzulpenei)"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:5
-msgid "Search and load extensions when starting"
-msgstr "Bilatu eta kargatu hedapenak abiaraztean"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:6
-msgid "Enable sounds"
-msgstr "Gaitu soinuak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:7
-msgid "Theme:"
-msgstr "Gaia:"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:12
-msgid "<b>Memory Games</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Memoria jokoak</b>"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:13
-msgid "Time in seconds to memorize the challenge:"
-msgstr "Erronka memorizatzeko denbora (seg.):"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:14
-msgid "Show a countdown message"
-msgstr "Erakutsi atzerako kontaketa duen mezua"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:15
-msgid "<b>Player's Game Session History</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Jokalariaren jokoaren saioaren historia</b>"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:16
-msgid "Minimum number of played games to store the game session:"
-msgstr "Gutxieneko joko kopurua jokoaren saioaren historian gordetzeko:"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:17
-msgid "Maximum number of records in the player's game session history:"
-msgstr ""
-"Erregistroen gehienezko kopurua jokalariaren jokoaren saioaren historian "
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:18
-msgid "Delete Player's Game Session History"
-msgstr "Ezabatu jokalariaren jokoaren saioaren historia"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.cs:428
-msgid "Congratulations."
-msgstr "Zorionak."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.cs:432
-msgid "Incorrect answer."
-msgstr "Erantzun okerra."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.cs:493
-msgid ""
-"Once you have an answer type it in the \"Answer:\" entry box and press the "
-"\"OK\" button."
-msgstr ""
-"Erantzuna daukazunean, idatz ezazu \"Erantzuna:\" eremuan eta eta sakatu "
-"\"Ados\" botoia."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.cs:523
-msgid "The level of translation of gbrainy for your language is low."
-msgstr "Zure hizkuntzarako gbrainy-ren itzulpen-maila txikia da."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.cs:524
-msgid ""
-"You may be exposed to partially translated games making it more difficult to "
-"play. If you prefer to play in English, there is an option for doing so in "
-"gbrainy's Preferences."
-msgstr ""
-"Beharbada zati bat bakarrik itzulitako jokoak ikusiko dituzu eta zaila "
-"gertatuko zaizu jokatzea. Nahiago baduzu ingelesez jokatu, badaukazu hala "
-"egiteko gbrainy-ren Hobespenetan."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.cs:620
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:143
-msgid "Pause"
-msgstr "Pausarazi"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.cs:625
-msgid "Resume"
-msgstr "Jarraitu"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.cs:775
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Startup time {0}"
-msgstr "Hasierako ordua {0}"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:2
-msgid "_Game"
-msgstr "_Jokoa"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:3
-msgid "_New Game"
-msgstr "Joko _berria"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:4
-msgid "All Games (Logic, Mental Calculation, Memory and Verbal Analogies)"
-msgstr "Joko eta hezitzaile guztiak (logika, buruzko kalkulua eta memoria)"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:5
-msgid "Logic Puzzles Only"
-msgstr "Logikako puzzleak soilik"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:6
-msgid "Mental Calculation Only"
-msgstr "Buruzko kalkulua soilik"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:7
-msgid "Memory Trainers Only"
-msgstr "Memoria hezitzaileak soilik"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:8
-msgid "Verbal Analogies Only"
-msgstr "Hizketako analogiak soilik"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:9
-msgid "Custom Game Selection..."
-msgstr "Joko pertsonalizatuaren hautapena..."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:10
-msgid "_Pause Game"
-msgstr "_Pausatu jokoa"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:11
-msgid "_End Game"
-msgstr "Joko-_amaiera"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:12
-msgid "Export Games to PDF for Off-line Playing..."
-msgstr "Esportatu jokoak PDFra lineaz kanpo jokatzeko..."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:13
-msgid "_View"
-msgstr "_Ikusi"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:14
-msgid "Toolbar"
-msgstr "Tresna-barra"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:15
-msgid "Show"
-msgstr "Erakutsi"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:16
-msgid "Orientation"
-msgstr "Orientazioa"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:17
-msgid "Vertical"
-msgstr "Bertikala"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:18
-msgid "Horizontal"
-msgstr "Horizontala"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:20
-msgid "_Settings"
-msgstr "_Ezarpenak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:22
-msgid "Extensions"
-msgstr "Hedapenak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:23
-msgid "_Help"
-msgstr "_Laguntza"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:24
-msgid "_Contents"
-msgstr "_Edukia"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:25
-msgid "How to Extend gbrainy's Functionality"
-msgstr "Nola zabaldu Gbrainy-ren funtzionalitateak?"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:26
-msgid "Answer:"
-msgstr "Erantzuna:"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:27
-msgid "_Next"
-msgstr "_Hurrengoa"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:28
-msgid "_Tip"
-msgstr "_Aholkua"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:31
-msgid "Add-in Manager"
-msgstr "Gehigarrien kudeatzailea"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:32
-msgid "Additional extensions are required to perform this operation."
-msgstr "Hedapen gehigarriak behar dira eragiketa hau lantzeko."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:33
-msgid "The following add-ins will be installed:"
-msgstr "Instalatuko diren gehigarriak:"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:34
-msgid "<big><b>Add-in Manager</b></big>"
-msgstr "<big><b>Gehigarrien kudeatzailea</b></big>"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:35
-msgid "The following add-ins are currently installed:"
-msgstr "Unean instalatuta dauden gehigarriak:"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:36
-msgid "_Install Add-ins..."
-msgstr "_Instalatu gehigarriak..."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:37
-msgid "_Repositories..."
-msgstr "_Biltegiak..."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:38
-msgid "_Uninstall..."
-msgstr "_Desinstalatu..."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:39
-msgid "Enable"
-msgstr "Gaitu"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:40
-msgid "Disable"
-msgstr "Desgaitu"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:41
-msgid "Add-in"
-msgstr "Gehigarria"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:42
-msgid "Version"
-msgstr "Bertsioa"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:43
-msgid "Other"
-msgstr "Bestelakoa"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:44
-msgid "Version:"
-msgstr "Bertsioa:"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:45
-msgid "Author:"
-msgstr "Egilea:"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:46
-msgid "Copyright:"
-msgstr "Copyright-a:"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:47
-msgid "Add-in Dependencies:"
-msgstr "Gehigarrien mendekotasunak:"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:48
-msgid "<b>Select the add-ins to install and click on Next</b>"
-msgstr "<b>Hautatu gehigarriak instalatzeko eta egin klik Hurrengoan</b>"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:49
-msgid "Show all packages"
-msgstr "Erakutsi pakete guztiak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:50
-msgid "Show new versions only"
-msgstr "Erakutsi bertsio berriak soilik"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:51
-msgid "Show updates only"
-msgstr "Erakutsi eguneratzeak soilik"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:52
-msgid "_Unselect All"
-msgstr "_Desinstalatu denak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:53
-msgid "Select _All"
-msgstr "Hautatu _denak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:54
-msgid "Add-in Installation"
-msgstr "Gehigarrien instalazioa"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:55
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Izena"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:56
-msgid "Url"
-msgstr "URLa"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:57
-msgid "Install from:"
-msgstr "Instalatu hemendik:"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:58
-msgid "Repository"
-msgstr "Biltegia"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:59
-msgid "All registered repositories"
-msgstr "Erregistratutako biltegi guztiak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:60
-msgid "Register an on-line repository"
-msgstr "Erregistratu lineako biltegia"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:61
-msgid "Select the location of the repository you want to register:"
-msgstr "Hautatu erregistratzea nahi duzun biltegiaren kokalekua:"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:62
-msgid "Register a local repository"
-msgstr "Erregistratu biltegi lokala"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:63
-msgid "Url:"
-msgstr "URLa:"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:64
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/BrowseFile.cs:43
-msgid "Browse..."
-msgstr "Arakatu..."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:65
-msgid "Path:"
-msgstr "Bide-izena:"
-#. Mono Addins 0.6
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:68
-msgid "Installed"
-msgstr "Instalatuta"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:69
-msgid "Updates"
-msgstr "Eguneratzeak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:70
-msgid "Gallery"
-msgstr "Galeria"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:71
-msgid "Repository:"
-msgstr "Biltegia:"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:72
-msgid "Install from file..."
-msgstr "Instalatu fitxategitik..."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:73
-msgid "No selection"
-msgstr "Hautapenik ez"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:74
-msgid "No add-ins found"
-msgstr "Ez da gehigarririk aurkitu"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:75
-msgid "Refresh"
-msgstr "Freskatu"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:76
-msgid "Add-in packages"
-msgstr "Gehigarri-paketeak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:77
-msgid "Install Add-in Package"
-msgstr "Instalatu gehigarri-paketea"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:78
-msgid "All repositories"
-msgstr "Biltegi guztiak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:79
-msgid "Manage Repositories..."
-msgstr "Kudeatu biltegiak..."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:80
-msgid "Add-in Repository Management"
-msgstr "Gehigarrien biltegiaren kudeatzailea"
-#. Translators: {0} is a number indicating the Addins available for update
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/MonoAddinsStrings.cs:87
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "{0} update available"
-msgid_plural "{0} updates available"
-msgstr[0] "{0} eguneratze erabilgarri"
-msgstr[1] "{0} eguneratze erabilgarri"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/BrowseFile.cs:84
-msgid "Open Location"
-msgstr "Ireki kokalekua"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/GameDrawingArea.cs:127
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSession.cs:185
-msgid "Paused"
-msgstr "Pausarazita"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:118
-msgid "Play all the games"
-msgstr "Jokatu joko guztiak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:119
-msgid "All"
-msgstr "Denak"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:123
-msgid "Play games that challenge your reasoning and thinking"
-msgstr "Jokatu arrazoibidea eta pentsaeraren erronka dituzten jokoak."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:129
-msgid "Play games that challenge your mental calculation skills"
-msgstr "Jokatu buruzko kalkuluen trebezia eskatzen dituzten jokoak."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:133
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTypes.cs:47 ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:123
-msgid "Memory"
-msgstr "Memoria"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:134
-msgid "Play games that challenge your short term memory"
-msgstr "Jokatu epe laburreko memoria eskatzen dituzten jokoak."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:139
-msgid "Play games that challenge your verbal aptitude"
-msgstr "Jokatu zure hizketaren gaitasuna erronkan jartzen dituzten jokoak."
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:144
-msgid "Pause or resume the game"
-msgstr "Pausatu edo jarraitu jokoa"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:148
-msgid "End the game and show score"
-msgstr "Amaitu jokoa eta erakutsi puntuazioa"
-#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:149
-msgid "End"
-msgstr "Amaiera"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/ColorPalette.cs:72
-msgid "red"
-msgstr "gorria"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/ColorPalette.cs:73
-msgid "green"
-msgstr "berdea"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/ColorPalette.cs:74
-msgid "blue"
-msgstr "urdina"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/ColorPalette.cs:75
-msgid "yellow"
-msgstr "horia"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/ColorPalette.cs:76
-msgid "magenta"
-msgstr "magenta"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/ColorPalette.cs:77
-msgid "orange"
-msgstr "laranja"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/ColorPalette.cs:78
-msgid "black"
-msgstr "beltza"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/ColorPalette.cs:79
-msgid "white"
-msgstr "zuria"
-#. Translators Note
-#. The following series of answers may need to be adapted
-#. in cultures with alphabets different to the Latin one.
-#. The idea is to enumerate a sequence of possible answers
-#. For languages represented with the Latin alphabet use
-#. the same than English
-#. First possible answer for a series (e.g.: Figure A)
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:116
-msgid "A"
-msgstr "A"
-#. Second possible answer for a series
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:118
-msgid "B"
-msgstr "B"
-#. Third possible answer for a series
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:120
-msgid "C"
-msgstr "C"
-#. Fourth possible answer for a series
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:122
-msgid "D"
-msgstr "D"
-#. Fifth possible answer for a series
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:124
-msgid "E"
-msgstr "E"
-#. Sixth possible answer for a series
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:126
-msgid "F"
-msgstr "F"
-#. Seventh possible answer for a series
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:128
-msgid "G"
-msgstr "G"
-#. Eighth possible answer for a series
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:130
-msgid "H"
-msgstr "H"
-#. Translators. This is the list of valid answers, like A or B.
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:146
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "{0} or {1}"
-msgstr "{0} edo {1}"
-#. Translators. This is the list of valid answers, like A, B or C.
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:150
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "{0}, {1} or {2}"
-msgstr "{0}, {1} edo {2}"
-#. Translators. This is the list of valid answers, like A, B, C or D.
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:154
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "{0}, {1}, {2} or {3}"
-msgstr "{0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:163
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Figure {0}"
-msgstr "{0} irudia"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Game.cs:138
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsCompare.cs:67
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "The correct answer is {0}."
-msgid_plural "The possible correct answers are {0}."
-msgstr[0] "Erantzun zuzena {0} da."
-msgstr[1] "Erantzun zuzenak {0} dira."
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameManager.cs:251
-msgid "Extensions database:"
-msgstr "Hedapenen datu-basea:"
-#. Translators: 'Games registered' is the games know to gbrainy (build-in and load from addins-in and
external files)
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameManager.cs:257
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"{0} games registered: {1} logic puzzles, {2} calculation trainers, {3} "
-"memory trainers, {4} verbal analogies"
-msgstr ""
-"Erregistratutako jokoak: {0}: {1} logika-puzzle, {2} matematika-hezitzaile, "
-"{3} memoria-hezitzaile, {4} hizketa-analogia"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSession.cs:183
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Games played: {0} (Score: {1})"
-msgstr "Jolastutako jokoak: {0} (puntuazioa: {1})"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSession.cs:184
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Time: {0}"
-msgstr "Denbora: {0}"
-#. Translators: {0} is the name of the game
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSession.cs:189
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Game: {0}"
-msgstr "Jokoa: {0}"
-#. Translators: text in the status bar: games played - time - game name
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSession.cs:191
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "{0} - {1} - {2}"
-msgstr "{0} - {1} - {2}"
-#. Translators: text in the status bar: games played - time
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSession.cs:194
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "{0} - {1}"
-msgstr "{0} - {1}"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSessionHistory.cs:80
-msgid "Outstanding results"
-msgstr "Emaitza zoragarriak"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSessionHistory.cs:82
-msgid "Excellent results"
-msgstr "Emaitza oso onak"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSessionHistory.cs:84
-msgid "Good results"
-msgstr "Emaitza onak"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSessionHistory.cs:86
-msgid "Poor results"
-msgstr "Emaitza pobreak"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSessionHistory.cs:87
-msgid "Disappointing results"
-msgstr "Emaitza txarrak"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:59
-msgid "Read the instructions carefully and identify the data and given clues."
-msgstr ""
-"Arretaz irakurri argibideak eta identifikatu datuak eta emandako aztarnak."
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:61
-msgid ""
-"To score the player gbrainy uses the time and tips needed to complete each "
-msgstr ""
-"Jokalariaren puntuazioa ezartzeko gbrainy-k joko bakoitza burutzeko behar "
-"den denbora eta aholkuak hartzen ditu kontuan."
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:63
-msgid ""
-"In logic games, elements that may seem irrelevant can be very important."
-msgstr ""
-"Joko logikoetan, garrantzi gutxikoak diruditen elementuak oso garrantzitsuak "
-"izan daitezke."
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:65
-msgid "Try to approach a problem from different angles."
-msgstr "Saiatu ikuspuntu desberdinetatik ikusten arazoa."
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:67
-msgid ""
-"Do not be afraid of making mistakes, they are part of the learning process."
-msgstr "Gozatu akatsekin ere, ikasketaren prozesuaren zati direlako."
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:69
-msgid ""
-"Do all the problems, even the difficult ones. Improvement comes from "
-"challeging yourself."
-msgstr ""
-"Landu buruketa guztiak, baita zailak direnak ere. Hobekuntza praktikaren "
-"bidez lortzen da."
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:71
-msgid "Play on a daily basis, you will notice progress soon."
-msgstr "Jokatu egunero, eta azkar nabarituko duzu aurrerakuntzak."
-#. Translators: Custom Game Selection is a menu option
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:73
-msgid ""
-"Use the 'Custom Game Selection' to choose exactly which games you want to "
-msgstr ""
-"Erabili 'Joko pertsonalizatuaren hautapena' jokatzea nahi duzun jokoa "
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:75 ../src/Core/Views/WelcomeView.cs:151
-msgid "Use the Settings to adjust the difficulty level of the game."
-msgstr "Erabili 'Ezarpenak' jokoaren zailtasun maila doitzeko."
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:77
-msgid "Association of elements is a common technique for remembering things."
-msgstr "Elementuak elkartzea teknika oso arrunta da gauzak gogoratzeko."
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:79
-msgid ""
-"Grouping elements into categories is a common technique for remembering "
-msgstr ""
-"Elementuak kategorietan taldekatzea teknika oso arrunta da gauzak "
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:81
-msgid "Build acronyms using the first letter of each fact to be remembered."
-msgstr ""
-"Eraiki akronimoak gogoratutako egitate bakoitzaren aurreneko hizkia erabiliz "
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:83
-msgid ""
-"The enjoyment obtained from a puzzle is proportional to the time spent on it."
-msgstr ""
-"Puzzle batengandik lortutako gozamena bertan igarotako denborarekiko "
-"proportzionala da."
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:85
-msgid "Think of breaking down every problem into simpler components."
-msgstr "Arazo bakoitza osagai txiki bakunagoetan zatitzea pentsatu."
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:87
-msgid "When answering verbal analogies pay attention to the verb tense."
-msgstr "Hizketako analogiei erantzutean aditz-denborari arreta jartzen zaio."
-#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:89
-msgid ""
-"When you go shopping, try to perform calculations without the use of a "
-msgstr ""
-"Erosketak egitera joaten zarenean, saiatu buruz egiten kalkuluak, "
-"kalkulagailurik gabe."
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Memory.cs:53
-msgid "Memorize the objects below in the given time"
-msgstr "Memorizatu azpiko objektuak emandako denboran"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Memory.cs:233
-msgid "Time left"
-msgstr "Falta den denbora"
-#. Translators: {0} is the game number and {1} the game question or answer
-#. The number is used as reference when looking for the game solution in the PDF
-#: ../src/Core/Main/PdfExporter.cs:112 ../src/Core/Main/PdfExporter.cs:172
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Game #{0}. {1}"
-msgstr "Joko-zk.: #{0}. {1}"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/PdfExporter.cs:129
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Created by gbrainy {0}"
-msgstr "Sortzailea: gbrainy {0}"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/PdfExporter.cs:164
-msgid "Solutions"
-msgstr "Soluzioak"
-#. Translators: this the separator used when concatenating multiple possible answers for verbal analogies
-#. For example: "Possible correct answers are: sleep, rest."
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/Analogies.cs:76
-msgid ", "
-msgstr ", "
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesMultipleOptions.cs:38
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Multiple options #{0}"
-msgstr "Hainbat aukera {0}."
-#. Translators: {0} is replaced by a question and {1} by the possible valid answers
-#. E.g.: What is the correct option? Answer A, B, C or D.
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesMultipleOptions.cs:51
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsOptions.cs:60
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "{0} Answer {1}."
-msgstr "{0} erantzuna: {1}"
-#. Translators: this "option) answer" for example "a) "21 x 60 = 1260". This should not be changed for most
of the languages
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesMultipleOptions.cs:87
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsOptions.cs:103
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationCloserFraction.cs:164
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationGreatestDivisor.cs:152
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleOstracism.cs:164
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:183
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:142
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "{0}) {1}"
-msgstr "{0}) {1}"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsCompare.cs:39
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Pair of words compare #{0}"
-msgstr "Konparatu hitz bikoteak {0}."
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsCompare.cs:55
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsOptions.cs:55
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Given the relationship between the two words below, which word has the same "
-"relationship to '{0}'?"
-msgstr ""
-"Azpiko bi hitzen arteko erlazioa emanda, zein hitzek du '{0}'(r)ekiko "
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsCompare.cs:112
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsOptions.cs:125
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Words: {0}"
-msgstr "Hitzak: {0}"
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsOptions.cs:39
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Pair of words #{0}"
-msgstr "Hitz bikoteak {0}."
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesQuestionAnswer.cs:36
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Question and answer #{0}"
-msgstr "Galderak eta erantzunak {0}."
-#. Translators {0}: list of options (A, B, C)
-#: ../src/Core/Main/Xml/GameXml.cs:216
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Answer {0}."
-msgstr "Erantzuna: {0}."
-#: ../src/Core/Views/CountDownView.cs:80
-msgid "Get ready to memorize the next objects..."
-msgstr "Egon prest hurrengo objektuak memorizatzeko..."
-#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:145
-#: ../src/Core/Views/PlayerHistoryView.cs:277
-msgid "Score"
-msgstr "Puntuazioa"
-#. Translator: This will be part of the sentence "Games won: 10 (6 played)"
-#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:154
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "{0} played"
-msgid_plural "{0} played"
-msgstr[0] "{0} jokatuta"
-msgstr[1] "{0} jokatuta"
-#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:158
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Games won: {0} ({1})"
-msgid_plural "Games won: {0} ({1})"
-msgstr[0] "Irabazitako partidak: {0} ({1})"
-msgstr[1] "Irabazitako partidak: {0} ({1})"
-#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:162
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "{0}. Games won: {1} ({2})"
-msgid_plural "{0}. Games won: {1} ({2})"
-msgstr[0] "{0}. Irabazitako partidak: {1} ({2})"
-msgstr[1] "{0}. Irabazitako partidak: {1} ({2})"
-#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:168
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Time played {0} (average per game {1})"
-msgstr "Erabilitako denbora: {0} (batez bestekoa: {1})"
-#. Translators: translated string should not be longer that the English original (space restriction on the
-#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:177
-msgid "For details on how gbrainy's scoring works refer to the help."
-msgstr ""
-"Irakurri ezazu laguntza gbrainy-k puntuazioak nola banatzen dituen buruz "
-"gehiago jakiteko."
-#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:189
-msgid "Tips for your next games"
-msgstr "Hurrengo jokoetarako aholkuak"
-#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:217
-msgid "Congratulations! New personal record"
-msgstr "Zorionak! Zure marka pertsonala hautsi duzu"
-#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:227
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"By scoring {0} in logic puzzle games you have established a new personal "
-"record. Your previous record was {1}."
-msgstr ""
-"Logikako puzzleen jokoetan lortutako %{0} puntuazioak zure marka pertsonal "
-"berria ezarri du. Aurreko marka %{1} zen."
-#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:233
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"By scoring {0} in calculation games you have established a new personal "
-"record. Your previous record was {1}."
-msgstr ""
-"Kalkuluetako jokoetan lortutako %{0} puntuazioak zure marka pertsonal berria "
-"ezarri du. Aurreko marka %{1} zen."
-#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:239
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"By scoring {0} in memory games you have established a new personal record. "
-"Your previous record was {1}."
-msgstr ""
-"Memoria jokoetan lortutako %{0} puntuazioak zure marka pertsonal berria "
-"ezarri du. Aurreko marka %{1} zen."
-#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:245
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"By scoring {0} in verbal analogies you have established a new personal "
-"record. Your previous record was {1}."
-msgstr ""
-"Hizketako analogien jokoetan lortutako %{0} puntuazioak zure marka pertsonal "
-"berria ezarri du. Aurreko marka %{1} zen."
-#: ../src/Core/Views/PlayerHistoryView.cs:276
-msgid "Time"
-msgstr "Ordua"
-#: ../src/Core/Views/WelcomeView.cs:64
-msgid "Logic puzzles. Challenge your reasoning and thinking skills."
-msgstr ""
-"Logika puzzleak. Zure logika eta arrazoinamenduaren trebetasunak erronkan "
-"jartzeko diseinatua."
-#: ../src/Core/Views/WelcomeView.cs:85
-msgid ""
-"Mental calculation. Arithmetical operations that test your mental "
-"calculation abilities."
-msgstr ""
-"Buruzko kalkulua. Eragiketa aritmetikoen bidez zure gaitasun mentala "
-#: ../src/Core/Views/WelcomeView.cs:106
-msgid "Memory trainers. To prove your short term memory."
-msgstr "Memoria hezitzaileak. Epe laburrean zure memoria neurtu eta hobetzeko."
-#: ../src/Core/Views/WelcomeView.cs:127
-msgid "Verbal analogies. Challenge your verbal aptitude."
-msgstr "Hizketako analogiak. Zure hizketako gaitasunarentzako erronka."
-#. Translators: {0} is the version number of the program
-#: ../src/Core/Views/WelcomeView.cs:143
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Welcome to gbrainy {0}"
-msgstr "Ondo etorri Gbrainy-ra {0}"
-#: ../src/Core/Views/WelcomeView.cs:147
-msgid ""
-"gbrainy is a brain teaser game and trainer to have fun and to keep your "
-"brain trained. It includes:"
-msgstr ""
-"gbrainy zure garuna gazte eta sasoiko mantenduko duen programa da. Honakoak "
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationArithmetical.cs:41
-msgid "Arithmetical operations"
-msgstr "Eragiketa aritmetikoak"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationArithmetical.cs:49
-msgid "What is the result of the following operation?"
-msgstr "Zein da eragiketa honen emaitza?"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationAverage.cs:38
-msgid "Average"
-msgstr "Batez bestekoa"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationAverage.cs:55
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Given the numbers: {0}. Which of the following numbers is closest to the "
-"average? Answer {1}, {2}, {3} or {4}."
-msgstr ""
-"Zenbakiak: {0}. Hurrengo zenbakietatik zein dago batez bestekotik hurbilen? "
-"Erantzun {1}, {2}, {3} edo {4}."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationAverage.cs:60
-msgid ""
-"The average of a list of numbers is their sum divided by the number of "
-"numbers in the list."
-msgstr ""
-"Zenbakien zerrenda bateko batez bestekoa zenbaki guztien batura zerrendako "
-"elementuen kopuruarekin zatituz lortzen da."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationAverage.cs:65
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "The result of the operation is {0}."
-msgstr "Eragiketaren emaitza {0} da."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationCloserFraction.cs:37
-msgid "Closer fraction"
-msgstr "Zatiki hurbilena"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationCloserFraction.cs:46
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which of the following numbers is closer to {0}? Answer {1}, {2}, {3} or {4}."
-msgstr ""
-"Hurrengo zenbakietatik zein dago {0}(e)tik hurbilen? Erantzuna {1}, {2}, {3} "
-"edo {4}."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationCloserFraction.cs:55
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "The result of the operation {0} / {1} is '{2}'."
-msgstr "{0} / {1} eragiketaren emaitza '{2}' da."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationConsecutiveSum.cs:36
-msgid "Consecutive sum"
-msgstr "Ondoz ondoko batura"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationConsecutiveSum.cs:45
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"In the list of single-digit numbers below, there are 5 consecutive numbers "
-"whose sum is {0}. Which numbers are these?"
-msgstr ""
-"Digitu bakarreko zenbakien zerrendan, ondoz ondoko 5 zenbaki daude {0} "
-"batura ematen dutenak. Zein zenbaki dira?"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationFractions.cs:61
-msgid "Fractions"
-msgstr "Zatikiak"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationFractions.cs:69
-msgid ""
-"What is the result of the given operation? Answer using either a fraction or "
-"a number."
-msgstr ""
-"Zein da eragiketa honen emaitza? Erantzun dezakezu zatiki edo zenbaki bat "
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationGreatestDivisor.cs:36
-msgid "Greatest divisor"
-msgstr "Zatitzaile handiena"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationGreatestDivisor.cs:45
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which of the possible divisors is the greatest that divides all numbers? "
-"Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Zatitzaile guztien artean zein da zenbaki guztien zatitzaile den zenbakirik "
-"handiena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationGreatestDivisor.cs:243
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationSelectedNumbers.cs:231
-msgid "Numbers"
-msgstr "Zenbakiak"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationGreatestDivisor.cs:257
-msgid "Possible divisors"
-msgstr "Zatitzaile posibleak"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationOperator.cs:34
-msgid "Operators"
-msgstr "Eragileak"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationOperator.cs:38
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "The first operator is {0}."
-msgstr "Lehenengo eragilea {0} da."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationOperator.cs:46
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Which operators make {0}, {1}, and {2} equal {3}? Answer using '+-/*'."
-msgstr ""
-"Zein eragilek egiten dute {0}, {1}, eta {2}, {3} ematea? Erantzun '+-/*' "
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationOperator.cs:109
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationRatio.cs:86
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationTwoNumbers.cs:100
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "{0} and {1}"
-msgstr "{0} eta {1}"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationPrimes.cs:67
-msgid "Primes"
-msgstr "Lehenak"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationPrimes.cs:76
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which of the following numbers is a prime? A prime number is a positive "
-"integer that has exactly two different positive divisors, 1 and itself. "
-"Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Ondorengo zenbakietako zein da lehena? Zenbaki lehena osoko zenbaki positibo "
-"bat da, eta soilik bi zatitzaile positibo ditu: 1 eta bere burua. Erantzun "
-"{0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationPrimes.cs:81
-msgid ""
-"If the sum of all digits in a given number is divisible by 3, then so is the "
-"number. For example 15 = 1 + 5 = 6, which is divisible by 3."
-msgstr ""
-"Emandako zenbaki baten digitu guztien batura 3rekin zatitu badaiteke, orduan "
-"hori da zenbakia. Adibidez, 15 = 1 + 5 = 6, eta hau 3rekin zati daiteke."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationPrimes.cs:86
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "The number {0} is a prime number."
-msgstr "{0} zenbakia lehena da."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationProportions.cs:36
-msgid "Proportions"
-msgstr "Proportzioak"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationProportions.cs:46
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "What is {0}% of {1}/{2}? Answer {3}, {4}, {5} or {6}."
-msgstr "Zer da {1}/{2}(r)en %{0}a? Erantzun {3}, {4}, {5} edo {6}."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationRatio.cs:31
-msgid "Ratio"
-msgstr "Erlazioa"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationRatio.cs:41
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which two numbers have a sum of {0} and have a ratio of {1} to {2}? Answer "
-"using two numbers (e.g.: 1 and 2)."
-msgstr ""
-"Zein dira {0} batura ematen duten eta {1}/{2} erlazioa duten bi zenbakiak? "
-"Erantzun bi zenbaki erabiliz (adib.: 1 eta 2)."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationRatio.cs:48
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"The second number can be calculated by multiplying the first number by {0} "
-"and dividing it by {1}."
-msgstr ""
-"Bigarren zenbakia aurrena {0} balioarekin biderkatuz eta {1} balioarekin "
-"zatituz kalkulatzen da."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationRatio.cs:54
-msgid ""
-"A ratio specifies a proportion between two numbers. A ratio of a:b means "
-"that for every 'a' parts you have 'b' parts."
-msgstr ""
-"Erlazio batek bi zenbakiren arteko proportzioa zehazten du. 'a:b' erlazio "
-"batek zera adierazten du: 'a' zati bakoitzeko 'b' zati daudela."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationRatio.cs:98
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationTwoNumbers.cs:114
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "x + y = {0}"
-msgstr "x + y = {0}"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationRatio.cs:101
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "have a ratio of {0}:{1}"
-msgstr "{0}:{1} erlazioa du"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationSelectedNumbers.cs:48
-msgid "Selected numbers"
-msgstr "Hautatutako zenbakiak"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationSelectedNumbers.cs:61
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"In the list of numbers below, what is the sum of all the numbers with a "
-"value greater than {0}? Answer {1}, {2}, {3} or {4}."
-msgstr ""
-"Ondorengo zenbaki-zerrendan, zein da {0} baino balio handiagoa duten zenbaki "
-"guztien batura? Erantzun {1}, {2}, {3} edo {4}."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationSelectedNumbers.cs:66
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"In the list of numbers below, what is the product of all the numbers with a "
-"value greater than {0}? Answer {1}, {2}, {3} or {4}."
-msgstr ""
-"Ondorengo zenbaki-zerrendan, zein da {0} baino balio handiagoa duten zenbaki "
-"guztien biderkadura? Erantzun {1}, {2}, {3} edo {4}."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationTwoNumbers.cs:40
-msgid "Two numbers"
-msgstr "Bi zenbaki"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationTwoNumbers.cs:51
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which two numbers when added are {0} and when multiplied are {1}? Answer "
-"using two numbers (e.g.: 1 and 2)."
-msgstr ""
-"Zein bi zenbaki batu eta gero {0} ematen dute eta biderkatu ondoren {1}? "
-"Erantzun bi zenbaki erabiliz (adib.: 1 eta 2)."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationTwoNumbers.cs:53
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which two numbers when subtracted are {0} and when multiplied are {1}? "
-"Answer using two numbers (e.g.: 1 and 2)."
-msgstr ""
-"Zein bi zenbaki kendu eta gero {0} ematen dute eta biderkatu ondoren {1}? "
-"Erantzun bi zenbaki erabiliz (adib.: 1 eta 2)."
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationTwoNumbers.cs:117
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "x - y = {0}"
-msgstr "x - y = {0}"
-#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationTwoNumbers.cs:124
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "x * y = {0}"
-msgstr "x * y = {0}"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/Puzzle3DCube.cs:31
-msgid "3D Cube"
-msgstr "3D kuboa"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/Puzzle3DCube.cs:35
-msgid ""
-"How many small cubes does it take to build the large cube below? Answer "
-"using a number."
-msgstr ""
-"Zenbat kubo txiki behar dira azpiko kubo handia eraikitzeko? Erantzun ezazu "
-"zenbaki bat erabiliz."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/Puzzle3DCube.cs:39
-msgid "A cube is a regular solid object having six congruent square faces."
-msgstr ""
-"Kubo bat objektu laukizuzen trinkoa da, eta sei karratuko aurpegi ditu."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleBalance.cs:49
-msgid "Balance"
-msgstr "Oreka"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleBalance.cs:53
-msgid ""
-"Using triangles only, how many triangles are needed in the right part of the "
-"last figure to keep it balanced?"
-msgstr ""
-"Triangeluak soilik erabiliz, zenbat triangelu behar dira azken irudiko "
-"eskuineko zatian oreka mantentzeko?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleBalance.cs:58
-msgid ""
-"Every circle is equivalent to two triangles and every square to three "
-msgstr ""
-"Zirkulu bakoitza bi hirukiren baliokidea da, eta lauki bakoitza hiru "
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleBalance.cs:63
-msgid "Every circle is equivalent two triangles."
-msgstr "Zirkulu bakoitza bi triangeluren baliokidea da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleBuildTriangle.cs:50
-msgid "Build a triangle"
-msgstr "Eraiki triangelu bat"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleBuildTriangle.cs:55
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which three pieces can you use together to build a triangle? Answer using "
-"the three figure names, e.g.: {0}{1}{2}."
-msgstr ""
-"Zein hiru pieza erabili behar dituzu aldi berean triangelu bat osatzeko? "
-"Erantzun hiru irudien izenak erabiliz, adib: {0}, {1}, {2}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleBuildTriangle.cs:60
-msgid "The resulting triangle is isosceles."
-msgstr "Emaitzako triangelua isoszelea da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleBuildTriangle.cs:173
-msgid "The triangle is:"
-msgstr "Triangelua da:"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCirclesSquare.cs:29
-msgid "Circles in a square"
-msgstr "Zirkuluak karratu batean"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCirclesSquare.cs:33
-msgid ""
-"What is the maximum number of circles (as shown) that fit in the square "
-msgstr ""
-"Zein da gehienezko (erakutsitakoak bezalako) zirkulu kopurua azpiko "
-"laukizuzenean doitzeko?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCirclesSquare.cs:37
-msgid "You can fit more than 64 circles."
-msgstr "64 zirkulu baino gehiago doi ditzakezu."
-#. Translators: {0} is replaced always by 0.1340
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCirclesSquare.cs:43
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Using the above layout {0} units of height are gained per row leaving enough "
-"space for an additional row."
-msgstr ""
-"Erakutsitako eskeman altueraren {0} unitate irabazten dira errenkadako. "
-"Horrek errenkada gehigarri batentzako nahikoa leku uzten du."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCirclesSquare.cs:77
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCirclesSquare.cs:96
-msgid "8 units"
-msgstr "8 unitate"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCirclesSquare.cs:115
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCirclesSquare.cs:134
-msgid "1 unit"
-msgstr "Unitate 1"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleClocks.cs:37
-msgid "Clocks"
-msgstr "Ordulariak"
-#. Translators: {0} is replaced by 'Figure X'
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleClocks.cs:43
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"To what number should the large handle of the '{0}' clock point? Answer "
-"using numbers."
-msgstr ""
-"Zein zenbakira zuzentzen du '{0}' ordulariaren orratz luzeak? Erantzun "
-"zenbakiak erabiliz."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleClocks.cs:51
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Starting from the first clock, add {1} to the number obtained by appending "
-"the values to which the hands point. For example, the values of the hands "
-"for '{0}' are {3} ({2} + {1})."
-msgstr ""
-"Lehen erlojutik hasiz, gehitu {1} eskuek seinalatzen dituzten balioak "
-"erantsiz lortzen den zenbakiari. Adibidez, eskuek '{0}'(r)entzat adierazten "
-"dituzten balioak balioak {3} ({2} + {1}) dira."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleClocks.cs:57
-msgid "The clocks do not follow the time logic."
-msgstr "Ordulariek ez dute denboraren logika jarraitzen."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountCircles.cs:45
-msgid "Count circles"
-msgstr "Zenbatu zirkuluak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountCircles.cs:49
-msgid "How many circles do you count?"
-msgstr "Zenbat zirkulu zenbatu dituzu?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountCircles.cs:53
-msgid "It is an easy exercise if you systematically count the circles."
-msgstr "Ariketa erraza da sistematikoki zirkuluak zenbatzen badituzu."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCounting.cs:41
-msgid "Counting"
-msgstr "Zenbatzea"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCounting.cs:64
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "We have a {0} meter piece of fabric."
-msgid_plural "We have a {0} meters piece of fabric."
-msgstr[0] "Ehunaren metro {0}eko pieza bat dugu."
-msgstr[1] "Ehunaren {0} metrotako pieza bat dugu."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCounting.cs:68
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"A machine takes {0} second to cut 1 meter of this fabric. How many seconds "
-"does the machine take to cut the entire piece of fabric into 1 meter pieces?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"A machine takes {0} seconds to cut 1 meter of this fabric. How many seconds "
-"does the machine take to cut the entire piece of fabric into 1 meter pieces?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Makina batek {0} segundo behar du oihal honen 1 metro mozteko. Zenbat "
-"segundo behar ditu makinak oihalaren pieza osoa 1 metroko piezetan mozteko?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Makina batek {0} segundo behar ditu oihal honen 1 metro mozteko. Zenbat "
-"segundo behar ditu makinak oihalaren pieza osoa 1 metroko piezetan mozteko?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCounting.cs:72
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "With the cut number {0}, the machine creates two 1 meter pieces."
-msgid_plural "With the cut number {0}, the machine creates two 1 meter pieces."
-msgstr[0] "{0}. mozketarekin makinak 1 metroko bi pieza sortzen ditu."
-msgstr[1] "{0}. mozketarekin makinak 1 metroko bi pieza sortzen ditu."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCounting.cs:85
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"A fence is built to enclose a square shaped region. {0} fence pole is used "
-"in each side of the square. How many fence poles are used in total?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"A fence is built to enclose a square shaped region. {0} fence poles are used "
-"in each side of the square. How many fence poles are used in total?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Hesi bat eraiki da karratu formako eremua ixteko. Karratuko alde bakoitzean "
-"{0} zutoin erabiltzen da. Zenbat zutoin erabili dira guztira?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Hesi bat eraiki da karratu formako eremua ixteko. Karratuko alde bakoitzean "
-"{0} zutoin erabiltzen dira. Zenbat zutoin erabili dira guztira?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCounting.cs:92
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"There is {0} fence pole since the poles on the corners of the square are "
-msgid_plural ""
-"There are {0} fence poles since the poles on the corners of the square are "
-msgstr[0] ""
-"{0} zutoin dago, karratuko ertzetako zutoinak partekatuta daudelako."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"{0} zutoin daude, karratuko ertzetako zutoinak partekatuta daudelako."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCounting.cs:105
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Wrapping an anniversary present costs one monetary unit. The anniversary "
-"present costs {0} monetary unit more than the cost to wrap it. How much does "
-"it cost to both purchase and wrap the present?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"Wrapping an anniversary present costs one monetary unit. The anniversary "
-"present costs {0} monetary units more than the cost to wrap it. How much "
-"does it cost to both purchase and wrap the present?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Urtebetetzeko opari bat biltzea euro bat kostatzen da. Urtebetetzeko opariak "
-"hura biltzeko kostua baino {0} euro gehiago balio du. Zenbat kostatzen da "
-"oparia erostea eta biltzea?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Urtebetetzeko opari bat biltzea euro bat kostatzen da. Urtebetetzeko opariak "
-"hura biltzeko kostua baino {0} euro gehiago balio ditu. Zenbat kostatzen da "
-"oparia erostea eta biltzea?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCounting.cs:112
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"It is the cost of the present, {0} monetary unit, plus one monetary unit of "
-"the wrapping."
-msgid_plural ""
-"It is the cost of the present, {0} monetary units, plus one monetary unit of "
-"the wrapping."
-msgstr[0] "Opariaren kostua da, {0} euro, gehi biltzeari dagokion euro bat."
-msgstr[1] "Opariaren kostua da, {0} euro, gehi biltzeari dagokion euro bat."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountSeries.cs:40
-msgid "Count series"
-msgstr "Zenbatu serieak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountSeries.cs:62
-msgid ""
-"How many numbers '9' are required to represent the numbers between 10 to 100?"
-msgstr "Zenbat '9' zenbaki behar dira 10 eta 100 arteko zenbakiak adierazteko?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountSeries.cs:68
-msgid ""
-"How many two digit numbers occur where the first digit is larger than the "
-"second (e.g.: 20 and 21)?"
-msgstr ""
-"Bi digituko zenbat zenbaki daude non aurreneko digitua bigarrena baino "
-"handiagoa den (adib. 20 eta 21)?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountSeries.cs:74
-msgid ""
-"How many two digit numbers occur where the first digit is smaller than the "
-"second (e.g.: 12 and 13)?"
-msgstr ""
-"Bi digituko zenbat zenbaki daude non aurreneko digitua bigarrena baino "
-"txikiagoa den (adib. 12 eta 13)?"
-#. Translators: A sequence of numbers 1, 2, 3, etc.
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountSeries.cs:86
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "{0}, {1}"
-msgstr "{0}, {1}"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountSeries.cs:89
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "The numbers are: {0}."
-msgstr "Zenbakiak hauek dira: {0}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountSeries.cs:94
-msgid "Notice that 99 contains two numbers '9'."
-msgstr "Jakin ezazu 99 balioak bi '9' zenbaki dituela."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCoverPercentage.cs:35
-msgid "Cover percentage"
-msgstr "Osatutako ehunekoa"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCoverPercentage.cs:39
-msgid "What percentage of the figure is colored?"
-msgstr "Irudien zein ehuneko dago margotuta?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCube.cs:45
-msgid "Cube"
-msgstr "Kuboa"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCube.cs:49
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"When you fold the figure below as a cube, which face on the figure is "
-"opposite the face with a {0} drawn on it? Answer the number written on the "
-msgstr ""
-"Azpiko irudia kubo gisa tolesten denean, irudiko zein aurpegi dago {0} "
-"marraztuta duen aurpegiaren aurkako aldean? Erantzun aurpegian idatzitako "
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:54
-msgid ""
-"What is the probability of getting a '2' or a '6' in a single throw of an "
-"unmodified 6 sided die? Answer using a fraction (e.g.: 1/2)."
-msgstr ""
-"Zein da '2' edo '6' bat lortzeko probabilitatea 6 aldeko dado bat behin "
-"jaurtitzean? Erantzun zatiki bat erabiliz (adib.: 1/2)."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:56
-msgid "There are 2 of 6 possibilities."
-msgstr "Posibilitateak 2 / 6 dira."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:58
-msgid ""
-"What is the probability of not getting a '5' in a single throw of an "
-"unmodified 6 sided die? Answer using a fraction (e.g.: 1/2)."
-msgstr ""
-"Zein da '5' bat ez lortzeko probabilitatea 6 aldeko dado bat behin "
-"jaurtitzean? Erantzun zatiki bat erabiliz (adib.: 1/2)."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:60
-msgid "There are 5 of 6 possibilities."
-msgstr "Posibilitateak 5 / 6 dira."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:62
-msgid ""
-"Two unmodified 6 sided dice are thrown simultaneously. What is the "
-"probability of getting two even numbers? Answer using a fraction (e.g.: 1/2)."
-msgstr ""
-"6 aldeko bi dado aldi berean jaurtitzen dira. Zein da bi zenbaki bikoiti "
-"lortzeko probabilitatea? Erantzun zatiki bat erabiliz (adib.: 1/2)."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:64
-msgid "There are 9 of 36 possibilities of getting two even numbers."
-msgstr "Bi zenbaki bikoiti lortzeko posibilitatea 36tik 9 da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:66
-msgid ""
-"Two unmodified 6 sided dice are thrown simultaneously. What is the "
-"probability of getting two '6'? Answer using a fraction (e.g.: 1/2)."
-msgstr ""
-"6 aldeko bi dado aldi berean jaurtitzen dira. Zein da bi '6' lortzeko "
-"probabilitatea? Erantzun zatiki bat erabiliz (adib.: 1/2)."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:68
-msgid ""
-"There is 1 of 6 possibilities of getting a '6' on the first die and the same "
-"for the second die."
-msgstr "'6' zenbakia bi dadoetan aldi berean lortzeko posibilitatea 1 / 36 da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:73
-msgid "Dice"
-msgstr "Dadoa"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDivideCircle.cs:45
-msgid "Divide circles"
-msgstr "Zatitu zirkuluak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDivideCircle.cs:49
-msgid ""
-"In the last figure, in how many regions is the circle divided into when all "
-"dots are connected?"
-msgstr ""
-"Azkenengo irudian, zenbat eskualdetan dago zirkulua zatituta puntu guztiak "
-"konektatuta daudenean?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDivideCircle.cs:176
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Has {0} region"
-msgid_plural "Has {0} regions"
-msgstr[0] "Eskualde {0} du"
-msgstr[1] "{0} eskualde ditu"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleEquation.cs:33
-msgid "Equation"
-msgstr "Ekuazioa"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleEquation.cs:37
-msgid "What is the result of the equation below?"
-msgstr "Zein da azpiko ekuazioaren emaitza?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleEquation.cs:42
-msgid ""
-"The order of arithmetical operations is always as follows: exponents and "
-"roots, multiplication and division, addition and subtraction."
-msgstr ""
-"Eragiketa aritmetikoan ordena beti honela izaten da: berreketak eta erroak, "
-"biderketak eta zatiketak, batuketak eta kenketak."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleExtraCircle.cs:53
-msgid "Extra circle"
-msgstr "Zirkulu gehigarria"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleExtraCircle.cs:62
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which circle does not belong to the group? It is not a sequence of elements. "
-"Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Zein zirkulu ez dagokio taldeari? Ez da elementuen sekuentzia bat. Erantzun "
-"{0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleExtraCircle.cs:67
-msgid "All circles share a common property except for one."
-msgstr ""
-"Zirkulu guztiek propietate komuna partekatzen dute, zirkulu batek izan ezik."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleExtraCircle.cs:72
-msgid ""
-"In all circles the color slices follow the same order except for this one."
-msgstr ""
-"Zirkulu guztietan kolore zatiek ordena berdina jarraitzen dute, batek izan "
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigureLetter.cs:40
-msgid "Figures and text"
-msgstr "Irudiak eta testua"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigureLetter.cs:44
-msgid ""
-"The figures and the texts are related. What text should go under the last "
-msgstr ""
-"Irudiak eta testuak zerikusia dute. Zein testuk egon beharko luke azken "
-"irudiaren azpian?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigureLetter.cs:48
-msgid "Every character of the text represents a property of the figure."
-msgstr "Testuko karaktere bakoitzak irudiaren propietate bat adierazten du."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigureLetter.cs:53
-msgid ""
-"'A' indicates that the figures overlap, 'B' that are squares, 'C' that are "
-"circles, 'D' that the figures are separated, 'E' that there are three "
-"figures and 'F' that there are two figures."
-msgstr ""
-"'A' irudiak gainjartzen direla adierazten du, 'B' karratuak direla, 'C' "
-"zirkuluak direla, 'D' irudiak bananduta daudela, 'E' hiru irudi daudela eta "
-"'F' bi irudi daudela."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigurePattern.cs:44
-msgid "Figure pattern"
-msgstr "Irudien ereduak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigurePattern.cs:49
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "What figure should replace the question mark? Answer {0}, {1} or {2}."
-msgstr ""
-"Zein irudik ordeztu beharko luke galdera ikurra? Erantzun {0}, {1} edo {2}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigurePattern.cs:54
-msgid ""
-"The third figure of every row involves somehow combining the first two "
-msgstr ""
-"Errenkada bakoitzeko hirugarren irudia nolabait aurreneko bi irudiak "
-"konbinatzea inplikatzen du."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigurePattern.cs:59
-msgid ""
-"Superpose the first and second figures and remove the lines that they have "
-"in common, then rotate the resulting figure 45 degrees."
-msgstr ""
-"Gainjarri aurreneko eta bigarren irudiak eta kendu komunean dituzten marrak, "
-"gero biratu emaitzako irudia 45 gradu."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigures.cs:58
-msgid "Figures"
-msgstr "Irudiak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigures.cs:62
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"What is the next logical sequence of objects in the last column? Answer {0}, "
-"{1} or {2}."
-msgstr ""
-"Zein da azken zutabeko hurrengo objektu-sekuentzia logikoa? Erantzun {0}, "
-"{1} edo {2}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigures.cs:68
-msgid ""
-"It is the only combination that you can build with the given elements "
-"without repeating them."
-msgstr ""
-"Konbinazio bakarra da emandako elementuekin, eta errepikatu gabe. "
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFindTheNumber.cs:45
-msgid "Find the number"
-msgstr "Bilatu zenbakia"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFindTheNumber.cs:53
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Looking horizontally and vertically to the lines of the grid below, which is "
-"the number {0} place away from itself multiplied by 2 and {1} place away "
-"from itself plus 2?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"Looking horizontally and vertically to the lines of the grid below, which is "
-"the number {0} places away from itself multiplied by 2 and {1} places away "
-"from itself plus 2?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Beheko saretako lerroei horizontalki eta bertikalki begiratuz, zein da "
-"zenbakiaren kokalekua {0} gelaxkara bere burua bider 2 eginda eta {1} "
-"gelaxkara bere burua gehi 2 eginda?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Beheko saretako lerroei horizontalki eta bertikalki begiratuz, zein da "
-"zenbakiaren kokalekua {0} gelaxkara bere burua bider 2 eginda eta {1} "
-"gelaxkara bere burua gehi 2 eginda?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFindTheNumber.cs:62
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "The number is located at row {0}, column {1}."
-msgstr "Zenbakia hemen dago: {0}. errenkada, {1}. zutabea."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFindTheNumber.cs:71
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "The number is located within the first {0} row of the grid."
-msgid_plural "The number is located within the first {0} rows of the grid."
-msgstr[0] "Saretako lehen {0} errenkadan dago zenbakia."
-msgstr[1] "Saretako lehen {0} errenkadetan dago zenbakia."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFourSided.cs:32
-msgid "Four sided"
-msgstr "Lau alde"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFourSided.cs:36
-msgid "How many four sided figures do you count in the figure below?"
-msgstr "Zenbat lau aldeko irudi zenbatu dituzu azpiko irudian?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFourSided.cs:40
-msgid "A four sided figure can be embedded inside another figure."
-msgstr ""
-"Lau aldeko irudi bat beste irudi baten barruan kapsulatua egon daiteke."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFourSided.cs:45
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "The four sided figures are made by connecting the following points: {0}"
-msgstr "Lau aldeko irudiak honako puntuak konektatuz sortzen dira: {0}"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridCircles.cs:42
-msgid "Circles in a grid"
-msgstr "Saretako zirkuluak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridCircles.cs:46
-msgid "One of the numbers in the grid must be circled. Which one?"
-msgstr "Saretako zenbakietako bat zirkuluarekin markatu behar da. Zein?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridCircles.cs:50
-msgid "All circled numbers share an arithmetical property."
-msgstr ""
-"Marka biribila duten zenbaki guztiek propietate aritmetiko bat partekatzen "
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridCircles.cs:55
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Every circled number can be divided by {0}."
-msgstr "Zirkuludun zenbaki bakoitza {0} balioarekin zati daiteke."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridDots.cs:205
-msgid "Square with dots"
-msgstr "Karratua puntuekin"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridDots.cs:210
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNextFigure.cs:58
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which is the next logical figure in the sequence? Answer {0}, {1} or {2}."
-msgstr "Zein da hurrengo irudi logikoa sekuentzian? Erantzun {0}, {1} edo {2}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridDots.cs:219
-msgid ""
-"From the top-left figure, the top-left circle moves down, the bottom-left "
-"circle moves up, the bottom-right moves diagonally up-left and the top-right "
-"moves diagonally down-left."
-msgstr ""
-"Goi-ezkerraldeko irudian, goi-ezkerraldeko zirkulua beherantz mugitzen da, "
-"behe-ezkerraldeko zirkulua gorantz mugitzen da, behe-eskuinaldekoa "
-"diagonalki mugitzen da goi-ezkerrerantz eta goi-eskuinaldekoa diagonalki "
-"mugitzen da behe-ezkerrerantz."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridDots.cs:222
-msgid ""
-"From the top-left figure, the figure is rotated counterclockwise 90 degrees."
-msgstr ""
-"Goi-ezkerraldeko irudian, 90 gradu biratu da irudia erlojuaren kontrako "
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:44
-msgid "Numbers in a grid"
-msgstr "Saretako zenbakiak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:48
-msgid ""
-"The numbers in the grid below follow a pattern. Which number should replace "
-"the question mark?"
-msgstr ""
-"Ondorengo saretako zenbakiek eredu bati jarraitzen diote. Zein zenbakik "
-"ordeztuko luke galdera ikurra?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:54
-msgid "The pattern is arithmetical and works vertically."
-msgstr "Eredua aritmetikoa da eta bertikalki funtzionatzen du."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:56
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleRelatedNumbers.cs:166
-msgid "The pattern is arithmetical and works horizontally."
-msgstr "Eredua aritmetikoa da eta horizontalki funtzionatzen du."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:65
-msgid ""
-"The fourth row is calculated by multiplying the first two rows and adding "
-"the third."
-msgstr ""
-"Laugarrengo errenkada aurreneko bi errenkadak biderkatu ondoren "
-"hirugarrengoa gehituz lortzen da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:67
-msgid ""
-"The fourth column is calculated by multiplying the first two columns and "
-"adding the third."
-msgstr ""
-"Laugarrengo zutabea aurreneko bi zutabeak biderkatu ondoren hirugarrengoa "
-"gehituz lortzen da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:71
-msgid ""
-"The fourth row is calculated by multiplying the first two rows and "
-"subtracting the third."
-msgstr ""
-"Laugarrengo errenkada aurreneko bi errenkadak biderkatu ondoren "
-"hirugarrengoa kenduz lortzen da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:73
-msgid ""
-"The fourth column is calculated by multiplying the first two columns and "
-"subtracting the third."
-msgstr ""
-"Laugarrengo zutabea aurreneko bi zutabeak biderkatu ondoren hirugarrengoa "
-"kenduz lortzen da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:77
-msgid ""
-"The fourth row is calculated by adding the first two rows and subtracting "
-"the third."
-msgstr ""
-"Laugarrengo errenkada aurreneko bi errenkadak gehitu ondoren hirugarrengoa "
-"kenduz lortzen da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:79
-msgid ""
-"The fourth column is calculated by adding the first two columns and "
-"subtracting the third."
-msgstr ""
-"Laugarrengo zutabea aurreneko bi zutabeak gehitu ondoren hirugarrengoa "
-"kenduz lortzen da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleHandshakes.cs:32
-msgid "Handshakes"
-msgstr "Esku ematea"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleHandshakes.cs:37
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"All attendees to a party are introduced to one another. {0} handshakes are "
-"made in total. How many people are attending the party?"
-msgstr ""
-"Festa bateko partaideak elkar aurkezten dira, guztira {0} esku emate gertatu "
-"direlarik. Zenbat pertsona daude festan?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleHandshakes.cs:42
-msgid ""
-"Try to imagine a situation in which you are meeting a small number of people."
-msgstr "Saiatu zaitez pertsona gutxi batzuekin bilera duzula irudikatzen."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleHandshakes.cs:46
-msgid ""
-"Using n as the total number of people, the first person handshakes n-1 "
-"people, the second n-2 people, etc. The result is the sum of the first n-1 "
-"consecutive numbers: 1+2+3+...+(n-1)."
-msgstr ""
-"n da pertsonen guztizko kopura; lehen pertsonak n-1 pertsonari ematen die "
-"eskua, bigarrenak n-2 pertsonari, etab. Emaitza da lehen n-1 ondoz ondoko "
-"zenbakien batura: 1+2+3+...+(n-1)."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargerShape.cs:113
-msgid "Larger shape"
-msgstr "Forma handia"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargerShape.cs:122
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which larger shape can you make combining the first two figures? Answer {0}, "
-"{1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Zein da bi irudi konbinatuz sor dezakezun forma handiena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, "
-"{2} edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargestArea.cs:241
-msgid "Largest area"
-msgstr "Azalera handiena"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargestArea.cs:246
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which of the following figures has the largest area? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or "
-msgstr ""
-"Irudi hauetako zeinek dauka azalera handiena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargestDiameter.cs:46
-msgid "Largest diameter"
-msgstr "Diametro luzeena"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargestDiameter.cs:51
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"If the circles represented by the arcs below were completed, which circle "
-"would have the largest diameter? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Beheko arkuek adierazten dituzten zirkuluak osatuko balira, zein zirkuluk "
-"izango luke diametro handiena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargestDiameter.cs:58
-msgid "Less curved is the arc, the larger the circle is."
-msgstr "Zenbat eta kurba txikiagoa arkuak, orduan eta handiagoa zirkulua."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargestDiameter.cs:101
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Arc {0}"
-msgstr "Arc {0}"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLines.cs:34
-msgid "Lines"
-msgstr "Marrak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLines.cs:38
-msgid ""
-"How many line segments in total are in the figures below? A line segment is "
-"a line between two points with no crossing lines."
-msgstr ""
-"Zenbat zuzenki zenbatu dituzu azpiko irudian? Zuzenki bat bi puntuen arteko "
-"marra bat da gurutzatu gabeko marrekin."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLines.cs:44
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"There is {0} line in the figure to the left and {1} in the figure to the "
-msgid_plural ""
-"There are {0} lines in the figure to the left and {1} in the figure to the "
-msgstr[0] "Ezkerreko irudian {0} marra dago, eta eskuinekoan, berriz, {1}."
-msgstr[1] "Ezkerreko irudian {0} marra daude, eta eskuinekoan, berriz, {1}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLines.cs:52
-msgid "It is an easy exercise if you systematically count the lines."
-msgstr "Ariketa erraza da marrak sistematikoki zenbatzen badituzu."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingPiece.cs:35
-msgid "Missing piece"
-msgstr "Falta den pieza"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingPiece.cs:40
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Which square completes the figure below? Answer {0}, {1} or {2}."
-msgstr "Zein karratuk osatzen du azpiko irudia? Erantzun {0}, {1} edo {2}"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingPiece.cs:45
-msgid "The logic works at row level."
-msgstr "Logikak errenkada mailan funtzionatzen du."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingPiece.cs:50
-msgid ""
-"In every row the third square is made by flipping the first square and "
-"superimposing it on the second square, followed by removing the matching "
-msgstr ""
-"Errenkada bakoitzean hirugarren karratua lortzeko aurreneko karratua biratu "
-"eta bigarren karratuari gainjartzen zaio, bat datozen marrak kenduz."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingSlice.cs:62
-msgid "Missing slice"
-msgstr "Falta den zatia"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingSlice.cs:67
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"The slices below have some kind of relation. Which is the missing slice in "
-"the circle below? Answer {0}, {1} or {2}."
-msgstr ""
-"Ondorengo zatiek erlazioren bat dute. Zein zati falta da zirkuluan? Erantzun "
-"{0}, {1} edo {2}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingSlice.cs:72
-msgid "Each slice is related to the opposite one."
-msgstr "Zati bakoitzak aurkakoarekin erlazionatuta dago."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingSlice.cs:77
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"All numbers of each slice, when added to the ones of the opposite slice, add "
-"always {0}."
-msgstr ""
-"Zati bakoitzeko zenbaki guztiak, aurkako zatiari gehitutakoan, beti {0} "
-"batzen dute."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMostInCommon.cs:77
-msgid "Most in common"
-msgstr "Bat etortzea"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMostInCommon.cs:82
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which of the possible answers have the most in common with the four given "
-"figures? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Erantzun posibleen artean zein dator bat hobeto emandako lau irudiekin? "
-"Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMostInCommon.cs:87
-msgid "Think of the common elements that the given figures have inside them."
-msgstr "Pentsatu emandako irudiek barruan dituzten elementu komunetan."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMostInCommon.cs:93
-msgid ""
-"It has the same number of elements inside the figure as the given figures."
-msgstr ""
-"Irudiaren barruan dauden elementuen kopurua emandako irudi kopuruen berdina "
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMostInCommon.cs:95
-msgid ""
-"It is the figure with the most elements in common compared to the given "
-msgstr ""
-"Bat hobekien datozen elementu gehienak dituen irudia da emandako irudiekin "
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMoveFigure.cs:33
-msgid "Move figure"
-msgstr "Mugitu irudia"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMoveFigure.cs:37
-msgid ""
-"What is the minimum number of circles to be moved in order to convert the "
-"left figure into the right figure?"
-msgstr ""
-"Zein da mugitu beharreko gutxieneko zirkulu kopurua ezkerreko irudia "
-"eskuinekoan bihurtzeko?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMoveFigure.cs:44
-msgid ""
-"Move the circle from the first line to the second and move two circles from "
-"the fourth line to the second and the fifth lines."
-msgstr ""
-"Eraman zirkulua aurreneko marratik bigarrengora eta eraman laugarren marrako "
-"bi zirkulu bigarren eta bosgarren marretara."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMoveFigure.cs:46
-msgid ""
-"Move the first line to the seventh; move the two circles of the second line "
-"to third; and move first and last circles of the fifth line to the sixth."
-msgstr ""
-"Eraman aurreneko lerroa zazpigarrenera; eraman bigarren marrako bi zirkulu "
-"hirugarrengora; eta eraman bosgarren marrako aurreneko eta azkenengo "
-"zirkuluak seigarren marrara."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNextFigure.cs:53
-msgid "Next figure"
-msgstr "Hurrengo irudia"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNextFigure.cs:65
-msgid ""
-"From first figure, the top circle advances by two positions clockwise, while "
-"the left circle goes backwards one position."
-msgstr ""
-"Aurreneko iruditik goiko zirkulua bi posizio aurreratzen da ordulariaren "
-"noranzkoan, ezkerreko zirkulua atzerantz posizio bat joaten den bitartean."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericRelation.cs:46
-msgid "Numeric relation"
-msgstr "Zenbakizko erlazioa"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericRelation.cs:50
-msgid "What number should replace the question mark?"
-msgstr "Zein zenbakik ordeztuko luke galdera ikurra?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericRelation.cs:54
-msgid "The numbers are related arithmetically."
-msgstr "Zenbakiak aritmetikoki erlazionatuta daude."
-#. Translators: {0} is always replaced by the number 3
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericRelation.cs:62
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Every group of {0} numbers sums exactly {1}."
-msgstr "{0} taldeko zenbaki bakoitzak {1} batzen du hain zuzen."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericRelation.cs:64
-msgid ""
-"Divide the sequence in groups of three numbers. Every third number is "
-"calculated by multiplying by the two previous ones."
-msgstr ""
-"Zatitu sekuentzia hiru zenbakiko taldeetan. Hirugarren zenbaki bakoitza "
-"aurreneko bi biderkatuz lortzen da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericRelation.cs:66
-msgid ""
-"Divide the sequence in groups of three numbers. Every third number is "
-"calculated by subtracting the second number from the first."
-msgstr ""
-"Zatitu sekuentzia hiru zenbakiko taldetan. Hirugarren zenbaki bakoitza "
-"aurrenekoari bigarrengoa kenduz lortzen da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericSequence.cs:42
-msgid "Numeric sequence"
-msgstr "Zenbakizko sekuentzia"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericSequence.cs:46
-msgid ""
-"The next sequence follows a logic. What number should replace the question "
-msgstr ""
-"Hurrengo sekuentziak logika bat jarraitzen du. Zein zenbakik ordeztuko luke "
-"galdera ikurra?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericSequence.cs:50
-msgid "Every number in the sequence is related to the previous one."
-msgstr "Sekuentziako zenbaki bakoitza aurrekoarekin erlazioa dauka."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericSequence.cs:57
-msgid ""
-"Every number in the sequence is the result of subtracting 1 from the "
-"previous number and multiplying it by 2."
-msgstr ""
-"Sekuentziako zenbaki bakoitza lortzeko aurreko zenbakiari 1 kendu eta "
-"emaitza 2rekin biderkatuz lortzen da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericSequence.cs:59
-msgid ""
-"Every number in the sequence is the result of adding 1 to the previous "
-"number and multiplying it by 3."
-msgstr ""
-"Sekuentziako zenbaki bakoitza lortzeko aurreko zenbakiari 1 gehitu eta "
-"emaitza 3rekin biderkatuz lortzen da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericSequence.cs:61
-msgid ""
-"Every number in the sequence is the result of subtracting 2 from the "
-"previous number and multiplying it by -2."
-msgstr ""
-"Sekuentziako zenbaki bakoitza lortzeko aurreko zenbakiari 2 kendu eta "
-"emaitza 2rekin biderkatuz lortzen da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleOstracism.cs:53
-msgid "Ostracism"
-msgstr "Ostrazismoa"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleOstracism.cs:58
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which element does not belong to the group? It is not related to any "
-"arithmetical of the numbers. Answer {0}, {1}, {2}, {3} or {4}."
-msgstr ""
-"Zein elementu ez dagokio taldeari? Ez dauka zerikusirik zenbakien "
-"aritmetikarekin. Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2}, {3} edo {4}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleOstracism.cs:66
-msgid ""
-"The criteria for deciding if an equation belongs to the group is not "
-msgstr ""
-"Ekuazio bat taldeari dagokion erabakitzeko irizpidea ez da aritmetikoa."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleOstracism.cs:68
-msgid ""
-"Consider that every number that belongs to the group has two parts that are "
-msgstr ""
-"Kontuan izan taldeko zenbaki bakoitzak zerikusia duten bi zati dituztela."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleOstracism.cs:79
-msgid ""
-"In all the other equations the digits from the left side also appear on the "
-"right side."
-msgstr ""
-"Beste ekuazio guztietan ezkerraldeko digituak eskuinaldean ere agertzen dira."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleOstracism.cs:81
-msgid ""
-"In all the other numbers the last three digits are the square of the first "
-"two digits."
-msgstr ""
-"Beste zenbaki guztietan azken hiru digituak aurreneko bi digituen karratuak "
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePencil.cs:38
-msgid "Pencil"
-msgstr "Arkatza"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePencil.cs:43
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which of the following figures cannot be drawn without crossing any previous "
-"lines nor lifting the pencil? Answer {0}, {1}, {2}, {3} or {4}."
-msgstr ""
-"Honako irudien artetik zein ezin da marraztu aurreko marrak gurutzatu gabe "
-"edo arkatza igo gabe? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2}, {3} edo {4}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:45
-msgid "People at a table"
-msgstr "Jendea mahaian"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:49
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"A group of people, spaced out evenly, are sitting at a round table. How many "
-"people are there if the {0} person sits directly across from the {1}?"
-msgstr ""
-"Mahai biribil baten inguruan pertsona talde bat eserita dago, distantzia "
-"berdinarekin bananduta. Zenbat pertsona daude eserita {0} pertsona {1}(r)en "
-"aurrean eserita badago?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:54
-msgid ""
-"Subtracting the two positions you find out how many people are seated half "
-"way around the table. Doubling this number leaves you with the total amount "
-"of people."
-msgstr ""
-"Bi posizio kenduz, mahai erdian zenbat pertsona dauden aurki dezakezu. "
-"Zenbaki hau bikoiztuz pertsonen kopuru osoa lortuko duzu."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:62
-msgid "5th"
-msgstr "5."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:63
-msgid "19th"
-msgstr "19."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:67
-msgid "4th"
-msgstr "4."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:68
-msgid "12th"
-msgstr "12."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:72
-msgid "9th"
-msgstr "9."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:73
-msgid "22nd"
-msgstr "22."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:85
-msgid "Two people in the table sitting across from each other"
-msgstr "Bi pertsona mahaian eserita bata bestearen aurrean"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePercentage.cs:41
-msgid "Percentage"
-msgstr "Ehunekoa"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePercentage.cs:75
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"After getting {0}% discount you have paid {1} monetary unit for a TV set. "
-"What was the original price of the TV set?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"After getting {0}% discount you have paid {1} monetary units for a TV set. "
-"What was the original price of the TV set?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"% {0}(e)ko deskontua lortu ondoren, {1} euro ordaindu duzu telebista bat "
-"erostean. Zein zen telebistaren jatorrizko salneurria?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"% {0}(e)ko deskontua lortu ondoren, {1} euro ordaindu dituzu telebista bat "
-"erostean. Zein zen telebistaren jatorrizko salneurria?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePercentage.cs:96
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"John's shop had sales of {0} monetary unit. This was an increase of {1}% "
-"over last month. What were last month sales?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"John's shop had sales of {0} monetary units. This was an increase of {1}% "
-"over last month. What were last month sales?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Jonen dendak {0} euroko salmentak egin ditu. Azken hilabetearekiko % {1} "
-"handiagotu dira salmentak. Zenbatekoak izan ziren igarotako hilabeteko "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Jonen dendak {0} euroko salmentak egin ditu. Azken hilabetearekiko % {1} "
-"handiagotu dira salmentak. Zenbatekoak izan ziren igarotako hilabeteko "
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePercentage.cs:114
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"The amount of water in a bucket decreases by {0}%. By what percentage must "
-"the amount of water increase to reach its original value?"
-msgstr ""
-"Ontzi bateko ur kopurua % {0}ean gutxiagotu da. Uraren kopurua zenbateko "
-"ehunekotan handiagotu beharko da jatorrizko mailara iristeko?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePercentage.cs:117
-msgid "The objective is to obtain the same total amount."
-msgstr "Helburua osoko kopuru berdina lortzea da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:59
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"If all painters are artists and some citizens of Barcelona are artists. "
-"Which of the following conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Margolari guztiak artistak badira, eta Bartzelonako hiritar batzuk artistak "
-"badira, hauetariko zein ondorio da zuzena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:61
-msgid "Some citizens of Barcelona are painters"
-msgstr "Bartzelonako hiritar batzuk margolariak dira"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:62
-msgid "All citizens of Barcelona are painters"
-msgstr "Bartzelonako hiritar guztiak margolariak dira"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:63
-msgid "No citizen of Barcelona is a painter"
-msgstr "Bartzelonan ez dago hiritarrik margolaria denik"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:64
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:72
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:80
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:88
-msgid "None of the other options"
-msgstr "Aukera hauetatik bat bera ere ez"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:67
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"If no ill artist is happy and some artists are happy. Which of the following "
-"conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Gaixorik dauden artistak ez badira zoriontsu, eta artista batzuk zoriontsu "
-"badira, hauetariko zein ondorio da zuzena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:69
-msgid "Some artist are not ill"
-msgstr "Artista batzuk ez daude gaixorik"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:70
-msgid "Some painters are not artists"
-msgstr "Margotzaile batzuk ez dira artistak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:71
-msgid "All artists are happy"
-msgstr "Artista guztiak zoriontsuak dira"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:75
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"People that travel always buy a map. You are not going to travel. Which of "
-"the following conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Bidaiatzen duen jendeak beti erosten du mapa bat. Zu ez zoaz bidaiatzera. "
-"Hauetariko zein ondorio da zuzena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:77
-msgid "You do not have any map"
-msgstr "Ez daukazu maparik"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:78
-msgid "You do not buy a map"
-msgstr "Ez duzu maparik erosi"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:79
-msgid "All people have a map"
-msgstr "Jende guztiak mapa bat dauka"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:83
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"If you whistle if you are happy and you always smile when you whistle, which "
-"of the following conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Txistu-hotsa jotzen baduzu zoriontsu zarenean, eta txistu-hotsa jotzean beti "
-"irribarrea egiten baduzu, hauetariko zein ondorio da zuzena? Erantzun {0}, "
-"{1}, {2} edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:85
-msgid "You smile if you are happy"
-msgstr "Irribarrea egin duzu zoriontsu zaudenean"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:86
-msgid "You are only happy if you whistle"
-msgstr "Zoriontsu zaude soilik txistu-hotsa jotzen baduzu"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:87
-msgid "You whistle if you are not happy"
-msgstr "Txistu-hotsa jotzen duzu soilik zoriontsu ez zarenean"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:91
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"If your course is always honest and your course is always the best policy, "
-"which of the following conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Zure helburua beti bada zintzoa izatea , eta zure helburua beti bada "
-"politika onena, hauetariko zein sententzia da zuzena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} "
-"edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:93
-msgid "Honesty is sometimes the best policy"
-msgstr "Batzuetan zintzotasuna da politikarik egokiena"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:94
-msgid "Honesty is always the best policy"
-msgstr "Zintzotasuna da beti politikarik egokiena"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:95
-msgid "Honesty is not always the best policy"
-msgstr "Zintzotasuna ez da beti politikarik egokiena"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:96
-msgid "Some of the best policies are dishonest"
-msgstr "Politika onenetako batzuk tranposoak dira"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:99
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"If no old misers are cheerful and some old misers are thin, which of the "
-"following conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Diruzale zaharrak ez badira alaiak eta diruzale zahar batzuk argalak badira, "
-"hauetariko zein ondorio da zuzena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:101
-msgid "Some thin people are not cheerful"
-msgstr "Pertsona argal batzuk ez dira alaiak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:102
-msgid "Thin people are not cheerful"
-msgstr "Pertsona argalak ez dira alaiak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:103
-msgid "Cheerful people are not thin"
-msgstr "Pertsona alaiak ez dira argalak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:104
-msgid "Some cheerful people are not thin"
-msgstr "Pertsona alai batzuk ez dira argalak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:107
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"If all pigs are fat and nothing that is fed on barley-water is fat, which of "
-"the following conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Txerri batzuk lodiak badira eta garagardoarekin hazitako bat bera ere ez "
-"bada lodia, hauetariko zein ondorio da zuzena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo "
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:109
-msgid "All animals fed on barley-water are non pigs"
-msgstr "Garagardoarekin hazitako animalia guztiak ez dira txerriak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:110
-msgid "No pigs are fed on barley-water"
-msgstr "Ez dago garagardoarekin hazitako txerririk"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:111
-msgid "Pigs are not fed on barley-water"
-msgstr "Txerriak ez dira garagardoarekin hazten"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:112
-msgid "All the other options"
-msgstr "Beste aukera guztiak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:115
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"If some pictures are first attempts and no first attempts are really good, "
-"which of the following conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Irudi batzuk aurreneko saiakerakoak badira eta aurreneko saiakerakorik ez "
-"bada benetan ona, hauetariko zein ondorio da zuzena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} "
-"edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:117
-msgid "Some bad pictures are not first attempts"
-msgstr "Irudi txarretako batzuk ez dira aurreneko saiakerakoak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:118
-msgid "Some pictures are not really good"
-msgstr "Irudi batzuk ez dira benetan onak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:119
-msgid "All bad pictures are first attempts"
-msgstr "Okerreko irudi guztiak aurreneko saiakerakoak dira"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:120
-msgid "All the others"
-msgstr "Beste guztiak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:123
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"If you have been out for a walk and you are feeling better, which of the "
-"following conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Ibiltzera irten eta hobeto sentitzen bazara, hauetariko zein sententzia da "
-"zuzena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:125
-msgid "To feel better, you must go out for a walk"
-msgstr "Hobeto sentitzeko, joan zaitez ibiltzera"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:126
-msgid "If you go out for a walk, you will feel better"
-msgstr "Ibiltzera joaten bazara, hobeto sentituko zara"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:127
-msgid "Some who go out for a walk feel better"
-msgstr "Ibiltzera joaten direnetatik batzuk hobeto sentitzen dira"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:128
-msgid "No one feels better who does not go out for a walk"
-msgstr "Ibiltzera joan ez direnetatik ez dago hobeto sentitzen denik"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:134
-msgid "Predicate logic"
-msgstr "Predikatu logikoa"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleQuadrilaterals.cs:43
-msgid "Quadrilaterals"
-msgstr "Lau aldekoa"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleQuadrilaterals.cs:48
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which of the following figures does not belong to the group? Answer {0}, "
-"{1}, {2}, {3}, {4} or {5}."
-msgstr ""
-"Hauetariko zein irudi ez dagokio taldeari? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} "
-"edo {5}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleQuadrilaterals.cs:55
-msgid "It is the only figure with all lines of equal length."
-msgstr "Marra guztiak luzera berdinekoak dituen irudi bakarra dago."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleRelatedNumbers.cs:158
-msgid "Related numbers"
-msgstr "Antzeko zenbakiak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleRelatedNumbers.cs:162
-msgid "In the grid below, which number should replace the question mark?"
-msgstr "Ondorengo saretan zein zenbakik ordeztuko luke galdera ikurra?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleRelatedNumbers.cs:173
-msgid ""
-"The number in the middle of every row is half of the sum of the other "
-"numbers in the row."
-msgstr ""
-"Errenkada bakoitzeko erdian dagoen zenbakia errenkadako beste zenbakien "
-"baturaren erdia da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleRelatedNumbers.cs:175
-msgid ""
-"The number in the middle of every row is the sum of the other numbers in the "
-msgstr ""
-"Errenkada bakoitzeko erdian dagoen zenbakia errenkadako beste zenbakien "
-"batura da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleRelatedNumbers.cs:177
-msgid ""
-"The number in the middle of every row is the double of the sum of the other "
-"numbers in the row."
-msgstr ""
-"Errenkada bakoitzeko erdian dagoen zenbakia errenkadako beste zenbakien "
-"baturaren bikoitza da."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquaresAndLetters.cs:34
-msgid "Squares and letters"
-msgstr "Karratuak eta hizkiak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquaresAndLetters.cs:38
-msgid ""
-"The letters around the squares follow a pattern. Which letter should replace "
-"the question mark in the last square?"
-msgstr ""
-"Karratuen inguruko hizkiek logika bat jarraitzen dute. Zein hizkik ordeztuko "
-"luke azken karratuko galdera ikurra?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquaresAndLetters.cs:43
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Every letter is calculated by taking the alphabetical position of the "
-"previous character and adding {0} to it in order to get the position of the "
-"next letter."
-msgstr ""
-"Hizki bakoitza kalkulatzeko aurreko karakterearen posizio alfabetikoa hartu "
-"eta {0} gehitzen zaio hurrengo hizkiaren posizioa lortzeko."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquares.cs:30
-msgid "Squares"
-msgstr "Karratuak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquares.cs:34
-msgid "How many squares of any size do you count in the figure below?"
-msgstr "Zenbat edozein tamainako karratu daude azpiko irudian?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquares.cs:38
-msgid ""
-"A square is a rectangle with sides of equal length. A square can also be "
-"built from other squares."
-msgstr ""
-"Karratu bat laukizuzen bat da alde guztiak luzera berdinarekin. Karratu bat "
-"beste karratu batzuekin ere sor daiteke."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquares.cs:45
-msgid ""
-"There are 16 single squares, 9 squares made by 4 single squares, 4 squares "
-"made by 9 single squares and 1 square made by 16 single squares."
-msgstr ""
-"16 karratu bakun daude, 4 karratu bakunekin sortutako 9 karratu, 9 karratu "
-"bakunekin sortutako 4 karratu eta 16 karratu bakunekin sortutako karratu 1."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquares.cs:47
-msgid ""
-"There are 9 single squares, 4 squares made by 4 single squares and 1 square "
-"made by 9 single squares."
-msgstr ""
-"9 karratu bakun daude, 4 karratu bakunekin sortutako 4 karratu, eta 9 "
-"karratu bakunekin sortutako karratu 1."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquareSheets.cs:29
-msgid "Square sheets"
-msgstr "Karratuen orriak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquareSheets.cs:33
-msgid ""
-"What is the minimum number of square sheets of paper of any size required to "
-"create the figure? Lines indicate frontiers between different sheets."
-msgstr ""
-"Zein da karratuen gutxieneko (edozein paper tamainako) orri kopurua irudia "
-"sortzeko? Marrek orrien arteko mugak adierazten dute."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquareSheets.cs:37
-msgid "The sheets should overlap."
-msgstr "Orriak gainjarri daitezke."
-#. Translators: the translated version should not take more characters that the English original
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquareSheets.cs:43
-msgid ""
-"A full sized square of paper (yellow), a 3/4 of the whole size square of "
-"paper (blue) in the bottom right corner, another 3/4 square of paper (green) "
-"in the top left corner and a 1/4 square of paper (red) in the top left "
-msgstr ""
-"Tamaina osoko paper-lauki bat (horia), tamainaren 3/4eko paper-lauki bat "
-"(urdina) behe-eskuinaldean, beste 3/4eko paper-lauki bat (berdea) goi-"
-"ezkerraldean eta 1/4eko paper-lauki bat (gorria) goi-ezkerraldean."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTetris.cs:34
-msgid "Tetris"
-msgstr "Tetris"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTetris.cs:39
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "What figure completes the set below? Answer {0}, {1} or {2}."
-msgstr "Zein irudik osatzen du ondorengo multzoa? Erantzun {0}, {1} edo {2}."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTetris.cs:45
-msgid ""
-"It is the figure that completes all possible combinations with four blocks "
-"without taking into account rotations."
-msgstr ""
-"Lau blokekin konbinazio posible guztiak betetzen dituen irudia da, biraketak "
-"kontuan hartu gabe."
-#. Translators: this the name of a game
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTimeNow.cs:34
-msgid "Time now"
-msgstr "Oraingo ordua"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTimeNow.cs:45
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"{0} hour ago it was as long after {1:h tt} as it was before {2:h tt} on the "
-"same day. What is the time now? Answer using the hour (e.g.: {3:h tt})"
-msgid_plural ""
-"{0} hours ago it was as long after {1:h tt} as it was before {2:h tt} on the "
-"same day. What is the time now? Answer using the hour (e.g.: {3:h tt})"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Duela {0} ordu egun bereko {1:h tt}(r)etatik bezain urrun zegoen {2:h tt}(r)"
-"etatik. Zer ordu da orain? Erantzun ordua erabiliz (adib: {3:h tt})"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Duela {0} ordu egun bereko {1:h tt}(r)etatik bezain urrun zegoen {2:h tt}(r)"
-"etatik. Zer ordu da orain? Erantzun ordua erabiliz (adib: {3:h tt})"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTimeNow.cs:54
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Determine the hour half way between the given times, and then add {0} hour "
-"to convert it to the present time."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Determine the hour half way between the given times, and then add {0} hours "
-"to convert it to the present time."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Emandako orduen artean distantzia berdinera dagoen ordua kalkulatu behar "
-"duzu, eta gero {0} ordu gehitu uneko denborara bihurtzeko."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Emandako orduen artean distantzia berdinera dagoen ordua kalkulatu behar "
-"duzu, eta gero {0} ordu gehitu uneko denborara bihurtzeko."
-#. TimeNow Puzzle. Translators: {0} is used to check the hour answered by the user.
-#. Use the right time format specification for your culture
-#. Explanation of the date and time format specifications can be found here:
-#. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.globalization.datetimeformatinfo.aspx
-#. For 12-hour clock format use {0:%h} and for 24-hour clock format use {0:%H}. The date formats {0:h} and
{0:H} are invalid.
-#. 'tt' is the A.M./P.M. designator
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTimeNow.cs:86
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "{0:h tt}"
-msgstr "{0:h tt}"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTimeNow.cs:96
-msgid "Sample clock"
-msgstr "Ordulariaren lagina"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrains.cs:40
-msgid "Trains"
-msgstr "Trenak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrains.cs:52
-msgid "The distance formula is 'distance = rate x time'."
-msgstr "Distantziaren formula honakoa 'distantzia = abiadura x denbora' da"
-#. Translators:
-#. - mph (miles per hour). You must localize this using the right unit of speed for your locale
-#. - The translated string should not use more characters than the original sentence
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrains.cs:81
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"A train leaves the station traveling at {0} mph. {1} hour later a second "
-"train leaves the station traveling in the same direction at {2} mph. How "
-"many hours does it take the second train, since it starts moving, to "
-"overtake the first train?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"A train leaves the station traveling at {0} mph. {1} hours later a second "
-"train leaves the station traveling in the same direction at {2} mph. How "
-"many hours does it take the second train, since it starts moving, to "
-"overtake the first train?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Tren bat geltokitik irteten da {0} km/h abiadurarekin. {1} ordu beranduago, "
-"bigarren tren bat irteten da geltokitik noranzko berean {2} km/h "
-"abiadurarekin. Zenbat ordu igaroko dira bigarren trenak aurrenekoa aurreratu "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Tren bat geltokitik irteten da {0} km/h abiadurarekin. {1} ordu beranduago, "
-"bigarren tren bat irteten da geltokitik noranzko berean {2} km/h "
-"abiadurarekin. Zenbat ordu igaroko dira bigarren trenak aurrenekoa aurreratu "
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrains.cs:85
-msgid ""
-"You can calculate the answer by multiplying the speed of the first train by "
-"the time and dividing it by the difference of speeds."
-msgstr ""
-"Erantzuna kalkula dezakezu aurreneko trenaren abiadura denborarekin "
-"biderkatuz eta abiaduren arteko diferentziarekin zatituz."
-#. Translators:
-#. - mph (miles per hour) and miles must be localized this using the right unit of speed for your locale
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrains.cs:101
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Two trains separated by {0} mile are heading towards each other on straight "
-"parallel tracks. One travels at {1} mph and the other at {2} mph. In how "
-"many hours will they meet?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"Two trains separated by {0} miles are heading towards each other on straight "
-"parallel tracks. One travels at {1} mph and the other at {2} mph. In how "
-"many hours will they meet?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Bi trenen artean {0} kilometroko distantzia dago eta bata bestearengana "
-"zuzentzen da trenbide paralelo zuzenetan. Baten abiadura {1} km/h da, eta "
-"bestearena, berriz, {2} km/h. Zenbat ordu igaroko dira elkartu arte?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Bi trenen artean {0} kilometroko distantzia dago eta bata bestearengana "
-"zuzentzen da trenbide paralelo zuzenetan. Baten abiadura {1} km/h da, eta "
-"bestearena, berriz, {2} km/h. Zenbat ordu igaroko dira elkartu arte?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrains.cs:106
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrains.cs:128
-msgid ""
-"You can calculate the answer by dividing the distance by the sum of both "
-msgstr ""
-"Erantzuna kalkula dezakezu haien arteko distantzia bien abiaduren "
-"baturarekin zatituz."
-#. Translators:
-#. - mph (miles per hour) and miles must be localized this using the right unit of speed for your locale
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrains.cs:123
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Two trains on straight parallel tracks leave from the same point and time "
-"traveling in opposite directions at {0} and {1} mph respectively. In how "
-"many hours will they be {2} mile apart?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"Two trains on straight parallel tracks leave from the same point and time "
-"traveling in opposite directions at {0} and {1} mph respectively. In how "
-"many hours will they be {2} miles apart?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Bi trenek trenbide paralelo zuzenetan puntu berdinetik ateratzen dira "
-"elkarrekiko alderantzizko noranzkoan, {0} eta {1} km/o abiadurarekin "
-"hurrenez hurren. Zenbat ordu igaroko dira elkarrengandik km {2}etara egoteko?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Bi tren trenbide paralelo zuzenetan puntu beretik abiatzen dira elkarrekiko "
-"alderantzizko noranzkoan, {0} eta {1} km/h abiadurarekin, hurrenez hurren. "
-"Zenbat ordu igaroko dira elkarrengandik {2} km-ra egon arte?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTriangles.cs:31
-msgid "Triangles"
-msgstr "Triangeluak"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTriangles.cs:35
-msgid "How many triangles of any size do you count in the figure below?"
-msgstr "Zenbat edozein tamainatako triangelu daude azpiko irudian?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTriangles.cs:39
-msgid "A triangle can be embedded inside another triangle."
-msgstr "Triangelu bat beste baten barruan kapsulatuta egon daiteke."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTriangles.cs:44
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "The triangles are made by connecting the following points: {0}"
-msgstr "Triangeluak honako puntuak konektatuz sor daitezke: {0}"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrianglesWithNumbers.cs:57
-msgid "Triangles with numbers"
-msgstr "Triangeluak zenbakiekin"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrianglesWithNumbers.cs:61
-msgid "Which number should replace the question mark below?"
-msgstr "Zein zenbakik ordeztuko luke azpiko galdera ikurra?"
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrianglesWithNumbers.cs:66
-msgid "All the triangles share a property and are independent of the rest."
-msgstr ""
-"Triangelu guztiak propietate bat partekatzen dute eta besteengandik "
-"independenteak dira."
-#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrianglesWithNumbers.cs:71
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "The result of multiplying the two numbers inside every triangle is {0}."
-msgstr "Triangelu bakoitzeko bi zenbaki biderkatzearen emaitza {0} da."
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryColouredFigures.cs:50
-msgid "Colored figures"
-msgstr "Margotutako irudiak"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryColouredFigures.cs:59
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which of these figures was previously shown? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Irudi hauetariko zein erakutsi da lehenago? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryColouredText.cs:35
-msgid "Colored text"
-msgstr "Margotutako testua"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryColouredText.cs:44
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "What was the color of the text that said '{0}'?"
-msgstr "Zein kolore dauka '{0} esan duen testuak?"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryCountDots.cs:41
-msgid "Counting dots"
-msgstr "Puntuak zenbatzea"
-#. Translators: {0} is the name of the color. The color name is always singular
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryCountDots.cs:52
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"How many dots of {0} color were in the previous image? Answer using numbers."
-msgstr ""
-"Zenbat {0} koloreko puntu zeuden aurreko irudian? Erantzun zenbakiak "
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFaces.cs:52
-msgid "Memorize faces"
-msgstr "Memorizatu aurpegiak"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFaces.cs:57
-msgid ""
-"In which cell is the other face like the one shown below? Answer the cell "
-msgstr ""
-"Zein gelaxkatan dago azpian erakutsitako irudiaren antzekoa? Erantzun "
-"gelaxkaren zenbakia."
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:48
-msgid "Memorize facts"
-msgstr "Memorizatu egitateak"
-#. Translators: {0} is replaced by a number, {1} by a year (like 1940)
-#. Day in English does not need to be plural
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:106
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Shiny Cars had already announced a {0} day production halt next month, but "
-"before then it had not halted production since {1}."
-msgid_plural ""
-"Shiny Cars had already announced a {0} day production halt next month, but "
-"before then it had not halted production since {1}."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Auto Zentroak jakinarazi du {0} eguneko geldialdia izango duela datorren "
-"hilean. Lehen ez zuen inoiz ekoizpena eten {1} urtetik."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Auto Zentroak jakinarazi du {0} eguneko geldialdia izango duela datorren "
-"hilean. Lehen ez zuen inoiz ekoizpena eten {1} urtetik."
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:110
-msgid "How many days did Shiny Cars halt its production for?"
-msgstr "Zenbat egunez etengo du Auto Zentroak bere ekoizpena?"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:111
-msgid "In what year did Shiny Cars last halt its production?"
-msgstr "Zein urtetan eten zuen Auto Zentroak bere ekoizpena?"
-#. Translators: {0} is replaced by a number, {1} by a year (like 1940)
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:119
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Shiny Cars sales fell {0}% this past December, the worst decline since {1}."
-msgstr ""
-"Auto Zentroaren salmentak % {0} jaitsi ziren joan den abenduan, jaitsierarik "
-"handiena {1} urteaz geroztik."
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:121
-msgid "By how much did company sales fall last December?"
-msgstr "Azken abenduan salmentak zenbatean gutxiagotu ziren?"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:123
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Shiny Cars sales fell {0}% this past December. This is the worst decline "
-"since which year?"
-msgstr ""
-"Auto Zentroaren salmentak % {0} jaitsi ziren joan den abenduan. Zein urtez "
-"geroztik izandako jaitsierarik handiena da?"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:129
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "About {0}% of Shiny Cars produced worldwide are sold in Europe."
-msgstr ""
-"Mundu osoan ekoitzitako Auto Zentroko autoen % {0} inguruan Europan saltzen "
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:131
-msgid ""
-"What percentage of all Shiny Cars produced worldwide are sold in Europe?"
-msgstr ""
-"Mundu osoan ekoitzitako Auto Zentroko autoen ehuneko zenbat saltzen da "
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:137
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"About {0}% of Shiny Cars use diesel, {1}% use gasoline and the remainder use "
-msgstr ""
-"Auto Zentroko autoen % {0}(e)k gasolioa erabiltzen du, % {1}(e)k gasolina "
-"eta beste guztiek elektrizitatea."
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:139
-msgid "What percentage of Shiny Cars use diesel?"
-msgstr "Auto Zentroko autoen ehuneko zenbatek erabiltzen du gasolioa?"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:140
-msgid "What percentage of Shiny Cars use gasoline?"
-msgstr "Auto Zentroko autoen ehuneko zenbatek erabiltzen du gasolina?"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:65
-msgid "Triangle"
-msgstr "Triangelua"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:67
-msgid "Square"
-msgstr "Karratua"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:69
-msgid "Pentagon"
-msgstr "Pentagonoa"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:71
-msgid "Circle"
-msgstr "Zirkulua"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:79
-msgid "Memorize figures and text"
-msgstr "Memorizatu irudiak eta testua"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:84
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"The list below enumerates the figures shown in the previous image except for "
-"one. Which is the missing figure? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Azpiko zerrendak aurreko irudian zeuden irudiak zenbatzen ditu, bat izan "
-"ezik. Zein da falta den irudia? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:222
-msgid "List of images shown before"
-msgstr "Lehen erakutsitako irudien zerrenda"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresNumbers.cs:38
-msgid "Figures with numbers"
-msgstr "Irudiak zenbakiekin"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresNumbers.cs:43
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which one of these squares was previously shown? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Karratu hauetariko zein erakutsi da lehenago? Erantzun {0}, {1} ,{2} edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryIndications.cs:133
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "Start at point number {0}"
-msgstr "Hasi {0} zenbakidun puntuan"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryIndications.cs:137
-msgid "Move right"
-msgstr "Mugitu eskuinera"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryIndications.cs:139
-msgid "Move left"
-msgstr "Mugitu ezkerrera"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryIndications.cs:141
-msgid "Move up"
-msgstr "Mugitu gora"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryIndications.cs:143
-msgid "Move down"
-msgstr "Mugitu behera"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryIndications.cs:148
-#, csharp-format
-msgid "End at point {0}"
-msgstr "Amaitu {0} puntuan"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryIndications.cs:162
-msgid "Memorize indications"
-msgstr "Memorizatu argibideak"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryIndications.cs:168
-#, csharp-format
-msgid ""
-"Which of the following graphics represents the indications previously given? "
-"Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
-msgstr ""
-"Grafiko hauetako zeinek adierazten ditu aurrez emandako argibideak? Erantzun "
-"{0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryNumbers.cs:65
-msgid "How many odd numbers were in the previous image? Answer using numbers."
-msgstr ""
-"Zenbat zenbaki bakoiti zeuden aurreko irudian? Erantzun zenbakiak erabiliz."
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryNumbers.cs:90
-msgid "How many even numbers were in the previous image? Answer using numbers."
-msgstr ""
-"Zenbat zenbaki bikoiti zeuden aurreko irudian? Erantzun zenbakiak erabiliz."
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryNumbers.cs:115
-msgid ""
-"How many numbers with more than one digit were in the previous image? Answer "
-"using numbers."
-msgstr ""
-"Zenbat zenbaki daude aurreko irudian digitu bat baino gehiagorekin? Erantzun "
-"zenbakiak erabiliz."
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryNumbers.cs:132
-msgid "Memorize numbers"
-msgstr "Memorizatu zenbakiak"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:35
-msgid "Memorize words"
-msgstr "Memorizatu hitzak"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:40
-msgid ""
-"There is a missing word from the previous list. Which one is the missing "
-msgstr "Hitz bat falta da aurreko zerrendan. Zein da falta den hitza?"
-#. Body parts
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:49
-msgid "wrist"
-msgstr "eskumuturra"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:50
-msgid "elbow"
-msgstr "ukondoa"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:51
-msgid "armpit"
-msgstr "besapea"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:52
-msgid "hand"
-msgstr "eskua"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:53
-msgid "chest"
-msgstr "bularra"
-#. Fishes
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:56
-msgid "sardine"
-msgstr "sardina"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:57
-msgid "trout"
-msgstr "amuarraina"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:58
-msgid "monkfish"
-msgstr "zapoa"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:59
-msgid "cod"
-msgstr "bakailaoa"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:60
-msgid "salmon"
-msgstr "izokina"
-#. Vegetables
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:63
-msgid "potato"
-msgstr "patata"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:64
-msgid "ginger"
-msgstr "jengibrea"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:65
-msgid "pepper"
-msgstr "piperra"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:66
-msgid "garlic"
-msgstr "baratxuria"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:67
-msgid "pumpkin"
-msgstr "kuia"
-#. Bicycle
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:70
-msgid "brake"
-msgstr "balazta"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:71
-msgid "pedal"
-msgstr "pedala"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:72
-msgid "chain"
-msgstr "katea"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:73
-msgid "wheel"
-msgstr "gurpila"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:74
-msgid "handlebar"
-msgstr "eskulekua"
-#. Music
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:77
-msgid "drummer"
-msgstr "danbor-jotzailea"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:78
-msgid "speaker"
-msgstr "bozgorailua"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:79
-msgid "lyrics"
-msgstr "hitzak"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:80
-msgid "beat"
-msgstr "konpasa"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:81
-msgid "song"
-msgstr "abestia"
-#. Weather
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:84
-msgid "cloud"
-msgstr "hodeia"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:85
-msgid "rain"
-msgstr "euria"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:86
-msgid "storm"
-msgstr "ekaitza"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:87
-msgid "fog"
-msgstr "lainoa"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:88
-msgid "rainbow"
-msgstr "ostadarra"
-#. Animals
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:91
-msgid "rabbit"
-msgstr "untxia"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:92
-msgid "mouse"
-msgstr "sagua"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:93
-msgid "monkey"
-msgstr "tximinoa"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:94
-msgid "bear"
-msgstr "hartza"
-#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:95
-msgid "wolf"
-msgstr "otsoa"
-#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:29
-msgid ""
-"How many degrees rotates the minute hand of a clock in 2 hours [num] minute?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"How many degrees rotates the minute hand of a clock in 2 hours [num] minutes?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Zenbat gradu biratuko da ordulari bateko minutuen orratza 2 ordu eta minutu "
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Zenbat gradu biratuko da ordulari bateko minutuen orratza 2 ordu eta [num] "
-#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:33
-msgid ""
-"John is 46 years old. His son is [difference] year younger than half of "
-"John's age. How old is John's son?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"John is 46 years old. His son is [difference] years younger than half of "
-"John's age. How old is John's son?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Mikelek 46 urte ditu. Bere semea Mikelek dituen urteen erdia baino urte "
-"[difference] gazteagoa da. Zenbat urte ditu mikelen semeak?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Anderrek 46 urte ditu. Bere semea Anderrek dituen urteen erdia baino "
-"[difference] urte gazteagoa da. Zenbat urte ditu mikelen semeak?"
-#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:37
-msgid ""
-"John's age is nowadays 2 times his son's age. [ago] year ago, John was "
-"[proportion] times older than his son. How old is John's son nowadays?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"John's age is nowadays 2 times his son's age. [ago] years ago, John was "
-"[proportion] times older than his son. How old is John's son nowadays?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Gaur egun, Anderrek bere semea baino 2 aldiz zaharragoa da. Duela urte "
-"[ago], Ander bere semea baino [proportion] aldiz zaharragoa zen. Zenbat urte "
-"ditu Anderren semeak orain?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Gaur egun, Anderrek bere semea baino 2 aldiz zaharragoa da. Duela [ago] "
-"urte, Ander bere semea baino [proportion] aldiz zaharragoa zen. Zenbat urte "
-"ditu Anderren semeak orain?"
-#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:41
-msgid ""
-"John's age (variable x) is nowadays 2 times his son's age (variable y), that "
-"is x = 2y, and [ago] year ago, John was [proportion] times older than his "
-"son: x - [ago] = (y - [ago]) * [proportion]."
-msgid_plural ""
-"John's age (variable x) is nowadays 2 times his son's age (variable y), that "
-"is x = 2y, and [ago] years ago, John was [proportion] times older than his "
-"son: x - [ago] = (y - [ago]) * [proportion]."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Gaur egun, Jonen adina (variable x) bere semearen adinaren (variable y) "
-"bikoitza da, hau da, x = 2y, eta duela [ago], Jon [proportion] aldiz "
-"zaharragoa zen bere semea baino: x - [ago] = (y - [ago]) * [proportion]."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Gaur egun, Jonen adina (variable x) bere semearen adinaren (variable y) "
-"bikoitza da, hau da, x = 2y, eta duela [ago], Jon [proportion] aldiz "
-"zaharragoa zen bere semea baino: x - [ago] = (y - [ago]) * [proportion]."
-#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:45
-msgid ""
-"A file is protected by a password formed by a [digits] digit number "
-"represented in base 10 (ranging from 0 to 9). How many different passwords "
-"can you have?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"A file is protected by a password formed by a [digits] digits number "
-"represented in base 10 (ranging from 0 to 9). How many different passwords "
-"can you have?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Fitxategia pasahitz batekin babestua dago. Pasahitz hori [digits] digituko "
-"zenbaki batez osatua dago, 10 oinarrikoa (0 eta 9 artekoa). Zenbat pasahitz "
-"desberdin izan ditzakezu?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Fitxategia pasahitz batekin babestua dago. Pasahitz hori [digits] digituko "
-"zenbaki batez osatua dago, 10 oinarrikoa (0 eta 9 artekoa). Zenbat pasahitz "
-"desberdin izan ditzakezu?"
-#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:49
-msgid ""
-"A file is protected by a password formed by a [digits] digit represented in "
-"base 8 (ranging from 0 to 7). How many different passwords can you have?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"A file is protected by a password formed by a [digits] digits represented in "
-"base 8 (ranging from 0 to 7). How many different passwords can you have?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Fitxategia pasahitz batekin babestua dago. Pasahitz hori [digits] digituko "
-"zenbaki batez osatua dago, 8 oinarrikoa (0 eta 7 artekoa). Zenbat pasahitz "
-"desberdin izan ditzakezu?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Fitxategia pasahitz batekin babestua dago. Pasahitz hori [digits] digituko "
-"zenbaki batez osatua dago, 8 oinarrikoa (0 eta 7 artekoa). Zenbat pasahitz "
-"desberdin izan ditzakezu?"
-#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:53
-msgid ""
-"There is [games] tennis game played simultaneously. How many different "
-"forecasts are possible?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"There are [games] tennis games played simultaneously. How many different "
-"forecasts are possible?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Teniseko [games] joko ari da aldi berean jokatzen. Zenbat emaitza desberdin "
-"dira posible?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Teniseko [games] joko ari dira aldi berean jokatzen. Zenbat emaitza "
-"desberdin dira posible?"
-#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:57
-msgid ""
-"In a tennis tournament, in every match a player is eliminated after losing "
-"to a single opponent. How many matches does it take to determine the winner "
-"of a tennis tournament that starts with [players] player?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"In a tennis tournament, in every match a player is eliminated after losing "
-"to a single opponent. How many matches does it take to determine the winner "
-"of a tennis tournament that starts with [players] players?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Tenis-txapelketa batean, partida bakoitzean jokalari bat kaleratzen da beste "
-"jokalari bakar baten aurka jokatzean. Zenbat partida behar dira [players] "
-"jokalariko txapelketa bateko irabazlea zein den erabakitzeko?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Tenis-txapelketa batean, partida bakoitzean jokalari bat kaleratzen da beste "
-"jokalari bakar baten aurka jokatzean. Zenbat partida behar dira [players] "
-"jokalariko txapelketa bateko irabazlea zein den erabakitzeko?"
-#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:61
-msgid ""
-"You have [money] monetary unit in your bank account at 10% interest "
-"compounded annually. How much money will you have at the end of 2 years?"
-msgid_plural ""
-"You have [money] monetary units in your bank account at 10% interest "
-"compounded annually. How much money will you have at the end of 2 years?"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"[money] euro daukazu bankuko kontuan urteko % 10eko interes konposatuarekin. "
-"Zenbat diru edukiko duzu 2 urte igarotakoan?"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"[money] euro dituzu bankuko kontuan urteko % 10eko interes konposatuarekin. "
-"Zenbat diru edukiko duzu 2 urte igarotakoan?"
-#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:69
-msgid ""
-"John cleans at the speed of 1 / [john_time] per hour and his friend at 1 / "
-"[friend]. Together they will need [answer_a] hour."
-msgid_plural ""
-"John cleans at the speed of 1 / [john_time] per hour and his friend at 1 / "
-"[friend]. Together they will need [answer_a] hours."
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Jonek 1 / [john_time] orduko abiaduran garbitzen du eta bere lagunak 1 / "
-"[friend]. Bien artean [answer_a] ordu beharko dute."
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Jonek 1 / [john_time] orduko abiaduran garbitzen du eta bere lagunak 1 / "
-"[friend]. Bien artean [answer_a] ordu beharko dituzte."
-#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:73
-msgid ""
-"John needs [john_time] hour to clean a warehouse and his friend needs half "
-"as many. How many hours would it take them to clean up the warehouse if they "
-"worked together? [option_answers]"
-msgid_plural ""
-"John needs [john_time] hours to clean a warehouse and his friend needs half "
-"as many. How many hours would it take them to clean up the warehouse if they "
-"worked together? [option_answers]"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Jonek [john_time] ordu behar du biltegi bat garbitzeko eta bere lagunak, "
-"berriz, denboraren erdia. Zenbat ordu beharko lituzkete biltegia garbitzeko "
-"biek elkarrekin lan egingo balute? [option_answers]"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Jonek [john_time] ordu behar ditu biltegi bat garbitzeko eta bere lagunak, "
-"berriz, denboraren erdia. Zenbat ordu beharko lituzkete biltegia garbitzeko "
-"biek elkarrekin lan egingo balute? [option_answers]"
-#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:77
-msgid ""
-"John needs [john_time] hour to clean a warehouse and his friend needs twice "
-"as many. How many hours would it take them to clean up the warehouse if they "
-"worked together? [option_answers]"
-msgid_plural ""
-"John needs [john_time] hours to clean a warehouse and his friend needs twice "
-"as many. How many hours would it take them to clean up the warehouse if they "
-"worked together? [option_answers]"
-msgstr[0] ""
-"Jonek [john_time] ordu behar du biltegi bat garbitzeko eta bere lagunak, "
-"berriz, bi aldiz gehiago. Zenbat ordu beharko lituzkete biltegia garbitzeko "
-"biek elkarrekin lan egingo balute? ? [option_answers]"
-msgstr[1] ""
-"Jonek [john_time] ordu behar ditu biltegi bat garbitzeko eta bere lagunak, "
-"berriz, bi aldiz gehiago. Zenbat ordu beharko lituzkete biltegia garbitzeko "
-"biek elkarrekin lan egingo balute? [option_answers]"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "[ago] year ago, John's age minus [ago] was equal to [proportion] times "
-#~ "his son's age minus [ago]."
-#~ msgid_plural ""
-#~ "[ago] years ago, John's age minus [ago] was equal to [proportion] times "
-#~ "his son's age minus [ago]."
-#~ msgstr[0] ""
-#~ "Duela urte [ago], Anderren urteei [ago] kentzea [proportion] aldiz bere "
-#~ "semearenari [ago] kentzearen berdina zen."
-#~ msgstr[1] ""
-#~ "Duela [ago] urte, Anderren urteei [ago] kentzea [proportion] aldiz bere "
-#~ "semearenari [ago] kentzearen berdina zen."
-#~ msgid "There are [men] people and [horses] horses."
-#~ msgid_plural "There are [men] people and [horses] horses."
-#~ msgstr[0] "[men] pertsona eta [horses] zaldi daude."
-#~ msgstr[1] "[men] pertsona eta [horses] zaldi daude."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "If p < x < q and r < y < s. Which of the following options "
-#~ "makes x < y true? [option_answers]"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Baldin p < x < q eta r < y < s. Zer aukerak egiten du x < "
-#~ "y egia? [option_answers]"
-#~ msgid "Possible answers are:"
-#~ msgstr "Erantzun posibleak:"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The number X is multiple of [num_x] and the number Y of [num_y]. The "
-#~ "product of both numbers (X * Y) is then multiple of? [option_answers]"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "X zenbakia [num_x] zenbakiaren anizkoitza da, eta Y zenbakia [num_y] "
-#~ "zenbakiarena. Bi zenbakien biderketa (X * Y) zerren anizkoitza da? "
-#~ "[option_answers]"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The variable q is bigger than x and s is bigger than y, if q is bigger "
-#~ "than s then the condition x > y is true."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "q aldagaia x baino handiagoa da, eta s aldagaia y baino handiagoa. q s "
-#~ "baino handiagoa bada, orduan x > y baldintza egia da."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The variable q is bigger than x and y bigger than r, if q is bigger than "
-#~ "r then the condition x < y is true."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "q aldagaia x baino handiagoa da, eta y aldagaia r baino handiagoa. q r "
-#~ "baino handiagoa bada, orduan x < y baldintza egia da."
-#~ msgid "[option_prefix] q < r"
-#~ msgstr "[option_prefix] q < r"
-#~ msgid "[option_prefix] q > s"
-#~ msgstr "[option_prefix] q > s"
-#~ msgid "Bagpipes"
-#~ msgstr "Gaitak"
-#~ msgid "Has no relation"
-#~ msgstr "Ez du erlaziorik"
-#~ msgid "Horse / Pony"
-#~ msgstr "Zaldia / Pottoka"
-#~ msgid "Icon"
-#~ msgstr "Ikonoa"
-#~ msgid "Innovator"
-#~ msgstr "Berritzailea"
-#~ msgid "Snake"
-#~ msgstr "Sugea"
-#~ msgid "Son-in-law"
-#~ msgstr "Suhia"
-#~ msgid "Wealthy"
-#~ msgstr "Aberatsa"
-#~ msgid "burst | pop"
-#~ msgstr "leherketa | eztanda"
-#~ msgid "coins"
-#~ msgstr "txanponak"
-#~ msgid "theatre | theater"
-#~ msgstr "antzokia"
-#~ msgid "turn"
-#~ msgstr "biratu"
-#~ msgid "Break the mental blocks and look into the boundaries of problems."
-#~ msgstr "Hautsi blokeo mentalak eta begiratu buruketen mugetan."
-#~ msgid "Possible correct answers are: {0}."
-#~ msgstr "Erantzun posibleak: {0}."
-#~ msgid "{0}, "
-#~ msgstr "{0}, "
-#~ msgid "{0}."
-#~ msgstr "{0}."
-#~ msgid "{0}) "
-#~ msgstr "{0}) "
-#~ msgid "Finish"
-#~ msgstr "Amaitu"
-#~ msgid "Number of games per page:"
-#~ msgstr "Joko kopurua orrialdeko:"
-#~ msgid "Every triangle counts as 1, each circle as 2 and each square as 3."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Triangelu bakoitza 1 bezala zenbatzen da, zirkulua 2 gisa eta karratua 3 "
-#~ "bezala."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Starting from the first clock sum {0} to the value indicated by the hands."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "{0} ordulariaren aurreneko baturatik hasita orratzek adierazitako "
-#~ "baliorarte."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "Individually, the present costs one euro more to purchase than to wrap."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Bakarka, opariak biltzeko papera baino euro bat gehiago kostatzen da."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "What is the next logical sequence of objects in the last column? See "
-#~ "below the convention when giving the answer."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Zein da objektuen hurrengo sekuentzia logikoa azken zutabean? Ikus azpiko "
-#~ "konbentzioa erantzuna ematean."
-#~ msgid "{0} ->"
-#~ msgstr "{0} ->"
-#~ msgid "Convention when giving the answer is:"
-#~ msgstr "Konbentzioa erantzuna ematean erabiltzeko:"
-#~ msgid "E.g: {0}{1}{2} (pentagon, triangle, circle)"
-#~ msgstr "Adib: {0}{1}{2} (pentagonoa, triangelua, zirkulua)"
-#~ msgid "Matrix groups"
-#~ msgstr "Matrize taldeak"
-#~ msgid "Matrix numbers"
-#~ msgstr "Matrizeko zenbakiak"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "What is the letter of the figure that represents the next logical figure "
-#~ "in the sequence? Answer {0}, {1} or {2}."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Zein da irudiaren hizkia sekuentziako hurrengo irudi logikoa adierazteko? "
-#~ "Erantzun {0}, {1} edo {2}."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The numbers in the figure reflect the different areas covered by each one "
-#~ "of the sheets."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Irudiko zenbakiek orri bakoitzak estaltzen duen area desberdinak "
-#~ "adierazten dute."
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "In what year did Shiny Cars record a sales total lower than that of last "
-#~ "December?"
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "Zein urtetan izan zuen Kotxe Distiratsuak salmenta baxuagoa abenduan "
-#~ "baino?"
-#~ msgid "Memorize figures"
-#~ msgstr "Memorizatu irudiak"
+# Basque translation for gbrainy
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
+# Asier Zabaleta <aza openbravo com>, 2008.
+# Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <dooteo euskalgnu org>, 2009, 2010, 2015.
+# Edurne Labaka <elabaka uzei com>, 2015.
+# Asier Sarasua Garmendia <asiersarasua ni eus>, 2022.
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Project-Id-Version: gbrainy master\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gbrainy/issues\n";
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-01-01 09:53+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-04-10 10:00+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Asier Sarasua Garmendia <asiersarasua ni eus>\n"
+"Language-Team: Basque <librezale librezale eus>\n"
+"Language: eu\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:1
+msgid "Clock rotation"
+msgstr "Erlojuaren biraketa"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:2
+msgid "Every hour rotates 360 degrees."
+msgstr "Orduero 360 gradu biratzen da."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:3
+msgid "Brothers and sisters"
+msgstr "Anaiak eta arrebak"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:4
+msgid ""
+"Out of [people] people, [brothers] have brothers, [sisters] have sisters and "
+"[both] have both. How many people have neither brothers nor sisters?"
+msgstr "[people] pertsonetatik [brothers](e)k anaiak dituzte, [sisters](e)k arrebak edo ahizpak, eta
[both](e)k bai anaiak bai arrebak/ahizpak. Zenbat jendek ez dauka ez anaiarik ez arrebarik/ahizparik?"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:5
+msgid ""
+"It is calculated by taking the total number of people minus [brothers_only] "
+"people that have brothers only, minus [sisters_only] that have sisters only "
+"and minus [both] that have sisters and brothers."
+msgstr "Honela kalkulatzen da: jendearen guztizko kopurua ken anaiak soilik dituzten [brothers_only]
pertsonak, ken ahizpak/arrebak bakarrik dituzten [sisters_only] pertsonak, ken ahizpak/arrebak eta anaiak
dituzten [both] pertsonak."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:6
+msgid "Age"
+msgstr "Adina"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:7
+msgid ""
+"John's son age is nowadays half of John's age minus [difference], that is, "
+"([father] / 2) - [difference]."
+msgstr "Jonen semearen oraingo adina Jonen adinaren erdia ken [difference] da, hau da, ([father] / 2) -
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:8
+msgid "Password"
+msgstr "Pasahitza"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:9
+msgid ""
+"Every digit has 10 possibilities. The total number of possibilities is 10 at "
+"the power of [digits]."
+msgstr "Digitu bakoitzak 10 aukera ditu. Posibilitateen guztirako kopurua 10 ber [digits] da."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:10
+msgid ""
+"Every digit has 8 possibilities. The total number of possibilities is 8 at "
+"the power of [digits]."
+msgstr "Digitu bakoitzak 8 aukera ditu. Posibilitateen guztirako kopurua 8 ber [digits] da."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:11
+msgid "Tennis game"
+msgstr "Tenis jokoa"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:12
+msgid ""
+"Every game is an independent event with 2 possible results. The total number "
+"of possibilities is 2 at the power of [games]."
+msgstr "Joko bakoitzak gertaera aske bat dauka 2 emaitza posiblerekin. Posibilitateen guztizko kopurua 2 ber
[games] da."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:13
+msgid ""
+"In every match you eliminate one player. Therefore, the result is the total "
+"number of player minus one."
+msgstr "Partida bakoitzean jokalari bat kanporatzen duzu. Hortaz, jokalarien guztizko kopurua ken 1 izango
da emaitza."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:14
+msgid "Bank interest"
+msgstr "Bankuaren interesa"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:15
+msgid ""
+"Compound interest is paid on the principal plus any past interest "
+msgstr "Interes konposatua honela ordaintzen da: printzipala gehi metatutako iraganeko edozein interes."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:16
+msgid "Simple equations"
+msgstr "Ekuazio bakunak"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:17
+msgid "What number plus [num_a] equals [num_b]?"
+msgstr "Zer zenbaki gehi [num_a] da [num_b](r)en berdina?"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:18
+msgid "x + [num_a] = [num_b]"
+msgstr "x + [num_a] = [num_b]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:19
+msgid "It is the result of the operation [num_b] - [num_a]."
+msgstr "[num_b] - [num_a] eragiketaren emaitza da."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:20
+msgid "What number minus [num_a] equals [num_b]?"
+msgstr "Zer zenbaki ken [num_a] da [num_b](r)en berdina?"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:21
+msgid "x - [num_a] = [num_b]"
+msgstr "x - [num_a] = [num_b]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:22
+msgid "It is the result of the operation [num_a] + [num_b]."
+msgstr "[num_a] + [num_b] eragiketaren emaitza da."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:23
+msgid "What number multiplied by [num_a] equals [num_b]?"
+msgstr "Zer zenbaki [num_a](r)ekin biderkatuz da [num_b](r)en berdina?"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:24
+msgid "x * [num_a] = [num_b]"
+msgstr "x * [num_a] = [num_b]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:25
+msgid "It is the result of the operation [num_b] / [num_a]."
+msgstr "[num_b] / [num_a] eragiketaren emaitza da."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:26
+msgid "What number divided by [num_a] equals [num_b]?"
+msgstr "Zer zenbaki [num_a](r)ekin zatituz da [num_b](r)en berdina?"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:27
+msgid "x / [num_a] = [num_b]"
+msgstr "x / [num_a] = [num_b]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:28
+msgid "It is the result of the operation [num_a] * [num_b]."
+msgstr "[num_a] * [num_b] eragiketaren emaitza da."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:29
+msgid "Boxes"
+msgstr "Kutxak"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:30
+msgid "Container"
+msgstr "Edukiontzia"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:31
+msgid "Box"
+msgstr "Kutxa"
+#. Translators: 0.5 should be formatted correctly to your locale, using "," for example instead of "." if
this is the convention for your language.
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:33
+msgid ""
+"How many boxes measuring 1 x 1 x 0.5 can be fit into a container measuring 6 "
+"x 5 x [z]?"
+msgstr "1 x 1 x 0,5 neurriko zenbat kutxa sartzen dira 6 x 5 x [z] neurriko edukiontzi batean?"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:34
+msgid "You can fit 6 * 5 * [z] * 2 boxes."
+msgstr "6 * 5 * [z] * 2 kutxa doi ditzakezu."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:35
+msgid "Palindromic years"
+msgstr "Urte palindromoak"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:36
+msgid ""
+"[year_start] is a palindromic year as [year_end] is, a gap of 11 years. What "
+"are the next two consecutive palindromic years after [year_end] with the "
+"same gap? Answer using two numbers (e.g.: [year_start] and [year_end])."
+msgstr "[year_start] urte palindromo bat da [year_end] den moduan, 11 urteko bitartea. Zein dira [year_end]
urtearen ondoren jarraian dauden hurrengo bi urte palindromoak bitarte berdinarekin? Erantzun bi zenbaki
erabiliz (adib.: [year_start] eta [year_end])."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:37
+msgid ""
+"A palindromic number remains the same when its digits are reversed (e.g.: "
+msgstr "Zenbaki palindromo batek bere balioa mantentzen du digituak alderantziz jartzean (adib. 2112)."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:38
+msgid "[rslt_a] and [rslt_b]"
+msgstr "[rslt_a] eta [rslt_b]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:39
+msgid ""
+"From year 1000 to year 10000, palindrome years occur at 110 year intervals "
+"except for the end of each millennium that occur at a 11 years interval."
+msgstr "1000 urtetik 10000 urtera arte urte palindromoak 110 urteko bitartearekin gertatzen dira, milurteko
bakoitzaren amaieran izan ezik, 11 urteko bitartean gertatzen direlarik."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:40
+msgid "Dartboard"
+msgstr "Itua"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:41
+msgid ""
+"On the dartboard below, where would you need to throw the darts to add 120 "
+"points in 5 throws? Answer using a list of numbers (e.g.: 4, 5, 6, 3, 2)"
+msgstr "Ondorengo ituan, non jo behar dute geziek 120 puntu lortzeko 5 jaurtiketetan? Erantzun zenbakien
zerrenda bat erabiliz (adib.: 4, 5, 6, 3, 2)"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:42
+msgid "Only 3 of the 4 numbers in the dartboard are used to add 120 points."
+msgstr "Ituko 4 zenbakietatik 3 bakarrik erabiltzen dira 120 puntu gehitzeko."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:43
+msgid "Horse race"
+msgstr "Zaldi lasterketa"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:44 ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:63
+msgid ""
+"In a horse race there are people and horses. You count [eyes] eye and [legs] "
+"leg. How many horses are present?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"In a horse race there are people and horses. You count [eyes] eyes and "
+"[legs] legs. How many horses are present?"
+msgstr[0] "Zaldi lasterketa batean pertsonak eta zaldiak daude. [eyes] begi eta [legs] hanka zenbatu
ditzakezu. Zenbat zaldi daude?"
+msgstr[1] "Zaldi lasterketa batean pertsonak eta zaldiak daude. [eyes] begi eta [legs] hanka zenbatu
ditzakezu. Zenbat zaldi daude?"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:45
+msgid ""
+"Every person has two legs and every horse four (2 * [men] + [horses] * 4). "
+"Every person and every horse have also two eyes (2 * [men] + 2 * [horses])."
+msgstr "Pertsona bakoitzak bi hanka ditu eta zaldi bakoitzak lau (2 * [men] + [horses] * 4). Gainera,
pertsona eta zaldi bakoitzak bi begi ditu (2 * [men] + 2 * [horses])."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:46
+msgid "Lever"
+msgstr "Palanka"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:47
+msgid ""
+"How much weight is needed at the point indicated by the question mark to "
+"balance the lever?"
+msgstr "Zenbatekoa izan behar du pisuak galdera ikurrak zehaztutako puntuan palankaren balantza orekatua
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:48
+msgid ""
+"Consider the sentence attributed to Archimedes: 'Give me a lever long enough "
+"and a place to stand and I can move the Earth'."
+msgstr "Eduki ezazu gogoan Arkimedes-ek esandakoa: eman palanka luze bat eta mundua mugituko dut."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:49
+msgid ""
+"A lever is in equilibrium when the objects placed on it are at a distances "
+"reciprocally proportional to their weights."
+msgstr "Palanka bat orekan dago bertako objektuak beren pisuaren arabera elkarrekiko proportzionalak diren
distantzietan kokatuta daudenean."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:50
+msgid "Multiple number"
+msgstr "Zenbaki anizkoitza"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:51
+msgid ""
+"Which two numbers of the list below are both multiple of [num_x] and "
+"[num_y]? [option_answers]"
+msgstr "Ondorengo zerrendako zein bi zenbaki dira biak [num_x] eta [num_y] zenbakien multiploak?
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:52
+msgid ""
+"A multiple is a number that may be divided by another number with no "
+"remainder. For example, 10, 15 and 25 are multiples of 5."
+msgstr "Anizkoitz bat beste zenbaki batengatik zatitu daiteke hondarrik gabe. Adibidez, 10, 15 eta 15 5en
anizkoitzak dira."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:53
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesMultipleOptions.cs:100
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsOptions.cs:119
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationAverage.cs:183
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationCloserFraction.cs:175
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationPrimes.cs:149
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationProportions.cs:128
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationSelectedNumbers.cs:242
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigurePattern.cs:235
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigures.cs:190
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridDots.cs:337
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargerShape.cs:301
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingPiece.cs:171
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingSlice.cs:216
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMostInCommon.cs:311
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNextFigure.cs:164
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleOstracism.cs:174
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:194
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTetris.cs:169
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:217
+msgid "Choose one of the following:"
+msgstr "Aukeratu hauetako bat:"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:54
+msgid "[option_prefix] [option_a] and [option_c]"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] [option_a] eta [option_c]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:55
+msgid "[option_prefix] [option_a] and [option_b]"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] [option_a] eta [option_b]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:56
+msgid "[option_prefix] [option_b] and [option_c]"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] [option_b] eta [option_c]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:57
+msgid "[option_prefix] [option_c] and [option_d]"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] [option_c] eta [option_d]"
+#. Since this a multioption the answer string is set to option | this string, what makes answer_show is not
useful here
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:59
+msgid "[option_a] and [option_b]"
+msgstr "[option_a] eta [option_b]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:60
+msgid "[option_a] and [option_b] are both multiples of [num_x] and [num_y]."
+msgstr "bai [option_a] eta bai [option_b] [num_x] eta [num_y] zenbakien multiploak dira biak."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:61
+msgid "Cars in town"
+msgstr "Autoak hirian"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:63
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"In a small town, [all_cars]% of the inhabitants have a car and [males_cars]% "
+"have a car and are males. What percentage of the population are females and "
+"have a car? [option_answers]"
+msgstr "Herri txiki batean, biztanleen % [all_cars](e)k autoa daukate eta % [males_cars](e)k autoa daukate
eta gizonak dira. Populazio osoaren ehuneko zenbat da emakumea eta auto bat daukana? [option_answers]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:65
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "[option_prefix] [option_a]%"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] %[option_a]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:67
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "[option_prefix] [option_b]%"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] %[option_b]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:69
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "[option_prefix] [option_c]%"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] %[option_c]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:71
+#, no-c-format
+msgid "[option_prefix] [option_d]%"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] %[option_d]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:73
+#, no-c-format
+msgid ""
+"[females_cars]% ([all_cars] - [males_cars]) of the inhabitants are women and "
+"have a car."
+msgstr "Biztanleen % [females_cars] ([all_cars] - [males_cars]) emakumeak dira, eta autoa dute."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:74
+msgid "Compare variables"
+msgstr "Konparatu aldagaiak"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:75
+msgid ""
+"If p < x < q and r < y < s and you know that x < y is true, "
+"which of the following options is correct? [option_answers]"
+msgstr "Baldin p < x < q eta r < y < s eta badakizu x < y egia dela, aukera hauetako zein da
zuzena? [option_answers]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:76
+msgid "[option_prefix] s > p"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] s > p"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:77
+msgid "[option_prefix] p < r"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] p < r"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:78
+msgid "[option_prefix] p > r"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] p > r"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:79
+msgid "[option_prefix] q = s"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] q = s"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:80
+msgid "If x < y, then p < x < y < s so s > p is true."
+msgstr "If x < y, orduan p < x < y < s beraz s > p egia da."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:81
+msgid ""
+"If p < x < q and r < y < s and you know that x > y is true, "
+"which of the following options is correct? [option_answers]"
+msgstr "Baldin p < x < q eta r < y < s eta badakizu x > y egia dela, aukera hauetako zein da
zuzena? [option_answers]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:82
+msgid "[option_prefix] r < q"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] r < q"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:83
+msgid "If x > y, then r < y < x < q, so r < q is true."
+msgstr "If x > y, orduan r < y < x < q, beraz r < q egia da."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:84
+msgid "Odd number"
+msgstr "Zenbaki bakoitia"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:85
+msgid ""
+"Given two integer numbers x and y, if x is even and y odd, which of the "
+"following expressions gives always an odd result? [option_answers]"
+msgstr "Bi osoko zenbaki ditugu, x eta y. x bikoitia bada eta y bakoitia, adierazpen hauetako zeinek ematen
du beti emaitza bakoitia? [option_answers]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:86
+msgid "[option_prefix] 2x + y"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] 2x + y"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:87
+msgid "[option_prefix] x * y"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] x * y"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:88
+msgid "[option_prefix] x * y * 2"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] x * y * 2"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:89
+msgid "[option_prefix] (x - y) * 2"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] (x - y) * 2"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:90
+msgid ""
+"Multiplication of two even numbers always produces an even number, so x "
+"multiplied by 2 is even. Adding an odd number (y) to that even number always "
+"produces an odd number."
+msgstr "Bi zenbaki bikoitiren biderketak beti zenbaki bikoitia ematen du emaitza gisa; beraz, x 2
zenbakiarekin biderkatuta emaitza bikoitia lortuko da beti. Zenbaki bikoiti horri zenbaki bakoiti bat (y)
gehituz gero, emaitza bakoitia lortuko da beti."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:91
+msgid "Warehouse"
+msgstr "Biltegia"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:92
+msgid "Two trucks"
+msgstr "Bi kamioi"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:93 ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:79
+msgid ""
+"You have two trucks that have a total weight of [add] unit. If the lighter "
+"truck weights 15 units less that half of the weight of the heavier truck, "
+"what is the weight of the lighter truck? [option_answers]"
+msgid_plural ""
+"You have two trucks that have a total weight of [add] units. If the lighter "
+"truck weights 15 units less that half of the weight of the heavier truck, "
+"what is the weight of the lighter truck? [option_answers]"
+msgstr[0] "Guztira [add] unitateko pisua daukaten bi kamioi dituzu. Kamioi arinenak astunenaren pisuaren
erdia baino 15 unitate gutxiago pisatzen badu, zein da kamioi arinenaren pisua? [option_answers]"
+msgstr[1] "Guztira [add] unitateko pisua daukaten bi kamioi dituzu. Kamioi arinenak astunenaren pisuaren
erdia baino 15 unitate gutxiago pisatzen badu, zein da kamioi arinenaren pisua? [option_answers]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:94
+msgid "The heavier truck weights [heavier] and the lighter [lighter]."
+msgstr "Kamioi astunenaren pisua [heavier] da eta arinenarena [lighter]."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:95
+msgid "Family relations"
+msgstr "Familia-loturak"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:96
+msgid ""
+"John's father's sister's sister-in-law is also? Do not assume that John has "
+"any relative that has not been mentioned. [option_answers]"
+msgstr "Jonen aitaren arrebaren koinata zer da baita ere? Ez pentsatu Jonek aipatu ez den familiartekorik
daukanik. [option_answers]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:97
+msgid "[option_prefix] His mother"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] Bere ama"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:98
+msgid "[option_prefix] Has no relation"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] Ez dauka loturarik"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:99
+msgctxt "John's father's sister's sister-in-law is also?"
+msgid "[option_prefix] His cousin"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] Bere lehengusua"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:100
+msgid "[option_prefix] His son-in-law"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] Bere suhia"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:101
+msgid "His mother"
+msgstr "Bere ama"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:102
+msgid ""
+"The sister's sister-in-law is John's father's wife, that is, John's mother."
+msgstr "Arrebaren koinata Jonen aitaren emaztea da, hau da, Jonen ama."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:103
+msgid ""
+"John's mother's brother's brother-in-law is also? Do not assume that John "
+"has any relative that has not been mentioned. [option_answers]"
+msgstr "Jonen amaren anaiaren koinatua zer da baita ere? Ez pentsatu Jonek aipatu ez den familiartekorik
daukanik. [option_answers]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:104
+msgid "[option_prefix] His father"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] Bere aita"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:105
+msgctxt "John's mother's brother's brother-in-law is also?"
+msgid "[option_prefix] His cousin"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] Bere lehengusua"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:106
+msgid "His father"
+msgstr "Bere aita"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:107
+msgid ""
+"The brother's brother-in-law is John's mother's husband, that is, John's "
+msgstr "Anaiaren koinatua Jonen amaren senarra da, hau da, Jonen aita."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:108
+msgid "Third number"
+msgstr "Hirugarren zenbakia"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:109
+msgid ""
+"The average of three numbers is [three]. The average of two of these numbers "
+"is [two]. What is the third number? [option_answers]"
+msgstr "Hiru zenbakien batez bestekoa [three] da. Zenbaki horietako biren batez bestekoa [two] da. Zein da
hirugarren zenbakia? [option_answers]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:110
+msgid "It is the result of the operation: ([three] * 3) - ([two] * 2)."
+msgstr "Eragiketa honen emaitza da: ([three] * 3) - ([two] * 2)."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:111
+msgid "Birthday"
+msgstr "Urtebetetzea"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:112
+msgid ""
+"A girl once said: 2 days ago I was 18 years old. Next year I will be 21 "
+"years old. Can this be true? [option_answers]"
+msgstr "Neska batek zera esan zuen: Duela 2 egun, 18 urte nituen. Datorren urtean 21 izango ditut. Egia al
da? [option_answers]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:113
+msgid "[option_prefix] Yes"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] Bai"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:114
+msgid "[option_prefix] No"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] Ez"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:115
+msgid "She was born 31st of December and she said this on 1st of January."
+msgstr "Abenduaren 31n jaio zen eta urtarrilaren 1ean esan zuen."
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:116 ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:376
+msgid "Direction"
+msgstr "Jarraibidea"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:117
+msgid ""
+"I go south on an evening when the sun shines. To which side of me will my "
+"shadow fall? [option_answers]"
+msgstr "Eguzkia oraindik bistan dagoela, arratsalde batean, hegoaldera noa. Norantz dago zuzenduta nire
itzala? [option_answers]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:118
+msgid "[option_prefix] To my left"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] Nire ezkerrera"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:119
+msgid "[option_prefix] To my right"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] Nire eskuinera"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:120
+msgid "[option_prefix] Behind me"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] Nire atzean"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:121
+msgid "[option_prefix] In front of me"
+msgstr "[option_prefix] Nire aurrean"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:122
+msgid ""
+"If I go south then east is to my left and in the evening the shadow falls "
+msgstr "Hegoaldera badoa, orduan ekialdea nire ezkerrean dago eta arratsaldean itzala ekialderantz dago
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:123
+msgid "Two men"
+msgstr "Bi gizon"
+#. Translators: Adapt 'feet' to the right unit of length for your locale.
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:125
+msgid ""
+"Two men starting at the same point walk in opposite directions for [dist_a] "
+"feet. Both turn left and walk another [dist_b] feet. What is the distance "
+"between them? [option_answers]"
+msgstr "Bi gizon, toki beretik hasita, aurkako norabidean doaz [dist_a] metroz. Biek ezkerrera biratu dute
eta beste [dist_b] metro egin dituzte. Zein da bien arteko distantzia? [option_answers]"
+#: ../data/games.xml.h:126
+msgid ""
+"Using the Pythagorean theorem, the solution is 2 by the square root of "
+"([dist_a]^2 + [dist_b]^2)."
+msgstr "Pitagorasen teorema erabilita, erantzuna bi zati ([dist_a]^2 + [dist_b]^2) funtzioaren erro karratua
+#: ../data/gbrainy.appdata.xml.in.h:1
+msgid ""
+"gbrainy is a game to train memory, arithmetical and logical capabilities "
+"with many sorts of exercises of different difficulty levels"
+msgstr "Gbrainy memoria, aritmetika eta logikako gaitasunak entrenatzeko joko bat da, zailtasun-maila
desberdineko ariketa-sorta ugari dituena."
+#: ../data/gbrainy.appdata.xml.in.h:2
+msgid ""
+"gbrainy is a game to train memory, arithmetical and logical capabilities "
+"with many sorts of exercises of different difficulty levels."
+msgstr "gbrainy memoria, aritmetika eta logikako gaitasunak entrenatzeko joko bat da, zailtasun-maila
desberdineko ariketa-sorta ugari dituena."
+#: ../data/gbrainy.appdata.xml.in.h:3
+msgid ""
+"It should have something for all ages and purposes: kids whose parents want "
+"them to develop their capabilities, adults that want to keep their mind in "
+"form or just try it out for fun, older people that might need to do some "
+"memory exercises, etc."
+msgstr "Adin eta helburu guztietarako zerbait eduki beharko luke: guraso askok beren umeek gaitasunak
lantzea nahi dute, heldu askok beren burua osasuntsu mantendu nahi dute edo besterik gabe ondo pasa,
hirugarren adineko askok memoria lantzeko ariketak egin nahi dituzte..."
+#: ../data/gbrainy.desktop.in.h:1 ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:1
+msgid "gbrainy"
+msgstr "gbrainy"
+#: ../data/gbrainy.desktop.in.h:2
+msgid "Game"
+msgstr "Jokoa"
+#: ../data/gbrainy.desktop.in.h:3
+msgid ""
+"Play games that challenge your logic, verbal, calculation and memory "
+msgstr "Zure logika, hitzak, kalkuluak eta memoriaren ahalmenak erronkan jartzen dituen jokora jokatu."
+#: ../data/gbrainy.desktop.in.h:4
+msgid "game;logic;memory;teaser;brain;verbal;calculation;"
+msgstr "jokoa;logika;memoria;trikimailua;garuna;hitzezkoa;kalkuluak;"
+#: ../data/themes/themes.xml.h:1
+msgid "Classic"
+msgstr "Klasikoa"
+#: ../data/themes/themes.xml.h:2
+msgid "Notebook"
+msgstr "Koadernoa"
+#. Translators, please check these recommendations when translating gbrainy:
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:4
+msgid "Which of the following sports does not belong in this group?"
+msgstr "Kirol hauetatik zein da bitxia?"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:5
+msgid "Think of the items used in the game."
+msgstr "Jokoan erabilitako elementuei buruz pentsatu."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:6
+msgid "Golf"
+msgstr "Golf"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:7
+msgid "Basketball"
+msgstr "Saskibaloia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:8
+msgid "Tennis"
+msgstr "Tenis"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:9
+msgid "Cycling"
+msgstr "Txirrindularitza"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:10
+msgid "It is the only one that does not use a ball in the game."
+msgstr "Jokoan baloi bat erabiltzen ez duen bakarra da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:11
+msgid "A terrier is to a dog like a?"
+msgstr "Terrier bat txakurrari dagokio?"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:12
+msgid "Chicken / Parrot"
+msgstr "Oiloa / Txoria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:13
+msgid "Pony / Horse"
+msgstr "Ponia /Zaldia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:14
+msgid "Ant / Vertebrate"
+msgstr "Inurria / Ornoduna"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:15
+msgid "Dog / Cat"
+msgstr "Txakurra / Katua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:16
+msgid "Dog and horse are species and terrier and pony are breeds."
+msgstr "Txakurra eta zaldia espezieak dira eta terrier eta poni arrazak dira."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:17
+msgid "The word 'taxidermist' is used to define a person that?"
+msgstr "Taxidermista hitzak zein pertsona mota definitzen du?"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:18
+msgid "Works with dead animals"
+msgstr "Hildako animaliekin lan egiten du"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:19
+msgid "Specializes in skin diseases"
+msgstr "Azaleko gaixotasunen espezializatuta dago"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:20
+msgid "Suffers a skin disease"
+msgstr "Azaleko gaixotasuna du"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:21
+msgid "Works with leather"
+msgstr "Larruarekin lan egiten du"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:22
+msgid "A car engine that is poorly designed and lacking of sophistication is?"
+msgstr "Diseinu txiroa eta sofistikaziorik gabeko auto baten motorra zer da?"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:23
+msgid "Simplistic"
+msgstr "Sinplista"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:24
+msgid "Erroneous"
+msgstr "Okerrekoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:25
+msgid "Broken"
+msgstr "Hautsitakoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:26
+msgid "Unorthodox"
+msgstr "Bat ere ez ortodoxoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:27
+msgid "Which of the following words is the closest in meaning to 'censure'?"
+msgstr "Zein hitz da 'zentsuratu' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:28
+msgid "Condemn"
+msgstr "Gaitzetsi"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:29
+msgid "Hide"
+msgstr "Ezkutatu"
+#. Translators: 'obscure' is used as a verb
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:31
+msgid "Obscure"
+msgstr "Iluna"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:32
+msgid "Ignore"
+msgstr "Ez ikusi egin"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:33
+msgid "An artist whose work has become the defining style of a genre is?"
+msgstr "Artista baten lanak genero baten estiloa definitzen badu, zer da artista hori?"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:34
+msgid "Pioneer"
+msgstr "Aitzindaria"
+#. Translators: referred to the life style
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:36
+msgid "Bohemian"
+msgstr "Bohemioa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:37
+msgid "Misunderstood"
+msgstr "Gaizki-ulertua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:38
+msgid "Martyr"
+msgstr "Martiria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:39
+msgid "Which of the following sentences defines better an 'ostracized' person?"
+msgstr "Honako zein sententziak definitzen du hobeto pertsona 'baztertua'?"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:40
+msgid "Person expelled from society"
+msgstr "Gizartetik erbesteratutako pertsona"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:41
+msgid "Loner"
+msgstr "Bakartia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:42
+msgid "Connoisseur"
+msgstr "Aditua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:43
+msgid "Conspirator"
+msgstr "Azpikaria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:44
+msgid "Which of the following words means fear of people?"
+msgstr "Hauetariko zein hitzek adierazten du pertsonekiko beldurra?"
+#. Translators: Anthropophobia is fear of people
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:46
+msgid "Anthropophobia"
+msgstr "Antropofobia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:47
+msgid "Hypochondria"
+msgstr "Hipokondria"
+#. Translators: Anthophobia is fear of flowers that poses little or no danger
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:49
+msgid "Anthophobia"
+msgstr "Antofobia"
+#. Translators: Acrophobia is fear of heights
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:51
+msgid "Acrophobia"
+msgstr "Akrofobia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:52
+msgid "A person with excessive preoccupation for his health has?"
+msgstr "Osasunarekiko gehiegizko kezka duen pertsona bat zer dauka?"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:53
+msgid "Agoraphobia"
+msgstr "Agorafobia"
+#. Selected to avoid physical characteristics like: has shield, legs or tail
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:55
+msgid "Which of the following words does not belong in this group?"
+msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da bitxia?"
+#. Translator: As a noun
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:57
+msgid "Violin"
+msgstr "Biolina"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:58
+msgid "Bassoon"
+msgstr "Fagota"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:59
+msgid "Flute"
+msgstr "Txirula"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:60
+msgid "Oboe"
+msgstr "Oboe"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:61
+msgid "It is the only one that is not a woodwind instrument."
+msgstr "Haize-instrumentua ez den bakarra da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:62
+msgid "What is a 'halberd'?"
+msgstr "Zer da 'alabarda' bat?"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:63
+msgid "Weapon"
+msgstr "Arma"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:64
+msgid "Flower"
+msgstr "Lorea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:65
+msgid "Fish"
+msgstr "Arraina"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:66
+msgid "Sport"
+msgstr "Kirola"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:67
+msgid "Fossil"
+msgstr "Fosila"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:68
+msgid "Portico"
+msgstr "Arkupea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:69
+msgid "Column"
+msgstr "Zutabea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:70
+msgid "Attic"
+msgstr "Ganbera"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:71
+msgid "It is the only one that is not related to architecture."
+msgstr "Arkitekturarekin zerikusia ez duen bakarra da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:72
+msgid "Kilometer"
+msgstr "Kilometroa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:73
+msgid "Hectogram"
+msgstr "Hektogramo"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:74
+msgid "Liter"
+msgstr "Litroa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:75
+msgid "Gallon"
+msgstr "Galoia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:76
+msgid "It is the only unit that does not belong to the metric system."
+msgstr "Sistema metrikokoa ez den unitate bakarra da."
+#. Translators: refers to the fruit
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:78
+msgid "Orange"
+msgstr "Laranja"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:79
+msgid "Apple"
+msgstr "Sagarra"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:80
+msgid "Grape"
+msgstr "Mahatsa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:81
+msgid "Potato"
+msgstr "Patata"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:82
+msgid "It is the only one that is not a fruit."
+msgstr "Fruitua ez den bakarra da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:83
+msgid "Turtle"
+msgstr "Dortoka"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:84
+msgid "Crocodile"
+msgstr "Krokodiloa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:85
+msgid "Lizard"
+msgstr "Sugandila"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:86
+msgid "Frog"
+msgstr "Apoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:87
+msgid "It is the only one that is not a reptile and also does not have a tail."
+msgstr "Narrasti bat ez den eta isatsik ez daukan bakarra da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:88
+msgid "Tiger"
+msgstr "Tigrea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:89
+msgid "Hyena"
+msgstr "Hiena"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:90
+msgid "Wolf"
+msgstr "Otsoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:91
+msgid "Deer"
+msgstr "Oreina"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:92
+msgid "It is the only one that is not a carnivore."
+msgstr "Haragijale bat ez den bakarra da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:93
+msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'hedonism'?"
+msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'hedonismoa' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:94
+msgid "Pleasure"
+msgstr "Atsegina"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:95
+msgid "Pain"
+msgstr "Mina"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:96
+msgid "Collectivism"
+msgstr "Kolektibismoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:97
+msgid "Abstinence"
+msgstr "Abstinentzia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:98
+msgid ""
+"The ethical doctrine holding that only what is pleasant is an intrinsic good."
+msgstr "Atsegina norbere baitako ona dela soilik eusten dion doktrina etikoa."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:99
+msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'asceticism'?"
+msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'aszetismo' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:100
+msgid "Positivism"
+msgstr "Positibismoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:101
+msgid ""
+"The practice of austere self-discipline in order to achieve a higher or "
+"spiritual idea."
+msgstr "Zorroztasunaren autodiziplina ideia edo egoera espiritual handiago bat lortzeko lantzen da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:102
+msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'oxymoron'?"
+msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'oximorona' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:103
+msgid "Contradictory"
+msgstr "Kontraesanezkoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:104
+msgid "Synonym"
+msgstr "Sinonimoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:105
+msgid "Related"
+msgstr "Antzekoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:106
+msgid "Ironic"
+msgstr "Ironiko"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:107
+msgid "A figure of speech that combines contradicting terms."
+msgstr "Kontraesanezko terminoak biltzen dituen hitz egiteko modu bat."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:108
+msgid "Lentils"
+msgstr "Dilistak"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:109
+msgid "Wheat"
+msgstr "Garia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:110
+msgid "Corn"
+msgstr "Artoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:111
+msgid "Rice"
+msgstr "Arroza"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:112
+msgid "It is the only one that is not a cereal."
+msgstr "Zereala ez den bakarra da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:113
+msgid "Onion"
+msgstr "Tipula"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:114
+msgid "Mango"
+msgstr "Mango"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:115
+msgid "Lychee"
+msgstr "Litchia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:116
+msgid "Olive"
+msgstr "Oliba"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:117
+msgid "Carbon"
+msgstr "Ikatza"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:118
+msgid "Sodium"
+msgstr "Sodioa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:119
+msgid "Titanium"
+msgstr "Titanioa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:120
+msgid "Zinc"
+msgstr "Zink"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:121
+msgid "It is the only one that is not a metal."
+msgstr "Metal bat ez den bakarra da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:122
+msgid "Cardiology"
+msgstr "Kardiologia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:123
+msgid "Hematology"
+msgstr "Hematologia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:124
+msgid "Psychiatry"
+msgstr "Psikiatria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:125
+msgid "Paleontology"
+msgstr "Paleontologia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:126
+msgid "It is the only one that is not a medical specialty."
+msgstr "Mediku espezialitate bat ez den bakarra da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:127
+msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'negligent'?"
+msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'zabar' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
+#. Translator: Used as an adjective in English. Possible answer to: Which of the following words is closest
to the meaning of 'negligent'
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:129
+msgid "Careless"
+msgstr "Arduragabea"
+#. Translator: Used as an adjective in English. Possible answer to: Which of the following words is closest
to the meaning of 'negligent'
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:131
+msgid "Friendly"
+msgstr "Atsegina"
+#. Translator: Used as an adjective in English. Possible answer to: Which of the following words is closest
to the meaning of 'negligent'
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:133
+msgid "Polite"
+msgstr "Adeitsua"
+#. Translator: Used as an adjective in English. Possible answer to: Which of the following words is closest
to the meaning of 'negligent'
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:135
+msgid "Angry"
+msgstr "Haserre"
+#. Translator: definition of negligent
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:137
+msgid ""
+"It is the failure to take such care as may be rightfully or reasonably "
+msgstr "Espero baino kontu gutxiagorekin jokatzea."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:138
+msgid "Regular"
+msgstr "Arrunta"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:139
+msgid "Occasional"
+msgstr "Noizean behingoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:140
+msgid "Exceptional"
+msgstr "Ezohikoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:141
+msgid "Rare"
+msgstr "Ohiz kanpokoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:142
+msgid "The other words have the connotation of not occurring frequently."
+msgstr "Beste hitzek duen konnotazioa da \"maiz gertatzen ez dena\"."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:143
+msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'perplexing'?"
+msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'harrigarria' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
+#. Translator: As synonymous of 'perplexing'
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:145
+msgid "Confusing"
+msgstr "Nahasgarria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:146
+msgid "Interesting"
+msgstr "Interesgarria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:147
+msgid "Ordinary"
+msgstr "Ohikoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:148
+msgid "Trivial"
+msgstr "Tribiala+ç"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:149
+msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'unhappy'?"
+msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'triste' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:150
+msgid "Sad"
+msgstr "Goibela"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:151
+msgid "Unpleasant"
+msgstr "Desatsegina"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:152
+msgid "Tears"
+msgstr "Malkoak"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:153
+msgid "Incredible"
+msgstr "Sinesgaitza"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:154
+msgid "Famous"
+msgstr "Ospetsua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:155
+msgid "Acclaimed"
+msgstr "Goretsia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:156
+msgid "Celebrated"
+msgstr "Famatua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:157
+msgid "The other words have the meaning of distinguished."
+msgstr "Beste hitzek \"ospetsu\" esanahia dute."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:158
+msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'specific'?"
+msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'zehatz' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
+#. Translator: Pertaining to a single or specific person or thing
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:160
+msgid "Particular"
+msgstr "Partikularra"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:161
+msgid "Obvious"
+msgstr "Nabaria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:162
+msgid "Generic"
+msgstr "Arrunta"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:163
+msgid "Plate"
+msgstr "Platera"
+#. Translator: As a noun
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:165
+msgid "Bottle"
+msgstr "Botila"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:166
+msgid "Amphora"
+msgstr "Anfora"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:167
+msgid "Bowl"
+msgstr "Katilua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:168
+msgid "It is the only one that is not used to storage liquids."
+msgstr "Likidoak gordetzeko erabiltzen ez den bakarra da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:169
+msgid "Walnut"
+msgstr "Intxaurra"
+#. Translator: In reference to the nut
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:171
+msgid "Macadamia"
+msgstr "Makadamia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:172
+msgid "Chestnut"
+msgstr "Gaztaina"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:173
+msgid "It is the only one that is not a nut."
+msgstr "Fruitu lehorra ez den bakarra da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:174
+msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'acclaim'?"
+msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'gorespen' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:175
+msgid "Applause"
+msgstr "Txalotzea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:176
+msgid "Commendation"
+msgstr "Goraipamena"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:177
+msgid "Citation"
+msgstr "Aipamena"
+#. Translator: As a noun (call upon a spirit by invocation)
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:179
+msgid "Conjure"
+msgstr "Konjurua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:180
+msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'grief'?"
+msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'pena' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
+#. Translator: As a noun
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:182
+msgid "Lament"
+msgstr "Aienea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:183
+msgid "Fraud"
+msgstr "Iruzurra"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:184
+msgid "Intolerance"
+msgstr "Intolerantzia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:185
+msgid "Risk"
+msgstr "Arriskua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:186
+msgid "Which of the following words is closest to the meaning of 'phlegmatic'?"
+msgstr "Hitz hauetatik zein da 'flematiko' esanahiaren gertukoena?"
+#. Translator: Used as an adjective in English
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:188
+msgid "Calm"
+msgstr "Lasaia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:189
+msgid "Authentic"
+msgstr "Benetakoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:190
+msgid "Clever"
+msgstr "Bizkorra"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:191
+msgid "Tense"
+msgstr "Larri"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:192
+msgid "Concert"
+msgstr "Kontzertua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:193
+msgid "Satire"
+msgstr "Satira"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:194
+msgid "Proverb"
+msgstr "Esaera zaharra"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:195
+msgid "Epigram"
+msgstr "Epigrama"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:196
+msgid "It is the only one that is not related to literature."
+msgstr "Literaturarekin zerikusirik ez duen bakarra da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:197
+msgid "Curve"
+msgstr "Kurba"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:198
+msgid "Cathetus"
+msgstr "Katetoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:199
+msgid "Hypotenuse"
+msgstr "Hipotenusa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:200
+msgid "Trigonometry"
+msgstr "Trigonometria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:201
+msgid "It is the only one that is not related with triangles."
+msgstr "Hirukiekin zerikusirik ez duen bakarra da."
+#. Translator: As a noun
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:203
+msgid "Necklace"
+msgstr "Lepokoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:204
+msgid "Candelabra"
+msgstr "Argimutila"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:205
+msgid "Lantern"
+msgstr "Argiontzia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:206
+msgid "Lamp"
+msgstr "Lanpara"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:207
+msgid "It is the only one that does not produce light."
+msgstr "Argirik sortzen ez duen bakarra da."
+#. Translator: As a noun
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:209
+msgid "Shield"
+msgstr "Ezkutua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:210
+msgid "Helmet"
+msgstr "Kaskoa"
+#. Translator: As a noun
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:212
+msgid "Armor"
+msgstr "Armadura"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:213
+msgid "Crossbow"
+msgstr "Balezta"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:214
+msgid "It is the only one that is not used for protection."
+msgstr "Babesteko erabiltzen ez den bakarra da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:215
+msgid "Monolith"
+msgstr "Monolitoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:216
+msgid "Granite"
+msgstr "Granitoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:217
+msgid "Rock"
+msgstr "Harkaitza"
+#. Translator: As a noun
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:219
+msgid "Tree"
+msgstr "Zuhaitza"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:220
+msgid "It is the only one that is not related to rocks."
+msgstr "Harkaitzekin zerikusirik ez duen bakarra da."
+#. Translator: As a noun
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:222
+msgid "Carrot"
+msgstr "Azenarioa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:223
+msgid "Beet"
+msgstr "Erremolatxa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:224
+msgid "Radish"
+msgstr "Errefaua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:225
+msgid "Tomato"
+msgstr "Tomatea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:226
+msgid "It is the only one that does not have roots."
+msgstr "Sustrairik ez daukan bakarra da."
+#. Translator: Organ as a musical instrument
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:228
+msgid "Organ"
+msgstr "Organoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:229
+msgid "Piano"
+msgstr "Pianoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:230
+msgid "Accordion"
+msgstr "Akordeoia"
+#. Translator: 'keys' as the ones found in a keyboard
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:232
+msgid "It is the only instrument that does not have keys."
+msgstr "Teklarik ez daukan tresna bakarra da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:233
+msgid "Cow"
+msgstr "Behia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:234
+msgid "Leopard"
+msgstr "Leopardoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:235
+msgid "Dog"
+msgstr "Txakurra"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:236
+msgid "Snake"
+msgstr "Sugea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:237
+msgid "It is the only animal that does not have legs and it is not a mammal."
+msgstr "Hankarik ez duen eta ugaztuna ez den animalia bakarra da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:238
+msgid "Heptagon"
+msgstr "Heptagonoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:239
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:63
+msgid "Triangle"
+msgstr "Triangelua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:240
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:67
+msgid "Pentagon"
+msgstr "Pentagonoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:241 ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCube.cs:43
+msgid "Cube"
+msgstr "Kuboa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:242
+msgid "It is the only one that is a three-dimensional solid object."
+msgstr "Hiru dimentsiotako objektu solidoa bakarra da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:243
+msgid "Which of the following words is the closest in meaning to 'intrinsic'?"
+msgstr "Hurrengo hitzetako zein da 'intrintseko' hitzaren esanahitik hurbilen dagoena?"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:244
+msgid "Inherent"
+msgstr "Berezkoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:245
+msgid "External"
+msgstr "Kanpokoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:246
+msgid "Precursory"
+msgstr "Aurrekoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:247
+msgid "Ambiguous"
+msgstr "Anbiguoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:248
+msgid "Intrinsic means belonging to a thing by its very nature."
+msgstr "Intrintseko hitzak esan nahi du gauza batek berez duena."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:249
+msgid "Rectangle"
+msgstr "Laukizuzena"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:250
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:65
+msgid "Square"
+msgstr "Karratua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:251
+msgid "Rhombus"
+msgstr "Erronboa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:252
+msgid "Triangle is the only one that does not have four sides."
+msgstr "Triangelua da lau alde ez dituen bakarra."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:253
+msgid "car / garage | plane"
+msgstr "autoa / garajea | hegazkina"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:254
+msgid "Hangar"
+msgstr "Hangarra"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:255
+msgid "Airline"
+msgstr "Hegazkina"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:256
+msgid "Aircraft"
+msgstr "Hegazkina"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:257
+msgid "Bunker"
+msgstr "Bunkerra"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:258
+msgid "circle / semicircle | diameter"
+msgstr "zirkulua / zirkuluerdia | diametroa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:259
+msgid "Radius"
+msgstr "Erradioa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:260
+msgid "Chord"
+msgstr "Akordea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:261
+msgid "Tangent"
+msgstr "Tangentea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:262
+msgid "Angle"
+msgstr "Angelua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:263
+msgid "The radius of a circle is half the diameter."
+msgstr "Zirkulu baten erradioa bere diametroaren erdia da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:264
+msgid "talk / yell | dislike"
+msgstr "hitz egin / garrasi | higuina"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:265
+msgid "Repugnance"
+msgstr "Nazka"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:266
+msgid "Offensive"
+msgstr "Erasotzailea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:267
+msgid "Shame"
+msgstr "Lotsa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:268
+msgid "Ostentation"
+msgstr "Handikeria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:269
+msgid "write / pen | eat"
+msgstr "idatzi / luma | jan"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:270
+msgid "Fork"
+msgstr "Sardexka"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:271
+msgid "Restaurant"
+msgstr "Jatetxea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:272
+msgid "Winery"
+msgstr "Upeltegia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:273
+msgid "Table"
+msgstr "Taula"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:274
+msgid "A pen is used to write and a fork is used to eat."
+msgstr "Luma bat idazteko erabiltzen da, eta sardexka bat berriz jateko."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:275
+msgid "desert / oasis | sea"
+msgstr "basamortua / oasia | itsasoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:276
+msgid "Island"
+msgstr "Uhartea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:277
+msgid "River"
+msgstr "Ibaia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:278
+msgid "Beach"
+msgstr "Hondartza"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:279
+msgid "Coast"
+msgstr "Kostaldea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:280
+msgid ""
+"An oasis is an isolated area of vegetation in a desert and an island is a "
+"piece of isolated land that is surrounded by water."
+msgstr "Oasi bat basamortu batean isolatutako landaredi-area bat da, eta uharte bat berriz urez inguratutako
isolatutako lur zati bat da."
+#. Translators: letter refers to letter (in paper form)
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:282
+msgid "turtle / shell | letter"
+msgstr "dortoka / oskola | gutuna"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:283
+msgid "Envelope"
+msgstr "Gutun-azala"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:284
+msgid "Ink"
+msgstr "Tinta"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:285
+msgid "Printer"
+msgstr "Inprimagailua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:286
+msgid "Cellulose"
+msgstr "Zelulosa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:287
+msgid "A turtle is inside a shell and a letter is inside an envelope."
+msgstr "Dortoka bat oskol baten barruan dago, gutun bat, berriz, gutun-azalaren barruan."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:288
+msgid "wine / grape | rum"
+msgstr "ardoa / mahatsa | rona"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:289
+msgid "Sugarcane"
+msgstr "Azukre-kanabera"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:290
+msgid "Grain"
+msgstr "Garia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:291
+msgid "Sweet corn"
+msgstr "Arto gozoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:292
+msgid "horticulture / plants | ornithology"
+msgstr "baratzezaintza / landareak | ornitologia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:293
+msgid "Birds"
+msgstr "Txoriak"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:294
+msgid "Insects"
+msgstr "Intsektuak"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:295
+msgid "Amphibians"
+msgstr "Urlehortarrak"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:296
+msgid "Fishes"
+msgstr "Arrainak"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:297
+msgid "thankful / ingratitude | despotism"
+msgstr "esker onekoa / esker txarrekoa | despotismoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:298
+msgid "Democracy"
+msgstr "Demokrazia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:299
+msgid "Totalitarianism"
+msgstr "Totalitarismoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:300
+msgid "Oligarchy"
+msgstr "Oligarkia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:301
+msgid "Authority"
+msgstr "Agintaria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:302
+msgid "pessimist / optimist | poor"
+msgstr "ezkorra / baikorra | behartsua"
+#. Translators: Affluent as antonym of poor, that is, somebody that is rich
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:304
+msgid "Affluent"
+msgstr "Aberatsa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:305
+msgid "Homeless"
+msgstr "Etxegabeak"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:306
+msgid "Property"
+msgstr "Propietatea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:307
+msgid "Money"
+msgstr "Dirua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:308
+msgid "five / pentagon | ten"
+msgstr "bost / pentagonoa | hamar"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:309
+msgid "Decagon"
+msgstr "Dekagonoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:310
+msgid "Enneagram"
+msgstr "Eneagrama"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:311
+msgid "Icosagon"
+msgstr "Ikosagonoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:312
+msgid "Decimal"
+msgstr "Dezimala"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:313
+msgid "parallel / meridian | longitude"
+msgstr "paraleloa / meridianoa | longitudea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:314
+msgid "Latitude"
+msgstr "Latitudea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:315
+msgid "Solstice"
+msgstr "Solstizioa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:316
+msgid "Pole"
+msgstr "Poloa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:317
+msgid "Azimuth"
+msgstr "Azimuta"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:318
+msgid ""
+"Parallel and longitude traverse from east to west while meridian and "
+"latitude traverse from north to south."
+msgstr "Paraleloak eta longitudeak ekialdetik mendebaldera gurutzatzen dute, eta latitudeak, berriz,
iparraldetik hegoaldera."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:319
+msgid "art / gallery | drama"
+msgstr "artea / galeria | drama"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:320
+msgid "Theater"
+msgstr "Antzerkia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:321
+msgid "Museum"
+msgstr "Museoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:322
+msgid "Concert hall"
+msgstr "Kontzertu-aretoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:323
+msgid "Gym"
+msgstr "Gimnasioa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:324
+msgid "hunter / rifle | photographer"
+msgstr "ehiztaria / erriflea | argazkilaria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:325
+msgid "Camera"
+msgstr "Kamera"
+#. Translators: tripod as used is photography
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:327
+msgid "Tripod"
+msgstr "Tripodea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:328
+msgid "Photography"
+msgstr "Argazkigintza"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:329
+msgid "Light"
+msgstr "Argia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:330
+msgid "dish / break | balloon"
+msgstr "platera / puskatu | baloia"
+#. Translators: like 'he burst the balloon'
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:332
+msgid "Burst"
+msgstr "Lehertu"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:333
+msgid "Bounce"
+msgstr "Bote egin"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:334
+msgid "Float"
+msgstr "Flotatu"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:335
+msgid "Roll"
+msgstr "Bildu"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:336
+msgid "Both relate to an action that breaks the related item."
+msgstr "Aipatutako elementua apurtzen duen ekintza bati dagozkio biak."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:337
+msgid "button / push | key (used in a lock)"
+msgstr "botoia / sakatu | giltza"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:338
+msgid "Turn"
+msgstr "Biratu"
+#. Translator: 'Open' as verb, like open with a key
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:340
+msgid "Open"
+msgstr "Ireki"
+#. Translator: 'Lock' as verb, like locked with a key
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:342
+msgid "Lock"
+msgstr "Giltzaz itxi"
+#. Translator: 'Close' as verb, like closed with a key
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:344
+msgid "Close"
+msgstr "Itxi"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:345
+msgid ""
+"To make both objects work, a button needs to be pushed and a key needs to be "
+msgstr "Bi objektuek funtziona dezaten, botoi bat sakatu behar da eta giltza bati buelta eman behar zaio."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:346
+msgid "concept / idea | obsession"
+msgstr "kontzeptua / ideia | obsesioa"
+#. As a synonym of obsession
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:348
+msgid "Fixation"
+msgstr "Obsesioa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:349
+msgid "Indifference"
+msgstr "Axolagabekeria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:350
+msgid "Disinterest"
+msgstr "Interesik eza"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:351
+msgid "Intuition"
+msgstr "Intuizioa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:352
+msgid "The relation between the two words is that they are synonymous."
+msgstr "Bi hitzen arteko erlazioa sinonimia da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:353
+msgid "fish / water | bird"
+msgstr "arraina / ura | txoria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:354
+msgid "Air"
+msgstr "Airea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:355
+msgid "Wings"
+msgstr "Hegoak"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:356
+msgid "Ship"
+msgstr "Itsasontzia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:357
+msgid "Cage"
+msgstr "Kaiola"
+#. Translator: 'rook' as a piece of chess
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:359
+msgid "rook / chess | soldier"
+msgstr "dorrea / xakea | soldadua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:360
+msgid "Battle"
+msgstr "Gudua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:361
+msgid "Gun"
+msgstr "Pistola"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:362
+msgid "Peace"
+msgstr "Bakea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:363
+msgid "Enemy"
+msgstr "Etsaia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:364
+msgid "competitive / cooperative | anxious"
+msgstr "lehiakorra / lagunkoia | kezkatua"
+#. Translator: Used as an adjective in English
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:366
+msgid "Flexible"
+msgstr "Malgua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:367
+msgid "Cautious"
+msgstr "Zuhurra"
+#. Translator: Used as an adjective in English
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:369
+msgid "Daring"
+msgstr "Ausarta"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:370
+msgid "pessimistic / optimistic | suspicious"
+msgstr "ezkorra / baikorra | fidagaitza"
+#. Translator: Used as an adjective in English
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:372
+msgid "Trusting"
+msgstr "Fidakorra"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:373
+msgid "Dubious"
+msgstr "Zalantzazkoa"
+#. Translator: compass as the instrument used for finding direction
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:375
+msgid "thermometer / temperature | compass"
+msgstr "termometroa / tenperatura | iparrorratza"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:377
+msgid "Elevation"
+msgstr "Altitudea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:378
+msgid "Position"
+msgstr "Posizioa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:379
+msgid "Area"
+msgstr "Azalera"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:380
+msgid "The first word is the instrument and the second what it measures."
+msgstr "Aurreneko hitza instrumentua da eta bigarrena honek neurtzen duena."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:381
+msgid "violin / orchestra | knife"
+msgstr "biolina / orkestra | labana"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:382
+msgid "Cutlery"
+msgstr "Mahai-tresnak"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:383
+msgid "Metal"
+msgstr "Metala"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:384
+msgid "Spoon"
+msgstr "Koilara"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:385
+msgid "Wood"
+msgstr "Egurra"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:386
+msgid "doctor / stethoscope | painter"
+msgstr "doktorea / estetoskopioa | margolaria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:387
+msgid "Brush"
+msgstr "Brotxa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:388
+msgid "Art"
+msgstr "Area"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:389
+msgid "Gallery"
+msgstr "Galeria"
+#. Translator: meaning a painted picture
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:391
+msgid "Painting"
+msgstr "Margoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:392
+msgid "hungry / eat | tired"
+msgstr "gosea / jan | nekatuta"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:393
+msgid "sleep | rest"
+msgstr "lo egin | atsedena"
+#. Translators: 'open' is used as a verb (open a box)
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:395
+msgid "box / open | banana"
+msgstr "kutxa / ireki | banana"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:396
+msgid "peel"
+msgstr "azala kendu"
+#. Translators: 'dig' is used as a verb (to dig)
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:398
+msgid "shovel / dig | axe"
+msgstr "pala / zuloa egin | aizkora"
+#. Translators: 'chop' is used as a verb (to chop)
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:400
+msgid "chop"
+msgstr "moztu"
+#. Translators: 'break' is used as a verb (to break)
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:402
+msgid "glass / break | paper"
+msgstr "edalontzia / hautsi | papera"
+#. Translators: 'tear' and 'rip' are used as verbs (to tear / to rip). Tear as in "To pull apart or into
pieces by force" (not lacrimation)
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:404
+msgid "tear | rip"
+msgstr "urradura| haustura"
+#. Translators: the concept 'toe' (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toe) does not exist in all languages. It
means 'digits of the foot'. Feel free to change it to 'fingers' and adapt the answer accordingly
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:406
+msgid "feet / two | toes"
+msgstr "oinak / bi | behatzak"
+#. Translators: referred to 'feet / two | toes'
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:408
+msgid "ten | 10"
+msgstr "hamar | 10"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:409
+msgid "fish / aquarium | monkey"
+msgstr "arraina / akuarioa | tximinoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:410
+msgid "cage | zoo | zoological garden"
+msgstr "kaiola | zoologikoa | parke zoologikoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:411
+msgid "A fish in an aquarium lives in captivity."
+msgstr "Akuarioko arrain bat gatibutasunean bizi da."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:412
+msgid "ring / finger | bracelet"
+msgstr "eraztuna / hatza | eskumuturrekoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:413
+msgid "wrist | arm"
+msgstr "eskumuturra | besoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:414
+msgid "seal / flippers | bird"
+msgstr "itsas txakurra / hegalak | txoria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:415
+msgid "wings"
+msgstr "hegoak"
+#. Translators: stick refers to a piece of wood
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:417
+msgid "stick / float | stone"
+msgstr "zotza / flotatu | harria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:418
+msgid "sink"
+msgstr "urperatu"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:419
+msgid "leopard / spots | tiger"
+msgstr "lehoinabarra / puntuak | tigrea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:420
+msgid "stripes"
+msgstr "marrak"
+#. Translators: 'submarine' is used as a noun
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:422
+msgid "fish / submarine | bird"
+msgstr "arraina / urpeko ontzia | txoria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:423
+msgid "airplane | aeroplane | plane"
+msgstr "hegazkina"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:424
+msgid "tears / eyes | sweat"
+msgstr "malkoak / begiak | izerdia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:425
+msgid "body | skin"
+msgstr "gorputza | azala"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:426
+msgid "bridge / over | tunnel"
+msgstr "zubia / gainetik | tunela"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:427
+msgid "in | under | through"
+msgstr "barruan | azpian | zehar"
+#. Translators: 'play' is used as a verb (to play)
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:429
+msgid "toy / play | tool"
+msgstr "jostailua / jolasa | tresna"
+#. Translators: 'work' is used as a verb (to work)
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:431
+msgid "work"
+msgstr "lana"
+#. 'correct' can be used as verb or adjective
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:433
+msgid "error / (to) correct | damage"
+msgstr "errorea / zuzendu | matxura"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:434
+msgid "repair | fix"
+msgstr "konpondu"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:435
+msgid "orange / fruit | spinach"
+msgstr "laranja / fruitua | ziazerba"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:436
+msgid "vegetable"
+msgstr "barazkia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:437
+msgid "hands / grab | teeth"
+msgstr "eskuak | hartu / hortzak"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:438
+msgid "bite"
+msgstr "kosk | hozka"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:439
+msgid "Grab and bite are finite actions."
+msgstr "Heltzea eta hozka egitea ekintza mugatuak dira."
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:440
+msgid "puzzle / solve | game"
+msgstr "puzzlea / ebatzi | jokoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:441
+msgid "win | play"
+msgstr "irabazi | jokatu"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:442
+msgid "eyebrow / eye | mustache"
+msgstr "bekaina / begia | bibotea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:443
+msgid "lip | upper lip | mouth"
+msgstr "ezpaina | goiko ezpaina | ahoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:444
+msgid "ice / slippery | glue"
+msgstr "izotza / irristakorra | kola"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:445
+msgid "sticky"
+msgstr "itsaskorra"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:446
+msgid "whirlpool / water | tornado"
+msgstr "zurrunbilo / ura | tornadoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:447
+msgid "wind | air"
+msgstr "haizea | airea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:448
+msgid "fox / den | bird"
+msgstr "azeria / etzalekua | txoria"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:449
+msgid "nest"
+msgstr "habia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:450
+msgid "dog / tame | wolf"
+msgstr "Txakurra / otzana | otsoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:451
+msgid "wild | savage"
+msgstr "basatia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:452
+msgid "sugar / sweet | vinegar"
+msgstr "azukrea / gozoa | ozpina"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:453
+msgid "sour"
+msgstr "garratza"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:454
+msgid "tennis / sport | ballet"
+msgstr "tenis / kirola | baleta"
+#. Translators: 'dance' is used as a noun
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:456
+msgid "dance"
+msgstr "dantza"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:457
+msgid "slurp / tongue | snort"
+msgstr "zurrupada / mingaina | arnas-hotsa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:458
+msgid "nose"
+msgstr "sudurra"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:459
+msgid "elbow / knee | wrist"
+msgstr "ukondoa / belauna | eskumuturra"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:460
+msgid "ankle"
+msgstr "orkatila"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:461
+msgid "novel / author | song"
+msgstr "eleberria / egilea | abestia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:462
+msgid "composer | songwriter | lyricist"
+msgstr "konpositorea | kantagilea | kanta-idazlea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:463
+msgid "car / road | train"
+msgstr "autoa / errepidea | trena"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:464
+msgid "track | railway | rails | railroad"
+msgstr "bidea | trenbidea | errailak | burdinbidea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:465
+msgid "pediatrics / children | numismatics"
+msgstr "pediatria / umeak | numismatika"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:466
+msgid "coins | currency | money"
+msgstr "txanponak | moneta | dirua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:467
+msgid "thermometer / temperature | clock"
+msgstr "termometro / tenperatura | erlojua"
+#. Translators: time as duration of an event. What a clock measures
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:469
+msgid "time"
+msgstr "ordua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:470
+msgid "poems / anthology | maps"
+msgstr "olerkiak / antologia | mapak"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:471
+msgid "atlas"
+msgstr "atlasa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:472
+msgid "letter / word | page"
+msgstr "hizkia / hitza | orrialdea"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:473
+msgid "book | magazine | document"
+msgstr "liburua | astekaria | dokumentua"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:474
+msgid "hour / minute | minute"
+msgstr "ordua / minutua | minutua"
+#. Translators: refers to the unit of time
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:476
+msgid "second"
+msgstr "segundo"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:477
+msgid "tiger / carnivore | cow"
+msgstr "tigrea / haragijale | behia"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:478
+msgid "herbivorous | herbivore"
+msgstr "herbiboroa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:479
+msgid "constellation / stars | archipelago"
+msgstr "konstelazioa / izarrak | artxipelagoa"
+#: ../data/verbal_analogies.xml.h:480
+msgid "islands"
+msgstr "uharteak"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:98
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Unknown command line parameter {0}"
+msgstr "Komando-lerroko parametro ezezaguna ({0})"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:117
+msgid "List of available games"
+msgstr "Joko erabilgarrien zerrenda"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:168
+msgid "Usage: gbrainy [options]"
+msgstr "Erabilera: gbrainy [aukerak]"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:169
+msgid " --version\t\t\tPrint version information."
+msgstr " --version\t\t\tErakutsi bertsioren informazioa."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:170
+msgid " --help\t\t\tPrint this usage message."
+msgstr " --help\t\t\tErakutsi erabileraren mezu hau."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:171
+msgid " --gamelist\t\t\tShows the list of available games."
+msgstr " --gamelist\t\t\tErakutsi joko erabilgarrien zerrenda."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:172
+msgid ""
+" --customgame [game1, gameN]\tSpecifies a list of games to play during a "
+"custom game."
+msgstr " --customgame [jokoa1, jokoaN]\tJoko pertsonalizatu batean jokatuko diren jokoen zerrenda zehazten
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:173
+msgid ""
+" --norandom \t\t\tThe custom game list provided will not be randomized."
+msgstr " --norandom \t\t\tJoko pertsonalizatuaren zerrenda ez da ausaz nahasiko."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/CommandLine.cs:174
+msgid " --versions \t\t\tShow dependencies."
+msgstr " --versions \t\t\tErakutsi mendekotasunak."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:32
+msgid "Software"
+msgstr "Softwarea"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:35
+msgid "Based on ideas by"
+msgstr "Hauen burutazioetan oinarrituta:"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:39
+msgid "MENSA works"
+msgstr "MENSA lanak"
+#. Translators: Replace by the name of the people that translated the application
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:59
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "Asier Zabaleta <aza at openbravo dot com>\n"
+"Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio <dooteo euskalgnu org>"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:64
+msgid ""
+"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it "
+"under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free "
+"Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) "
+"any later version.\n"
+msgstr "Programa hau software librea da; birbana eta/edo alda dezakezu Software Foundation-ek argitaratutako
GNU Lizentzia Publiko Orokorraren 2. bertsioan, edo (nahiago baduzu) beste berriago batean, jasotako
baldintzak betez gero.\n"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:65
+msgid ""
+"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT "
+"ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or "
+"FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for "
+"more details.\n"
+msgstr "Programa hau erabilgarria izango delakoan banatzen da, baina, INOLAKO BERMERIK GABE; era berean, ez
nahi izanez gero, ikus GNU Lizentzia Publiko Orokorra.\n"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:66
+msgid ""
+"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with "
+"this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>."
+msgstr "GNU Lizentzia Publiko Orokorraren kopia bat jasoko zenuen %s(r)ekin batera; halakorik jaso ez
baduzu, ikusi <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:76
+msgid "A brain teaser game for fun and to keep your brain trained."
+msgstr "Ondo pasatzeko eta garuna gazte mantentzeko jokoa."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/AboutDialog.cs:78
+msgid "gbrainy project web site"
+msgstr "gbrainy proiektuaren webgunea"
+#. Column: Game Name
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/CustomGameDialog.cs:104
+msgid "Game Name"
+msgstr "Jokoaren izena"
+#. Column: Type
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/CustomGameDialog.cs:130
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr "Mota"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/CustomGameDialog.cs:156
+msgid "Selected"
+msgstr "Hautatuta"
+#. Translators: default file name used when exporting PDF files (keep the pdf extension please)
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PdfExportDialog.cs:71
+msgid "games.pdf"
+msgstr "jokoak.pdf"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PdfExportDialog.cs:78
+msgid "PDF files"
+msgstr "PDF fitxategiak"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PdfExportDialog.cs:82
+msgid "All files"
+msgstr "Fitxategi denak"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PdfExportDialog.cs:170
+msgid "The PDF file has been exported correctly."
+msgstr "Behar bezala esportatu da PDF fitxategia."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PdfExportDialog.cs:173
+msgid ""
+"There was a problem generating the PDF file. The file has not been created."
+msgstr "Errore bat gertatu da PDF fitxategia sortzean. Ez da sortu fitxategia."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PlayerHistoryDialog.cs:44
+msgid "The graph below shows the player's game score evolution."
+msgstr "Azpiko grafikoak jokalariaren jokoaren puntuazioaren garapena erakusten du."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PlayerHistoryDialog.cs:48
+msgid ""
+"You need more than one game session recorded to see the score evolution."
+msgstr "Jokoaren saio bat baino gehiago erregistratuta eduki behar duzu puntuazioaren garapena ikusteko."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PlayerHistoryDialog.cs:52
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "It is built using the results of {0} recorded game session."
+msgid_plural ""
+"It is built using the results of the last {0} recorded game sessions."
+msgstr[0] "Jokoaren saio {0}ean erregistratutako emaitzak erabiliz eraikita."
+msgstr[1] "Jokoaren azken {0} saioetan erregistratutako emaitzak erabiliz eraikita."
+#. Translators: "The graph below" + "It is built using" sentences
+#. Translators: answer + rationale of the answer
+#. Translators: Concatenating two strings (rationale of answer + extra information).
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PlayerHistoryDialog.cs:59
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Game.cs:143
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsCompare.cs:73
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountSeries.cs:91
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0} {1}"
+msgstr "{0} {1}"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PlayerHistoryDialog.cs:66
+#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:100
+#: ../src/Core/Views/PlayerHistoryView.cs:83
+msgid "Total"
+msgstr "Guztira"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PreferencesDialog.cs:113
+msgid "You are about to delete the player's game session history."
+msgstr "Jokalariaren jokoaren saioaren historia ezabatzera zoaz."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PreferencesDialog.cs:114
+msgid ""
+"If you proceed, you will lose the history of the previous game sessions. Do "
+"you want to continue?"
+msgstr "Aurrera jarraitzen baduzu, aurreko jokoaren saioaren historia galdu egingo duzu. Jarraitzea nahi
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/PreferencesDialog.cs:115
+msgid "_Delete"
+msgstr "_Ezabatu"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/CustomGameDialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "Custom Game"
+msgstr "Joko pertsonalizatua"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/CustomGameDialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "_Start"
+msgstr "_Hasi"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/CustomGameDialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Select All"
+msgstr "Hautatu denak"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/CustomGameDialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Unselect all"
+msgstr "Desautatu denak"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:1
+msgid "PDF export"
+msgstr "PDFra esportatzea"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "_Save"
+msgstr "_Gorde"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:3
+msgid ""
+"This option allows to export a set of games in a PDF file. You can complete "
+"the puzzles without a computer."
+msgstr "Aukera honek joko multzo bat PDF fitxategi batera esportatzea uzten du. Puzzleak ordenagailurik gabe
osatu ditzakezu."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:4
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "<b>General Settings</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Ezarpen orokorrak</b>"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Skip games that use colors"
+msgstr "Saltatu koloreak erabiltzen dituzten jokoak"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "<b>Game Types</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Joko motak</b>"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:7
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:122
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTypes.cs:43 ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:107
+msgid "Logic"
+msgstr "Logika"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:8
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:126
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTypes.cs:47 ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:114
+msgid "Calculation"
+msgstr "Kalkulua"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:9
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:136
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTypes.cs:49 ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:128
+msgid "Verbal"
+msgstr "Hitzezkoa"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:10
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:8
+msgid "<b>Difficulty Level</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Zailtasun maila</b>"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:11
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:9
+msgid "Easy"
+msgstr "Erraza"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:12
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:10
+msgid "Medium"
+msgstr "Tartekoa"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:13
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:11
+msgid "Master"
+msgstr "Maisua"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "<b>Number of games</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Joko kopurua</b>"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "Total number of games:"
+msgstr "Jokoen guztirako kopurua:"
+#. Translators: this the number of pages that are included by side when exporting a PDF"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Pages per side:"
+msgstr "Orri kopurua aldeko:"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PdfExportDialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "<b>Output File</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Irteerako fitxategia</b>"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PlayerHistoryDialog.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:19
+msgid "Player's Game Session History"
+msgstr "Jokalariaren jokoaren saioaren historia"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PlayerHistoryDialog.ui.h:2
+msgid "Show:"
+msgstr "Erakutsi:"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:1
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:21
+msgid "Preferences"
+msgstr "Hobespenak"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:3
+msgid "Skip games that use colors (for colorblind users)"
+msgstr "Saltatu koloreak erabiltzen dituzten jokoak (erabiltzaile daltonikoentzako)"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:4
+msgid "Force gbrainy to always use English language (ignore translations)"
+msgstr "Behartu gbrainy beti ingelesa erabiltzera (ez ikusi egin itzulpenei)"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:5
+msgid "Search and load extensions when starting"
+msgstr "Bilatu eta kargatu hedapenak abiaraztean"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:6
+msgid "Enable sounds"
+msgstr "Gaitu soinuak"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:7
+msgid "Theme:"
+msgstr "Gaia:"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:12
+msgid "<b>Memory Games</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Memoria jokoak</b>"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:13
+msgid "Time in seconds to memorize the challenge:"
+msgstr "Erronka memorizatzeko denbora (seg.):"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:14
+msgid "Show a countdown message"
+msgstr "Erakutsi atzerako kontaketa duen mezua"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:15
+msgid "<b>Player's Game Session History</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Jokalariaren jokoaren saioaren historia</b>"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:16
+msgid "Minimum number of played games to store the game session:"
+msgstr "Gutxieneko joko kopurua jokoaren saioaren historian gordetzeko:"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:17
+msgid "Maximum number of records in the player's game session history:"
+msgstr "Erregistroen gehienezko kopurua jokalariaren jokoaren saioaren historian gordetzeko:"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Dialogs/ui/PreferencesDialog.ui.h:18
+msgid "Delete Player's Game Session History"
+msgstr "Ezabatu jokalariaren jokoaren saioaren historia"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.cs:406
+msgid "Congratulations."
+msgstr "Zorionak."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.cs:410
+msgid "Incorrect answer."
+msgstr "Erantzun okerra."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.cs:471
+msgid ""
+"Once you have an answer type it in the \"Answer:\" entry box and press the "
+"\"OK\" button."
+msgstr "Erantzuna daukazunean, idatz ezazu \"Erantzuna:\" eremuan eta eta sakatu \"Ados\" botoia."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.cs:501
+msgid "The level of translation of gbrainy for your language is low."
+msgstr "Zure hizkuntzarako gbrainy-ren itzulpen-maila txikia da."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.cs:502
+msgid ""
+"You may be exposed to partially translated games making it more difficult to "
+"play. If you prefer to play in English, there is an option for doing so in "
+"gbrainy's Preferences."
+msgstr "Beharbada zati bat bakarrik itzulitako jokoak ikusiko dituzu eta zaila gertatuko zaizu jokatzea.
Nahiago baduzu ingelesez jokatu, badaukazu hala egiteko gbrainy-ren Hobespenetan."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.cs:598
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:141
+msgid "Pause"
+msgstr "Pausarazi"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.cs:603
+msgid "Resume"
+msgstr "Jarraitu"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.cs:748
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Startup time {0}"
+msgstr "Hasierako ordua {0}"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:2
+msgid "_Game"
+msgstr "_Jokoa"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:3
+msgid "_New Game"
+msgstr "Joko _berria"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:4
+msgid "All Games (Logic, Mental Calculation, Memory and Verbal Analogies)"
+msgstr "Joko eta hezitzaile guztiak (logika, buruzko kalkulua eta memoria)"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:5
+msgid "Logic Puzzles Only"
+msgstr "Logikako puzzleak soilik"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:6
+msgid "Mental Calculation Only"
+msgstr "Buruzko kalkulua soilik"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:7
+msgid "Memory Trainers Only"
+msgstr "Memoria hezitzaileak soilik"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:8
+msgid "Verbal Analogies Only"
+msgstr "Hizketako analogiak soilik"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:9
+msgid "Custom Game Selection..."
+msgstr "Joko pertsonalizatuaren hautapena..."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:10
+msgid "_Pause Game"
+msgstr "_Pausatu jokoa"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:11
+msgid "_End Game"
+msgstr "Joko-_amaiera"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:12
+msgid "Export Games to PDF for Off-line Playing..."
+msgstr "Esportatu jokoak PDFra lineaz kanpo jokatzeko..."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:13
+msgid "_View"
+msgstr "_Ikusi"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:14
+msgid "Toolbar"
+msgstr "Tresna-barra"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:15
+msgid "Show"
+msgstr "Erakutsi"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:16
+msgid "Orientation"
+msgstr "Orientazioa"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:17
+msgid "Vertical"
+msgstr "Bertikala"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:18
+msgid "Horizontal"
+msgstr "Horizontala"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:20
+msgid "_Settings"
+msgstr "_Ezarpenak"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:22
+msgid "Extensions"
+msgstr "Hedapenak"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:23
+msgid "_Help"
+msgstr "_Laguntza"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:24
+msgid "_Contents"
+msgstr "_Edukia"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:25
+msgid "Answer:"
+msgstr "Erantzuna:"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:26
+msgid "_Next"
+msgstr "_Hurrengoa"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/gbrainy.ui.h:27
+msgid "_Tip"
+msgstr "_Aholkua"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/BrowseFile.cs:41
+msgid "Browse..."
+msgstr "Arakatu..."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/BrowseFile.cs:82
+msgid "Open Location"
+msgstr "Ireki kokalekua"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/GameDrawingArea.cs:124
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSession.cs:183
+msgid "Paused"
+msgstr "Pausarazita"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:116
+msgid "Play all the games"
+msgstr "Jokatu joko guztiak"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:117
+msgid "All"
+msgstr "Denak"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:121
+msgid "Play games that challenge your reasoning and thinking"
+msgstr "Jokatu arrazoibidea eta pentsaeraren erronka dituzten jokoak."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:127
+msgid "Play games that challenge your mental calculation skills"
+msgstr "Jokatu buruzko kalkuluen trebezia eskatzen dituzten jokoak."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:131
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTypes.cs:45 ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:121
+msgid "Memory"
+msgstr "Memoria"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:132
+msgid "Play games that challenge your short term memory"
+msgstr "Jokatu epe laburreko memoria eskatzen dituzten jokoak."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:137
+msgid "Play games that challenge your verbal aptitude"
+msgstr "Jokatu zure hizketaren gaitasuna erronkan jartzen dituzten jokoak."
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:142
+msgid "Pause or resume the game"
+msgstr "Pausatu edo jarraitu jokoa"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:146
+msgid "End the game and show score"
+msgstr "Amaitu jokoa eta erakutsi puntuazioa"
+#: ../src/Clients/Classical/Widgets/Toolbar.cs:147
+msgid "End"
+msgstr "Amaiera"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/ColorPalette.cs:70
+msgid "red"
+msgstr "gorria"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/ColorPalette.cs:71
+msgid "green"
+msgstr "berdea"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/ColorPalette.cs:72
+msgid "blue"
+msgstr "urdina"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/ColorPalette.cs:73
+msgid "yellow"
+msgstr "horia"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/ColorPalette.cs:74
+msgid "magenta"
+msgstr "magenta"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/ColorPalette.cs:75
+msgid "orange"
+msgstr "laranja"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/ColorPalette.cs:76
+msgid "black"
+msgstr "beltza"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/ColorPalette.cs:77
+msgid "white"
+msgstr "zuria"
+#. Translators Note
+#. The following series of answers may need to be adapted
+#. in cultures with alphabets different to the Latin one.
+#. The idea is to enumerate a sequence of possible answers
+#. For languages represented with the Latin alphabet use
+#. the same than English
+#. First possible answer for a series (e.g.: Figure A)
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:114
+msgid "A"
+msgstr "A"
+#. Second possible answer for a series
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:116
+msgid "B"
+msgstr "B"
+#. Third possible answer for a series
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:118
+msgid "C"
+msgstr "C"
+#. Fourth possible answer for a series
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:120
+msgid "D"
+msgstr "D"
+#. Fifth possible answer for a series
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:122
+msgid "E"
+msgstr "E"
+#. Sixth possible answer for a series
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:124
+msgid "F"
+msgstr "F"
+#. Seventh possible answer for a series
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:126
+msgid "G"
+msgstr "G"
+#. Eighth possible answer for a series
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:128
+msgid "H"
+msgstr "H"
+#. Translators. This is the list of valid answers, like A or B.
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:144
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0} or {1}"
+msgstr "{0} edo {1}"
+#. Translators. This is the list of valid answers, like A, B or C.
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:148
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0}, {1} or {2}"
+msgstr "{0}, {1} edo {2}"
+#. Translators. This is the list of valid answers, like A, B, C or D.
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:152
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0}, {1}, {2} or {3}"
+msgstr "{0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameAnswer.cs:161
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Figure {0}"
+msgstr "{0} irudia"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Game.cs:136
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsCompare.cs:65
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "The correct answer is {0}."
+msgid_plural "The possible correct answers are {0}."
+msgstr[0] "Erantzun zuzena {0} da."
+msgstr[1] "Erantzun zuzenak {0} dira."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameManager.cs:194
+msgid "Extensions database:"
+msgstr "Hedapenen datu-basea:"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameManager.cs:201
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0} game registered:"
+msgid_plural "{0} games registered:"
+msgstr[0] "Joko {0} erregistratuta:"
+msgstr[1] "{0} joko erregistratuta:"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameManager.cs:202
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0} logic puzzle"
+msgid_plural "{0} logic puzzles"
+msgstr[0] "Logikako puzzle {0}"
+msgstr[1] "Logikako {0} puzzle"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameManager.cs:203
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0} calculation trainer"
+msgid_plural "{0} calculation trainers"
+msgstr[0] "Kalkulu-hezitzaile {0}"
+msgstr[1] "{0} kalkulu-hezitzaile"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameManager.cs:204
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0} memory trainer"
+msgid_plural "{0} memory trainers"
+msgstr[0] "Memoria-hezitzaile {0}"
+msgstr[1] "{0} memoria-hezitzaile"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameManager.cs:205
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0} verbal analogy"
+msgid_plural "{0} verbal analogies"
+msgstr[0] "Hizketako analogia {0}"
+msgstr[1] "Hizketako {0} analogia"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSession.cs:181
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Games played: {0} (Score: {1})"
+msgstr "Jolastutako jokoak: {0} (puntuazioa: {1})"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSession.cs:182
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Time: {0}"
+msgstr "Denbora: {0}"
+#. Translators: {0} is the name of the game
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSession.cs:187
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Game: {0}"
+msgstr "Jokoa: {0}"
+#. Translators: text in the status bar: games played - time - game name
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSession.cs:189
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0} - {1} - {2}"
+msgstr "{0} - {1} - {2}"
+#. Translators: text in the status bar: games played - time
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSession.cs:192
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0} - {1}"
+msgstr "{0} - {1}"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSessionHistory.cs:78
+msgid "Outstanding results"
+msgstr "Emaitza zoragarriak"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSessionHistory.cs:80
+msgid "Excellent results"
+msgstr "Emaitza oso onak"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSessionHistory.cs:82
+msgid "Good results"
+msgstr "Emaitza onak"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSessionHistory.cs:84
+msgid "Poor results"
+msgstr "Emaitza pobreak"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameSessionHistory.cs:85
+msgid "Disappointing results"
+msgstr "Emaitza txarrak"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:57
+msgid "Read the instructions carefully and identify the data and given clues."
+msgstr "Arretaz irakurri argibideak eta identifikatu datuak eta emandako aztarnak."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:59
+msgid ""
+"To score the player gbrainy uses the time and tips needed to complete each "
+msgstr "Jokalariaren puntuazioa ezartzeko gbrainy-k joko bakoitza burutzeko behar den denbora eta aholkuak
hartzen ditu kontuan."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:61
+msgid ""
+"In logic games, elements that may seem irrelevant can be very important."
+msgstr "Joko logikoetan, garrantzi gutxikoak diruditen elementuak oso garrantzitsuak izan daitezke."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:63
+msgid "Try to approach a problem from different angles."
+msgstr "Saiatu ikuspuntu desberdinetatik ikusten arazoa."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:65
+msgid ""
+"Do not be afraid of making mistakes, they are part of the learning process."
+msgstr "Gozatu akatsekin ere, ikasketaren prozesuaren zati direlako."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:67
+msgid ""
+"Do all the problems, even the difficult ones. Improvement comes from "
+"challenging yourself."
+msgstr "Landu buruketa guztiak, baita zailak direnak ere. Hobekuntza praktikaren bidez lortzen da."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:69
+msgid "Play on a daily basis, you will notice progress soon."
+msgstr "Jokatu egunero, eta azkar nabarituko duzu aurrerakuntzak."
+#. Translators: Custom Game Selection is a menu option
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:71
+msgid ""
+"Use the 'Custom Game Selection' to choose exactly which games you want to "
+msgstr "Erabili 'Joko pertsonalizatuaren hautapena' jokatzea nahi duzun jokoa hautatzeko."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:73 ../src/Core/Views/WelcomeView.cs:149
+msgid "Use the Settings to adjust the difficulty level of the game."
+msgstr "Erabili 'Ezarpenak' jokoaren zailtasun maila doitzeko."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:75
+msgid "Association of elements is a common technique for remembering things."
+msgstr "Elementuak elkartzea teknika oso arrunta da gauzak gogoratzeko."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:77
+msgid ""
+"Grouping elements into categories is a common technique for remembering "
+msgstr "Elementuak kategorietan taldekatzea teknika oso arrunta da gauzak gogoratzeko."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:79
+msgid "Build acronyms using the first letter of each fact to be remembered."
+msgstr "Eraiki akronimoak gogoratutako egitate bakoitzaren aurreneko hizkia erabiliz gogoratzeko."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:81
+msgid ""
+"The enjoyment obtained from a puzzle is proportional to the time spent on it."
+msgstr "Puzzle batengandik lortutako gozamena bertan igarotako denborarekiko proportzionala da."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:83
+msgid "Think of breaking down every problem into simpler components."
+msgstr "Arazo bakoitza osagai txiki bakunagoetan zatitzea pentsatu."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:85
+msgid "When answering verbal analogies pay attention to the verb tense."
+msgstr "Hizketako analogiei erantzutean aditz-denborari arreta jartzen zaio."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/GameTips.cs:87
+msgid ""
+"When you go shopping, try to perform calculations without the use of a "
+msgstr "Erosketak egitera joaten zarenean, saiatu buruz egiten kalkuluak, kalkulagailurik gabe."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Memory.cs:51
+msgid "Memorize the objects below in the given time"
+msgstr "Memorizatu azpiko objektuak emandako denboran"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Memory.cs:236
+msgid "Time left"
+msgstr "Falta den denbora"
+#. Translators: {0} is the game number and {1} the game question or answer
+#. The number is used as reference when looking for the game solution in the PDF
+#: ../src/Core/Main/PdfExporter.cs:110 ../src/Core/Main/PdfExporter.cs:170
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Game #{0}. {1}"
+msgstr "Joko-zk.: #{0}. {1}"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/PdfExporter.cs:127
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Created by gbrainy {0}"
+msgstr "Sortzailea: gbrainy {0}"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/PdfExporter.cs:162
+msgid "Solutions"
+msgstr "Soluzioak"
+#. Translators: this the separator used when concatenating multiple possible answers for verbal analogies
+#. For example: "Possible correct answers are: sleep, rest."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/Analogies.cs:74
+msgid ", "
+msgstr ", "
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesMultipleOptions.cs:36
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Multiple options #{0}"
+msgstr "Hainbat aukera {0}."
+#. Translators: {0} is replaced by a question and {1} by the possible valid answers
+#. E.g.: What is the correct option? Answer A, B, C or D.
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesMultipleOptions.cs:49
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsOptions.cs:58
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0} Answer {1}."
+msgstr "{0} erantzuna: {1}"
+#. Translators: this "option) answer" for example "a) "21 x 60 = 1260". This should not be changed for most
of the languages
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesMultipleOptions.cs:85
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsOptions.cs:101
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationCloserFraction.cs:162
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationGreatestDivisor.cs:150
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleOstracism.cs:162
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:181
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:140
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0}) {1}"
+msgstr "{0}) {1}"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsCompare.cs:37
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Pair of words compare #{0}"
+msgstr "Konparatu hitz bikoteak {0}."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsCompare.cs:53
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsOptions.cs:53
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Given the relationship between the two words below, which word has the same "
+"relationship to '{0}'?"
+msgstr "Azpiko bi hitzen arteko erlazioa emanda, zein hitzek du '{0}'(r)ekiko erlazioa?"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsCompare.cs:110
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsOptions.cs:123
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Words: {0}"
+msgstr "Hitzak: {0}"
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesPairOfWordsOptions.cs:37
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Pair of words #{0}"
+msgstr "Hitz bikoteak {0}."
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Verbal/AnalogiesQuestionAnswer.cs:34
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Question and answer #{0}"
+msgstr "Galderak eta erantzunak {0}."
+#. Translators {0}: list of options (A, B, C)
+#: ../src/Core/Main/Xml/GameXml.cs:214
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Answer {0}."
+msgstr "Erantzuna: {0}."
+#: ../src/Core/Views/CountDownView.cs:78
+msgid "Get ready to memorize the next objects..."
+msgstr "Egon prest hurrengo objektuak memorizatzeko..."
+#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:143
+#: ../src/Core/Views/PlayerHistoryView.cs:275
+msgid "Score"
+msgstr "Puntuazioa"
+#. Translator: This will be part of the sentence "Games won: 10 (6 played)"
+#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:152
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0} played"
+msgid_plural "{0} played"
+msgstr[0] "{0} jokatuta"
+msgstr[1] "{0} jokatuta"
+#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:156
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Games won: {0} ({1})"
+msgid_plural "Games won: {0} ({1})"
+msgstr[0] "Irabazitako partidak: {0} ({1})"
+msgstr[1] "Irabazitako partidak: {0} ({1})"
+#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:160
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0}. Games won: {1} ({2})"
+msgid_plural "{0}. Games won: {1} ({2})"
+msgstr[0] "{0}. Irabazitako partidak: {1} ({2})"
+msgstr[1] "{0}. Irabazitako partidak: {1} ({2})"
+#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:166
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Time played {0} (average per game {1})"
+msgstr "Erabilitako denbora: {0} (batez bestekoa: {1})"
+#. Translators: translated string should not be longer that the English original (space restriction on the
+#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:175
+msgid "For details on how gbrainy's scoring works refer to the help."
+msgstr "Irakurri ezazu laguntza gbrainy-k puntuazioak nola banatzen dituen buruz gehiago jakiteko."
+#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:187
+msgid "Tips for your next games"
+msgstr "Hurrengo jokoetarako aholkuak"
+#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:215
+msgid "Congratulations! New personal record"
+msgstr "Zorionak! Zure marka pertsonala hautsi duzu"
+#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:225
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"By scoring {0} in logic puzzle games you have established a new personal "
+"record. Your previous record was {1}."
+msgstr "Logikako puzzleen jokoetan lortutako %{0} puntuazioak zure marka pertsonal berria ezarri du. Aurreko
marka %{1} zen."
+#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:231
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"By scoring {0} in calculation games you have established a new personal "
+"record. Your previous record was {1}."
+msgstr "Kalkuluetako jokoetan lortutako %{0} puntuazioak zure marka pertsonal berria ezarri du. Aurreko
marka %{1} zen."
+#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:237
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"By scoring {0} in memory games you have established a new personal record. "
+"Your previous record was {1}."
+msgstr "Memoria jokoetan lortutako %{0} puntuazioak zure marka pertsonal berria ezarri du. Aurreko marka
%{1} zen."
+#: ../src/Core/Views/FinishView.cs:243
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"By scoring {0} in verbal analogies you have established a new personal "
+"record. Your previous record was {1}."
+msgstr "Hizketako analogien jokoetan lortutako %{0} puntuazioak zure marka pertsonal berria ezarri du.
Aurreko marka %{1} zen."
+#: ../src/Core/Views/PlayerHistoryView.cs:274
+msgid "Time"
+msgstr "Ordua"
+#: ../src/Core/Views/WelcomeView.cs:62
+msgid "Logic puzzles. Challenge your reasoning and thinking skills."
+msgstr "Logika puzzleak. Zure logika eta arrazoinamenduaren trebetasunak erronkan jartzeko diseinatua."
+#: ../src/Core/Views/WelcomeView.cs:83
+msgid ""
+"Mental calculation. Arithmetical operations that test your mental "
+"calculation abilities."
+msgstr "Buruzko kalkulua. Eragiketa aritmetikoen bidez zure gaitasun mentala probatzeko."
+#: ../src/Core/Views/WelcomeView.cs:104
+msgid "Memory trainers. To prove your short term memory."
+msgstr "Memoria hezitzaileak. Epe laburrean zure memoria neurtu eta hobetzeko."
+#: ../src/Core/Views/WelcomeView.cs:125
+msgid "Verbal analogies. Challenge your verbal aptitude."
+msgstr "Hizketako analogiak. Zure hizketako gaitasunarentzako erronka."
+#. Translators: {0} is the version number of the program
+#: ../src/Core/Views/WelcomeView.cs:141
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Welcome to gbrainy {0}"
+msgstr "Ondo etorri Gbrainy-ra {0}"
+#: ../src/Core/Views/WelcomeView.cs:145
+msgid ""
+"gbrainy is a brain teaser game and trainer to have fun and to keep your "
+"brain trained. It includes:"
+msgstr "gbrainy zure garuna gazte eta sasoiko mantenduko duen programa da. Honakoak ditu:"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationArithmetical.cs:39
+msgid "Arithmetical operations"
+msgstr "Eragiketa aritmetikoak"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationArithmetical.cs:47
+msgid "What is the result of the following operation?"
+msgstr "Zein da eragiketa honen emaitza?"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationAverage.cs:36
+msgid "Average"
+msgstr "Batez bestekoa"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationAverage.cs:53
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Given the numbers: {0}. Which of the following numbers is closest to the "
+"average? Answer {1}, {2}, {3} or {4}."
+msgstr "Zenbakiak: {0}. Hurrengo zenbakietatik zein dago batez bestekotik hurbilen? Erantzun {1}, {2}, {3}
edo {4}."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationAverage.cs:58
+msgid ""
+"The average of a list of numbers is their sum divided by the number of "
+"numbers in the list."
+msgstr "Zenbakien zerrenda bateko batez bestekoa zenbaki guztien batura zerrendako elementuen kopuruarekin
zatituz lortzen da."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationAverage.cs:63
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "The result of the operation is {0}."
+msgstr "Eragiketaren emaitza {0} da."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationCloserFraction.cs:35
+msgid "Closer fraction"
+msgstr "Zatiki hurbilena"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationCloserFraction.cs:44
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which of the following numbers is closer to {0}? Answer {1}, {2}, {3} or {4}."
+msgstr "Hurrengo zenbakietatik zein dago {0}(e)tik hurbilen? Erantzuna {1}, {2}, {3} edo {4}."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationCloserFraction.cs:53
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "The result of the operation {0} / {1} is '{2}'."
+msgstr "{0} / {1} eragiketaren emaitza '{2}' da."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationConsecutiveSum.cs:34
+msgid "Consecutive sum"
+msgstr "Ondoz ondoko batura"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationConsecutiveSum.cs:43
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"In the list of single-digit numbers below, there are 5 consecutive numbers "
+"whose sum is {0}. Which numbers are these?"
+msgstr "Digitu bakarreko zenbakien zerrendan, ondoz ondoko 5 zenbaki daude {0} batura ematen dutenak. Zein
zenbaki dira?"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationFractions.cs:59
+msgid "Fractions"
+msgstr "Zatikiak"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationFractions.cs:67
+msgid ""
+"What is the result of the given operation? Answer using either a fraction or "
+"a number."
+msgstr "Zein da eragiketa honen emaitza? Erantzun dezakezu zatiki edo zenbaki bat erabiliz."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationGreatestDivisor.cs:34
+msgid "Greatest divisor"
+msgstr "Zatitzaile handiena"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationGreatestDivisor.cs:43
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which of the possible divisors is the greatest that divides all numbers? "
+"Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Zatitzaile guztien artean zein da zenbaki guztien zatitzaile den zenbakirik handiena? Erantzun {0},
{1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationGreatestDivisor.cs:241
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationSelectedNumbers.cs:229
+msgid "Numbers"
+msgstr "Zenbakiak"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationGreatestDivisor.cs:255
+msgid "Possible divisors"
+msgstr "Zatitzaile posibleak"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationOperator.cs:32
+msgid "Operators"
+msgstr "Eragileak"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationOperator.cs:36
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "The first operator is {0}."
+msgstr "Lehenengo eragilea {0} da."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationOperator.cs:44
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Which operators make {0}, {1}, and {2} equal {3}? Answer using '+-/*'."
+msgstr "Zein eragilek egiten dute {0}, {1}, eta {2}, {3} ematea? Erantzun '+-/*' erabiliz."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationOperator.cs:107
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationRatio.cs:84
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationTwoNumbers.cs:98
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0} and {1}"
+msgstr "{0} eta {1}"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationPrimes.cs:65
+msgid "Primes"
+msgstr "Lehenak"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationPrimes.cs:74
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which of the following numbers is a prime? A prime number is a positive "
+"integer that has exactly two different positive divisors, 1 and itself. "
+"Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Ondorengo zenbakietako zein da lehena? Zenbaki lehena osoko zenbaki positibo bat da, eta soilik bi
zatitzaile positibo ditu: 1 eta bere burua. Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationPrimes.cs:79
+msgid ""
+"If the sum of all digits in a given number is divisible by 3, then so is the "
+"number. For example 15 = 1 + 5 = 6, which is divisible by 3."
+msgstr "Emandako zenbaki baten digitu guztien batura 3rekin zatitu badaiteke, orduan hori da zenbakia.
Adibidez, 15 = 1 + 5 = 6, eta hau 3rekin zati daiteke."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationPrimes.cs:84
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "The number {0} is a prime number."
+msgstr "{0} zenbakia lehena da."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationProportions.cs:34
+msgid "Proportions"
+msgstr "Proportzioak"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationProportions.cs:44
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "What is {0}% of {1}/{2}? Answer {3}, {4}, {5} or {6}."
+msgstr "Zer da {1}/{2}(r)en %{0}a? Erantzun {3}, {4}, {5} edo {6}."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationRatio.cs:29
+msgid "Ratio"
+msgstr "Erlazioa"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationRatio.cs:39
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which two numbers have a sum of {0} and have a ratio of {1} to {2}? Answer "
+"using two numbers (e.g.: 1 and 2)."
+msgstr "Zein dira {0} batura ematen duten eta {1}/{2} erlazioa duten bi zenbakiak? Erantzun bi zenbaki
erabiliz (adib.: 1 eta 2)."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationRatio.cs:46
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"The second number can be calculated by multiplying the first number by {0} "
+"and dividing it by {1}."
+msgstr "Bigarren zenbakia aurrena {0} balioarekin biderkatuz eta {1} balioarekin zatituz kalkulatzen da."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationRatio.cs:52
+msgid ""
+"A ratio specifies a proportion between two numbers. A ratio of a:b means "
+"that for every 'a' parts you have 'b' parts."
+msgstr "Erlazio batek bi zenbakiren arteko proportzioa zehazten du. 'a:b' erlazio batek zera adierazten du:
'a' zati bakoitzeko 'b' zati daudela."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationRatio.cs:96
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationTwoNumbers.cs:112
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "x + y = {0}"
+msgstr "x + y = {0}"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationRatio.cs:99
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "have a ratio of {0}:{1}"
+msgstr "{0}:{1} erlazioa du"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationSelectedNumbers.cs:46
+msgid "Selected numbers"
+msgstr "Hautatutako zenbakiak"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationSelectedNumbers.cs:59
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"In the list of numbers below, what is the sum of all the numbers with a "
+"value greater than {0}? Answer {1}, {2}, {3} or {4}."
+msgstr "Ondorengo zenbaki-zerrendan, zein da {0} baino balio handiagoa duten zenbaki guztien batura?
Erantzun {1}, {2}, {3} edo {4}."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationSelectedNumbers.cs:64
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"In the list of numbers below, what is the product of all the numbers with a "
+"value greater than {0}? Answer {1}, {2}, {3} or {4}."
+msgstr "Ondorengo zenbaki-zerrendan, zein da {0} baino balio handiagoa duten zenbaki guztien biderkadura?
Erantzun {1}, {2}, {3} edo {4}."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationTwoNumbers.cs:38
+msgid "Two numbers"
+msgstr "Bi zenbaki"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationTwoNumbers.cs:49
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which two numbers when added are {0} and when multiplied are {1}? Answer "
+"using two numbers (e.g.: 1 and 2)."
+msgstr "Zein bi zenbaki batu eta gero {0} ematen dute eta biderkatu ondoren {1}? Erantzun bi zenbaki
erabiliz (adib.: 1 eta 2)."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationTwoNumbers.cs:51
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which two numbers when subtracted are {0} and when multiplied are {1}? "
+"Answer using two numbers (e.g.: 1 and 2)."
+msgstr "Zein bi zenbaki kendu eta gero {0} ematen dute eta biderkatu ondoren {1}? Erantzun bi zenbaki
erabiliz (adib.: 1 eta 2)."
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationTwoNumbers.cs:115
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "x - y = {0}"
+msgstr "x - y = {0}"
+#: ../src/Games/Calculation/CalculationTwoNumbers.cs:122
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "x * y = {0}"
+msgstr "x * y = {0}"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/Puzzle3DCube.cs:29
+msgid "3D Cube"
+msgstr "3D kuboa"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/Puzzle3DCube.cs:33
+msgid ""
+"How many small cubes does it take to build the large cube below? Answer "
+"using a number."
+msgstr "Zenbat kubo txiki behar dira azpiko kubo handia eraikitzeko? Erantzun ezazu zenbaki bat erabiliz."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/Puzzle3DCube.cs:37
+msgid "A cube is a regular solid object having six congruent square faces."
+msgstr "Kubo bat objektu laukizuzen trinkoa da, eta sei karratuko aurpegi ditu."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleBalance.cs:47
+msgid "Balance"
+msgstr "Oreka"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleBalance.cs:51
+msgid ""
+"Using triangles only, how many triangles are needed in the right part of the "
+"last figure to keep it balanced?"
+msgstr "Triangeluak soilik erabiliz, zenbat triangelu behar dira azken irudiko eskuineko zatian oreka
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleBalance.cs:56
+msgid ""
+"Every circle is equivalent to two triangles and every square to three "
+msgstr "Zirkulu bakoitza bi hirukiren baliokidea da, eta lauki bakoitza hiru hirukirena."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleBalance.cs:61
+msgid "Every circle is equivalent two triangles."
+msgstr "Zirkulu bakoitza bi triangeluren baliokidea da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleBuildTriangle.cs:48
+msgid "Build a triangle"
+msgstr "Eraiki triangelu bat"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleBuildTriangle.cs:53
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which three pieces can you use together to build a triangle? Answer using "
+"the three figure names, e.g.: {0}{1}{2}."
+msgstr "Zein hiru pieza erabili behar dituzu aldi berean triangelu bat osatzeko? Erantzun hiru irudien
izenak erabiliz, adib: {0}, {1}, {2}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleBuildTriangle.cs:58
+msgid "The resulting triangle is isosceles."
+msgstr "Emaitzako triangelua isoszelea da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleBuildTriangle.cs:171
+msgid "The triangle is:"
+msgstr "Triangelua da:"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCirclesSquare.cs:27
+msgid "Circles in a square"
+msgstr "Zirkuluak karratu batean"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCirclesSquare.cs:31
+msgid ""
+"What is the maximum number of circles (as shown) that fit in the square "
+msgstr "Zein da gehienezko (erakutsitakoak bezalako) zirkulu kopurua azpiko laukizuzenean doitzeko?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCirclesSquare.cs:35
+msgid "You can fit more than 64 circles."
+msgstr "64 zirkulu baino gehiago doi ditzakezu."
+#. Translators: {0} is replaced always by 0.1340
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCirclesSquare.cs:41
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Using the above layout {0} units of height are gained per row leaving enough "
+"space for an additional row."
+msgstr "Erakutsitako eskeman altueraren {0} unitate irabazten dira errenkadako. Horrek errenkada gehigarri
batentzako nahikoa leku uzten du."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCirclesSquare.cs:75
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCirclesSquare.cs:94
+msgid "8 units"
+msgstr "8 unitate"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCirclesSquare.cs:113
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCirclesSquare.cs:132
+msgid "1 unit"
+msgstr "Unitate 1"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleClocks.cs:34
+msgid "Clocks"
+msgstr "Ordulariak"
+#. Translators: {0} is replaced by 'Figure X'
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleClocks.cs:40
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"To what number should the large handle of the '{0}' clock point? Answer "
+"using numbers."
+msgstr "Zein zenbakira zuzentzen du '{0}' ordulariaren orratz luzeak? Erantzun zenbakiak erabiliz."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleClocks.cs:48
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Starting from the first clock, add {1} to the number obtained by appending "
+"the values to which the hands point. For example, the value of the hands for "
+"'{0}' is {3} ({2} + {1})."
+msgstr "Lehen erlojutik hasiz, gehitu {1} eskuek seinalatzen dituzten balioak erantsiz lortzen den
zenbakiari. Adibidez, eskuek '{0}'(r)entzat adierazten duten balioa {3} ({2} + {1}) da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleClocks.cs:54
+msgid "The clocks do not follow the time logic."
+msgstr "Ordulariek ez dute denboraren logika jarraitzen."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountCircles.cs:43
+msgid "Count circles"
+msgstr "Zenbatu zirkuluak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountCircles.cs:47
+msgid "How many circles do you count?"
+msgstr "Zenbat zirkulu zenbatu dituzu?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountCircles.cs:51
+msgid "It is an easy exercise if you systematically count the circles."
+msgstr "Ariketa erraza da sistematikoki zirkuluak zenbatzen badituzu."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCounting.cs:39
+msgid "Counting"
+msgstr "Zenbatzea"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCounting.cs:62
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "We have a {0} meter piece of fabric."
+msgid_plural "We have a {0} meters piece of fabric."
+msgstr[0] "Ehunaren metro {0}eko pieza bat dugu."
+msgstr[1] "Ehunaren {0} metrotako pieza bat dugu."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCounting.cs:66
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"A machine takes {0} second to cut 1 meter of this fabric. How many seconds "
+"does the machine take to cut the entire piece of fabric into 1 meter pieces?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"A machine takes {0} seconds to cut 1 meter of this fabric. How many seconds "
+"does the machine take to cut the entire piece of fabric into 1 meter pieces?"
+msgstr[0] "Makina batek {0} segundo behar du oihal honen 1 metro mozteko. Zenbat segundo behar ditu makinak
oihalaren pieza osoa 1 metroko piezetan mozteko?"
+msgstr[1] "Makina batek {0} segundo behar ditu oihal honen 1 metro mozteko. Zenbat segundo behar ditu
makinak oihalaren pieza osoa 1 metroko piezetan mozteko?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCounting.cs:70
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "With the cut number {0}, the machine creates two 1 meter pieces."
+msgid_plural "With the cut number {0}, the machine creates two 1 meter pieces."
+msgstr[0] "{0}. mozketarekin makinak 1 metroko bi pieza sortzen ditu."
+msgstr[1] "{0}. mozketarekin makinak 1 metroko bi pieza sortzen ditu."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCounting.cs:83
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"A fence is built to enclose a square shaped region. {0} fence pole is used "
+"in each side of the square. How many fence poles are used in total?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"A fence is built to enclose a square shaped region. {0} fence poles are used "
+"in each side of the square. How many fence poles are used in total?"
+msgstr[0] "Hesi bat eraiki da karratu formako eremua ixteko. Karratuko alde bakoitzean {0} zutoin erabiltzen
da. Zenbat zutoin erabili dira guztira?"
+msgstr[1] "Hesi bat eraiki da karratu formako eremua ixteko. Karratuko alde bakoitzean {0} zutoin erabiltzen
dira. Zenbat zutoin erabili dira guztira?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCounting.cs:90
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"There is {0} fence pole since the poles on the corners of the square are "
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are {0} fence poles since the poles on the corners of the square are "
+msgstr[0] "{0} zutoin dago, karratuko ertzetako zutoinak partekatuta daudelako."
+msgstr[1] "{0} zutoin daude, karratuko ertzetako zutoinak partekatuta daudelako."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCounting.cs:103
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Wrapping an anniversary present costs one monetary unit. The anniversary "
+"present costs {0} monetary unit more than the cost to wrap it. How much does "
+"it cost to both purchase and wrap the present?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Wrapping an anniversary present costs one monetary unit. The anniversary "
+"present costs {0} monetary units more than the cost to wrap it. How much "
+"does it cost to both purchase and wrap the present?"
+msgstr[0] "Urtebetetzeko opari bat biltzea euro bat kostatzen da. Urtebetetzeko opariak hura biltzeko kostua
baino {0} euro gehiago balio du. Zenbat kostatzen da oparia erostea eta biltzea?"
+msgstr[1] "Urtebetetzeko opari bat biltzea euro bat kostatzen da. Urtebetetzeko opariak hura biltzeko kostua
baino {0} euro gehiago balio ditu. Zenbat kostatzen da oparia erostea eta biltzea?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCounting.cs:110
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"It is the cost of the present, {0} monetary unit, plus one monetary unit of "
+"the wrapping."
+msgid_plural ""
+"It is the cost of the present, {0} monetary units, plus one monetary unit of "
+"the wrapping."
+msgstr[0] "Opariaren kostua da, {0} euro, gehi biltzeari dagokion euro bat."
+msgstr[1] "Opariaren kostua da, {0} euro, gehi biltzeari dagokion euro bat."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountSeries.cs:38
+msgid "Count series"
+msgstr "Zenbatu serieak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountSeries.cs:60
+msgid ""
+"How many numbers '9' are required to represent the numbers between 10 to 100?"
+msgstr "Zenbat '9' zenbaki behar dira 10 eta 100 arteko zenbakiak adierazteko?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountSeries.cs:66
+msgid ""
+"How many two digit numbers occur where the first digit is larger than the "
+"second (e.g.: 20 and 21)?"
+msgstr "Bi digituko zenbat zenbaki daude non aurreneko digitua bigarrena baino handiagoa den (adib. 20 eta
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountSeries.cs:72
+msgid ""
+"How many two digit numbers occur where the first digit is smaller than the "
+"second (e.g.: 12 and 13)?"
+msgstr "Bi digituko zenbat zenbaki daude non aurreneko digitua bigarrena baino txikiagoa den (adib. 12 eta
+#. Translators: A sequence of numbers 1, 2, 3, etc.
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountSeries.cs:84
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0}, {1}"
+msgstr "{0}, {1}"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountSeries.cs:87
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "The numbers are: {0}."
+msgstr "Zenbakiak hauek dira: {0}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCountSeries.cs:92
+msgid "Notice that 99 contains two numbers '9'."
+msgstr "Jakin ezazu 99 balioak bi '9' zenbaki dituela."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCoverPercentage.cs:33
+msgid "Cover percentage"
+msgstr "Osatutako ehunekoa"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCoverPercentage.cs:37
+msgid "What percentage of the figure is colored?"
+msgstr "Irudien zein ehuneko dago margotuta?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleCube.cs:47
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"When you fold the figure below as a cube, which face on the figure is "
+"opposite the face with a {0} drawn on it? Answer the number written on the "
+msgstr "Azpiko irudia kubo gisa tolesten denean, irudiko zein aurpegi dago {0} marraztuta duen aurpegiaren
aurkako aldean? Erantzun aurpegian idatzitako zenbakia."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:52
+msgid ""
+"What is the probability of getting a '2' or a '6' in a single throw of an "
+"unmodified 6 sided die? Answer using a fraction (e.g.: 1/2)."
+msgstr "Zein da '2' edo '6' bat lortzeko probabilitatea 6 aldeko dado bat behin jaurtitzean? Erantzun zatiki
bat erabiliz (adib.: 1/2)."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:54
+msgid "There are 2 of 6 possibilities."
+msgstr "Posibilitateak 2 / 6 dira."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:56
+msgid ""
+"What is the probability of not getting a '5' in a single throw of an "
+"unmodified 6 sided die? Answer using a fraction (e.g.: 1/2)."
+msgstr "Zein da '5' bat ez lortzeko probabilitatea 6 aldeko dado bat behin jaurtitzean? Erantzun zatiki bat
erabiliz (adib.: 1/2)."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:58
+msgid "There are 5 of 6 possibilities."
+msgstr "Posibilitateak 5 / 6 dira."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:60
+msgid ""
+"Two unmodified 6 sided dice are thrown simultaneously. What is the "
+"probability of getting two even numbers? Answer using a fraction (e.g.: 1/2)."
+msgstr "6 aldeko bi dado aldi berean jaurtitzen dira. Zein da bi zenbaki bikoiti lortzeko probabilitatea?
Erantzun zatiki bat erabiliz (adib.: 1/2)."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:62
+msgid "There are 9 of 36 possibilities of getting two even numbers."
+msgstr "Bi zenbaki bikoiti lortzeko posibilitatea 36tik 9 da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:64
+msgid ""
+"Two unmodified 6 sided dice are thrown simultaneously. What is the "
+"probability of getting two '6'? Answer using a fraction (e.g.: 1/2)."
+msgstr "6 aldeko bi dado aldi berean jaurtitzen dira. Zein da bi '6' lortzeko probabilitatea? Erantzun
zatiki bat erabiliz (adib.: 1/2)."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:66
+msgid ""
+"There is 1 of 6 possibilities of getting a '6' on the first die and the same "
+"for the second die."
+msgstr "'6' zenbakia bi dadoetan aldi berean lortzeko posibilitatea 1 / 36 da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDice.cs:71
+msgid "Dice"
+msgstr "Dadoa"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDivideCircle.cs:43
+msgid "Divide circles"
+msgstr "Zatitu zirkuluak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDivideCircle.cs:47
+msgid ""
+"In the last figure, in how many regions is the circle divided into when all "
+"dots are connected?"
+msgstr "Azkenengo irudian, zenbat eskualdetan dago zirkulua zatituta puntu guztiak konektatuta daudenean?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleDivideCircle.cs:174
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Has {0} region"
+msgid_plural "Has {0} regions"
+msgstr[0] "Eskualde {0} du"
+msgstr[1] "{0} eskualde ditu"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleEquation.cs:31
+msgid "Equation"
+msgstr "Ekuazioa"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleEquation.cs:35
+msgid "What is the result of the equation below?"
+msgstr "Zein da azpiko ekuazioaren emaitza?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleEquation.cs:40
+msgid ""
+"The order of arithmetical operations is always as follows: exponents and "
+"roots, multiplication and division, addition and subtraction."
+msgstr "Eragiketa aritmetikoan ordena beti honela izaten da: berreketak eta erroak, biderketak eta
zatiketak, batuketak eta kenketak."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleExtraCircle.cs:51
+msgid "Extra circle"
+msgstr "Zirkulu gehigarria"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleExtraCircle.cs:60
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which circle does not belong to the group? It is not a sequence of elements. "
+"Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Zein zirkulu ez dagokio taldeari? Ez da elementuen sekuentzia bat. Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleExtraCircle.cs:65
+msgid "All circles share a common property except for one."
+msgstr "Zirkulu guztiek propietate komuna partekatzen dute, zirkulu batek izan ezik."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleExtraCircle.cs:70
+msgid ""
+"In all circles the color slices follow the same order except for this one."
+msgstr "Zirkulu guztietan kolore zatiek ordena berdina jarraitzen dute, batek izan ezik."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigureLetter.cs:38
+msgid "Figures and text"
+msgstr "Irudiak eta testua"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigureLetter.cs:42
+msgid ""
+"The figures and the texts are related. What text should go under the last "
+msgstr "Irudiak eta testuak zerikusia dute. Zein testuk egon beharko luke azken irudiaren azpian?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigureLetter.cs:46
+msgid "Every character of the text represents a property of the figure."
+msgstr "Testuko karaktere bakoitzak irudiaren propietate bat adierazten du."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigureLetter.cs:51
+msgid ""
+"'A' indicates that the figures overlap, 'B' that are squares, 'C' that are "
+"circles, 'D' that the figures are separated, 'E' that there are three "
+"figures and 'F' that there are two figures."
+msgstr "'A' irudiak gainjartzen direla adierazten du, 'B' karratuak direla, 'C' zirkuluak direla, 'D'
irudiak bananduta daudela, 'E' hiru irudi daudela eta 'F' bi irudi daudela."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigurePattern.cs:42
+msgid "Figure pattern"
+msgstr "Irudien ereduak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigurePattern.cs:47
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "What figure should replace the question mark? Answer {0}, {1} or {2}."
+msgstr "Zein irudik ordeztu beharko luke galdera ikurra? Erantzun {0}, {1} edo {2}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigurePattern.cs:52
+msgid ""
+"The third figure of every row involves somehow combining the first two "
+msgstr "Errenkada bakoitzeko hirugarren irudia nolabait aurreneko bi irudiak konbinatzea inplikatzen du."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigurePattern.cs:57
+msgid ""
+"Superpose the first and second figures and remove the lines that they have "
+"in common, then rotate the resulting figure 45 degrees."
+msgstr "Gainjarri aurreneko eta bigarren irudiak eta kendu komunean dituzten marrak, gero biratu emaitzako
irudia 45 gradu."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigures.cs:56
+msgid "Figures"
+msgstr "Irudiak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigures.cs:60
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"What is the next logical sequence of objects in the last column? Answer {0}, "
+"{1} or {2}."
+msgstr "Zein da azken zutabeko hurrengo objektu-sekuentzia logikoa? Erantzun {0}, {1} edo {2}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFigures.cs:66
+msgid ""
+"It is the only combination that you can build with the given elements "
+"without repeating them."
+msgstr "Konbinazio bakarra da emandako elementuekin, eta errepikatu gabe. eraikitzeko."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFindTheNumber.cs:43
+msgid "Find the number"
+msgstr "Bilatu zenbakia"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFindTheNumber.cs:51
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Looking horizontally and vertically to the lines of the grid below, which is "
+"the number {0} place away from itself multiplied by 2 and {1} place away "
+"from itself plus 2?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Looking horizontally and vertically to the lines of the grid below, which is "
+"the number {0} places away from itself multiplied by 2 and {1} places away "
+"from itself plus 2?"
+msgstr[0] "Beheko saretako lerroei horizontalki eta bertikalki begiratuz, zein da zenbakiaren kokalekua {0}
gelaxkara bere burua bider 2 eginda eta {1} gelaxkara bere burua gehi 2 eginda?"
+msgstr[1] "Beheko saretako lerroei horizontalki eta bertikalki begiratuz, zein da zenbakiaren kokalekua {0}
gelaxkara bere burua bider 2 eginda eta {1} gelaxkara bere burua gehi 2 eginda?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFindTheNumber.cs:60
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "The number is located at row {0}, column {1}."
+msgstr "Zenbakia hemen dago: {0}. errenkada, {1}. zutabea."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFindTheNumber.cs:69
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "The number is located within the first {0} row of the grid."
+msgid_plural "The number is located within the first {0} rows of the grid."
+msgstr[0] "Saretako lehen {0} errenkadan dago zenbakia."
+msgstr[1] "Saretako lehen {0} errenkadetan dago zenbakia."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFourSided.cs:30
+msgid "Four sided"
+msgstr "Lau alde"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFourSided.cs:34
+msgid "How many four sided figures do you count in the figure below?"
+msgstr "Zenbat lau aldeko irudi zenbatu dituzu azpiko irudian?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFourSided.cs:38
+msgid "A four sided figure can be embedded inside another figure."
+msgstr "Lau aldeko irudi bat beste irudi baten barruan kapsulatua egon daiteke."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleFourSided.cs:43
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "The four sided figures are made by connecting the following points: {0}"
+msgstr "Lau aldeko irudiak honako puntuak konektatuz sortzen dira: {0}"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridCircles.cs:40
+msgid "Circles in a grid"
+msgstr "Saretako zirkuluak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridCircles.cs:44
+msgid "One of the numbers in the grid must be circled. Which one?"
+msgstr "Saretako zenbakietako bat zirkuluarekin markatu behar da. Zein?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridCircles.cs:48
+msgid "All circled numbers share an arithmetical property."
+msgstr "Marka biribila duten zenbaki guztiek propietate aritmetiko bat partekatzen dute."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridCircles.cs:53
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Every circled number can be divided by {0}."
+msgstr "Zirkuludun zenbaki bakoitza {0} balioarekin zati daiteke."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridDots.cs:202
+msgid "Square with dots"
+msgstr "Karratua puntuekin"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridDots.cs:207
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNextFigure.cs:56
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which is the next logical figure in the sequence? Answer {0}, {1} or {2}."
+msgstr "Zein da hurrengo irudi logikoa sekuentzian? Erantzun {0}, {1} edo {2}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridDots.cs:216
+msgid ""
+"From the top-left figure, the top-left circle moves down, the bottom-left "
+"circle moves up, the bottom-right moves diagonally up-left and the top-right "
+"moves diagonally down-left."
+msgstr "Goi-ezkerraldeko irudian, goi-ezkerraldeko zirkulua beherantz mugitzen da, behe-ezkerraldeko
zirkulua gorantz mugitzen da, behe-eskuinaldekoa diagonalki mugitzen da goi-ezkerrerantz eta
goi-eskuinaldekoa diagonalki mugitzen da behe-ezkerrerantz."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridDots.cs:219
+msgid ""
+"From the top-left figure, the figure is rotated counterclockwise 90 degrees."
+msgstr "Goi-ezkerraldeko irudian, 90 gradu biratu da irudia erlojuaren kontrako noranzkoan."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:42
+msgid "Numbers in a grid"
+msgstr "Saretako zenbakiak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:46
+msgid ""
+"The numbers in the grid below follow a pattern. Which number should replace "
+"the question mark?"
+msgstr "Ondorengo saretako zenbakiek eredu bati jarraitzen diote. Zein zenbakik ordeztuko luke galdera
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:52
+msgid "The pattern is arithmetical and works vertically."
+msgstr "Eredua aritmetikoa da eta bertikalki funtzionatzen du."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:54
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleRelatedNumbers.cs:164
+msgid "The pattern is arithmetical and works horizontally."
+msgstr "Eredua aritmetikoa da eta horizontalki funtzionatzen du."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:63
+msgid ""
+"The fourth row is calculated by multiplying the first two rows and adding "
+"the third."
+msgstr "Laugarrengo errenkada aurreneko bi errenkadak biderkatu ondoren hirugarrengoa gehituz lortzen da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:65
+msgid ""
+"The fourth column is calculated by multiplying the first two columns and "
+"adding the third."
+msgstr "Laugarrengo zutabea aurreneko bi zutabeak biderkatu ondoren hirugarrengoa gehituz lortzen da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:69
+msgid ""
+"The fourth row is calculated by multiplying the first two rows and "
+"subtracting the third."
+msgstr "Laugarrengo errenkada aurreneko bi errenkadak biderkatu ondoren hirugarrengoa kenduz lortzen da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:71
+msgid ""
+"The fourth column is calculated by multiplying the first two columns and "
+"subtracting the third."
+msgstr "Laugarrengo zutabea aurreneko bi zutabeak biderkatu ondoren hirugarrengoa kenduz lortzen da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:75
+msgid ""
+"The fourth row is calculated by adding the first two rows and subtracting "
+"the third."
+msgstr "Laugarrengo errenkada aurreneko bi errenkadak gehitu ondoren hirugarrengoa kenduz lortzen da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleGridNumbers.cs:77
+msgid ""
+"The fourth column is calculated by adding the first two columns and "
+"subtracting the third."
+msgstr "Laugarrengo zutabea aurreneko bi zutabeak gehitu ondoren hirugarrengoa kenduz lortzen da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleHandshakes.cs:30
+msgid "Handshakes"
+msgstr "Esku ematea"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleHandshakes.cs:35
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"All attendees to a party are introduced to one another. {0} handshakes are "
+"made in total. How many people are attending the party?"
+msgstr "Festa bateko partaideak elkar aurkezten dira, guztira {0} esku emate gertatu direlarik. Zenbat
pertsona daude festan?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleHandshakes.cs:40
+msgid ""
+"Try to imagine a situation in which you are meeting a small number of people."
+msgstr "Saiatu zaitez pertsona gutxi batzuekin bilera duzula irudikatzen."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleHandshakes.cs:44
+msgid ""
+"Using n as the total number of people, the first person handshakes n-1 "
+"people, the second n-2 people, etc. The result is the sum of the first n-1 "
+"consecutive numbers: 1+2+3+...+(n-1)."
+msgstr "n da pertsonen guztizko kopura; lehen pertsonak n-1 pertsonari ematen die eskua, bigarrenak n-2
pertsonari, etab. Emaitza da lehen n-1 ondoz ondoko zenbakien batura: 1+2+3+...+(n-1)."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargerShape.cs:111
+msgid "Larger shape"
+msgstr "Forma handia"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargerShape.cs:120
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which larger shape can you make combining the first two figures? Answer {0}, "
+"{1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Zein da bi irudi konbinatuz sor dezakezun forma handiena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargestArea.cs:237
+msgid "Largest area"
+msgstr "Azalera handiena"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargestArea.cs:242
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which of the following figures has the largest area? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or "
+msgstr "Irudi hauetako zeinek dauka azalera handiena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargestDiameter.cs:44
+msgid "Largest diameter"
+msgstr "Diametro luzeena"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargestDiameter.cs:49
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"If the circles represented by the arcs below were completed, which circle "
+"would have the largest diameter? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Beheko arkuek adierazten dituzten zirkuluak osatuko balira, zein zirkuluk izango luke diametro
handiena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargestDiameter.cs:56
+msgid "Less curved is the arc, the larger the circle is."
+msgstr "Zenbat eta kurba txikiagoa arkuak, orduan eta handiagoa zirkulua."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLargestDiameter.cs:99
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Arc {0}"
+msgstr "Arc {0}"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLines.cs:32
+msgid "Lines"
+msgstr "Marrak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLines.cs:36
+msgid ""
+"How many line segments in total are in the figures below? A line segment is "
+"a line between two points with no crossing lines."
+msgstr "Zenbat zuzenki zenbatu dituzu azpiko irudian? Zuzenki bat bi puntuen arteko marra bat da gurutzatu
gabeko marrekin."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLines.cs:42
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"There is {0} line in the figure to the left and {1} in the figure to the "
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are {0} lines in the figure to the left and {1} in the figure to the "
+msgstr[0] "Ezkerreko irudian {0} marra dago, eta eskuinekoan, berriz, {1}."
+msgstr[1] "Ezkerreko irudian {0} marra daude, eta eskuinekoan, berriz, {1}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleLines.cs:50
+msgid "It is an easy exercise if you systematically count the lines."
+msgstr "Ariketa erraza da marrak sistematikoki zenbatzen badituzu."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingPiece.cs:33
+msgid "Missing piece"
+msgstr "Falta den pieza"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingPiece.cs:38
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Which square completes the figure below? Answer {0}, {1} or {2}."
+msgstr "Zein karratuk osatzen du azpiko irudia? Erantzun {0}, {1} edo {2}"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingPiece.cs:43
+msgid "The logic works at row level."
+msgstr "Logikak errenkada mailan funtzionatzen du."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingPiece.cs:48
+msgid ""
+"In every row the third square is made by flipping the first square and "
+"superimposing it on the second square, followed by removing the matching "
+msgstr "Errenkada bakoitzean hirugarren karratua lortzeko aurreneko karratua biratu eta bigarren karratuari
gainjartzen zaio, bat datozen marrak kenduz."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingSlice.cs:60
+msgid "Missing slice"
+msgstr "Falta den zatia"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingSlice.cs:65
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"The slices below have some kind of relation. Which is the missing slice in "
+"the circle below? Answer {0}, {1} or {2}."
+msgstr "Ondorengo zatiek erlazioren bat dute. Zein zati falta da zirkuluan? Erantzun {0}, {1} edo {2}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingSlice.cs:70
+msgid "Each slice is related to the opposite one."
+msgstr "Zati bakoitzak aurkakoarekin erlazionatuta dago."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMissingSlice.cs:75
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"All numbers of each slice, when added to the ones of the opposite slice, add "
+"always {0}."
+msgstr "Zati bakoitzeko zenbaki guztiak, aurkako zatiari gehitutakoan, beti {0} batzen dute."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMostInCommon.cs:75
+msgid "Most in common"
+msgstr "Bat etortzea"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMostInCommon.cs:80
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which of the possible answers have the most in common with the four given "
+"figures? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Erantzun posibleen artean zein dator bat hobeto emandako lau irudiekin? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMostInCommon.cs:85
+msgid "Think of the common elements that the given figures have inside them."
+msgstr "Pentsatu emandako irudiek barruan dituzten elementu komunetan."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMostInCommon.cs:91
+msgid ""
+"It has the same number of elements inside the figure as the given figures."
+msgstr "Irudiaren barruan dauden elementuen kopurua emandako irudi kopuruen berdina da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMostInCommon.cs:93
+msgid ""
+"It is the figure with the most elements in common compared to the given "
+msgstr "Bat hobekien datozen elementu gehienak dituen irudia da emandako irudiekin konparatuz."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMoveFigure.cs:31
+msgid "Move figure"
+msgstr "Mugitu irudia"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMoveFigure.cs:35
+msgid ""
+"What is the minimum number of circles to be moved in order to convert the "
+"left figure into the right figure?"
+msgstr "Zein da mugitu beharreko gutxieneko zirkulu kopurua ezkerreko irudia eskuinekoan bihurtzeko?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMoveFigure.cs:42
+msgid ""
+"Move the circle from the first line to the second and move two circles from "
+"the fourth line to the second and the fifth lines."
+msgstr "Eraman zirkulua aurreneko marratik bigarrengora eta eraman laugarren marrako bi zirkulu bigarren eta
bosgarren marretara."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleMoveFigure.cs:44
+msgid ""
+"Move the first line to the seventh; move the two circles of the second line "
+"to third; and move first and last circles of the fifth line to the sixth."
+msgstr "Eraman aurreneko lerroa zazpigarrenera; eraman bigarren marrako bi zirkulu hirugarrengora; eta
eraman bosgarren marrako aurreneko eta azkenengo zirkuluak seigarren marrara."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNextFigure.cs:51
+msgid "Next figure"
+msgstr "Hurrengo irudia"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNextFigure.cs:63
+msgid ""
+"From first figure, the top circle advances by two positions clockwise, while "
+"the left circle goes backwards one position."
+msgstr "Aurreneko iruditik goiko zirkulua bi posizio aurreratzen da ordulariaren noranzkoan, ezkerreko
zirkulua atzerantz posizio bat joaten den bitartean."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericRelation.cs:44
+msgid "Numeric relation"
+msgstr "Zenbakizko erlazioa"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericRelation.cs:48
+msgid "What number should replace the question mark?"
+msgstr "Zein zenbakik ordeztuko luke galdera ikurra?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericRelation.cs:52
+msgid "The numbers are related arithmetically."
+msgstr "Zenbakiak aritmetikoki erlazionatuta daude."
+#. Translators: {0} is always replaced by the number 3
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericRelation.cs:60
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Every group of {0} numbers sums exactly {1}."
+msgstr "{0} taldeko zenbaki bakoitzak {1} batzen du hain zuzen."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericRelation.cs:62
+msgid ""
+"Divide the sequence in groups of three numbers. Every third number is "
+"calculated by multiplying by the two previous ones."
+msgstr "Zatitu sekuentzia hiru zenbakiko taldeetan. Hirugarren zenbaki bakoitza aurreneko bi biderkatuz
lortzen da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericRelation.cs:64
+msgid ""
+"Divide the sequence in groups of three numbers. Every third number is "
+"calculated by subtracting the second number from the first."
+msgstr "Zatitu sekuentzia hiru zenbakiko taldetan. Hirugarren zenbaki bakoitza aurrenekoari bigarrengoa
kenduz lortzen da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericSequence.cs:40
+msgid "Numeric sequence"
+msgstr "Zenbakizko sekuentzia"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericSequence.cs:44
+msgid ""
+"The next sequence follows a logic. What number should replace the question "
+msgstr "Hurrengo sekuentziak logika bat jarraitzen du. Zein zenbakik ordeztuko luke galdera ikurra?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericSequence.cs:48
+msgid "Every number in the sequence is related to the previous one."
+msgstr "Sekuentziako zenbaki bakoitza aurrekoarekin erlazioa dauka."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericSequence.cs:55
+msgid ""
+"Every number in the sequence is the result of subtracting 1 from the "
+"previous number and multiplying it by 2."
+msgstr "Sekuentziako zenbaki bakoitza lortzeko aurreko zenbakiari 1 kendu eta emaitza 2rekin biderkatuz
lortzen da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericSequence.cs:57
+msgid ""
+"Every number in the sequence is the result of adding 1 to the previous "
+"number and multiplying it by 3."
+msgstr "Sekuentziako zenbaki bakoitza lortzeko aurreko zenbakiari 1 gehitu eta emaitza 3rekin biderkatuz
lortzen da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleNumericSequence.cs:59
+msgid ""
+"Every number in the sequence is the result of subtracting 2 from the "
+"previous number and multiplying it by -2."
+msgstr "Sekuentziako zenbaki bakoitza lortzeko aurreko zenbakiari 2 kendu eta emaitza 2rekin biderkatuz
lortzen da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleOstracism.cs:51
+msgid "Ostracism"
+msgstr "Ostrazismoa"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleOstracism.cs:56
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which element does not belong to the group? It is not related to any "
+"arithmetical of the numbers. Answer {0}, {1}, {2}, {3} or {4}."
+msgstr "Zein elementu ez dagokio taldeari? Ez dauka zerikusirik zenbakien aritmetikarekin. Erantzun {0},
{1}, {2}, {3} edo {4}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleOstracism.cs:64
+msgid ""
+"The criteria for deciding if an equation belongs to the group is not "
+msgstr "Ekuazio bat taldeari dagokion erabakitzeko irizpidea ez da aritmetikoa."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleOstracism.cs:66
+msgid ""
+"Consider that every number that belongs to the group has two parts that are "
+msgstr "Kontuan izan taldeko zenbaki bakoitzak zerikusia duten bi zati dituztela."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleOstracism.cs:77
+msgid ""
+"In all the other equations the digits from the left side also appear on the "
+"right side."
+msgstr "Beste ekuazio guztietan ezkerraldeko digituak eskuinaldean ere agertzen dira."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleOstracism.cs:79
+msgid ""
+"In all the other numbers the last three digits are the square of the first "
+"two digits."
+msgstr "Beste zenbaki guztietan azken hiru digituak aurreneko bi digituen karratuak dira."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePencil.cs:36
+msgid "Pencil"
+msgstr "Arkatza"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePencil.cs:41
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which of the following figures cannot be drawn without crossing any previous "
+"lines nor lifting the pencil? Answer {0}, {1}, {2}, {3} or {4}."
+msgstr "Honako irudien artetik zein ezin da marraztu aurreko marrak gurutzatu gabe edo arkatza igo gabe?
Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2}, {3} edo {4}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:30
+msgid "People at a table"
+msgstr "Jendea mahaian"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:34
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"A group of people, spaced out evenly, are sitting at a round table. How many "
+"people are there if the {0} person sits directly across from the {1}?"
+msgstr "Mahai biribil baten inguruan pertsona talde bat eserita dago, distantzia berdinarekin bananduta.
Zenbat pertsona daude eserita {0} pertsona {1}(r)en aurrean eserita badago?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:39
+msgid ""
+"Subtracting the two positions you find out how many people are seated half "
+"way around the table. Doubling this number leaves you with the total amount "
+"of people."
+msgstr "Bi posizio kenduz, mahai erdian zenbat pertsona dauden aurki dezakezu. Zenbaki hau bikoiztuz
pertsonen kopuru osoa lortuko duzu."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:47
+msgid "5th"
+msgstr "5."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:48
+msgid "19th"
+msgstr "19."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:52
+msgid "4th"
+msgstr "4."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:53
+msgid "12th"
+msgstr "12."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:57
+msgid "9th"
+msgstr "9."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:58
+msgid "22nd"
+msgstr "22."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePeopleTable.cs:70
+msgid "Two people in the table sitting across from each other"
+msgstr "Bi pertsona mahaian eserita bata bestearen aurrean"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePercentage.cs:39
+msgid "Percentage"
+msgstr "Ehunekoa"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePercentage.cs:73
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"After getting {0}% discount you have paid {1} monetary unit for a TV set. "
+"What was the original price of the TV set?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"After getting {0}% discount you have paid {1} monetary units for a TV set. "
+"What was the original price of the TV set?"
+msgstr[0] "% {0}(e)ko deskontua lortu ondoren, {1} euro ordaindu duzu telebista bat erostean. Zein zen
telebistaren jatorrizko salneurria?"
+msgstr[1] "% {0}(e)ko deskontua lortu ondoren, {1} euro ordaindu dituzu telebista bat erostean. Zein zen
telebistaren jatorrizko salneurria?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePercentage.cs:94
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"John's shop had sales of {0} monetary unit. This was an increase of {1}% "
+"over last month. What were last month sales?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"John's shop had sales of {0} monetary units. This was an increase of {1}% "
+"over last month. What were last month sales?"
+msgstr[0] "Jonen dendak {0} euroko salmentak egin ditu. Azken hilabetearekiko % {1} handiagotu dira
salmentak. Zenbatekoak izan ziren igarotako hilabeteko salmentak?"
+msgstr[1] "Jonen dendak {0} euroko salmentak egin ditu. Azken hilabetearekiko % {1} handiagotu dira
salmentak. Zenbatekoak izan ziren igarotako hilabeteko salmentak?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePercentage.cs:112
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"The amount of water in a bucket decreases by {0}%. By what percentage must "
+"the amount of water increase to reach its original value?"
+msgstr "Ontzi bateko ur kopurua % {0}ean gutxiagotu da. Uraren kopurua zenbateko ehunekotan handiagotu
beharko da jatorrizko mailara iristeko?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePercentage.cs:115
+msgid "The objective is to obtain the same total amount."
+msgstr "Helburua osoko kopuru berdina lortzea da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:57
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"If all painters are artists and some citizens of Barcelona are artists. "
+"Which of the following conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Margolari guztiak artistak badira, eta Bartzelonako hiritar batzuk artistak badira, hauetariko zein
ondorio da zuzena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:59
+msgid "Some citizens of Barcelona are painters"
+msgstr "Bartzelonako hiritar batzuk margolariak dira"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:60
+msgid "All citizens of Barcelona are painters"
+msgstr "Bartzelonako hiritar guztiak margolariak dira"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:61
+msgid "No citizen of Barcelona is a painter"
+msgstr "Bartzelonan ez dago hiritarrik margolaria denik"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:62
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:70
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:78
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:86
+msgid "None of the other options"
+msgstr "Aukera hauetatik bat bera ere ez"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:65
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"If no ill artist is happy and some artists are happy. Which of the following "
+"conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Gaixorik dauden artistak ez badira zoriontsu, eta artista batzuk zoriontsu badira, hauetariko zein
ondorio da zuzena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:67
+msgid "Some artists are not ill"
+msgstr "Zenbait artista ez daude gaixorik"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:68
+msgid "Some painters are not artists"
+msgstr "Margotzaile batzuk ez dira artistak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:69
+msgid "All artists are happy"
+msgstr "Artista guztiak zoriontsuak dira"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:73
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"People that travel always buy a map. You are not going to travel. Which of "
+"the following conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Bidaiatzen duen jendeak beti erosten du mapa bat. Zu ez zoaz bidaiatzera. Hauetariko zein ondorio da
zuzena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:75
+msgid "You do not have any map"
+msgstr "Ez daukazu maparik"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:76
+msgid "You do not buy a map"
+msgstr "Ez duzu maparik erosi"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:77
+msgid "All people have a map"
+msgstr "Jende guztiak mapa bat dauka"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:81
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"If you whistle if you are happy and you always smile when you whistle, which "
+"of the following conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Txistu-hotsa jotzen baduzu zoriontsu zarenean, eta txistu-hotsa jotzean beti irribarrea egiten
baduzu, hauetariko zein ondorio da zuzena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:83
+msgid "You smile if you are happy"
+msgstr "Irribarrea egin duzu zoriontsu zaudenean"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:84
+msgid "You are only happy if you whistle"
+msgstr "Zoriontsu zaude soilik txistu-hotsa jotzen baduzu"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:85
+msgid "You whistle if you are not happy"
+msgstr "Txistu-hotsa jotzen duzu soilik zoriontsu ez zarenean"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:89
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"If your course is always honest and your course is always the best policy, "
+"which of the following conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Zure helburua beti bada zintzoa izatea , eta zure helburua beti bada politika onena, hauetariko zein
sententzia da zuzena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:91
+msgid "Honesty is sometimes the best policy"
+msgstr "Batzuetan zintzotasuna da politikarik egokiena"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:92
+msgid "Honesty is always the best policy"
+msgstr "Zintzotasuna da beti politikarik egokiena"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:93
+msgid "Honesty is not always the best policy"
+msgstr "Zintzotasuna ez da beti politikarik egokiena"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:94
+msgid "Some of the best policies are dishonest"
+msgstr "Politika onenetako batzuk tranposoak dira"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:97
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"If no old misers are cheerful and some old misers are thin, which of the "
+"following conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Diruzale zaharrak ez badira alaiak eta diruzale zahar batzuk argalak badira, hauetariko zein ondorio
da zuzena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:99
+msgid "Some thin people are not cheerful"
+msgstr "Pertsona argal batzuk ez dira alaiak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:100
+msgid "Thin people are not cheerful"
+msgstr "Pertsona argalak ez dira alaiak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:101
+msgid "Cheerful people are not thin"
+msgstr "Pertsona alaiak ez dira argalak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:102
+msgid "Some cheerful people are not thin"
+msgstr "Pertsona alai batzuk ez dira argalak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:105
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"If all pigs are fat and nothing that is fed on barley-water is fat, which of "
+"the following conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Txerri batzuk lodiak badira eta garagardoarekin hazitako bat bera ere ez bada lodia, hauetariko zein
ondorio da zuzena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:107
+msgid "All animals fed on barley-water are non pigs"
+msgstr "Garagardoarekin hazitako animalia guztiak ez dira txerriak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:108
+msgid "No pigs are fed on barley-water"
+msgstr "Ez dago garagardoarekin hazitako txerririk"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:109
+msgid "Pigs are not fed on barley-water"
+msgstr "Txerriak ez dira garagardoarekin hazten"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:110
+msgid "All the other options"
+msgstr "Beste aukera guztiak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:113
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"If some pictures are first attempts and no first attempts are really good, "
+"which of the following conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Irudi batzuk aurreneko saiakerakoak badira eta aurreneko saiakerakorik ez bada benetan ona,
hauetariko zein ondorio da zuzena? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:115
+msgid "Some bad pictures are not first attempts"
+msgstr "Irudi txarretako batzuk ez dira aurreneko saiakerakoak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:116
+msgid "Some pictures are not really good"
+msgstr "Irudi batzuk ez dira benetan onak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:117
+msgid "All bad pictures are first attempts"
+msgstr "Okerreko irudi guztiak aurreneko saiakerakoak dira"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:118
+msgid "All the others"
+msgstr "Beste guztiak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:121
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"If you have been out for a walk and you are feeling better, which of the "
+"following conclusions is correct? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Ibiltzera irten eta hobeto sentitzen bazara, hauetariko zein sententzia da zuzena? Erantzun {0},
{1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:123
+msgid "To feel better, you must go out for a walk"
+msgstr "Hobeto sentitzeko, joan zaitez ibiltzera"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:124
+msgid "If you go out for a walk, you will feel better"
+msgstr "Ibiltzera joaten bazara, hobeto sentituko zara"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:125
+msgid "Some who go out for a walk feel better"
+msgstr "Ibiltzera joaten direnetatik batzuk hobeto sentitzen dira"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:126
+msgid "No one feels better who does not go out for a walk"
+msgstr "Ibiltzera joan ez direnetatik ez dago hobeto sentitzen denik"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzlePredicateLogic.cs:132
+msgid "Predicate logic"
+msgstr "Predikatu logikoa"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleQuadrilaterals.cs:41
+msgid "Quadrilaterals"
+msgstr "Lau aldekoa"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleQuadrilaterals.cs:46
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which of the following figures does not belong to the group? Answer {0}, "
+"{1}, {2}, {3}, {4} or {5}."
+msgstr "Hauetariko zein irudi ez dagokio taldeari? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} edo {5}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleQuadrilaterals.cs:53
+msgid "It is the only figure with all lines of equal length."
+msgstr "Marra guztiak luzera berdinekoak dituen irudi bakarra dago."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleRelatedNumbers.cs:156
+msgid "Related numbers"
+msgstr "Antzeko zenbakiak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleRelatedNumbers.cs:160
+msgid "In the grid below, which number should replace the question mark?"
+msgstr "Ondorengo saretan zein zenbakik ordeztuko luke galdera ikurra?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleRelatedNumbers.cs:171
+msgid ""
+"The number in the middle of every row is half of the sum of the other "
+"numbers in the row."
+msgstr "Errenkada bakoitzeko erdian dagoen zenbakia errenkadako beste zenbakien baturaren erdia da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleRelatedNumbers.cs:173
+msgid ""
+"The number in the middle of every row is the sum of the other numbers in the "
+msgstr "Errenkada bakoitzeko erdian dagoen zenbakia errenkadako beste zenbakien batura da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleRelatedNumbers.cs:175
+msgid ""
+"The number in the middle of every row is the double of the sum of the other "
+"numbers in the row."
+msgstr "Errenkada bakoitzeko erdian dagoen zenbakia errenkadako beste zenbakien baturaren bikoitza da."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquaresAndLetters.cs:32
+msgid "Squares and letters"
+msgstr "Karratuak eta hizkiak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquaresAndLetters.cs:36
+msgid ""
+"The letters around the squares follow a pattern. Which letter should replace "
+"the question mark in the last square?"
+msgstr "Karratuen inguruko hizkiek logika bat jarraitzen dute. Zein hizkik ordeztuko luke azken karratuko
galdera ikurra?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquaresAndLetters.cs:41
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Every letter is calculated by taking the alphabetical position of the "
+"previous character and adding {0} to it in order to get the position of the "
+"next letter."
+msgstr "Hizki bakoitza kalkulatzeko aurreko karakterearen posizio alfabetikoa hartu eta {0} gehitzen zaio
hurrengo hizkiaren posizioa lortzeko."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquares.cs:28
+msgid "Squares"
+msgstr "Karratuak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquares.cs:32
+msgid "How many squares of any size do you count in the figure below?"
+msgstr "Zenbat edozein tamainako karratu daude azpiko irudian?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquares.cs:36
+msgid ""
+"A square is a rectangle with sides of equal length. A square can also be "
+"built from other squares."
+msgstr "Karratu bat laukizuzen bat da alde guztiak luzera berdinarekin. Karratu bat beste karratu batzuekin
ere sor daiteke."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquares.cs:43
+msgid ""
+"There are 16 single squares, 9 squares made by 4 single squares, 4 squares "
+"made by 9 single squares and 1 square made by 16 single squares."
+msgstr "16 karratu bakun daude, 4 karratu bakunekin sortutako 9 karratu, 9 karratu bakunekin sortutako 4
karratu eta 16 karratu bakunekin sortutako karratu 1."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquares.cs:45
+msgid ""
+"There are 9 single squares, 4 squares made by 4 single squares and 1 square "
+"made by 9 single squares."
+msgstr "9 karratu bakun daude, 4 karratu bakunekin sortutako 4 karratu, eta 9 karratu bakunekin sortutako
karratu 1."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquareSheets.cs:27
+msgid "Square sheets"
+msgstr "Karratuen orriak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquareSheets.cs:31
+msgid ""
+"What is the minimum number of square sheets of paper of any size required to "
+"create the figure? Lines indicate frontiers between different sheets."
+msgstr "Zein da karratuen gutxieneko (edozein paper tamainako) orri kopurua irudia sortzeko? Marrek orrien
arteko mugak adierazten dute."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquareSheets.cs:35
+msgid "The sheets should overlap."
+msgstr "Orriak gainjarri daitezke."
+#. Translators: the translated version should not take more characters that the English original
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleSquareSheets.cs:41
+msgid ""
+"A full sized square of paper (yellow), a 3/4 of the whole size square of "
+"paper (blue) in the bottom right corner, another 3/4 square of paper (green) "
+"in the top left corner and a 1/4 square of paper (red) in the top left "
+msgstr "Tamaina osoko paper-lauki bat (horia), tamainaren 3/4eko paper-lauki bat (urdina) behe-eskuinaldean,
beste 3/4eko paper-lauki bat (berdea) goi-ezkerraldean eta 1/4eko paper-lauki bat (gorria) goi-ezkerraldean."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTetris.cs:32
+msgid "Tetris"
+msgstr "Tetris"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTetris.cs:37
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "What figure completes the set below? Answer {0}, {1} or {2}."
+msgstr "Zein irudik osatzen du ondorengo multzoa? Erantzun {0}, {1} edo {2}."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTetris.cs:43
+msgid ""
+"It is the figure that completes all possible combinations with four blocks "
+"without taking into account rotations."
+msgstr "Lau blokekin konbinazio posible guztiak betetzen dituen irudia da, biraketak kontuan hartu gabe."
+#. Translators: this the name of a game
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTimeNow.cs:32
+msgid "Time now"
+msgstr "Oraingo ordua"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTimeNow.cs:43
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"{0} hour ago it was as long after {1:h tt} as it was before {2:h tt} on the "
+"same day. What is the time now? Answer using the hour (e.g.: {3:h tt})"
+msgid_plural ""
+"{0} hours ago it was as long after {1:h tt} as it was before {2:h tt} on the "
+"same day. What is the time now? Answer using the hour (e.g.: {3:h tt})"
+msgstr[0] "Duela {0} ordu egun bereko {1:h tt}(r)etatik bezain urrun zegoen {2:h tt}(r)etatik. Zer ordu da
orain? Erantzun ordua erabiliz (adib: {3:h tt})"
+msgstr[1] "Duela {0} ordu egun bereko {1:h tt}(r)etatik bezain urrun zegoen {2:h tt}(r)etatik. Zer ordu da
orain? Erantzun ordua erabiliz (adib: {3:h tt})"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTimeNow.cs:52
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Determine the hour half way between the given times, and then add {0} hour "
+"to convert it to the present time."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Determine the hour half way between the given times, and then add {0} hours "
+"to convert it to the present time."
+msgstr[0] "Emandako orduen artean distantzia berdinera dagoen ordua kalkulatu behar duzu, eta gero {0} ordu
gehitu uneko denborara bihurtzeko."
+msgstr[1] "Emandako orduen artean distantzia berdinera dagoen ordua kalkulatu behar duzu, eta gero {0} ordu
gehitu uneko denborara bihurtzeko."
+#. TimeNow Puzzle. Translators: {0} is used to check the hour answered by the user.
+#. Use the right time format specification for your culture
+#. Explanation of the date and time format specifications can be found here:
+#. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.globalization.datetimeformatinfo.aspx
+#. For 12-hour clock format use {0:%h} and for 24-hour clock format use {0:%H}. The date formats {0:h} and
{0:H} are invalid.
+#. 'tt' is the A.M./P.M. designator
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTimeNow.cs:84
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "{0:h tt}"
+msgstr "{0:h tt}"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTimeNow.cs:94
+msgid "Sample clock"
+msgstr "Ordulariaren lagina"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrains.cs:38
+msgid "Trains"
+msgstr "Trenak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrains.cs:50
+msgid "The distance formula is 'distance = rate x time'."
+msgstr "Distantziaren formula honakoa 'distantzia = abiadura x denbora' da"
+#. Translators:
+#. - mph (miles per hour). You must localize this using the right unit of speed for your locale
+#. - The translated string should not use more characters than the original sentence
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrains.cs:79
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"A train leaves the station traveling at {0} mph. {1} hour later a second "
+"train leaves the station traveling in the same direction at {2} mph. How "
+"many hours does it take the second train, since it starts moving, to "
+"overtake the first train?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"A train leaves the station traveling at {0} mph. {1} hours later a second "
+"train leaves the station traveling in the same direction at {2} mph. How "
+"many hours does it take the second train, since it starts moving, to "
+"overtake the first train?"
+msgstr[0] "Tren bat geltokitik irteten da {0} km/h abiadurarekin. {1} ordu beranduago, bigarren tren bat
irteten da geltokitik noranzko berean {2} km/h abiadurarekin. Zenbat ordu igaroko dira bigarren trenak
aurrenekoa aurreratu arte?"
+msgstr[1] "Tren bat geltokitik irteten da {0} km/h abiadurarekin. {1} ordu beranduago, bigarren tren bat
irteten da geltokitik noranzko berean {2} km/h abiadurarekin. Zenbat ordu igaroko dira bigarren trenak
aurrenekoa aurreratu arte?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrains.cs:83
+msgid ""
+"You can calculate the answer by multiplying the speed of the first train by "
+"the time and dividing it by the difference of speeds."
+msgstr "Erantzuna kalkula dezakezu aurreneko trenaren abiadura denborarekin biderkatuz eta abiaduren arteko
diferentziarekin zatituz."
+#. Translators:
+#. - mph (miles per hour) and miles must be localized this using the right unit of speed for your locale
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrains.cs:99
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Two trains separated by {0} mile are heading towards each other on straight "
+"parallel tracks. One travels at {1} mph and the other at {2} mph. In how "
+"many hours will they meet?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Two trains separated by {0} miles are heading towards each other on straight "
+"parallel tracks. One travels at {1} mph and the other at {2} mph. In how "
+"many hours will they meet?"
+msgstr[0] "Bi trenen artean {0} kilometroko distantzia dago eta bata bestearengana zuzentzen da trenbide
paralelo zuzenetan. Baten abiadura {1} km/h da, eta bestearena, berriz, {2} km/h. Zenbat ordu igaroko dira
elkartu arte?"
+msgstr[1] "Bi trenen artean {0} kilometroko distantzia dago eta bata bestearengana zuzentzen da trenbide
paralelo zuzenetan. Baten abiadura {1} km/h da, eta bestearena, berriz, {2} km/h. Zenbat ordu igaroko dira
elkartu arte?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrains.cs:104
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrains.cs:126
+msgid ""
+"You can calculate the answer by dividing the distance by the sum of both "
+msgstr "Erantzuna kalkula dezakezu haien arteko distantzia bien abiaduren baturarekin zatituz."
+#. Translators:
+#. - mph (miles per hour) and miles must be localized this using the right unit of speed for your locale
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrains.cs:121
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Two trains on straight parallel tracks leave from the same point and time "
+"traveling in opposite directions at {0} and {1} mph respectively. In how "
+"many hours will they be {2} mile apart?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"Two trains on straight parallel tracks leave from the same point and time "
+"traveling in opposite directions at {0} and {1} mph respectively. In how "
+"many hours will they be {2} miles apart?"
+msgstr[0] "Bi trenek trenbide paralelo zuzenetan puntu berdinetik ateratzen dira elkarrekiko alderantzizko
noranzkoan, {0} eta {1} km/o abiadurarekin hurrenez hurren. Zenbat ordu igaroko dira elkarrengandik km
{2}etara egoteko?"
+msgstr[1] "Bi tren trenbide paralelo zuzenetan puntu beretik abiatzen dira elkarrekiko alderantzizko
noranzkoan, {0} eta {1} km/h abiadurarekin, hurrenez hurren. Zenbat ordu igaroko dira elkarrengandik {2}
km-ra egon arte?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTriangles.cs:29
+msgid "Triangles"
+msgstr "Triangeluak"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTriangles.cs:33
+msgid "How many triangles of any size do you count in the figure below?"
+msgstr "Zenbat edozein tamainatako triangelu daude azpiko irudian?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTriangles.cs:37
+msgid "A triangle can be embedded inside another triangle."
+msgstr "Triangelu bat beste baten barruan kapsulatuta egon daiteke."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTriangles.cs:42
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "The triangles are made by connecting the following points: {0}"
+msgstr "Triangeluak honako puntuak konektatuz sor daitezke: {0}"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrianglesWithNumbers.cs:55
+msgid "Triangles with numbers"
+msgstr "Triangeluak zenbakiekin"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrianglesWithNumbers.cs:59
+msgid "Which number should replace the question mark below?"
+msgstr "Zein zenbakik ordeztuko luke azpiko galdera ikurra?"
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrianglesWithNumbers.cs:64
+msgid "All the triangles share a property and are independent of the rest."
+msgstr "Triangelu guztiak propietate bat partekatzen dute eta besteengandik independenteak dira."
+#: ../src/Games/Logic/PuzzleTrianglesWithNumbers.cs:69
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "The result of multiplying the two numbers inside every triangle is {0}."
+msgstr "Triangelu bakoitzeko bi zenbaki biderkatzearen emaitza {0} da."
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryColouredFigures.cs:48
+msgid "Colored figures"
+msgstr "Margotutako irudiak"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryColouredFigures.cs:57
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which of these figures was previously shown? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Irudi hauetariko zein erakutsi da lehenago? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryColouredText.cs:33
+msgid "Colored text"
+msgstr "Margotutako testua"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryColouredText.cs:42
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "What was the color of the text that said '{0}'?"
+msgstr "Zein kolore dauka '{0} esan duen testuak?"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryCountDots.cs:38
+msgid "Counting dots"
+msgstr "Puntuak zenbatzea"
+#. Translators: {0} is the name of the color. The color name is always singular
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryCountDots.cs:49
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"How many dots of {0} color were in the previous image? Answer using numbers."
+msgstr "Zenbat {0} koloreko puntu zeuden aurreko irudian? Erantzun zenbakiak erabiliz."
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFaces.cs:50
+msgid "Memorize faces"
+msgstr "Memorizatu aurpegiak"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFaces.cs:55
+msgid ""
+"In which cell is the other face like the one shown below? Answer the cell "
+msgstr "Zein gelaxkatan dago azpian erakutsitako irudiaren antzekoa? Erantzun gelaxkaren zenbakia."
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:46
+msgid "Memorize facts"
+msgstr "Memorizatu egitateak"
+#. Translators: {0} is replaced by a number, {1} by a year (like 1940)
+#. Day in English does not need to be plural
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:104
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Shiny Cars had already announced a {0} day production halt next month, but "
+"before then it had not halted production since {1}."
+msgid_plural ""
+"Shiny Cars had already announced a {0} day production halt next month, but "
+"before then it had not halted production since {1}."
+msgstr[0] "Auto Zentroak jakinarazi du {0} eguneko geldialdia izango duela datorren hilean. Lehen ez zuen
inoiz ekoizpena eten {1} urtetik."
+msgstr[1] "Auto Zentroak jakinarazi du {0} eguneko geldialdia izango duela datorren hilean. Lehen ez zuen
inoiz ekoizpena eten {1} urtetik."
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:108
+msgid "How many days did Shiny Cars halt its production for?"
+msgstr "Zenbat egunez etengo du Auto Zentroak bere ekoizpena?"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:109
+msgid "In what year did Shiny Cars last halt its production?"
+msgstr "Zein urtetan eten zuen Auto Zentroak bere ekoizpena?"
+#. Translators: {0} is replaced by a number, {1} by a year (like 1940)
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:117
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Shiny Cars sales fell {0}% this past December, the worst decline since {1}."
+msgstr "Auto Zentroaren salmentak % {0} jaitsi ziren joan den abenduan, jaitsierarik handiena {1} urteaz
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:119
+msgid "By how much did company sales fall last December?"
+msgstr "Azken abenduan salmentak zenbatean gutxiagotu ziren?"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:121
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Shiny Cars sales fell {0}% this past December. This is the worst decline "
+"since which year?"
+msgstr "Auto Zentroaren salmentak % {0} jaitsi ziren joan den abenduan. Zein urtez geroztik izandako
jaitsierarik handiena da?"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:127
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "About {0}% of Shiny Cars produced worldwide are sold in Europe."
+msgstr "Mundu osoan ekoitzitako Auto Zentroko autoen % {0} inguruan Europan saltzen da."
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:129
+msgid ""
+"What percentage of all Shiny Cars produced worldwide are sold in Europe?"
+msgstr "Mundu osoan ekoitzitako Auto Zentroko autoen ehuneko zenbat saltzen da Europan?"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:135
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"About {0}% of Shiny Cars use diesel, {1}% use gasoline and the remainder use "
+msgstr "Auto Zentroko autoen % {0}(e)k gasolioa erabiltzen du, % {1}(e)k gasolina eta beste guztiek
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:137
+msgid "What percentage of Shiny Cars use diesel?"
+msgstr "Auto Zentroko autoen ehuneko zenbatek erabiltzen du gasolioa?"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFacts.cs:138
+msgid "What percentage of Shiny Cars use gasoline?"
+msgstr "Auto Zentroko autoen ehuneko zenbatek erabiltzen du gasolina?"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:69
+msgid "Circle"
+msgstr "Zirkulua"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:77
+msgid "Memorize figures and text"
+msgstr "Memorizatu irudiak eta testua"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:82
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"The list below enumerates the figures shown in the previous image except for "
+"one. Which is the missing figure? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Azpiko zerrendak aurreko irudian zeuden irudiak zenbatzen ditu, bat izan ezik. Zein da falta den
irudia? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresAndText.cs:220
+msgid "List of images shown before"
+msgstr "Lehen erakutsitako irudien zerrenda"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresNumbers.cs:36
+msgid "Figures with numbers"
+msgstr "Irudiak zenbakiekin"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryFiguresNumbers.cs:41
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which one of these squares was previously shown? Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Karratu hauetariko zein erakutsi da lehenago? Erantzun {0}, {1} ,{2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryIndications.cs:131
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "Start at point number {0}"
+msgstr "Hasi {0} zenbakidun puntuan"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryIndications.cs:135
+msgid "Move right"
+msgstr "Mugitu eskuinera"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryIndications.cs:137
+msgid "Move left"
+msgstr "Mugitu ezkerrera"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryIndications.cs:139
+msgid "Move up"
+msgstr "Mugitu gora"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryIndications.cs:141
+msgid "Move down"
+msgstr "Mugitu behera"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryIndications.cs:146
+#, csharp-format
+msgid "End at point {0}"
+msgstr "Amaitu {0} puntuan"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryIndications.cs:160
+msgid "Memorize indications"
+msgstr "Memorizatu argibideak"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryIndications.cs:166
+#, csharp-format
+msgid ""
+"Which of the following graphics represents the indications previously given? "
+"Answer {0}, {1}, {2} or {3}."
+msgstr "Grafiko hauetako zeinek adierazten ditu aurrez emandako argibideak? Erantzun {0}, {1}, {2} edo {3}."
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryNumbers.cs:63
+msgid "How many odd numbers were in the previous image? Answer using numbers."
+msgstr "Zenbat zenbaki bakoiti zeuden aurreko irudian? Erantzun zenbakiak erabiliz."
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryNumbers.cs:88
+msgid "How many even numbers were in the previous image? Answer using numbers."
+msgstr "Zenbat zenbaki bikoiti zeuden aurreko irudian? Erantzun zenbakiak erabiliz."
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryNumbers.cs:113
+msgid ""
+"How many numbers with more than one digit were in the previous image? Answer "
+"using numbers."
+msgstr "Zenbat zenbaki daude aurreko irudian digitu bat baino gehiagorekin? Erantzun zenbakiak erabiliz."
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryNumbers.cs:130
+msgid "Memorize numbers"
+msgstr "Memorizatu zenbakiak"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:33
+msgid "Memorize words"
+msgstr "Memorizatu hitzak"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:38
+msgid ""
+"There is a missing word from the previous list. Which one is the missing "
+msgstr "Hitz bat falta da aurreko zerrendan. Zein da falta den hitza?"
+#. Body parts
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:47
+msgid "wrist"
+msgstr "eskumuturra"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:48
+msgid "elbow"
+msgstr "ukondoa"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:49
+msgid "armpit"
+msgstr "besapea"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:50
+msgid "hand"
+msgstr "eskua"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:51
+msgid "chest"
+msgstr "bularra"
+#. Fishes
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:54
+msgid "sardine"
+msgstr "sardina"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:55
+msgid "trout"
+msgstr "amuarraina"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:56
+msgid "monkfish"
+msgstr "zapoa"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:57
+msgid "cod"
+msgstr "bakailaoa"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:58
+msgid "salmon"
+msgstr "izokina"
+#. Vegetables
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:61
+msgid "potato"
+msgstr "patata"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:62
+msgid "ginger"
+msgstr "jengibrea"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:63
+msgid "pepper"
+msgstr "piperra"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:64
+msgid "garlic"
+msgstr "baratxuria"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:65
+msgid "pumpkin"
+msgstr "kuia"
+#. Bicycle
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:68
+msgid "brake"
+msgstr "balazta"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:69
+msgid "pedal"
+msgstr "pedala"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:70
+msgid "chain"
+msgstr "katea"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:71
+msgid "wheel"
+msgstr "gurpila"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:72
+msgid "handlebar"
+msgstr "eskulekua"
+#. Music
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:75
+msgid "drummer"
+msgstr "danbor-jotzailea"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:76
+msgid "speaker"
+msgstr "bozgorailua"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:77
+msgid "lyrics"
+msgstr "hitzak"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:78
+msgid "beat"
+msgstr "konpasa"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:79
+msgid "song"
+msgstr "abestia"
+#. Weather
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:82
+msgid "cloud"
+msgstr "hodeia"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:83
+msgid "rain"
+msgstr "euria"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:84
+msgid "storm"
+msgstr "ekaitza"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:85
+msgid "fog"
+msgstr "lainoa"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:86
+msgid "rainbow"
+msgstr "ostadarra"
+#. Animals
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:89
+msgid "rabbit"
+msgstr "untxia"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:90
+msgid "mouse"
+msgstr "sagua"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:91
+msgid "monkey"
+msgstr "tximinoa"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:92
+msgid "bear"
+msgstr "hartza"
+#: ../src/Games/Memory/MemoryWords.cs:93
+msgid "wolf"
+msgstr "otsoa"
+#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:27
+msgid ""
+"How many degrees rotates the minute hand of a clock in 2 hours [num] minute?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"How many degrees rotates the minute hand of a clock in 2 hours [num] minutes?"
+msgstr[0] "Zenbat gradu biratuko da ordulari bateko minutuen orratza 2 ordu eta minutu [num]ean?"
+msgstr[1] "Zenbat gradu biratuko da ordulari bateko minutuen orratza 2 ordu eta [num] minututan?"
+#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:31
+msgid ""
+"John is 46 years old. His son is [difference] year younger than half of "
+"John's age. How old is John's son?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"John is 46 years old. His son is [difference] years younger than half of "
+"John's age. How old is John's son?"
+msgstr[0] "Mikelek 46 urte ditu. Bere semea Mikelek dituen urteen erdia baino urte [difference] gazteagoa
da. Zenbat urte ditu mikelen semeak?"
+msgstr[1] "Anderrek 46 urte ditu. Bere semea Anderrek dituen urteen erdia baino [difference] urte gazteagoa
da. Zenbat urte ditu mikelen semeak?"
+#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:35
+msgid ""
+"John's age is nowadays 2 times his son's age. [ago] year ago, John was "
+"[proportion] times as old as his son. How old is John's son nowadays?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"John's age is nowadays 2 times his son's age. [ago] years ago, John was "
+"[proportion] times as old as his son. How old is John's son nowadays?"
+msgstr[0] "Gaur egun, Anderrek bere semea baino 2 aldiz zaharragoa da. Duela [ago] urte, Ander bere semea
baino [proportion] aldiz zaharragoa zen. Zenbat urte ditu Anderren semeak orain?"
+msgstr[1] "Gaur egun, Anderrek bere semea baino 2 aldiz zaharragoa da. Duela [ago] urte, Ander bere semea
baino [proportion] aldiz zaharragoa zen. Zenbat urte ditu Anderren semeak orain?"
+#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:39
+msgid ""
+"John's age (variable x) is nowadays 2 times his son's age (variable y), that "
+"is x = 2y, and [ago] year ago, John was [proportion] times as old as his "
+"son: x - [ago] = (y - [ago]) * [proportion]."
+msgid_plural ""
+"John's age (variable x) is nowadays 2 times his son's age (variable y), that "
+"is x = 2y, and [ago] years ago, John was [proportion] times as old as his "
+"son: x - [ago] = (y - [ago]) * [proportion]."
+msgstr[0] "Gaur egun, Jonen adina (variable x) bere semearen adinaren (variable y) bikoitza da, hau da, x =
2y, eta duela [ago], Jon [proportion] aldiz zaharragoa zen bere semea baino: x - [ago] = (y - [ago]) *
+msgstr[1] "Gaur egun, Jonen adina (variable x) bere semearen adinaren (variable y) bikoitza da, hau da, x =
2y, eta duela [ago], Jon [proportion] aldiz zaharragoa zen bere semea baino: x - [ago] = (y - [ago]) *
+#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:43
+msgid ""
+"A file is protected by a password formed by a [digits] digit number "
+"represented in base 10 (ranging from 0 to 9). How many different passwords "
+"can you have?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"A file is protected by a password formed by a [digits] digits number "
+"represented in base 10 (ranging from 0 to 9). How many different passwords "
+"can you have?"
+msgstr[0] "Fitxategia pasahitz batekin babestua dago. Pasahitz hori [digits] digituko zenbaki batez osatua
dago, 10 oinarrikoa (0 eta 9 artekoa). Zenbat pasahitz desberdin izan ditzakezu?"
+msgstr[1] "Fitxategia pasahitz batekin babestua dago. Pasahitz hori [digits] digituko zenbaki batez osatua
dago, 10 oinarrikoa (0 eta 9 artekoa). Zenbat pasahitz desberdin izan ditzakezu?"
+#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:47
+msgid ""
+"A file is protected by a password formed by a [digits] digit represented in "
+"base 8 (ranging from 0 to 7). How many different passwords can you have?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"A file is protected by a password formed by a [digits] digits represented in "
+"base 8 (ranging from 0 to 7). How many different passwords can you have?"
+msgstr[0] "Fitxategia pasahitz batekin babestua dago. Pasahitz hori [digits] digituko zenbaki batez osatua
dago, 8 oinarrikoa (0 eta 7 artekoa). Zenbat pasahitz desberdin izan ditzakezu?"
+msgstr[1] "Fitxategia pasahitz batekin babestua dago. Pasahitz hori [digits] digituko zenbaki batez osatua
dago, 8 oinarrikoa (0 eta 7 artekoa). Zenbat pasahitz desberdin izan ditzakezu?"
+#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:51
+msgid ""
+"There is [games] tennis game played simultaneously. How many different "
+"forecasts are possible?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"There are [games] tennis games played simultaneously. How many different "
+"forecasts are possible?"
+msgstr[0] "Teniseko [games] joko ari da aldi berean jokatzen. Zenbat emaitza desberdin dira posible?"
+msgstr[1] "Teniseko [games] joko ari dira aldi berean jokatzen. Zenbat emaitza desberdin dira posible?"
+#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:55
+msgid ""
+"In a tennis tournament, in every match a player is eliminated after losing "
+"to a single opponent. How many matches does it take to determine the winner "
+"of a tennis tournament that starts with [players] player?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"In a tennis tournament, in every match a player is eliminated after losing "
+"to a single opponent. How many matches does it take to determine the winner "
+"of a tennis tournament that starts with [players] players?"
+msgstr[0] "Tenis-txapelketa batean, partida bakoitzean jokalari bat kaleratzen da beste jokalari bakar baten
aurka jokatzean. Zenbat partida behar dira [players] jokalariko txapelketa bateko irabazlea zein den
+msgstr[1] "Tenis-txapelketa batean, partida bakoitzean jokalari bat kaleratzen da beste jokalari bakar baten
aurka jokatzean. Zenbat partida behar dira [players] jokalariko txapelketa bateko irabazlea zein den
+#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:59
+msgid ""
+"You have [money] monetary unit in your bank account at 10% interest "
+"compounded annually. How much money will you have at the end of 2 years?"
+msgid_plural ""
+"You have [money] monetary units in your bank account at 10% interest "
+"compounded annually. How much money will you have at the end of 2 years?"
+msgstr[0] "[money] euro daukazu bankuko kontuan urteko % 10eko interes konposatuarekin. Zenbat diru edukiko
duzu 2 urte igarotakoan?"
+msgstr[1] "[money] euro dituzu bankuko kontuan urteko % 10eko interes konposatuarekin. Zenbat diru edukiko
duzu 2 urte igarotakoan?"
+#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:67
+msgid ""
+"John cleans at the speed of 1 / [john_time] per hour and his friend at 1 / "
+"[friend]. Together they will need [answer_a] hour."
+msgid_plural ""
+"John cleans at the speed of 1 / [john_time] per hour and his friend at 1 / "
+"[friend]. Together they will need [answer_a] hours."
+msgstr[0] "Jonek 1 / [john_time] orduko abiaduran garbitzen du eta bere lagunak 1 / [friend]. Bien artean
[answer_a] ordu beharko dute."
+msgstr[1] "Jonek 1 / [john_time] orduko abiaduran garbitzen du eta bere lagunak 1 / [friend]. Bien artean
[answer_a] ordu beharko dituzte."
+#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:71
+msgid ""
+"John needs [john_time] hour to clean a warehouse and his friend needs half "
+"as many. How many hours would it take them to clean up the warehouse if they "
+"worked together? [option_answers]"
+msgid_plural ""
+"John needs [john_time] hours to clean a warehouse and his friend needs half "
+"as many. How many hours would it take them to clean up the warehouse if they "
+"worked together? [option_answers]"
+msgstr[0] "Jonek [john_time] ordu behar du biltegi bat garbitzeko eta bere lagunak, berriz, denboraren
erdia. Zenbat ordu beharko lituzkete biltegia garbitzeko biek elkarrekin lan egingo balute? [option_answers]"
+msgstr[1] "Jonek [john_time] ordu behar ditu biltegi bat garbitzeko eta bere lagunak, berriz, denboraren
erdia. Zenbat ordu beharko lituzkete biltegia garbitzeko biek elkarrekin lan egingo balute? [option_answers]"
+#: ../tools/GameXmlGetString.cs:75
+msgid ""
+"John needs [john_time] hour to clean a warehouse and his friend needs twice "
+"as many. How many hours would it take them to clean up the warehouse if they "
+"worked together? [option_answers]"
+msgid_plural ""
+"John needs [john_time] hours to clean a warehouse and his friend needs twice "
+"as many. How many hours would it take them to clean up the warehouse if they "
+"worked together? [option_answers]"
+msgstr[0] "Jonek [john_time] ordu behar du biltegi bat garbitzeko eta bere lagunak, berriz, bi aldiz
gehiago. Zenbat ordu beharko lituzkete biltegia garbitzeko biek elkarrekin lan egingo balute? ?
+msgstr[1] "Jonek [john_time] ordu behar ditu biltegi bat garbitzeko eta bere lagunak, berriz, bi aldiz
gehiago. Zenbat ordu beharko lituzkete biltegia garbitzeko biek elkarrekin lan egingo balute?
+#~ msgid "[option_prefix] [answer_a]"
+#~ msgstr "[option_prefix] [answer_a]"
+#~ msgid "[option_prefix] [answer_b]"
+#~ msgstr "[option_prefix] [answer_b]"
+#~ msgid "[option_prefix] [answer_c]"
+#~ msgstr "[option_prefix] [answer_c]"
+#~ msgid "[option_prefix] [answer_d]"
+#~ msgstr "[option_prefix] [answer_d]"
+#~ msgid "(built on {0})"
+#~ msgstr "(eraikitze-data: {0})"
+#~ msgid "How to Extend gbrainy's Functionality"
+#~ msgstr "Nola zabaldu Gbrainy-ren funtzionalitateak?"
+#~ msgid "Add-in Manager"
+#~ msgstr "Gehigarrien kudeatzailea"
+#~ msgid "Additional extensions are required to perform this operation."
+#~ msgstr "Hedapen gehigarriak behar dira eragiketa hau lantzeko."
+#~ msgid "The following add-ins will be installed:"
+#~ msgstr "Instalatuko diren gehigarriak:"
+#~ msgid "<big><b>Add-in Manager</b></big>"
+#~ msgstr "<big><b>Gehigarrien kudeatzailea</b></big>"
+#~ msgid "The following add-ins are currently installed:"
+#~ msgstr "Unean instalatuta dauden gehigarriak:"
+#~ msgid "_Install Add-ins..."
+#~ msgstr "_Instalatu gehigarriak..."
+#~ msgid "_Repositories..."
+#~ msgstr "_Biltegiak..."
+#~ msgid "_Uninstall..."
+#~ msgstr "_Desinstalatu..."
+#~ msgid "Enable"
+#~ msgstr "Gaitu"
+#~ msgid "Disable"
+#~ msgstr "Desgaitu"
+#~ msgid "Add-in"
+#~ msgstr "Gehigarria"
+#~ msgid "Version"
+#~ msgstr "Bertsioa"
+#~ msgid "Other"
+#~ msgstr "Bestelakoa"
+#~ msgid "Version:"
+#~ msgstr "Bertsioa:"
+#~ msgid "Author:"
+#~ msgstr "Egilea:"
+#~ msgid "Copyright:"
+#~ msgstr "Copyright-a:"
+#~ msgid "Add-in Dependencies:"
+#~ msgstr "Gehigarrien mendekotasunak:"
+#~ msgid "<b>Select the add-ins to install and click on Next</b>"
+#~ msgstr "<b>Hautatu gehigarriak instalatzeko eta egin klik Hurrengoan</b>"
+#~ msgid "Show all packages"
+#~ msgstr "Erakutsi pakete guztiak"
+#~ msgid "Show new versions only"
+#~ msgstr "Erakutsi bertsio berriak soilik"
+#~ msgid "Show updates only"
+#~ msgstr "Erakutsi eguneratzeak soilik"
+#~ msgid "_Unselect All"
+#~ msgstr "_Desinstalatu denak"
+#~ msgid "Select _All"
+#~ msgstr "Hautatu _denak"
+#~ msgid "Add-in Installation"
+#~ msgstr "Gehigarrien instalazioa"
+#~ msgid "Name"
+#~ msgstr "Izena"
+#~ msgid "Url"
+#~ msgstr "URLa"
+#~ msgid "Install from:"
+#~ msgstr "Instalatu hemendik:"
+#~ msgid "Repository"
+#~ msgstr "Biltegia"
+#~ msgid "All registered repositories"
+#~ msgstr "Erregistratutako biltegi guztiak"
+#~ msgid "Register an on-line repository"
+#~ msgstr "Erregistratu lineako biltegia"
+#~ msgid "Select the location of the repository you want to register:"
+#~ msgstr "Hautatu erregistratzea nahi duzun biltegiaren kokalekua:"
+#~ msgid "Register a local repository"
+#~ msgstr "Erregistratu biltegi lokala"
+#~ msgid "Url:"
+#~ msgstr "URLa:"
+#~ msgid "Path:"
+#~ msgstr "Bide-izena:"
+#~ msgid "Installed"
+#~ msgstr "Instalatuta"
+#~ msgid "Updates"
+#~ msgstr "Eguneratzeak"
+#~ msgid "Repository:"
+#~ msgstr "Biltegia:"
+#~ msgid "Install from file..."
+#~ msgstr "Instalatu fitxategitik..."
+#~ msgid "No selection"
+#~ msgstr "Hautapenik ez"
+#~ msgid "No add-ins found"
+#~ msgstr "Ez da gehigarririk aurkitu"
+#~ msgid "Refresh"
+#~ msgstr "Freskatu"
+#~ msgid "Add-in packages"
+#~ msgstr "Gehigarri-paketeak"
+#~ msgid "Install Add-in Package"
+#~ msgstr "Instalatu gehigarri-paketea"
+#~ msgid "All repositories"
+#~ msgstr "Biltegi guztiak"
+#~ msgid "Manage Repositories..."
+#~ msgstr "Kudeatu biltegiak..."
+#~ msgid "Add-in Repository Management"
+#~ msgstr "Gehigarrien biltegiaren kudeatzailea"
+#~ msgid "{0} update available"
+#~ msgid_plural "{0} updates available"
+#~ msgstr[0] "{0} eguneratze erabilgarri"
+#~ msgstr[1] "{0} eguneratze erabilgarri"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "{0} games registered: {1} logic puzzles, {2} calculation trainers, {3} "
+#~ "memory trainers, {4} verbal analogies"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Erregistratutako jokoak: {0}: {1} logika-puzzle, {2} matematika-"
+#~ "hezitzaile, {3} memoria-hezitzaile, {4} hizketa-analogia"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "[ago] year ago, John's age minus [ago] was equal to [proportion] times "
+#~ "his son's age minus [ago]."
+#~ msgid_plural ""
+#~ "[ago] years ago, John's age minus [ago] was equal to [proportion] times "
+#~ "his son's age minus [ago]."
+#~ msgstr[0] ""
+#~ "Duela urte [ago], Anderren urteei [ago] kentzea [proportion] aldiz bere "
+#~ "semearenari [ago] kentzearen berdina zen."
+#~ msgstr[1] ""
+#~ "Duela [ago] urte, Anderren urteei [ago] kentzea [proportion] aldiz bere "
+#~ "semearenari [ago] kentzearen berdina zen."
+#~ msgid "There are [men] people and [horses] horses."
+#~ msgid_plural "There are [men] people and [horses] horses."
+#~ msgstr[0] "[men] pertsona eta [horses] zaldi daude."
+#~ msgstr[1] "[men] pertsona eta [horses] zaldi daude."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "If p < x < q and r < y < s. Which of the following options "
+#~ "makes x < y true? [option_answers]"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Baldin p < x < q eta r < y < s. Zer aukerak egiten du x < "
+#~ "y egia? [option_answers]"
+#~ msgid "Possible answers are:"
+#~ msgstr "Erantzun posibleak:"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The number X is multiple of [num_x] and the number Y of [num_y]. The "
+#~ "product of both numbers (X * Y) is then multiple of? [option_answers]"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "X zenbakia [num_x] zenbakiaren anizkoitza da, eta Y zenbakia [num_y] "
+#~ "zenbakiarena. Bi zenbakien biderketa (X * Y) zerren anizkoitza da? "
+#~ "[option_answers]"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The variable q is bigger than x and s is bigger than y, if q is bigger "
+#~ "than s then the condition x > y is true."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "q aldagaia x baino handiagoa da, eta s aldagaia y baino handiagoa. q s "
+#~ "baino handiagoa bada, orduan x > y baldintza egia da."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The variable q is bigger than x and y bigger than r, if q is bigger than "
+#~ "r then the condition x < y is true."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "q aldagaia x baino handiagoa da, eta y aldagaia r baino handiagoa. q r "
+#~ "baino handiagoa bada, orduan x < y baldintza egia da."
+#~ msgid "[option_prefix] q < r"
+#~ msgstr "[option_prefix] q < r"
+#~ msgid "[option_prefix] q > s"
+#~ msgstr "[option_prefix] q > s"
+#~ msgid "Bagpipes"
+#~ msgstr "Gaitak"
+#~ msgid "Has no relation"
+#~ msgstr "Ez du erlaziorik"
+#~ msgid "Horse / Pony"
+#~ msgstr "Zaldia / Pottoka"
+#~ msgid "Icon"
+#~ msgstr "Ikonoa"
+#~ msgid "Innovator"
+#~ msgstr "Berritzailea"
+#~ msgid "Son-in-law"
+#~ msgstr "Suhia"
+#~ msgid "Wealthy"
+#~ msgstr "Aberatsa"
+#~ msgid "burst | pop"
+#~ msgstr "leherketa | eztanda"
+#~ msgid "coins"
+#~ msgstr "txanponak"
+#~ msgid "theatre | theater"
+#~ msgstr "antzokia"
+#~ msgid "turn"
+#~ msgstr "biratu"
+#~ msgid "Break the mental blocks and look into the boundaries of problems."
+#~ msgstr "Hautsi blokeo mentalak eta begiratu buruketen mugetan."
+#~ msgid "Possible correct answers are: {0}."
+#~ msgstr "Erantzun posibleak: {0}."
+#~ msgid "{0}, "
+#~ msgstr "{0}, "
+#~ msgid "{0}."
+#~ msgstr "{0}."
+#~ msgid "{0}) "
+#~ msgstr "{0}) "
+#~ msgid "Finish"
+#~ msgstr "Amaitu"
+#~ msgid "Number of games per page:"
+#~ msgstr "Joko kopurua orrialdeko:"
+#~ msgid "Every triangle counts as 1, each circle as 2 and each square as 3."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Triangelu bakoitza 1 bezala zenbatzen da, zirkulua 2 gisa eta karratua 3 "
+#~ "bezala."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Starting from the first clock sum {0} to the value indicated by the hands."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "{0} ordulariaren aurreneko baturatik hasita orratzek adierazitako "
+#~ "baliorarte."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Individually, the present costs one euro more to purchase than to wrap."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Bakarka, opariak biltzeko papera baino euro bat gehiago kostatzen da."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "What is the next logical sequence of objects in the last column? See "
+#~ "below the convention when giving the answer."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zein da objektuen hurrengo sekuentzia logikoa azken zutabean? Ikus azpiko "
+#~ "konbentzioa erantzuna ematean."
+#~ msgid "{0} ->"
+#~ msgstr "{0} ->"
+#~ msgid "Convention when giving the answer is:"
+#~ msgstr "Konbentzioa erantzuna ematean erabiltzeko:"
+#~ msgid "E.g: {0}{1}{2} (pentagon, triangle, circle)"
+#~ msgstr "Adib: {0}{1}{2} (pentagonoa, triangelua, zirkulua)"
+#~ msgid "Matrix groups"
+#~ msgstr "Matrize taldeak"
+#~ msgid "Matrix numbers"
+#~ msgstr "Matrizeko zenbakiak"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "What is the letter of the figure that represents the next logical figure "
+#~ "in the sequence? Answer {0}, {1} or {2}."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zein da irudiaren hizkia sekuentziako hurrengo irudi logikoa adierazteko? "
+#~ "Erantzun {0}, {1} edo {2}."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "The numbers in the figure reflect the different areas covered by each one "
+#~ "of the sheets."
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Irudiko zenbakiek orri bakoitzak estaltzen duen area desberdinak "
+#~ "adierazten dute."
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "In what year did Shiny Cars record a sales total lower than that of last "
+#~ "December?"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Zein urtetan izan zuen Kotxe Distiratsuak salmenta baxuagoa abenduan "
+#~ "baino?"
+#~ msgid "Memorize figures"
+#~ msgstr "Memorizatu irudiak"
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