[pango/pango2: 180/301] Clean up build machinery

commit f9c84164b0f9bd652f9c49c07c3a5eb2505c8aeb
Author: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date:   Wed Jun 8 23:37:52 2022 -0400

    Clean up build machinery
    Drop a lot of the madness.

 examples/meson.build    |   2 +-
 meson.build             | 304 ++++++------------------------------------------
 meson_options.txt       |  12 +-
 pango/meson.build       |   4 +-
 pango/pango-fontmap.c   |  18 +--
 pango/pangocairo-font.c |   4 -
 tests/meson.build       |  17 +--
 7 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 309 deletions(-)
diff --git a/examples/meson.build b/examples/meson.build
index c9738cc59..4f0b5a6db 100644
--- a/examples/meson.build
+++ b/examples/meson.build
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 examples = []
-if pango_cairo_backends.contains('png')
+if cairo_png_dep.found()
   examples += [
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index 43dc5fcf4..73e0d1847 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -263,15 +263,7 @@ if thai_dep.found()
-# These are for the various .pc files so that things will link
-# properly, depending on whether we have the pkg-config files
-# for those non-GNOME dependencies, or when we find them manually
-# for MSVC builds, as their MSVC build systems do not generate
-# pkg-config files for them
-cairo_pc = ''
-cairo_lib = ''
+x11_dep = dependency('x11', required: false)
 harfbuzz_dep = dependency('harfbuzz',
                           version: harfbuzz_req_version,
@@ -281,101 +273,38 @@ harfbuzz_dep = dependency('harfbuzz',
 pango_deps += harfbuzz_dep
-# If option is 'auto' or 'enabled' it is not required to find fontconfig on the
-# system because a fallback is done at the end. Override 'disabled' option on
-# platforms that requires it.
-fontconfig_option = get_option('fontconfig')
-fontconfig_required = host_system not in ['windows', 'darwin']
-if not fontconfig_option.disabled() or fontconfig_required
-  fontconfig_option = false
-fontconfig_dep = dependency('fontconfig', version: fontconfig_req_version, required: fontconfig_option)
-if fontconfig_dep.found()
-  fontconfig_pc = 'fontconfig'
-  if cc.get_id() == 'msvc' and cc.has_header('fontconfig/fontconfig.h')
-    # Look for the Visual Studio-style import library if FontConfig's .pc file cannot be
-    # found on Visual Studio
-    fontconfig_dep = cc.find_library('fontconfig', required: fontconfig_option)
-  endif
-# Do the fallback now if fontconfig has not been found on the system. Override
-# user option on platforms that always require fontconfig.
-fontconfig_option = fontconfig_required ? true : get_option('fontconfig')
-if not fontconfig_dep.found()
-  fontconfig_dep = dependency('fontconfig', version: fontconfig_req_version,
-                              fallback: ['fontconfig', 'fontconfig_dep'],
-                              required: fontconfig_option)
+if host_system == 'linux'
+  fontconfig_dep = dependency('fontconfig', version: fontconfig_req_version, required: true)
-if fontconfig_dep.found()
   pango_deps += fontconfig_dep
-  if fontconfig_dep.type_name() != 'library'
-    if fontconfig_dep.version().version_compare('>=2.12.92')
-    endif
-  elif cc.has_function('FcWeightFromOpenTypeDouble', dependencies: fontconfig_dep)
-  endif
-  res = 'YES'
-  res = 'NO'
+  pango_conf.set('HAVE_FONTCONFIG', 1)
-message('fontconfig has FcWeightFromOpenTypeDouble: ' + res)
-# If option is 'auto' or 'enabled' it is not required to find freetype2 on the
-# system because a fallback is done at the end. Override 'disabled' option on
-# if fontconfig has been found.
-freetype_option = get_option('freetype')
-freetype_required = fontconfig_dep.found()
-if not freetype_option.disabled() or freetype_required
-  freetype_option = false
-# The first version of freetype with a pkg-config file is 2.1.5,
-# CMake uses 'freetype' rather than 'freetype2' for the package name
-freetype_package_name = cc.get_argument_syntax() == 'msvc' ? \
-                        'freetype' : 'freetype2'
-freetype_dep = dependency(freetype_package_name,
-                          required: freetype_option,
-                          fallback: ['freetype2', 'freetype_dep'])
-if freetype_dep.found() and freetype_dep.type_name() == 'pkgconfig'
-  freetype2_pc = 'freetype2'
-# To build pangoft2, we need HarfBuzz, FontConfig and FreeType
-build_pangoft2 = fontconfig_dep.found() and freetype_dep.found()
-if build_pangoft2
-  pango_conf.set('HAVE_FREETYPE', 1)
-  pango_deps += freetype_dep
-x11_dep = dependency('x11', required: false)
-has_core_text = false
 if host_system == 'darwin'
-  has_core_text = cc.links('''#include <CoreText/CoreText.h>
+  if not cc.links('''#include <CoreText/CoreText.h>
                               int main (void) {
                                 CTGetCoreTextVersion ();
                                 return 0;
                            name: 'CoreText availability',
                            dependencies: dependency('appleframeworks', modules: 'ApplicationServices'))
-  if has_core_text
-    pango_conf.set('HAVE_CORE_TEXT', 1)
+    error ('CoreText is required')
+  pango_conf.set('HAVE_CORE_TEXT', 1)
   pango_deps += dependency('appleframeworks', modules: [ 'CoreFoundation', 'ApplicationServices' ])
+if host_system == 'windows'
+  pango_conf.set('HAVE_DIRECT_WRITE', 1)
+  pango_deps += [
+    cc.find_library('gdi32'),
+    cc.find_library('dwrite'),
+  ]
 # If option is 'auto' or 'enabled' it is not required to find cairo on the
 # system because a fallback is done at the end.
 cairo_option = get_option('cairo')
@@ -383,186 +312,20 @@ if not cairo_option.disabled()
   cairo_option = false
-cairo_found_type = ''
-cairo_dep = dependency('cairo', version: cairo_req_version, required: cairo_option)
-if cairo_dep.found()
-  cairo_found_type = cairo_dep.type_name()
-  if cc.get_id() == 'msvc' and cc.has_header('cairo.h')
-    cairo_dep = cc.find_library('cairo', required: cairo_option)
-    cairo_found_type = 'library'
-  endif
-# Remove once Meson gains capability to declare dependencies
-# in a declarative way
-if not cairo_dep.found()
-  cairo_dep = dependency('cairo', version: cairo_req_version,
-                         fallback: ['cairo', 'libcairo_dep'], required: get_option('cairo'))
-  cairo_found_type = cairo_dep.type_name()
-if cc.has_function('cairo_user_font_face_set_render_color_glyph_func', args: '-lcairo', dependencies: 
-pango_font_backends = []
-pango_cairo_backends = []
-if ['pkgconfig', 'internal'].contains(cairo_found_type)
-  # Check the following Cairo font backends
-  # - dependency
-  # - version
-  # - define
-  # - backend name
-  # Note that Cairo can be built with FreeType but without FontConfig
-  cairo_font_backends = [
-    [ 'cairo-ft', cairo_req_version, 'HAVE_CAIRO_FREETYPE', 'freetype', ],
-    [ 'cairo-win32', cairo_req_version, 'HAVE_CAIRO_WIN32', 'win32', ],
-    [ 'cairo-quartz', cairo_req_version, 'HAVE_CAIRO_QUARTZ', 'quartz', ],
-  ]
-  if cairo_found_type == 'internal'
-    cairo_features = subproject('cairo').get_variable('built_features')
-  endif
-  foreach b: cairo_font_backends
-    if cairo_found_type == 'pkgconfig'
-      dep = dependency(b[0], version: b[1], required: false)
-    else
-      dep = dependency('', required: false)
-      foreach f: cairo_features
-        if f['name'] == b[0]
-          dep = cairo_dep
-          message('Cairo font backend "@0@" enabled'.format(b))
-        endif
-      endforeach
-    endif
-    if dep.found()
-      if b[0] == 'cairo-ft' and not build_pangoft2
-        continue
-      endif
-      if b[0] == 'cairo-quartz' and not pango_conf.has('HAVE_CORE_TEXT')
-        continue
-      endif
-      pango_conf.set(b[2], 1)
-      pango_font_backends += b[3]
-    endif
-  endforeach
+cairo_dep = dependency('cairo', version: cairo_req_version,
+                       fallback: ['cairo', 'libcairo_dep'], required: get_option('cairo'))
-  if pango_font_backends.length() == 0
-    error('No Cairo font backends found')
-  endif
-  # Check the following Cairo surface backends
-  # - dependency
-  # - version
-  # - define
-  # - backend name
-  cairo_surface_backends = [
-    [ 'cairo-png', cairo_req_version, 'HAVE_CAIRO_PNG', 'png', ],
-    [ 'cairo-ps', cairo_req_version, 'HAVE_CAIRO_PS', 'ps', ],
-    [ 'cairo-pdf', cairo_req_version, 'HAVE_CAIRO_PDF', 'pdf', ],
-    [ 'cairo-xlib', cairo_req_version, 'HAVE_CAIRO_XLIB', 'xlib', ],
-  ]
+pango_conf.set('HAVE_CAIRO', cairo_dep.found ())
+pango_deps += cairo_dep
-  foreach b: cairo_surface_backends
-    if cairo_found_type == 'pkgconfig'
-      dep = dependency(b[0], version: b[1], required: false)
-    else
-      dep = dependency('', required: false)
-      foreach f: cairo_features
-        if f['name'] == b[0]
-          dep = cairo_dep
-          message('Cairo surface backend "@0@" enabled'.format(b))
-        endif
-      endforeach
-    endif
-    if dep.found()
-      pango_conf.set(b[2], 1)
-      pango_cairo_backends += b[3]
-    endif
-  endforeach
-  # This is to set up pangocairo.pc so that things that refer to
-  # it will link correctly
-  cairo_pc = 'cairo'
-elif cairo_found_type == 'library'
-  # Fallback: Look for Cairo items manually
-  # We need to check for headers for some
-  cairo_headers = [ 'win32', 'quartz', 'ps', 'pdf', 'xlib' ]
-  foreach header : cairo_headers
-    if cc.has_header('cairo-@0@.h'.format(header))
-      pango_conf.set('HAVE_CAIRO_@0@'.format(header.underscorify().to_upper()), 1)
-      if header == 'win32'
-        pango_font_backends += header
-      elif header == 'quartz'
-        if pango_conf.has('HAVE_CORE_TEXT')
-          pango_font_backends += header
-        endif
-      else
-        pango_cairo_backends += header
-      endif
-    endif
-  endforeach
-  # Other cairo features that we need to check for symbols
-  # Note that Cairo with FreeType support can be without FontConfig
-  # support, so we must check for FontConfig support in Cairo
-  if cc.links('''#include <cairo-ft.h>
-                 int main() {
-                   FcPattern *p = NULL;
-                   cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_pattern (p);
-                   return 0;
-                 }''',
-                 dependencies: cairo_dep,
-                 name : 'Cairo is built with FreeType and FontConfig support')
-    if build_pangoft2
-      pango_conf.set('HAVE_CAIRO_FREETYPE', 1)
-      pango_font_backends += 'freetype'
-    endif
-  endif
-  if pango_font_backends.length() == 0
-    error('Cairo found, but no Cairo font backends found')
-  endif
-  # Check for Cairo's libpng output surface support
-  if cc.links('''#include <cairo.h>
-                 #include <stdio.h>
-                 int main() {
-                   cairo_surface_t *s = NULL;
-                   const char *f = "abc.png";
-                   cairo_surface_write_to_png (s, f);
-                   return 0;
-                 }''',
-                 dependencies: cairo_dep,
-                 name : 'Cairo is built with PNG output surface support')
-    pango_conf.set('HAVE_CAIRO_PNG', 1)
-    pango_cairo_backends += 'png'
-  endif
-  # This is to set up pangocairo.pc so that things that refer to
-  # it will link correctly, when we don't have pkg-config files for cairo
-  cairo_lib = '-lcairo'
+cairo_png_dep = dependency('cairo-png', required: false)
+if cairo_png_dep.found()
+  pango_conf.set('HAVE_CAIRO_PNG', 1)
-if cairo_dep.found()
-  pango_conf.set('HAVE_CAIRO', 1)
-  pango_deps += cairo_dep
-  pangocairo_requires = ''
-  if pango_font_backends.contains('freetype')
-    pangocairo_requires += 'pangoft2 '
-  endif
-  if pango_font_backends.contains('win32')
-    pangocairo_requires += 'pangowin32 '
-  endif
+cairo_xlib_dep = dependency('cairo-xlib', required: false)
+if cairo_xlib_dep.found()
+  pango_conf.set('HAVE_CAIRO_XLIB', 1)
 # libsysprof-capture support
@@ -584,7 +347,7 @@ pango_deps += libsysprof_capture_dep
 gidocgen_dep = dependency('gi-docgen', version: '>= 2021.1',
                           fallback: ['gi-docgen', 'dummy_dep'],
-                          required: get_option('gtk_doc'))
+                          required: get_option('docs'))
 gnome = import('gnome')
 pkgconfig = import('pkgconfig')
@@ -601,7 +364,7 @@ subdir('examples')
-if get_option('gtk_doc')
+if get_option('docs')
@@ -609,11 +372,10 @@ if not meson.is_subproject()
-summary('Font backends', pango_font_backends)
+summary('Fontconfig support', host_system == 'linux', section: 'Features')
+summary('CoreText support', host_system == 'darwin', section: 'Features')
+summary('DirectWrite support', host_system == 'windows', section: 'Features')
 summary('Cairo support', cairo_dep.found(), section: 'Features')
-summary('Fontconfig support', fontconfig_dep.found(), section: 'Features')
-summary('Freetype support', freetype_dep.found(), section: 'Features')
 summary('Thai support', thai_dep.found(), section: 'Features')
 summary('Sysprof support', libsysprof_capture_dep.found(), section: 'Features')
@@ -623,7 +385,7 @@ summary('Linker', cc.get_linker_id(), section: 'Toolchain')
 summary('Debugging', get_option('debug'), section: 'Build')
 summary('Optimization', get_option('optimization'), section: 'Build')
 summary('Introspection', get_option('introspection').enabled(), section: 'Build')
-summary('Documentation', get_option('gtk_doc'), section: 'Build')
+summary('Documentation', get_option('docs'), section: 'Build')
 summary('Install tests', get_option('install-tests'), section: 'Build')
 summary('prefix', pango_prefix, section: 'Directories')
diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt
index 091bab4b0..733174ed1 100644
--- a/meson_options.txt
+++ b/meson_options.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-       description: 'Build API reference for Pango using GTK-Doc',
+       description: 'Build API reference for Pango',
        type: 'boolean',
        value: false)
@@ -11,10 +11,6 @@ option('install-tests',
        description : 'Install tests',
        type: 'boolean',
        value: false)
-       description : 'Build with FontConfig support. Passing \'auto\' or \'disabled\' disables fontconfig 
where it is optional, i.e. on Windows and macOS. Passing \'disabled\' on platforms where fontconfig is 
required results in error.',
-       type: 'feature',
-       value: 'auto')
        type : 'feature',
        value : 'disabled',
@@ -27,7 +23,3 @@ option('cairo',
        type : 'feature',
        value : 'enabled',
        description : 'Build with cairo support')
-       type : 'feature',
-       value : 'auto',
-       description : 'Build with freetype support')
diff --git a/pango/meson.build b/pango/meson.build
index 33b518717..70a1a2239 100644
--- a/pango/meson.build
+++ b/pango/meson.build
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ if cairo_dep.found()
-if has_core_text
+if host_system == 'darwin'
   pango_headers += [
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ if has_core_text
-if build_pangoft2
+if host_system == 'linux'
   pango_headers += [
diff --git a/pango/pango-fontmap.c b/pango/pango-fontmap.c
index 53e6331bb..6d68d07df 100644
--- a/pango/pango-fontmap.c
+++ b/pango/pango-fontmap.c
@@ -36,15 +36,15 @@
 #include "pango-trace-private.h"
 #include "pango-context.h"
-#if defined (HAVE_CORE_TEXT) && defined (HAVE_CAIRO_QUARTZ)
+#if defined (HAVE_CORE_TEXT)
 #include "pangocoretext-fontmap.h"
-#if defined (HAVE_CAIRO_WIN32)
+#if defined (HAVE_DIRECT_WRITE)
 #include "pangodwrite-fontmap.h"
-#if defined (HAVE_CAIRO_FREETYPE)
+#if defined (HAVE_FONTCONFIG)
 #include "pangofc-fontmap.h"
@@ -995,17 +995,17 @@ pango_font_map_new_default (void)
   if (backend && !*backend)
     backend = NULL;
-#if defined (HAVE_CORE_TEXT) && defined (HAVE_CAIRO_QUARTZ)
+#if defined (HAVE_CORE_TEXT)
   if (!backend || 0 == strcmp (backend, "coretext"))
     return PANGO_FONT_MAP (pango_core_text_font_map_new ());
-#if defined (HAVE_CAIRO_WIN32)
+#if defined (HAVE_DIRECT_WRITE)
   if (!backend || 0 == strcmp (backend, "win32"))
     return PANGO_FONT_MAP (pango_direct_write_font_map_new ());
-#if defined (HAVE_CAIRO_FREETYPE)
+#if defined (HAVE_FONTCONFIG)
   if (!backend || 0 == strcmp (backend, "fc")
                || 0 == strcmp (backend, "fontconfig"))
     return PANGO_FONT_MAP (pango_fc_font_map_new ());
@@ -1013,13 +1013,13 @@ pango_font_map_new_default (void)
     const char backends[] = ""
-#if defined (HAVE_CORE_TEXT) && defined (HAVE_CAIRO_QUARTZ)
+#if defined (HAVE_CORE_TEXT)
       " coretext"
-#if defined (HAVE_CAIRO_WIN32)
+#if defined (HAVE_DIRECT_WRITE)
       " win32"
-#if defined (HAVE_CAIRO_FREETYPE)
+#if defined (HAVE_FNTCONFIG)
       " fontconfig"
diff --git a/pango/pangocairo-font.c b/pango/pangocairo-font.c
index c9cb6c1cb..faa1fda41 100644
--- a/pango/pangocairo-font.c
+++ b/pango/pangocairo-font.c
@@ -139,11 +139,7 @@ create_font_face_for_user_font (PangoUserFont *font)
   cairo_face = cairo_user_font_face_create ();
   cairo_font_face_set_user_data (cairo_face, &cairo_user_data, font, NULL);
   cairo_user_font_face_set_render_color_glyph_func (cairo_face, render_func);
-  cairo_user_font_face_set_render_glyph_func (cairo_face, render_func);
   return cairo_face;
diff --git a/tests/meson.build b/tests/meson.build
index 162d55f2a..c63113b7e 100644
--- a/tests/meson.build
+++ b/tests/meson.build
@@ -24,12 +24,7 @@ tests = [
   [ 'testtabs' ],
-if build_pangoft2
-  test_cflags += '-DHAVE_FREETYPE'
 if cairo_dep.found()
-  test_cflags += '-DHAVE_CAIRO'
   tests += [
     [ 'test-bidi', [ 'test-bidi.c' ] ],
     [ 'testcontext', [ 'testcontext.c' ] ],
@@ -45,11 +40,10 @@ if cairo_dep.found()
     [ 'testmisc', [ 'testmisc.c' ] ],
-  if build_pangoft2
-    tests += [
-      [ 'testserialize', [ 'testserialize.c' ] ],
-      [ 'testhbfont', [ 'testhbfont.c' ] ],
-    ]
+  tests += [
+    [ 'testserialize', [ 'testserialize.c' ] ],
+    [ 'testhbfont', [ 'testhbfont.c' ] ],
+  ]
     if host_system != 'darwin'
       tests += [
@@ -57,7 +51,6 @@ if cairo_dep.found()
         [ 'test-fonts', [ 'test-fonts.c', 'test-common.c' ] ],
-  endif
   if host_system != 'darwin'
     tests += [
@@ -65,7 +58,7 @@ if cairo_dep.found()
-  if pango_cairo_backends.contains('png')
+  if cairo_dep.found()
     tests += [
       [ 'test-pangocairo-threads', [ 'test-pangocairo-threads.c' ] ],

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