[amtk] Created tag 5.4.1

The unsigned tag '5.4.1' was created.

Tagger: Sébastien Wilmet <swilmet informatique-libre be>
Date: 1653457201 +0200

    Version 5.4.1

Changes since the last tag '5.4.0':

Biswapriyo Nath (1):
      meson: Check if compiler supports version script linker option

Sébastien Wilmet (9):
      Post-release version bump
      docs: intro: misc improvements
      docs: write gradual-porting page
      docs: contributing to the Amtk project
      docs: wrap paragraph at 80 columns, not 90
      docs: more dev-notes
      docs: write a mini roadmap
      docs: minor simplification
      Release 5.4.1

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