[gtk: 1/2] Fix DnD on Windows

commit 64a959dad9414607a35c31c13d14480fde51ddd2
Author: darkcutler <cfolkers orontesgames com>
Date:   Mon Jul 25 15:16:23 2022 +0000

    Fix DnD on Windows
    DnD under Windows needed 3 fixes to work with Gtk.DropTarget.
    1. The droptarget_w32format_contentformat_map list never gets
    filled so the gdk_win32_drop_read_async throws
    "No compatible transfer format found".
    This is an easy fix and done the same way in the win32 clipboard code.
    2. After a drop no gdk_drop_emit_leave_event gets emitted.
    This causes a second drop to trigger a bunch of assertion
    'self->drop == drop' failed because the first drop is still active.
    This is also an easy fix and done the same way by the macos backend.
    3. Handling gdk_drop_status/gdk_drop_get_actions interaction.
    In gtk_drop_target_do_drop the code
    ```gdk_drop_finish (self->drop, gdk_drop_get_actions (self->drop));```
    calls the finish operation with the actions of the drop which triggers
    ```g_return_if_fail (gdk_drag_action_is_unique (action));```
    in gdk_drop_finish. The code assumes that GdkDrop::actions gets
    narrowed down by calling gdk_drop_status. This is hard to assure
    because at the same time gdk_drop_get_actions is used by
    gtk_drop_target_accept to figure out if a drag is accepted.
    GdkDrop::actions serves a double purpose here as the supported source
    actions and the currently agreed on action. Both the x11 and the
    wayland backend get this wrong somewhat too. Under wayland/x11 when
    a drag coming from a source that supports both MOVE and COPY is
    first hovering a drop target that only supports COPY it is afterwards
    no longer accepted by other drop targets only accepting MOVE.
    Under x11 this is permanent for this drag but with wayland the drag
    recovers when hovering other widgets. The win32 backend now sets the
    supported source actions before any enter/move/drop and narrows them
    down in gdk_win32_drop_status.
    The patch only touches the win32 backend and fixes all three issues,
    for me restoring DnD under windows.
    Closes #4498

 gdk/win32/gdkdrop-win32.c | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gdk/win32/gdkdrop-win32.c b/gdk/win32/gdkdrop-win32.c
index 41647f7574..ade23b7a71 100644
--- a/gdk/win32/gdkdrop-win32.c
+++ b/gdk/win32/gdkdrop-win32.c
@@ -142,8 +142,6 @@ struct _drop_target_context
 static void
 gdk_win32_drop_init (GdkWin32Drop *drop)
-  drop->droptarget_w32format_contentformat_map = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof 
   GDK_NOTE (DND, g_print ("gdk_win32_drop_init %p\n", drop));
@@ -414,9 +412,13 @@ set_source_actions_helper (GdkDrop       *drop,
                            DWORD          grfKeyState)
   GdkDragAction user_action;
+  GdkWin32Drop *drop_win32;
   user_action = get_user_action (grfKeyState);
+  drop_win32 = GDK_WIN32_DROP (drop);
+  drop_win32->actions = actions;
   if (user_action != 0)
     gdk_drop_set_actions (drop, user_action);
@@ -471,6 +473,7 @@ idroptarget_dragenter (LPDROPTARGET This,
   GdkDragAction source_actions;
   GdkDragAction dest_actions;
   GdkContentFormats *formats;
+  GArray *droptarget_w32format_contentformat_map;
   GDK_NOTE (DND, g_print ("idroptarget_dragenter %p @ %ld : %ld"
                           " for dest window 0x%p"
@@ -491,7 +494,8 @@ idroptarget_dragenter (LPDROPTARGET This,
   display = gdk_surface_get_display (ctx->surface);
-  formats = query_object_formats (pDataObj, NULL);
+  droptarget_w32format_contentformat_map = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (GdkWin32ContentFormatPair));
+  formats = query_object_formats (pDataObj, droptarget_w32format_contentformat_map);
   drop = gdk_drop_new (display,
                        gdk_seat_get_pointer (gdk_display_get_default_seat (display)),
@@ -499,7 +503,7 @@ idroptarget_dragenter (LPDROPTARGET This,
   drop_win32 = GDK_WIN32_DROP (drop);
-  g_array_set_size (drop_win32->droptarget_w32format_contentformat_map, 0);
+  drop_win32->droptarget_w32format_contentformat_map = droptarget_w32format_contentformat_map;
   gdk_content_formats_unref (formats);
   ctx->drop = drop;
@@ -520,7 +524,7 @@ idroptarget_dragenter (LPDROPTARGET This,
   drop_win32->last_key_state = grfKeyState;
   drop_win32->last_x = pt_x;
   drop_win32->last_y = pt_y;
-  dest_actions = filter_actions (drop_win32->actions, source_actions);
+  dest_actions = filter_actions (gdk_drop_get_actions (drop), source_actions);
   *pdwEffect_and_dwOKEffects = drop_effect_for_actions (dest_actions);
   GDK_NOTE (DND, g_print ("idroptarget_dragenter returns S_OK with actions %s"
@@ -554,9 +558,7 @@ idroptarget_dragover (LPDROPTARGET This,
   GdkDragAction source_actions;
   GdkDragAction dest_actions;
-  source_actions = set_source_actions_helper (ctx->drop,
-                                              actions_for_drop_effects (*pdwEffect_and_dwOKEffects),
-                                              grfKeyState);
+  source_actions = actions_for_drop_effects (*pdwEffect_and_dwOKEffects);
   GDK_NOTE (DND, g_print ("idroptarget_dragover %p @ %d : %d"
                           " (raw %ld : %ld)"
@@ -569,7 +571,8 @@ idroptarget_dragover (LPDROPTARGET This,
   if (pt_x != drop_win32->last_x ||
       pt_y != drop_win32->last_y ||
-      grfKeyState != drop_win32->last_key_state)
+      grfKeyState != drop_win32->last_key_state ||
+      source_actions != drop_win32->actions)
       double x = 0.0;
       double y = 0.0;
@@ -578,13 +581,15 @@ idroptarget_dragover (LPDROPTARGET This,
       x /= drop_win32->scale;
       y /= drop_win32->scale;
+      set_source_actions_helper (ctx->drop, source_actions, grfKeyState);
       gdk_drop_emit_motion_event (ctx->drop, TRUE, x, y, GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
       drop_win32->last_key_state = grfKeyState;
       drop_win32->last_x = pt_x;
       drop_win32->last_y = pt_y;
-  dest_actions = filter_actions (drop_win32->actions, source_actions);
+  dest_actions = filter_actions (gdk_drop_get_actions (ctx->drop), source_actions);
   *pdwEffect_and_dwOKEffects = drop_effect_for_actions (dest_actions);
   GDK_NOTE (DND, g_print ("idroptarget_dragover returns S_OK with actions %s"
@@ -645,8 +650,12 @@ idroptarget_drop (LPDROPTARGET This,
   x /= drop_win32->scale;
   y /= drop_win32->scale;
+  gdk_drop_emit_motion_event (ctx->drop, TRUE, x, y, GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
   gdk_drop_emit_drop_event (ctx->drop, TRUE, x, y, GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
+  gdk_drop_emit_leave_event (ctx->drop, TRUE, GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
   while (!drop_win32->drop_finished)
     g_main_context_iteration (NULL, FALSE);
@@ -824,7 +833,10 @@ gdk_win32_drop_status (GdkDrop       *drop,
                           _gdk_win32_drag_action_to_string (gdk_drop_get_actions (drop)),
                           _gdk_win32_drag_action_to_string (preferred)));
-  drop_win32->actions = actions;
+  if (preferred != 0)
+    actions = preferred;
+  gdk_drop_set_actions (drop, drop_win32->actions & actions);
 static void

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