[nautilus/wip/antoniof/new_open_with: 15/31] properties-window: detect changed user via hash

commit 25249caa87fdd6e07b2a47123f298f6604d0f038
Author: Peter Eisenmann <p3732 getgoogleoff me>
Date:   Mon Nov 22 02:48:25 2021 +0100

    properties-window: detect changed user via hash
    When creating the drop down list of owners, store a hash value of the
    used user names. Use this hash value to detect if the users of the
    system have changed and the list needs to be recreated.
    This removes a dependency on GtkTreeModel, easing future adaption to
    Part of #1326

 src/nautilus-properties-window.c | 77 ++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/nautilus-properties-window.c b/src/nautilus-properties-window.c
index e39aab40a..3414e6a19 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-properties-window.c
+++ b/src/nautilus-properties-window.c
@@ -1329,6 +1329,19 @@ value_field_update (GtkLabel                 *label,
     gtk_label_set_text (label, attribute_value);
+static guint
+hash_string_list (GList *list)
+    guint hash_value = 0;
+    for (GList *node = list; node != NULL; node = node->next)
+    {
+        hash_value ^= g_str_hash ((gconstpointer) node->data);
+    }
+    return hash_value;
 static void
 group_change_free (GroupChange *change)
@@ -1474,54 +1487,6 @@ changed_group_callback (GtkComboBox  *combo_box,
-/* checks whether the given column at the first level
- * of model has the specified entries in the given order. */
-static gboolean
-tree_model_entries_equal (GtkTreeModel *model,
-                          unsigned int  column,
-                          GList        *entries)
-    GtkTreeIter iter;
-    gboolean empty_model;
-    g_assert (GTK_IS_TREE_MODEL (model));
-    g_assert (gtk_tree_model_get_column_type (model, column) == G_TYPE_STRING);
-    empty_model = !gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &iter);
-    if (!empty_model && entries != NULL)
-    {
-        GList *l;
-        l = entries;
-        do
-        {
-            g_autofree char *val = NULL;
-            gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter,
-                                column, &val,
-                                -1);
-            if ((val == NULL && l->data != NULL) ||
-                (val != NULL && l->data == NULL) ||
-                (val != NULL && strcmp (val, l->data)))
-            {
-                return FALSE;
-            }
-            l = l->next;
-        }
-        while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &iter));
-        return l == NULL;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return (empty_model && entries == NULL) ||
-               (!empty_model && entries != NULL);
-    }
 static char *
 combo_box_get_active_entry (GtkComboBox *combo_box,
                             unsigned int column)
@@ -1600,6 +1565,7 @@ synch_groups_combo_box (GtkComboBox  *combo_box,
     g_autofree char *current_group_name = NULL;
     int group_index;
     int current_group_index;
+    guint current_group_hash, stored_group_hash;
     g_assert (GTK_IS_COMBO_BOX (combo_box));
     g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_FILE (file));
@@ -1611,11 +1577,14 @@ synch_groups_combo_box (GtkComboBox  *combo_box,
     groups = nautilus_file_get_settable_group_names (file);
+    current_group_hash = hash_string_list (groups);
+    stored_group_hash = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (combo_box), "group-hash"));
     model = gtk_combo_box_get_model (combo_box);
     store = GTK_LIST_STORE (model);
     g_assert (GTK_IS_LIST_STORE (model));
-    if (!tree_model_entries_equal (model, 0, groups))
+    if (stored_group_hash != current_group_hash)
         /* Clear the contents of ComboBox in a wacky way because there
          * is no function to clear all items and also no function to obtain
@@ -1628,6 +1597,8 @@ synch_groups_combo_box (GtkComboBox  *combo_box,
             group_name = (const char *) node->data;
             gtk_combo_box_text_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (combo_box), group_name);
+        g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (combo_box), "group-hash", GUINT_TO_POINTER (current_group_hash));
     current_group_name = nautilus_file_get_group_name (file);
@@ -1863,6 +1834,7 @@ synch_user_menu (GtkComboBox  *combo_box,
     g_autofree char *nice_owner_name = NULL;
     int user_index;
     int owner_index;
+    guint current_user_hash, stored_user_hash;
     g_assert (GTK_IS_COMBO_BOX (combo_box));
     g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_FILE (file));
@@ -1874,11 +1846,14 @@ synch_user_menu (GtkComboBox  *combo_box,
     users = nautilus_get_user_names ();
+    current_user_hash = hash_string_list (users);
+    stored_user_hash = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (combo_box), "user-hash"));
     model = gtk_combo_box_get_model (combo_box);
     store = GTK_LIST_STORE (model);
     g_assert (GTK_IS_LIST_STORE (model));
-    if (!tree_model_entries_equal (model, 1, users))
+    if (stored_user_hash != current_user_hash)
         /* Clear the contents of ComboBox in a wacky way because there
          * is no function to clear all items and also no function to obtain
@@ -1910,6 +1885,8 @@ synch_user_menu (GtkComboBox  *combo_box,
                                 2, name_array[0],
+        g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (combo_box), "user-hash", GUINT_TO_POINTER (current_user_hash));
     owner_name = nautilus_file_get_owner_name (file);

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