[at-spi2-core: 15/19] Accessible.xml: document the GetState method

commit 1dec41e4122ce683e77c0adf008b5151fa982057
Author: Federico Mena Quintero <federico gnome org>
Date:   Tue Jul 5 19:51:18 2022 -0500

    Accessible.xml: document the GetState method
    Copy the descriptions from AtspiStateType

 xml/Accessible.xml | 211 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 211 insertions(+)
diff --git a/xml/Accessible.xml b/xml/Accessible.xml
index f3b7d112..e85e4b1e 100644
--- a/xml/Accessible.xml
+++ b/xml/Accessible.xml
@@ -744,6 +744,217 @@
       <arg direction="out" type="s"/>
+    <!--
+        GetState:
+        Gets the set of states currently held by an object.
+        Elements in the array are enumeration values from AtspiStateType in atspi-constants.h:
+        0 - ATSPI_STATE_INVALID: Indicates an invalid state - probably an error
+            condition.
+        1 - ATSPI_STATE_ACTIVE: Indicates a window is currently the active window, or
+            an object is the active subelement within a container or table. ATSPI_STATE_ACTIVE
+            should not be used for objects which have ATSPI_STATE_FOCUSABLE or
+            ATSPI_STATE_SELECTABLE: Those objects should use
+            ATSPI_STATE_FOCUSED and ATSPI_STATE_SELECTED respectively.
+            ATSPI_STATE_ACTIVE is a means to indicate that an object which is not
+            focusable and not selectable is the currently-active item within its
+            parent container.
+        2 - ATSPI_STATE_ARMED: Indicates that the object is armed.
+        3 - ATSPI_STATE_BUSY: Indicates the current object is busy, i.e. onscreen
+            representation is in the process of changing, or the object is
+            temporarily unavailable for interaction due to activity already in progress.
+        4 - ATSPI_STATE_CHECKED: Indicates this object is currently checked.
+        5 - ATSPI_STATE_COLLAPSED: Indicates this object is collapsed.
+        6 - ATSPI_STATE_DEFUNCT: Indicates that this object no longer has a valid
+            backing widget (for instance, if its peer object has been destroyed).
+        7 - ATSPI_STATE_EDITABLE: Indicates the user can change the contents of this
+            object.
+        8 - ATSPI_STATE_ENABLED: Indicates that this object is enabled, i.e. that it
+            currently reflects some application state. Objects that are "greyed out"
+            may lack this state, and may lack the ATSPI_STATE_SENSITIVE if direct
+            user interaction cannot cause them to acquire ATSPI_STATE_ENABLED.
+        9 - ATSPI_STATE_EXPANDABLE: Indicates this object allows progressive
+            disclosure of its children.
+        10 - ATSPI_STATE_EXPANDED: Indicates this object is expanded.
+        11 - ATSPI_STATE_FOCUSABLE: Indicates this object can accept keyboard focus,
+             which means all events resulting from typing on the keyboard will
+             normally be passed to it when it has focus.
+        12 - ATSPI_STATE_FOCUSED: Indicates this object currently has the keyboard
+             focus.
+        13 - ATSPI_STATE_HAS_TOOLTIP: Indicates that the object has an associated
+             tooltip.
+        14 - ATSPI_STATE_HORIZONTAL: Indicates the orientation of this object is
+             horizontal.
+        15 - ATSPI_STATE_ICONIFIED: Indicates this object is minimized and is
+             represented only by an icon.
+        16 - ATSPI_STATE_MODAL: Indicates something must be done with this object
+             before the user can interact with an object in a different window.
+        17 - ATSPI_STATE_MULTI_LINE: Indicates this (text) object can contain multiple
+             lines of text.
+        18 - ATSPI_STATE_MULTISELECTABLE: Indicates this object allows more than one of
+             its children to be selected at the same time, or in the case of text
+             objects, that the object supports non-contiguous text selections.
+        19 - ATSPI_STATE_OPAQUE: Indicates this object paints every pixel within its
+             rectangular region. It also indicates an alpha value of unity, if it
+             supports alpha blending.
+        20 - ATSPI_STATE_PRESSED: Indicates this object is currently pressed.
+        21 - ATSPI_STATE_RESIZABLE: Indicates the size of this object's size is not
+             fixed.
+        22 - ATSPI_STATE_SELECTABLE: Indicates this object is the child of an object
+             that allows its children to be selected and that this child is one of
+             those children that can be selected.
+        23 - ATSPI_STATE_SELECTED: Indicates this object is the child of an object that
+             allows its children to be selected and that this child is one of those
+             children that has been selected.
+        24 - ATSPI_STATE_SENSITIVE: Indicates this object is sensitive, e.g. to user
+             interaction. ATSPI_STATE_SENSITIVE usually accompanies.
+             ATSPI_STATE_ENABLED for user-actionable controls, but may be found in the
+             absence of ATSPI_STATE_ENABLED if the current visible state of the control
+             is "disconnected" from the application state.  In such cases, direct user
+             interaction can often result in the object gaining ATSPI_STATE_SENSITIVE,
+             for instance if a user makes an explicit selection using an object whose
+             current state is ambiguous or undefined. See ATSPI_STATE_ENABLED,
+        25 - ATSPI_STATE_SHOWING: Indicates this object, the object's parent, the
+             object's parent's parent, and so on, are all 'shown' to the end-user,
+             i.e. subject to "exposure" if blocking or obscuring objects do not
+             interpose between this object and the top of the window stack.
+        26 - ATSPI_STATE_SINGLE_LINE: Indicates this (text) object can contain only a
+             single line of text.
+        27 - ATSPI_STATE_STALE: Indicates that the information returned for this object
+             may no longer be synchronized with the application state.  This can occur
+             if the object has ATSPI_STATE_TRANSIENT, and can also occur towards the
+             end of the object peer's lifecycle.
+        28 - ATSPI_STATE_TRANSIENT: Indicates this object is transient.
+        29 - ATSPI_STATE_VERTICAL: Indicates the orientation of this object is vertical;
+             for example this state may appear on such objects as scrollbars, text
+             objects (with vertical text flow), separators, etc.
+        30 - ATSPI_STATE_VISIBLE: Indicates this object is visible, e.g. has been
+             explicitly marked for exposure to the user. ATSPI_STATE_VISIBLE is no
+             guarantee that the object is actually unobscured on the screen, only that
+             it is 'potentially' visible, barring obstruction, being scrolled or clipped
+             out of the field of view, or having an ancestor container that has not yet
+             made visible. A widget is potentially onscreen if it has both
+             ATSPI_STATE_VISIBLE and ATSPI_STATE_SHOWING. The absence of
+             semantically equivalent to saying that an object is 'hidden'.
+        31 - ATSPI_STATE_MANAGES_DESCENDANTS: Indicates that "active-descendant-changed"
+             event is sent when children become 'active' (i.e. are selected or
+             navigated to onscreen).  Used to prevent need to enumerate all children
+             in very large containers, like tables. The presence of
+             ATSPI_STATE_MANAGES_DESCENDANTS is an indication to the client that the
+             children should not, and need not, be enumerated by the client.
+             Objects implementing this state are expected to provide relevant state
+             notifications to listening clients, for instance notifications of
+             visibility changes and activation of their contained child objects, without
+             the client having previously requested references to those children.
+        32 - ATSPI_STATE_INDETERMINATE: Indicates that a check box or other boolean
+             indicator is in a state other than checked or not checked.  This
+             usually means that the boolean value reflected or controlled by the
+             object does not apply consistently to the entire current context.
+             For example, a checkbox for the "Bold" attribute of text may have
+             ATSPI_STATE_INDETERMINATE if the currently selected text contains a mixture
+             of weight attributes. In many cases interacting with a
+             ATSPI_STATE_INDETERMINATE object will cause the context's corresponding
+             boolean attribute to be homogenized, whereupon the object will lose
+             ATSPI_STATE_INDETERMINATE and a corresponding state-changed event will be
+             fired.
+        33 - ATSPI_STATE_REQUIRED: Indicates that user interaction with this object is
+             'required' from the user, for instance before completing the
+             processing of a form.
+        34 - ATSPI_STATE_TRUNCATED: Indicates that an object's onscreen content
+             is truncated, e.g. a text value in a spreadsheet cell.
+        35 - ATSPI_STATE_ANIMATED: Indicates this object's visual representation is
+             dynamic, not static. This state may be applied to an object during an
+             animated 'effect' and be removed from the object once its visual
+             representation becomes static. Some applications, notably content viewers,
+             may not be able to detect all kinds of animated content.  Therefore the
+             absence of this state should not be taken as
+             definitive evidence that the object's visual representation is
+             static; this state is advisory.
+        36 - ATSPI_STATE_INVALID_ENTRY: This object has indicated an error condition
+             due to failure of input validation.  For instance, a form control may
+             acquire this state in response to invalid or malformed user input.
+        37 - ATSPI_STATE_SUPPORTS_AUTOCOMPLETION: This state indicates that the object
+             in question implements some form of typeahead or
+             pre-selection behavior whereby entering the first character of one or more
+             sub-elements causes those elements to scroll into view or become
+             selected. Subsequent character input may narrow the selection further as
+             long as one or more sub-elements match the string. This state is normally
+             only useful and encountered on objects that implement AtspiSelection.
+             In some cases the typeahead behavior may result in full or partial
+             completion of the data in the input field, in which case
+             these input events may trigger text-changed events from the source.
+        38 - ATSPI_STATE_SELECTABLE_TEXT: This state indicates that the object in
+             question supports text selection. It should only be exposed on objects
+             which implement the AtspiText interface, in order to distinguish this state
+             from ATSPI_STATE_SELECTABLE, which infers that the object in question is a
+             selectable child of an object which implements AtspiSelection. While
+             similar, text selection and subelement selection are distinct operations.
+        39 - ATSPI_STATE_IS_DEFAULT: This state indicates that the object in question is
+             the 'default' interaction object in a dialog, i.e. the one that gets
+             activated if the user presses "Enter" when the dialog is initially
+             posted.
+        40 - ATSPI_STATE_VISITED: This state indicates that the object (typically a
+             hyperlink) has already been activated or invoked, with the result that
+             some backing data has been downloaded or rendered.
+        41 - ATSPI_STATE_CHECKABLE: Indicates this object has the potential to
+             be checked, such as a checkbox or toggle-able table cell. Since: 2.12
+        42 - ATSPI_STATE_HAS_POPUP: Indicates that the object has a popup
+             context menu or sub-level menu which may or may not be
+             showing. This means that activation renders conditional content.
+             Note that ordinary tooltips are not considered popups in this
+             context. Since: 2.12
+        43 - ATSPI_STATE_READ_ONLY: Indicates that an object which is ENABLED and
+             SENSITIVE has a value which can be read, but not modified, by the
+             user. Since: 2.16
+    -->
     <method name="GetState">
       <arg direction="out" type="au"/>
       <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out0" value="QSpiIntList"/>

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