[pango/pango2-color-palette: 32/71] 1.90

commit 85167ffced1aeca72e2e5746f871b18d552a9c36
Author: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date:   Thu Jun 9 15:48:19 2022 -0400


 NEWS                 | 115 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 docs/first-steps.png | Bin 0 -> 2274 bytes
 2 files changed, 115 insertions(+)
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index dfb5cd73f..2e554c9f4 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,3 +1,118 @@
+Overview of changes in 1.90
+This is an unstable development release leading towards
+Pango 2.0, which will be major new version, and will not
+be API or ABI compatible with Pango 1.x.
+The API changes in this release are not final, and feedback
+on the changes and features in this release is very appreciated,
+so we can fix up oversights and omissions before finalizing
+the 2.0 API.
+This release is parallel-installable with Pango 1.50.x.
+Pango is now shipped as a single shared object, libpango-2.so,
+which contains the high-level cross-platform code as well as
+platform-specific fontmap implementations and the cairo
+support (if it is enabled).
+Linking both libpango-1.so and libpango-2.so into the same
+process is not supported, and we try to detect and prevent
+this situation.
+Major new APIs
+- PangoLineBreaker:
+  PangoLineBreaker is the core of pango's line-breaking algorithm,
+  broken out from PangoLayout. Having this available independent
+  from PangoLayout will facilitate uses such as multi-column
+  layout, text flow between frames and shaping paragraphs around
+  images.
+- PangoLines
+  PangoLines is the 'formatted output' part of a PangoLayout, and
+  can be used to collect the output of a PangoLineBreaker.
+- PangoFontMap
+  The PangoFontMap class has seen some significant changes. It is
+  now possible to instantiate a PangoFontMap, and populate it manually
+  with PangoFontFamily and PangoFontFace objects.
+  There are platform-specific subclasses
+  - PangoFcFontMap
+  - PangoCoreTextFontMap
+  - PangoDirectWriteFontMap
+  which will use platform API to enumerate fonts and populate
+  the fontmap.
+- PangoGenericFamily
+  PangoGenericFamily is a new object representing generic font
+  families such as 'Sans' or 'Serif', which are populated with
+  lots of individual font families matching these general styles.
+  When a PangoFontMap returns a fontset matching a query, it will
+  always include at least on PangoGenericFamily in the result, to
+  ensure good charset coverage.
+  In the past, this was achieved by having the fontconfig fontmap
+  always return a fontset including *all* the system fonts, with
+  varying order. The new approach should be more performant on
+  systems with many fonts, where sorting all the fonts is expensive.
+- PangoHbFace, PangoHbFont
+  The Pango font classes have been replaced by this pair of classes
+  which are thin wrappers around hb_face_t and hb_font_t. Since
+  HarfBuzz provides these cross-platform objects for us, we don't
+  need platform-specific font implementations anymore.
+  As one of the advantages of the new font implementation it is
+  now possible to instantiate fonts from a font file, or from font
+  data in memory.
+  The cairo support code has learned to generate cairo scaled
+  fonts from PangoHbFont objects.
+- PangoUserFont, PangoUserFace
+  These are a new kind of callback-based font implementation to
+  allow for entirely application-defined font handling, including
+  glyph drawing.
+Other API changes
+- PangoAttribute has been reimplemented
+- All deprecated APIs have been dropped
+- The PangoScript enumeration has been replaced by GUnicodeScript
+- PangoCoverage has been replaced by pango_font_face_has_char
+- PangoColor has gained an alpha field
+- The PangoFontsetSimple object is unused and has been dropped
+- PangoXft, PangoFT2 and other backend-specific rendering APIs
+  have been dropped for now
+- Most structs have been made private
+- Many smaller API cleanups and reductions
 Overview of changes in 1.50.7, 14-04-2022
 - coretext: Fix the build
diff --git a/docs/first-steps.png b/docs/first-steps.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5b5afc59
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/first-steps.png differ

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