[orca] Created tag ORCA_42_2

The signed tag 'ORCA_42_2' was created.

Tagger: Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com>
Date: 1656691874 +0200

    Orca v42.2

Changes since the last tag 'ORCA_42_1':

Joanmarie Diggs (13):
      Post-release version bump
      Structural Navigation: Handle unimplemented collection interface error
      Web: Don't treat DOCUMENT_FRAME as a stop-at role for generating ancestors
      Web: Improve presentation of description lists
      Add null check for description-list role methods
      Web: Eliminate chattiness from newly-expanded/shown listbox
      Web: Don't return early when generating ancestors for table descendants
      Create 'ancestor' formatType for presentation of objects
      Announce row and column headers for interactable cell descendants
      Store row and column info even when the focused object isn't a cell
      Announce row and column indices for interactable cell descendants
      Web: Don't allow time element or role to be parsed as sentences
      Release prep

Pawan Chitrakar (1):
      Update Nepali translation

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