[adwaita-icon-theme] symbolic: cleared up the volume icons

commit 8f467b709f4e743de4d00eb08bdd6cd08824ae37
Author: Sam Hewitt <sam snwh org>
Date:   Mon Jan 24 15:03:24 2022 -0330

    symbolic: cleared up the volume icons

 .../scalable/status/audio-volume-low-symbolic.svg  |  4 +-
 .../status/audio-volume-muted-symbolic.svg         |  6 +-
 .../microphone-sensitivity-muted-symbolic.svg      |  5 +-
 src/symbolic/core.svg                              | 85 +++++++++++++---------
 4 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/audio-volume-low-symbolic.svg 
index 933155e3b..a0553c103 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/status/audio-volume-low-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/status/audio-volume-low-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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0.492187 0.363281 0.769531 0.359375 z m 0 0"/>
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0.203125 c -0.441406 0.332032 -0.53125 0.960938 -0.195312 1.402344 c 1.074219 1.425781 1.074219 3.386719 0 
4.8125 c -0.335938 0.441406 -0.246094 1.070312 0.195312 1.402344 c 0.441407 0.332031 1.066407 0.242187 
1.398438 -0.195313 c 0.804687 -1.070312 1.207031 -2.339843 1.207031 -3.613281 s -0.402344 -2.542969 -1.207031 
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0.492187 0.363282 0.769531 0.359376 z m 0 0"/>
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0.457031 -0.1875 1.078125 0.269532 1.386719 c 0.457031 0.308593 1.078125 0.1875 1.390625 -0.269531 c 1.136719 
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-0.195313 -0.285156 -0.511719 -0.441406 -0.832031 -0.441406 z m -3.421876 2.023437 s -0.453124 0.054687 
-0.644531 0.203125 c -0.261719 0.195312 -0.394531 0.496094 -0.394531 0.800781 v 0.0625 c 0.011719 0.1875 
0.074219 0.375 0.199219 0.535157 c 1.074219 1.429687 1.074219 3.386718 0 4.816406 c -0.125 0.160156 -0.1875 
0.347656 -0.199219 0.535156 v 0.058594 c 0 0.308594 0.132812 0.609375 0.394531 0.804687 c 0.441407 0.335938 
1.066407 0.246094 1.398438 -0.195312 c 0.804687 -1.066407 1.207031 -2.339844 1.207031 -3.613281 c 0 -1.269532 
-0.402344 -2.542969 -1.207031 -3.609376 c
  -0.183594 -0.25 -0.445313 -0.382812 -0.753907 -0.398437 z m 0 0" fill-opacity="0.35"/>
diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/audio-volume-muted-symbolic.svg 
index dddd7b580..def9aac63 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/status/audio-volume-muted-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/status/audio-volume-muted-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
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0.492187 0.363281 0.769531 0.359375 z m 3 3.992188 v 1.46875 l 1.5625 1.523438 l -1.5625 1.601562 v 1.40625 h 
1.4375 l 1.5625 -1.601562 l 1.5625 1.601562 h 1.4375 v -1.40625 l -1.59375 -1.601562 l 1.59375 -1.523438 v 
-1.46875 h -1.40625 l -1.59375 1.554688 l -1.625 -1.554688 z m 0 0" fill="#2e3436"/>
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0.492187 0.363282 0.769531 0.359376 z m 0 0"/>
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2.050781 c 0.136719 -0.660156 0.203125 -1.332031 0.203125 -2.007812 c 0 -1.949219 -0.570312 -3.902344 
-1.707031 -5.589844 c -0.195313 -0.285156 -0.511719 -0.441406 -0.832031 -0.441406 z m -3.421876 2.023437 s 
-0.453124 0.054687 -0.644531 0.203125 c -0.261719 0.195312 -0.394531 0.496094 -0.394531 0.800781 v 0.0625 c 
0.011719 0.1875 0.074219 0.375 0.199219 0.535157 c 1.074219 1.429687 1.074219 3.386718 0 4.816406 c -0.125 
0.160156 -0.1875 0.347656 -0.199219 0.535156 v 0.0625 c 0 0.304688 0.132812 0.605469 0.394531 0.800781 c 
0.183594 0.140625 0.394531 0.203125 0.605469 0.199219 v -2 h 1.65625 c 0.230469 -0.648438 0.34375 -1.328125 
0.34375 -2.007812 c 0 -1.269532 -0.402344 -2.542969 -1.207031 -3.609376 c -0.183594 -0.25 -0.445313 -0.382812 
-0.753907 -0.398437 z m 0 0" fill-opacity="
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1.09375 1.0625 v 1.40625 h -1.4375 l -1.0625 -1.0625 l -1.0625 1.0625 h -1.4375 v -1.40625 l 1.0625 -1.0625 l 
-1.0625 -1.0625 z m 0 0"/>
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diff --git a/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-sensitivity-muted-symbolic.svg 
index 15740d453..9e9855969 100644
--- a/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-sensitivity-muted-symbolic.svg
+++ b/Adwaita/scalable/status/microphone-sensitivity-muted-symbolic.svg
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
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-1.660156 -1.339844 -3 -3 -3 z m 0 2 c 0.554688 0 1 0.445312 1 1 v 5 c 0 0.554688 -0.445312 1 -1 1 s -1 
-0.445312 -1 -1 v -5 c 0 -0.554688 0.445312 -1 1 -1 z m -6 4 v 2.011719 c 0 2.964843 2.164062 5.421875 5 
5.898437 v 2.089844 h 2 v -2.089844 c 0.34375 -0.058594 0.679688 -0.148437 1 -0.261718 v -1.628907 c 
-0.601562 0.300781 -1.273438 0.480469 -2 0.480469 c -2.507812 0 -4.5 -1.988281 -4.5 -4.488281 v -2.011719 z m 
10.5 0 v 2.011719 c 0 0.71875 -0.183594 1.386719 -0.480469 1.988281 h 1.628907 c 0.222656 -0.625 0.351562 
-1.289062 0.351562 -1.988281 v -2.011719 z m 0 0" fill-opacity="0.35"/>
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-1.0625 -1.0625 z m 0 0"/>
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-1.660156 -1.339844 -3 -3 -3 z m 0 2 c 0.554688 0 1 0.445312 1 1 v 5 c 0 0.554688 -0.445312 1 -1 1 s -1 
-0.445312 -1 -1 v -5 c 0 -0.554688 0.445312 -1 1 -1 z m -6 4 v 2.011719 c 0 2.964843 2.164062 5.421875 5 
5.898437 v 2.089844 h 2 v -2.089844 c 0.34375 -0.058594 0.679688 -0.148437 1 -0.261718 v -1.628907 c 
-0.601562 0.300781 -1.273438 0.480469 -2 0.480469 c -2.507812 0 -4.5 -1.988281 -4.5 -4.488281 v -2.011719 z m 
10.5 0 v 2.011719 c 0 0.71875 -0.183594 1.386719 -0.480469 1.988281 h 1.628907 c 0.222656 -0.625 0.351562 
-1.289062 0.351562 -1.988281 v -2.011719 z m 0 0" fill="#2e3436" fill-opacity="0.35"/>
diff --git a/src/symbolic/core.svg b/src/symbolic/core.svg
index b7e8cba1c..9feb4577f 100644
--- a/src/symbolic/core.svg
+++ b/src/symbolic/core.svg
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@
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0,-1.95171 -0.57007,-3.90329 -1.70898,-5.5918 -0.1931,-0.28627 -0.50896,-0.44128 -0.83008,-0.4414 z m 
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0.76758,0.35938 z M 690,201 v 1.46875 l 1.5625,1.52344 L 690,205.59375 V 207 h 1.4375 L 693,205.39844 
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0.26953,1.38867 0.45787,0.3092 1.07972,0.18851 1.38868,-0.26953 1.13891,-1.68851 1.70898,-3.64009 
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202.40234 C 694.09792 202.11607 693.78206 201.96106 693.46094 201.96094 z M 690.03906 203.98438 C 690.03906 
203.98427 689.58755 204.04017 689.39453 204.18555 C 689.1323 204.38302 688.99869 204.68541 689 204.99023 L 
689 205.05078 C 689.0122 205.23851 689.0756 205.42443 689.19727 205.58594 C 690.27393 207.01472 690.27393 
208.97356 689.19727 210.40234 C 689.07564 210.56385 689.01223 210.74977 689 210.9375 L 689 210.99805 C 
688.999 211.30287 689.1323 211.60526 689.39453 211.80273 C 689.57629 211.93961 689.78877 212.00311 690 
212.00195 L 690 210 L 691.65625 210 C 691.88569 209.35199 692.00195 208.67321 692.00195 207.99414 C 692.00195 
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+         sodipodi:nodetypes="ccccccccccccccccc"
+         id="path20031-8"
+         d="m 651,179 h 1.375 L 653.5,180.09375 654.59375,179 H 656 v 1.46875 l -1.09375,1.0625 
1.09375,1.0625 V 184 h -1.4375 L 653.5,182.9375 652.4375,184 H 651 v -1.40625 l 1.0625,-1.0625 
-1.0625,-1.0625 z"
+    </g>

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