[pango/line-breaker: 20/31] Regenerate layout tests

commit 3b29b111b4e3cc0d335f9797292b60d97793083e
Author: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date:   Fri Jan 21 13:51:46 2022 -0500

    Regenerate layout tests
    The serialization format has changed, so these
    need to be regenerated to match.

 tests/layouts/aaa.layout           |  600 +++---
 tests/layouts/arabic-format.layout |  132 +-
 tests/layouts/bratwurst.layout     |  372 ++--
 tests/layouts/bratwurst2.layout    |  318 +--
 tests/layouts/bratwurst3.layout    |  593 +++---
 tests/layouts/bratwurst4.layout    |  433 ++--
 tests/layouts/effigy.layout        |  323 +--
 tests/layouts/kebab.layout         |  453 +++--
 tests/layouts/letterspacing.layout |  206 +-
 tests/layouts/no-space.layout      |  238 +--
 tests/layouts/tab-assert.layout    |  312 +--
 tests/layouts/tab-crash.layout     | 2778 +++++++++++++-------------
 tests/layouts/tabs-nowrap.layout   |  665 +++---
 tests/layouts/tabs.layout          | 3480 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 tests/layouts/valid-1.layout       | 1268 ++++++------
 tests/layouts/valid-10.layout      |  729 +++----
 tests/layouts/valid-11.layout      |  788 ++++----
 tests/layouts/valid-12.layout      | 1311 ++++++------
 tests/layouts/valid-13.layout      | 1402 +++++++------
 tests/layouts/valid-14.layout      |  973 ++++-----
 tests/layouts/valid-15.layout      | 2001 ++++++++++---------
 tests/layouts/valid-16.layout      | 2003 ++++++++++---------
 tests/layouts/valid-17.layout      |  844 ++++----
 tests/layouts/valid-18.layout      | 1445 +++++++-------
 tests/layouts/valid-19.layout      | 1132 +++++------
 tests/layouts/valid-2.layout       | 1116 ++++++-----
 tests/layouts/valid-20.layout      |  358 ++--
 tests/layouts/valid-21.layout      |  274 +--
 tests/layouts/valid-22.layout      | 1180 +++++------
 tests/layouts/valid-3.layout       |  356 ++--
 tests/layouts/valid-4.layout       | 3888 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 tests/layouts/valid-5.layout       | 3539 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 tests/layouts/valid-6.layout       |  710 +++----
 tests/layouts/valid-7.layout       | 1160 +++++------
 tests/layouts/valid-8.layout       |  733 +++----
 tests/layouts/valid-9.layout       |  969 ++++-----
 tests/layouts/vertical.layout      |  462 ++---
 37 files changed, 20229 insertions(+), 19315 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tests/layouts/aaa.layout b/tests/layouts/aaa.layout
index 829e74c8..d290e7eb 100644
--- a/tests/layouts/aaa.layout
+++ b/tests/layouts/aaa.layout
@@ -19,276 +19,372 @@
   "wrap" : "char",
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+      "char-break" : true,
+      "cursor-position" : true,
+      "word-start" : true,
+      "sentence-boundary" : true,
+      "sentence-start" : true,
+      "backspace-deletes-character" : true,
+      "word-boundary" : true
+    },
+    {
+      "char-break" : true,
+      "cursor-position" : true,
+      "break-inserts-hyphen" : true
+    },
+    {
+      "char-break" : true,
+      "cursor-position" : true,
+      "break-inserts-hyphen" : true
+    },
+    {
+      "char-break" : true,
+      "cursor-position" : true,
+      "break-inserts-hyphen" : true
+    },
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+      "char-break" : true,
+      "white" : true,
+      "cursor-position" : true,
+      "word-end" : true,
+      "sentence-end" : true,
+      "expandable-space" : true,
+      "word-boundary" : true
+    },
+    {
+      "line-break" : true,
+      "mandatory-break" : true,
+      "char-break" : true,
+      "white" : true,
+      "cursor-position" : true,
+      "sentence-boundary" : true,
+      "word-boundary" : true
+    }
+  ],
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-    "is-wrapped" : true,
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+    "ellipsized" : false,
+    "hypenated" : true,
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-        "char-break" : true,
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-        "break-inserts-hyphen" : true
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-        "char-break" : true,
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-        "break-inserts-hyphen" : true
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-        "char-break" : true,
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-        "word-boundary" : true
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-        "line-break" : true,
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-        "char-break" : true,
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-        "sentence-boundary" : true,
-        "word-boundary" : true
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+          "hyphenated" : false,
+          "justified" : false,
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+            {
+              "offset" : 4,
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+            }
+          ]
+        }
diff --git a/tests/layouts/arabic-format.layout b/tests/layouts/arabic-format.layout
index 83c3d5ab..b583ddc1 100644
--- a/tests/layouts/arabic-format.layout
+++ b/tests/layouts/arabic-format.layout
@@ -17,72 +17,86 @@
   "comment" : "Test that font fallback works\nfor visible format characters\nin the Arabic block.",
   "text" : "۝",
   "font" : "Sans 32",
+  "log-attrs" : [
+    {
+      "char-break" : true,
+      "cursor-position" : true,
+      "sentence-boundary" : true,
+      "backspace-deletes-character" : true,
+      "word-boundary" : true
+    },
+    {
+      "line-break" : true,
+      "mandatory-break" : true,
+      "char-break" : true,
+      "white" : true,
+      "cursor-position" : true,
+      "sentence-boundary" : true,
+      "backspace-deletes-character" : true,
+      "word-boundary" : true
+    }
+  ],
   "output" : {
-    "is-wrapped" : false,
-    "is-ellipsized" : false,
+    "wrapped" : false,
+    "ellipsized" : false,
+    "hypenated" : false,
     "unknown-glyphs" : 0,
     "width" : 56320,
     "height" : 77824,
-    "log-attrs" : [
-      {
-        "char-break" : true,
-        "cursor-position" : true,
-        "sentence-boundary" : true,
-        "backspace-deletes-character" : true,
-        "word-boundary" : true
-      },
-      {
-        "line-break" : true,
-        "mandatory-break" : true,
-        "char-break" : true,
-        "white" : true,
-        "cursor-position" : true,
-        "sentence-boundary" : true,
-        "backspace-deletes-character" : true,
-        "word-boundary" : true
-      }
-    ],
     "lines" : [
-        "start-index" : 0,
-        "length" : 2,
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-          {
-            "offset" : 0,
-            "length" : 2,
-            "text" : "۝",
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-            "gravity" : "south",
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-            "script" : "common",
-            "font" : {
-              "description" : "Amiri 32",
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-                1,
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+          0,
+          49152
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+          "hyphenated" : false,
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+          "direction" : "ltr",
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index 06ec8272..609c8e8e 100644
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diff --git a/tests/layouts/bratwurst2.layout b/tests/layouts/bratwurst2.layout
index 0c3be229..20b803d9 100644
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diff --git a/tests/layouts/bratwurst3.layout b/tests/layouts/bratwurst3.layout
index 42c6a487..8f899c9a 100644
--- a/tests/layouts/bratwurst3.layout
+++ b/tests/layouts/bratwurst3.layout
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index b9bef178..03c75f27 100644
--- a/tests/layouts/no-space.layout
+++ b/tests/layouts/no-space.layout
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index 3b8ce5e5..2366bfb1 100644
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+++ b/tests/layouts/tab-assert.layout
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+++ b/tests/layouts/valid-4.layout
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