[pango/line-breaker: 12/33] Add PangoLine

commit fc4024ea1658233910e0bfe165cdef26d936a8b5
Author: Matthias Clasen <mclasen redhat com>
Date:   Fri Jan 14 22:07:35 2022 -0500

    Add PangoLine
    This is an opaque, immutable object holding
    a line of shaped text.

 pango/meson.build          |    2 +
 pango/pango-line-private.h |   67 ++
 pango/pango-line.c         | 1449 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 pango/pango-line.h         |   91 +++
 pango/pango.h              |    1 +
 5 files changed, 1610 insertions(+)
diff --git a/pango/meson.build b/pango/meson.build
index 9f4c49be..15619a34 100644
--- a/pango/meson.build
+++ b/pango/meson.build
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ pango_sources = [
+  'pango-line.c',
 pango_headers = [
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ pango_headers = [
+  'pango-line.h',
diff --git a/pango/pango-line-private.h b/pango/pango-line-private.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c32e9906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pango/pango-line-private.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "pango-line.h"
+#include "pango-break.h"
+#include "pango-attributes.h"
+#include "pango-glyph-item.h"
+typedef struct _LineData LineData;
+struct _LineData {
+  char *text;
+  int length;
+  int n_chars;
+  PangoDirection direction;
+  PangoAttrList *attrs;
+  PangoLogAttr *log_attrs;
+LineData *      line_data_new           (void);
+LineData *      line_data_ref           (LineData *data);
+void            line_data_unref         (LineData *data);
+void            line_data_clear         (LineData *data);
+struct _PangoLine
+  GObject parent_instance;
+  PangoContext *context;
+  LineData *data;
+  int start_index;
+  int length;
+  int start_offset;
+  int n_chars;
+  GSList *runs;
+  guint wrapped             : 1;
+  guint ellipsized          : 1;
+  guint hyphenated          : 1;
+  guint justified           : 1;
+  guint starts_paragraph    : 1;
+  guint ends_paragraph      : 1;
+  guint has_extents         : 1;
+  PangoDirection direction;
+  PangoRectangle ink_rect;
+  PangoRectangle logical_rect;
+PangoLine * pango_line_new       (PangoContext       *context,
+                                  LineData           *data);
+void        pango_line_ellipsize (PangoLine          *line,
+                                  PangoContext       *context,
+                                  PangoEllipsizeMode  ellipsize,
+                                  int                 goal_width);
+void        pango_line_index_to_run (PangoLine       *line,
+                                     int              idx,
+                                     PangoGlyphItem **item);
+void        pango_line_get_empty_extents (PangoLine        *line,
+                                          PangoLeadingTrim  trim,
+                                          PangoRectangle   *logical_rect);
+void        pango_line_check_invariants (PangoLine *line);
diff --git a/pango/pango-line.c b/pango/pango-line.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..967fb58a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pango/pango-line.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1449 @@
+#include "config.h"
+#include "pango-line-private.h"
+#include "pango-tabs.h"
+#include "pango-impl-utils.h"
+#include "pango-attributes-private.h"
+#include "pango-item-private.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <hb-ot.h>
+/* {{{ LineData */
+line_data_clear (LineData *data)
+  g_free (data->text);
+  g_clear_pointer (&data->attrs, pango_attr_list_unref);
+  g_free (data->log_attrs);
+LineData *
+line_data_new (void)
+  return g_rc_box_new0 (LineData);
+LineData *
+line_data_ref (LineData *data)
+  return g_rc_box_acquire (data);
+line_data_unref (LineData *data)
+  g_rc_box_release_full (data, (GDestroyNotify) line_data_clear);
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ PangoLine implementation */
+struct _PangoLineClass
+  GObjectClass parent_class;
+G_DEFINE_TYPE (PangoLine, pango_line, G_TYPE_OBJECT)
+static void
+pango_line_init (PangoLine *line)
+static void
+pango_line_finalize (GObject *object)
+  PangoLine *line = PANGO_LINE (object);
+  g_object_unref (line->context);
+  line_data_unref (line->data);
+  g_slist_free_full (line->runs, (GDestroyNotify)pango_glyph_item_free);
+  G_OBJECT_CLASS (pango_line_parent_class)->finalize (object);
+static void
+pango_line_class_init (PangoLineClass *class)
+  GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
+  object_class->finalize = pango_line_finalize;
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ Justification */
+static inline void
+distribute_letter_spacing (int  letter_spacing,
+                           int *space_left,
+                           int *space_right)
+  *space_left = letter_spacing / 2;
+  /* hinting */
+  if ((letter_spacing & (PANGO_SCALE - 1)) == 0)
+    *space_left = PANGO_UNITS_ROUND (*space_left);
+  *space_right = letter_spacing - *space_left;
+static int
+pango_line_compute_width (PangoLine *line)
+  int width = 0;
+  /* Compute the width of the line currently - inefficient, but easier
+   * than keeping the current width of the line up to date everywhere
+   */
+  for (GSList *l = line->runs; l; l = l->next)
+    {
+      PangoLayoutRun *run = l->data;
+      width += pango_glyph_string_get_width (run->glyphs);
+    }
+  return width;
+static void
+justify_clusters (PangoLine *line,
+                  int       *remaining_width)
+  int total_remaining_width, total_gaps = 0;
+  int added_so_far, gaps_so_far;
+  gboolean is_hinted;
+  GSList *run_iter;
+  enum {
+  } mode;
+  total_remaining_width = *remaining_width;
+  if (total_remaining_width <= 0)
+    return;
+  /* hint to full pixel if total remaining width was so */
+  is_hinted = (total_remaining_width & (PANGO_SCALE - 1)) == 0;
+  for (mode = MEASURE; mode <= ADJUST; mode++)
+    {
+      gboolean leftedge = TRUE;
+      PangoGlyphString *rightmost_glyphs = NULL;
+      int rightmost_space = 0;
+      int residual = 0;
+      added_so_far = 0;
+      gaps_so_far = 0;
+      for (run_iter = line->runs; run_iter; run_iter = run_iter->next)
+        {
+          PangoLayoutRun *run = run_iter->data;
+          PangoGlyphString *glyphs = run->glyphs;
+          PangoGlyphItemIter cluster_iter;
+          gboolean have_cluster;
+          int dir;
+          int offset;
+          dir = run->item->analysis.level % 2 == 0 ? +1 : -1;
+          /* Note: we simply assert here, since our items are all internally
+           * created. If that ever changes, we need to add a fallback here.
+           */
+          g_assert (run->item->analysis.flags & PANGO_ANALYSIS_FLAG_HAS_CHAR_OFFSET);
+          offset = ((PangoItemPrivate *)run->item)->char_offset;
+          for (have_cluster = dir > 0 ?
+                 pango_glyph_item_iter_init_start (&cluster_iter, run, line->data->text) :
+                 pango_glyph_item_iter_init_end   (&cluster_iter, run, line->data->text);
+               have_cluster;
+               have_cluster = dir > 0 ?
+                 pango_glyph_item_iter_next_cluster (&cluster_iter) :
+                 pango_glyph_item_iter_prev_cluster (&cluster_iter))
+            {
+              int i;
+              int width = 0;
+              /* don't expand in the middle of graphemes */
+              if (!line->data->log_attrs[offset + cluster_iter.start_char].is_cursor_position)
+                continue;
+              for (i = cluster_iter.start_glyph; i != cluster_iter.end_glyph; i += dir)
+                width += glyphs->glyphs[i].geometry.width;
+              /* also don't expand zero-width clusters. */
+              if (width == 0)
+                continue;
+              gaps_so_far++;
+              if (mode == ADJUST)
+                {
+                  int leftmost, rightmost;
+                  int adjustment, space_left, space_right;
+                  adjustment = total_remaining_width / total_gaps + residual;
+                  if (is_hinted)
+                    {
+                      int old_adjustment = adjustment;
+                      adjustment = PANGO_UNITS_ROUND (adjustment);
+                      residual = old_adjustment - adjustment;
+                    }
+                  /* distribute to before/after */
+                  distribute_letter_spacing (adjustment, &space_left, &space_right);
+                  if (cluster_iter.start_glyph < cluster_iter.end_glyph)
+                    {
+                      /* LTR */
+                      leftmost  = cluster_iter.start_glyph;
+                      rightmost = cluster_iter.end_glyph - 1;
+                    }
+                  else
+                    {
+                      /* RTL */
+                      leftmost  = cluster_iter.end_glyph + 1;
+                      rightmost = cluster_iter.start_glyph;
+                    }
+                  /* Don't add to left-side of left-most glyph of left-most non-zero run. */
+                 if (leftedge)
+                    leftedge = FALSE;
+                  else
+                  {
+                    glyphs->glyphs[leftmost].geometry.width    += space_left ;
+                    glyphs->glyphs[leftmost].geometry.x_offset += space_left ;
+                    added_so_far += space_left;
+                  }
+                  /* Don't add to right-side of right-most glyph of right-most non-zero run. */
+                  {
+                    /* Save so we can undo later. */
+                    rightmost_glyphs = glyphs;
+                    rightmost_space = space_right;
+                    glyphs->glyphs[rightmost].geometry.width  += space_right;
+                    added_so_far += space_right;
+                  }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+      if (mode == MEASURE)
+        {
+          total_gaps = gaps_so_far - 1;
+          if (total_gaps == 0)
+            {
+              /* a single cluster, can't really justify it */
+              return;
+            }
+        }
+      else /* mode == ADJUST */
+        {
+          if (rightmost_glyphs)
+           {
+             rightmost_glyphs->glyphs[rightmost_glyphs->num_glyphs - 1].geometry.width -= rightmost_space;
+             added_so_far -= rightmost_space;
+           }
+        }
+    }
+  *remaining_width -= added_so_far;
+static void
+justify_words (PangoLine *line,
+               int       *remaining_width)
+  int total_remaining_width, total_space_width = 0;
+  int added_so_far, spaces_so_far;
+  gboolean is_hinted;
+  GSList *run_iter;
+  enum {
+  } mode;
+  total_remaining_width = *remaining_width;
+  if (total_remaining_width <= 0)
+    return;
+  /* hint to full pixel if total remaining width was so */
+  is_hinted = (total_remaining_width & (PANGO_SCALE - 1)) == 0;
+  for (mode = MEASURE; mode <= ADJUST; mode++)
+    {
+      added_so_far = 0;
+      spaces_so_far = 0;
+      for (run_iter = line->runs; run_iter; run_iter = run_iter->next)
+        {
+          PangoLayoutRun *run = run_iter->data;
+          PangoGlyphString *glyphs = run->glyphs;
+          PangoGlyphItemIter cluster_iter;
+          gboolean have_cluster;
+          int offset;
+          /* Note: we simply assert here, since our items are all internally
+           * created. If that ever changes, we need to add a fallback here.
+           */
+          g_assert (run->item->analysis.flags & PANGO_ANALYSIS_FLAG_HAS_CHAR_OFFSET);
+          offset = ((PangoItemPrivate *)run->item)->char_offset;
+          for (have_cluster = pango_glyph_item_iter_init_start (&cluster_iter, run, line->data->text);
+               have_cluster;
+               have_cluster = pango_glyph_item_iter_next_cluster (&cluster_iter))
+            {
+              int i;
+              int dir;
+              if (!line->data->log_attrs[offset + cluster_iter.start_char].is_expandable_space)
+                continue;
+             dir = (cluster_iter.start_glyph < cluster_iter.end_glyph) ? 1 : -1;
+              for (i = cluster_iter.start_glyph; i != cluster_iter.end_glyph; i += dir)
+                {
+                  int glyph_width = glyphs->glyphs[i].geometry.width;
+                  if (glyph_width == 0)
+                    continue;
+                  spaces_so_far += glyph_width;
+                  if (mode == ADJUST)
+                    {
+                      int adjustment;
+                      adjustment = ((guint64) spaces_so_far * total_remaining_width) / total_space_width - 
+                      if (is_hinted)
+                        adjustment = PANGO_UNITS_ROUND (adjustment);
+                      glyphs->glyphs[i].geometry.width += adjustment;
+                      added_so_far += adjustment;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+      if (mode == MEASURE)
+        {
+          total_space_width = spaces_so_far;
+          if (total_space_width == 0)
+            {
+              justify_clusters (line, remaining_width);
+              return;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  *remaining_width -= added_so_far;
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ Private API */
+pango_line_check_invariants (PangoLine *line)
+  /* Check that byte and char positions agree */
+  g_assert (g_utf8_strlen (line->data->text + line->start_index, line->length) == line->n_chars);
+  g_assert (g_utf8_offset_to_pointer (line->data->text + line->start_index, line->n_chars) == 
line->data->text + line->start_index + line->length);
+  /* Check that runs are sane */
+  if (line->runs)
+    {
+      int run_min, run_max;
+      int n_chars;
+      run_min = G_MAXINT;
+      run_max = 0;
+      n_chars = 0;
+      for (GSList *l = line->runs; l; l = l->next)
+        {
+          PangoGlyphItem *run = l->data;
+          run_min = MIN (run_min, run->item->offset);
+          run_max = MAX (run_max, run->item->offset + run->item->length);
+          n_chars += run->item->num_chars;
+        }
+      g_assert (run_min == line->start_index);
+      g_assert (run_max == line->start_index + line->length);
+      g_assert (n_chars == line->n_chars);
+    }
+pango_line_get_empty_extents (PangoLine        *line,
+                              PangoLeadingTrim  trim,
+                              PangoRectangle   *logical_rect)
+  PangoFontDescription *font_desc = NULL;
+  gboolean free_font_desc = FALSE;
+  double line_height_factor = 0.0;
+  int absolute_line_height = 0;
+  PangoFont *font;
+  font_desc = pango_context_get_font_description (line->context);
+  if (line->data->attrs)
+    {
+      PangoAttrIterator iter;
+      int start, end;
+      _pango_attr_list_get_iterator (line->data->attrs, &iter);
+      do
+        {
+          pango_attr_iterator_range (&iter, &start, &end);
+          if (start <= line->start_index && line->start_index < end)
+            {
+              PangoAttribute *attr;
+              if (!free_font_desc)
+                {
+                  font_desc = pango_font_description_copy_static (font_desc);
+                  free_font_desc = TRUE;
+                }
+              pango_attr_iterator_get_font (&iter, font_desc, NULL, NULL);
+              attr = pango_attr_iterator_get (&iter, PANGO_ATTR_LINE_HEIGHT);
+              if (attr)
+                line_height_factor = ((PangoAttrFloat *)attr)->value;
+              attr = pango_attr_iterator_get (&iter, PANGO_ATTR_ABSOLUTE_LINE_HEIGHT);
+              if (attr)
+                absolute_line_height = ((PangoAttrInt *)attr)->value;
+              break;
+            }
+        }
+      while (pango_attr_iterator_next (&iter));
+      _pango_attr_iterator_destroy (&iter);
+    }
+  memset (logical_rect, 0, sizeof (PangoRectangle));
+  font = pango_context_load_font (line->context, font_desc);
+  if (font)
+    {
+      PangoFontMetrics *metrics;
+      metrics = pango_font_get_metrics (font, pango_context_get_language (line->context));
+      if (metrics)
+        {
+          logical_rect->y = - pango_font_metrics_get_ascent (metrics);
+          logical_rect->height = - logical_rect->y + pango_font_metrics_get_descent (metrics);
+          if (trim != PANGO_LEADING_TRIM_BOTH)
+            {
+              int leading;
+              if (absolute_line_height != 0 || line_height_factor != 0.0)
+                {
+                  int line_height;
+                  line_height = MAX (absolute_line_height, ceilf (line_height_factor * 
+                  leading = line_height - logical_rect->height;
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  leading = MAX (metrics->height - (metrics->ascent + metrics->descent), 0);
+                }
+              if ((trim & PANGO_LEADING_TRIM_START) == 0)
+                logical_rect->y -= leading / 2;
+              if (trim == PANGO_LEADING_TRIM_NONE)
+                logical_rect->height += leading;
+              else
+                logical_rect->height += (leading - leading / 2);
+            }
+          pango_font_metrics_unref (metrics);
+        }
+      g_object_unref (font);
+   }
+  if (free_font_desc)
+    pango_font_description_free (font_desc);
+/*< private >
+ * pango_line_new:
+ * @context: the `PangoContext`
+ * @data: the `LineData`
+ *
+ * Creates a new `PangoLine`.
+ *
+ * The line shares the immutable `LineData` with other lines.
+ *
+ * The @context is needed for shape rendering.
+ *
+ * Returns: new `PangoLine`
+ */
+PangoLine *
+pango_line_new (PangoContext *context,
+                LineData     *data)
+  PangoLine *line;
+  line = g_object_new (PANGO_TYPE_LINE, NULL);
+  line->context = g_object_ref (context);
+  line->data = line_data_ref (data);
+  return line;
+/*< private >
+ * pango_line_index_to_run:
+ * @line: a `PangoLine`
+ * @idx: a byte offset in the line
+ * @item: (out): return location for the run
+ *
+ * Finds the run in @line which contains @idx.
+ */
+pango_line_index_to_run (PangoLine       *line,
+                         int              idx,
+                         PangoGlyphItem **item)
+  *item = NULL;
+  for (GSList *l = line->runs; l; l = l->next)
+    {
+      PangoGlyphItem *run = l->data;
+      if (run->item->offset <= idx && idx < run->item->offset + run->item->length)
+        {
+          *item = run;
+          break;
+        }
+    }
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ Public API */
+/* {{{ Simple getters */
+ * pango_line_get_runs:
+ * @line: a `PangoLine`
+ *
+ * Gets the runs of the line.
+ *
+ * Note that the returned list and its contents
+ * are owned by Pango and must not be modified.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer none) (element-type PangoGlyphItem): a list of `PangoGlyphItem`
+ */
+GSList *
+pango_line_get_runs (PangoLine *line)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PANGO_IS_LINE (line), NULL);
+  return line->runs;
+ * pango_line_get_text:
+ * @line: a `PangoLine`
+ * @start_index: the byte index of the first byte of @line
+ * @length: the number of bytes in @line
+ *
+ * Gets the text that @line presents.
+ *
+ * The `PangoLine` represents the slice from @start_index
+ * to @start_index + @length of the returned string.
+ *
+ * The returned string is owned by @line and must not
+ * be modified.
+ *
+ * Returns: the text
+ */
+const char *
+pango_line_get_text (PangoLine *line,
+                     int       *start_index,
+                     int       *length)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PANGO_IS_LINE (line), NULL);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (start_index != NULL, NULL);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (length != NULL, NULL);
+  *start_index = line->start_index;
+  *length = line->length;
+  return line->data->text;
+ * pango_line_get_log_attrs:
+ * @line: a `PangoLine`
+ * @start_offset: the character offset of the first character of @line
+ * @n_attrs: the number of attributes that apply to @line
+ *
+ * Gets the `PangoLogAttr` array for the line.
+ *
+ * The `PangoLogAttrs` for @line are the slice from @start_offset
+ * to @start_offset+@n_attrs of the returned array. @n_attrs is
+ * be the number of characters plus one.
+ *
+ * The returned array is owned by @line and must not be modified.
+ *
+ * Returns: the `PangoLogAttr` array
+ */
+const PangoLogAttr *
+pango_line_get_log_attrs (PangoLine *line,
+                          int       *start_offset,
+                          int       *n_attrs)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PANGO_IS_LINE (line), NULL);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (start_offset != NULL, NULL);
+  g_return_val_if_fail (n_attrs != NULL, NULL);
+  *start_offset = line->start_offset;
+  *n_attrs = line->n_chars + 1;
+  return line->data->log_attrs;
+ * pango_line_wrapped:
+ * @line: a `PangoLine`
+ *
+ * Gets whether the line is wrapped.
+ *
+ * Returns: `TRUE` if @line has been wrapped
+ */
+pango_line_wrapped (PangoLine *line)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PANGO_IS_LINE (line), FALSE);
+  return line->wrapped;
+ * pango_line_ellipsized:
+ * @line: a `PangoLine`
+ *
+ * Gets whether the line is ellipsized.
+ *
+ * Returns: `TRUE` if @line has been ellipsized
+ */
+pango_line_ellipsized (PangoLine *line)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PANGO_IS_LINE (line), FALSE);
+  return line->ellipsized;
+ * pango_line_hyphenated:
+ * @line: a `PangoLine`
+ *
+ * Gets whether the line is hyphenated.
+ *
+ * Returns: `TRUE` if @line has been hyphenated
+ */
+pango_line_hyphenated (PangoLine *line)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PANGO_IS_LINE (line), FALSE);
+  return line->hyphenated;
+ * pango_line_justified:
+ * @line: a `PangoLine`
+ *
+ * Gets whether the line is justified.
+ *
+ * See [method Pango Line.justify].
+ *
+ * Returns: `TRUE` if @line has been justified
+ */
+pango_line_justified (PangoLine *line)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PANGO_IS_LINE (line), FALSE);
+  return line->justified;
+ * pango_line_starts_paragraph:
+ * @line: a `PangoLine`
+ *
+ * Gets whether the line is the first of a paragraph.
+ *
+ * Returns: `TRUE` if @line starts a paragraph
+ */
+pango_line_starts_paragraph (PangoLine *line)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PANGO_IS_LINE (line), FALSE);
+  return line->starts_paragraph;
+ * pango_line_ends_paragraph:
+ * @line: a `PangoLine`
+ *
+ * Gets whether the line is the last of a paragraph.
+ *
+ * Returns: `TRUE` if @line ends a paragraph
+ */
+pango_line_ends_paragraph (PangoLine *line)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PANGO_IS_LINE (line), FALSE);
+  return line->ends_paragraph;
+ * pango_line_get_direction:
+ * @line: a `PangoLine`
+ *
+ * Gets the text direction of the line.
+ *
+ * Returns: the direction of @line
+ */
+pango_line_get_direction (PangoLine *line)
+  g_return_val_if_fail (PANGO_IS_LINE (line), PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR);
+  return line->direction;
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ Justification */
+ * pango_line_justify:
+ * @line: (transfer full): a `PangoLine`
+ * @width: the width to justify @line to
+ *
+ * Creates a new `PangoLine` that is justified
+ * copy of @line.
+ *
+ * The content of the returned line is justified
+ * to fill the given width, by modifying inter-word
+ * spaces (and possibly intra-word spaces too).
+ *
+ * Note that this function consumes @line.
+ *
+ * Returns: (transfer full): a new `PangoLine`
+ */
+PangoLine *
+pango_line_justify (PangoLine *line,
+                    int        width)
+  int remaining_width;
+  PangoLine *copy;
+  remaining_width = width - pango_line_compute_width (line);
+  if (remaining_width <= 0)
+    return line;
+  copy = pango_line_new (line->context, line->data);
+  copy->start_index = line->start_index;
+  copy->length = line->length;
+  copy->start_offset = line->start_offset;
+  copy->n_chars = line->n_chars;
+  copy->wrapped = line->wrapped;
+  copy->ellipsized = line->ellipsized;
+  copy->hyphenated = line->hyphenated;
+  copy->justified = TRUE;
+  copy->starts_paragraph = line->starts_paragraph;
+  copy->ends_paragraph = line->ends_paragraph;
+  copy->has_extents = FALSE;
+  copy->direction = line->direction;
+  /* Avoid a copy if we have exclusive ownership of line */
+  if (G_OBJECT (line)->ref_count == 1)
+    {
+      copy->runs = line->runs;
+      line->runs = NULL;
+    }
+  else
+    copy->runs = g_slist_copy_deep (line->runs, (GCopyFunc) pango_glyph_item_copy, NULL);
+  justify_words (copy, &remaining_width);
+  g_object_unref (line);
+  return copy;
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ Extents */
+ * pango_line_get_extents:
+ * @line: a `PangoLine`
+ * @ink_rect: (out) (optional): rectangle that will be filled with ink extents
+ * @logical_rect: (out) (optional): rectangle that will be filled with the logical extents
+ *
+ * Gets the extents of the line.
+ *
+ * Note that the origin is at the left end of the baseline.
+ */
+pango_line_get_extents (PangoLine      *line,
+                        PangoRectangle *ink_rect,
+                        PangoRectangle *logical_rect)
+  PangoRectangle ink = { 0, };
+  PangoRectangle logical  = { 0, };
+  int x_pos;
+  GSList *l;
+  PangoLeadingTrim trim = PANGO_LEADING_TRIM_NONE;
+  if (line->starts_paragraph)
+  if (line->ends_paragraph)
+  if (line->has_extents)
+    goto cached;
+  x_pos = 0;
+  for (l = line->runs; l; l = l->next)
+    {
+      PangoLayoutRun *run = l->data;
+      PangoRectangle run_ink;
+      PangoRectangle run_logical;
+      int new_pos;
+      pango_glyph_item_get_extents (run, trim, &run_ink, &run_logical);
+      if (ink.width == 0 || ink.height == 0)
+        {
+          ink = run_ink;
+          ink.x += x_pos;
+        }
+      else if (run_ink.width != 0 && run_ink.height != 0)
+        {
+          new_pos = MIN (ink.x, x_pos + run_ink.x);
+          ink.width = MAX (ink.x + ink.width,
+                           x_pos + run_ink.x + run_ink.width) - new_pos;
+          ink.x = new_pos;
+          new_pos = MIN (ink.y, run_ink.y);
+          ink.height = MAX (ink.y + ink.height,
+                            run_ink.y + run_ink.height) - new_pos;
+          ink.y = new_pos;
+        }
+      if (l == line->runs)
+        {
+          logical = run_logical;
+          logical.x += x_pos;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          new_pos = MIN (logical.x, x_pos + run_logical.x);
+          logical.width = MAX (logical.x + logical.width,
+                               x_pos + run_logical.x + run_logical.width) - new_pos;
+          logical.x = new_pos;
+          new_pos = MIN (logical.y, run_logical.y);
+          logical.height = MAX (logical.y + logical.height,
+                                run_logical.y + run_logical.height) - new_pos;
+          logical.y = new_pos;
+        }
+      x_pos += run_logical.width;
+    }
+  if (!line->runs)
+    pango_line_get_empty_extents (line, trim, &logical);
+  line->ink_rect = ink;
+  line->logical_rect = logical;
+  line->has_extents = TRUE;
+  if (ink_rect)
+    *ink_rect = line->ink_rect;
+  if (logical_rect)
+    *logical_rect = line->logical_rect;
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ Editing API */
+ * pango_line_layout_index_to_pos:
+ * @line: a `PangoLine`
+ * @idx: byte index within @line
+ * @pos: (out): rectangle in which to store the position of the grapheme
+ *
+ * Converts from an index within a `PangoLine` to the
+ * position corresponding to the grapheme at that index.
+ *
+ * The return value is represented as rectangle. Note that `pos->x` is
+ * always the leading edge of the grapheme and `pos->x + pos->width` the
+ * trailing edge of the grapheme. If the directionality of the grapheme
+ * is right-to-left, then `pos->width` will be negative.
+ *
+ * Note that @idx is allowed to be @line->start_index + @line->length.
+ */
+pango_line_index_to_pos (PangoLine      *line,
+                         int             idx,
+                         PangoRectangle *pos)
+  PangoRectangle run_logical;
+  PangoRectangle line_logical;
+  PangoGlyphItem *run = NULL;
+  int x_pos;
+  pango_line_get_extents (line, NULL, &line_logical);
+  if (!line->runs)
+    {
+      *pos = line_logical;
+      return;
+    }
+  if (idx == line->start_index + line->length)
+    run = g_slist_last (line->runs)->data;
+  else
+    pango_line_index_to_run (line, idx, &run);
+  pango_glyph_item_get_extents (run, PANGO_LEADING_TRIM_BOTH, NULL, &run_logical);
+  pos->y = run_logical.y;
+  pos->height = run_logical.height;
+  /* FIXME: avoid iterating through the runs multiple times */
+  pango_line_index_to_x (line, idx, 0, &x_pos);
+  pos->x = line_logical.x + x_pos;
+  if (idx < line->start_index + line->length)
+    {
+      pango_line_index_to_x (line, idx, 1, &x_pos);
+      pos->width = (line_logical.x + x_pos) - pos->x;
+    }
+  else
+    pos->width  = 0;
+ * pango_line_index_to_x:
+ * @line: a `PangoLine`
+ * @idx: byte index within @line
+ * @trailing: an integer indicating the edge of the grapheme to retrieve
+ *   the position of. If > 0, the trailing edge of the grapheme,
+ *   if 0, the leading of the grapheme
+ * @x_pos: (out): location to store the x_offset (in Pango units)
+ *
+ * Converts an index within a `PangoLine` to a X position.
+ *
+ * Note that @idx is allowed to be @line->start_index + @line->length.
+ */
+pango_line_index_to_x (PangoLine *line,
+                       int        index,
+                       int        trailing,
+                       int       *x_pos)
+  GSList *run_list = line->runs;
+  int width = 0;
+  while (run_list)
+    {
+      PangoLayoutRun *run = run_list->data;
+      if (run->item->offset <= index && run->item->offset + run->item->length > index)
+        {
+          int offset = g_utf8_pointer_to_offset (line->data->text, line->data->text + index);
+          int attr_offset;
+          if (trailing)
+            {
+              while (index < line->start_index + line->length &&
+                     offset + 1 < line->data->n_chars &&
+                     !line->data->log_attrs[offset + 1].is_cursor_position)
+                {
+                  offset++;
+                  index = g_utf8_next_char (line->data->text + index) - line->data->text;
+                }
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              while (index > line->start_index &&
+                     !line->data->log_attrs[offset].is_cursor_position)
+                {
+                  offset--;
+                  index = g_utf8_prev_char (line->data->text + index) - line->data->text;
+                }
+            }
+          /* Note: we simply assert here, since our items are all internally
+           * created. If that ever changes, we need to add a fallback here.
+           */
+          g_assert (run->item->analysis.flags & PANGO_ANALYSIS_FLAG_HAS_CHAR_OFFSET);
+          attr_offset = ((PangoItemPrivate *)run->item)->char_offset;
+          pango_glyph_string_index_to_x_full (run->glyphs,
+                                              line->data->text + run->item->offset,
+                                              run->item->length,
+                                              &run->item->analysis,
+                                              line->data->log_attrs + attr_offset,
+                                              index - run->item->offset, trailing, x_pos);
+          if (x_pos)
+            *x_pos += width;
+          return;
+        }
+      width += pango_glyph_string_get_width (run->glyphs);
+      run_list = run_list->next;
+    }
+  if (x_pos)
+    *x_pos = width;
+ * pango_line_x_to_index:
+ * @line: a `PangoLine`
+ * @x: the X offset (in Pango units) from the left edge of the line
+ * @idx: (out): location to store calculated byte index for the grapheme
+ *   in which the user clicked
+ * @trailing: (out): location to store an integer indicating where in the
+ *   grapheme the user clicked. It will either be zero, or the number of
+ *   characters in the grapheme. 0 represents the leading edge of the grapheme.
+ *
+ * Converts from x offset to the byte index of the corresponding character
+ * within the text of the line.
+ *
+ * If @x is outside the line, @idx and @trailing will point to the very
+ * first or very last position in the line. This determination is based on the
+ * resolved direction of the paragraph; for example, if the resolved direction
+ * is right-to-left, then an X position to the right of the line (after it)
+ * results in 0 being stored in @idx and @trailing. An X position to the
+ * left of the line results in @idx pointing to the (logical) last grapheme
+ * in the line and @trailing being set to the number of characters in that
+ * grapheme. The reverse is true for a left-to-right line.
+ *
+ * Return value: %FALSE if @x_pos was outside the line, %TRUE if inside
+ */
+pango_line_x_to_index (PangoLine *line,
+                       int        x_pos,
+                       int       *index,
+                       int       *trailing)
+  GSList *tmp_list;
+  gint start_pos = 0;
+  gint first_index = 0; /* line->start_index */
+  gint first_offset;
+  gint last_index;      /* start of last grapheme in line */
+  gint last_offset;
+  gint end_index;       /* end iterator for line */
+  gint end_offset;      /* end iterator for line */
+  gint last_trailing;
+  gboolean suppress_last_trailing;
+  /* Find the last index in the line */
+  first_index = line->start_index;
+  if (line->length == 0)
+    {
+      if (index)
+        *index = first_index;
+      if (trailing)
+        *trailing = 0;
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  g_assert (line->length > 0);
+  first_offset = g_utf8_pointer_to_offset (line->data->text, line->data->text + line->start_index);
+  end_index = first_index + line->length;
+  end_offset = first_offset + g_utf8_pointer_to_offset (line->data->text + first_index, line->data->text + 
+  last_index = end_index;
+  last_offset = end_offset;
+  last_trailing = 0;
+  do
+    {
+      last_index = g_utf8_prev_char (line->data->text + last_index) - line->data->text;
+      last_offset--;
+      last_trailing++;
+    }
+  while (last_offset > first_offset && !line->data->log_attrs[last_offset].is_cursor_position);
+  /* This is a HACK. If a program only keeps track of cursor (etc)
+   * indices and not the trailing flag, then the trailing index of the
+   * last character on a wrapped line is identical to the leading
+   * index of the next line. So, we fake it and set the trailing flag
+   * to zero.
+   *
+   * That is, if the text is "now is the time", and is broken between
+   * 'now' and 'is'
+   *
+   * Then when the cursor is actually at:
+   *
+   * n|o|w| |i|s|
+   *              ^
+   * we lie and say it is at:
+   *
+   * n|o|w| |i|s|
+   *            ^
+   *
+   * So the cursor won't appear on the next line before 'the'.
+   *
+   * Actually, any program keeping cursor
+   * positions with wrapped lines should distinguish leading and
+   * trailing cursors.
+   */
+  if (line->wrapped)
+    suppress_last_trailing = TRUE;
+  else
+    suppress_last_trailing = FALSE;
+  if (x_pos < 0)
+    {
+      /* pick the leftmost char */
+      if (index)
+        *index = (line->direction == PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR) ? first_index : last_index;
+      /* and its leftmost edge */
+      if (trailing)
+        *trailing = (line->direction == PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR || suppress_last_trailing) ? 0 : last_trailing;
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  tmp_list = line->runs;
+  while (tmp_list)
+    {
+      PangoLayoutRun *run = tmp_list->data;
+      int logical_width;
+      logical_width = pango_glyph_string_get_width (run->glyphs);
+      if (x_pos >= start_pos && x_pos < start_pos + logical_width)
+        {
+          int offset;
+          gboolean char_trailing;
+          int grapheme_start_index;
+          int grapheme_start_offset;
+          int grapheme_end_offset;
+          int pos;
+          int char_index;
+          pango_glyph_string_x_to_index (run->glyphs,
+                                         line->data->text + run->item->offset, run->item->length,
+                                         &run->item->analysis,
+                                         x_pos - start_pos,
+                                         &pos, &char_trailing);
+          char_index = run->item->offset + pos;
+          /* Convert from characters to graphemes */
+          offset = g_utf8_pointer_to_offset (line->data->text, line->data->text + char_index);
+          grapheme_start_offset = offset;
+          grapheme_start_index = char_index;
+          while (grapheme_start_offset > first_offset &&
+                 !line->data->log_attrs[grapheme_start_offset].is_cursor_position)
+            {
+              grapheme_start_index = g_utf8_prev_char (line->data->text + grapheme_start_index) - 
+              grapheme_start_offset--;
+            }
+          grapheme_end_offset = offset;
+          do
+            {
+              grapheme_end_offset++;
+            }
+          while (grapheme_end_offset < end_offset &&
+                 !line->data->log_attrs[grapheme_end_offset].is_cursor_position);
+          if (index)
+            *index = grapheme_start_index;
+          if (trailing)
+            {
+              if ((grapheme_end_offset == end_offset && suppress_last_trailing) ||
+                  offset + char_trailing <= (grapheme_start_offset + grapheme_end_offset) / 2)
+                *trailing = 0;
+              else
+                *trailing = grapheme_end_offset - grapheme_start_offset;
+            }
+          return TRUE;
+        }
+      start_pos += logical_width;
+      tmp_list = tmp_list->next;
+    }
+  /* pick the rightmost char */
+  if (index)
+    *index = (line->direction == PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR) ? last_index : first_index;
+  /* and its rightmost edge */
+  if (trailing)
+    *trailing = (line->direction == PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR && !suppress_last_trailing) ? last_trailing : 0;
+  return FALSE;
+/* }}} */
+/* {{{ Cursor positioning */
+ * pango_line_get_cursor_pos:
+ * @line: a `PangoLine`
+ * @idx: the byte index of the cursor
+ * @strong_pos: (out) (optional): location to store the strong cursor position
+ * @weak_pos: (out) (optional): location to store the weak cursor position
+ *
+ * Given an index within @line, determines the positions that of the
+ * strong and weak cursors if the insertion point is at that index.
+ *
+ * Note that @idx is allowed to be @line->start_index + @line->length.
+ *
+ * The position of each cursor is stored as a zero-width rectangle
+ * with the height of the run extents.
+ *
+ * <picture>
+ *   <source srcset="cursor-positions-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)">
+ *   <img alt="Cursor positions" src="cursor-positions-light.png">
+ * </picture>
+ *
+ * The strong cursor location is the location where characters of the
+ * directionality equal to the base direction of the layout are inserted.
+ * The weak cursor location is the location where characters of the
+ * directionality opposite to the base direction of the layout are inserted.
+ *
+ * The following example shows text with both a strong and a weak cursor.
+ *
+ * <picture>
+ *   <source srcset="split-cursor-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)">
+ *   <img alt="Strong and weak cursors" src="split-cursor-light.png">
+ * </picture>
+ *
+ * The strong cursor has a little arrow pointing to the right, the weak
+ * cursor to the left. Typing a 'c' in this situation will insert the
+ * character after the 'b', and typing another Hebrew character, like '×’',
+ * will insert it at the end.
+ */
+pango_line_get_cursor_pos (PangoLine      *line,
+                           int             idx,
+                           PangoRectangle *strong_pos,
+                           PangoRectangle *weak_pos)
+  PangoRectangle line_rect = { 666, };
+  PangoRectangle run_rect = { 666, };
+  PangoDirection dir1, dir2;
+  int level1, level2;
+  PangoGlyphItem *run = NULL;
+  int x1_trailing;
+  int x2;
+  if (idx >= line->start_index + line->length)
+    {
+      if (line->runs)
+        run = g_slist_last (line->runs)->data;
+    }
+  else
+    pango_line_index_to_run (line, idx, &run);
+  pango_line_get_extents (line, NULL, &line_rect);
+  if (run)
+    pango_glyph_item_get_extents (run, PANGO_LEADING_TRIM_BOTH, NULL, &run_rect);
+  else
+    {
+      run_rect = line_rect;
+      x1_trailing = x2 = line_rect.width;
+      goto done;
+    }
+  /* Examine the trailing edge of the character before the cursor */
+  if (idx == line->start_index)
+    {
+      dir1 = line->direction;
+      level1 = dir1 == PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR ? 0 : 1;
+      if (line->direction == PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR)
+        x1_trailing = 0;
+      else
+        x1_trailing = line_rect.width;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      int prev_index = g_utf8_prev_char (line->data->text + idx) - line->data->text;
+      if (prev_index >= line->start_index + line->length)
+        {
+          dir1 = line->direction;
+          level1 = dir1 == PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR ? 0 : 1;
+          x1_trailing = line_rect.width;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          PangoGlyphItem *prev_run;
+          pango_line_index_to_run (line, prev_index, &prev_run);
+          level1 = prev_run->item->analysis.level;
+          dir1 = level1 % 2 ? PANGO_DIRECTION_RTL : PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR;
+          pango_line_index_to_x (line, prev_index, TRUE, &x1_trailing);
+        }
+    }
+  /* Examine the leading edge of the character after the cursor */
+  if (idx >= line->start_index + line->length)
+    {
+      dir2 = line->direction;
+      level2 = dir2 == PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR ? 0 : 1;
+      if (line->direction == PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR)
+        x2 = line_rect.width;
+      else
+        x2 = 0;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      pango_line_index_to_x (line, idx, FALSE, &x2);
+      level2 = run->item->analysis.level;
+      dir2 = level2 % 2 ? PANGO_DIRECTION_RTL : PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR;
+    }
+  if (strong_pos)
+    {
+      strong_pos->x = line_rect.x;
+      if (dir1 == line->direction &&
+          (dir2 != dir1 || level1 < level2))
+        strong_pos->x += x1_trailing;
+      else
+        strong_pos->x += x2;
+      strong_pos->y = run_rect.y;
+      strong_pos->width = 0;
+      strong_pos->height = run_rect.height;
+    }
+  if (weak_pos)
+    {
+      weak_pos->x = line_rect.x;
+      if (dir1 == line->direction &&
+          (dir2 != dir1 || level1 < level2))
+        weak_pos->x += x2;
+      else
+        weak_pos->x += x1_trailing;
+      weak_pos->y = run_rect.y;
+      weak_pos->width = 0;
+      weak_pos->height = run_rect.height;
+    }
+ * pango_line_get_caret_pos:
+ * @line: a `PangoLine`
+ * @idx: the byte index of the cursor
+ * @strong_pos: (out) (optional): location to store the strong cursor position
+ * @weak_pos: (out) (optional): location to store the weak cursor position
+ *
+ * Given an index within @line, determines the positions of the
+ * strong and weak cursors if the insertion point is at that index.
+ *
+ * Note that @idx is allowed to be @line->start_index + @line->length.
+ *
+ * This is a variant of [method Pango Line.get_cursor_pos] that applies
+ * font metric information about caret slope and offset to the positions
+ * it returns.
+ *
+ * <picture>
+ *   <source srcset="caret-metrics-dark.png" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)">
+ *   <img alt="Caret metrics" src="caret-metrics-light.png">
+ * </picture>
+ */
+pango_line_get_caret_pos (PangoLine      *line,
+                          int             idx,
+                          PangoRectangle *strong_pos,
+                          PangoRectangle *weak_pos)
+  PangoGlyphItem *run = NULL;
+  hb_font_t *hb_font;
+  hb_position_t caret_offset, caret_run, caret_rise, descender;
+  pango_line_get_cursor_pos (line, idx, strong_pos, weak_pos);
+  if (idx >= line->start_index + line->length)
+    {
+      if (line->runs)
+        run = g_slist_last (line->runs)->data;
+    }
+  else
+    pango_line_index_to_run (line, idx, &run);
+  if (!run)
+    return;
+  hb_font = pango_font_get_hb_font (run->item->analysis.font);
+  if (hb_ot_metrics_get_position (hb_font, HB_OT_METRICS_TAG_HORIZONTAL_CARET_RISE, &caret_rise) &&
+      hb_ot_metrics_get_position (hb_font, HB_OT_METRICS_TAG_HORIZONTAL_CARET_RUN, &caret_run) &&
+      hb_ot_metrics_get_position (hb_font, HB_OT_METRICS_TAG_HORIZONTAL_CARET_OFFSET, &caret_offset) &&
+      hb_ot_metrics_get_position (hb_font, HB_OT_METRICS_TAG_HORIZONTAL_DESCENDER, &descender))
+    {
+      double slope_inv;
+      int x_scale, y_scale;
+      if (strong_pos)
+        strong_pos->x += caret_offset;
+      if (weak_pos)
+        weak_pos->x += caret_offset;
+      if (caret_rise == 0)
+        return;
+      hb_font_get_scale (hb_font, &x_scale, &y_scale);
+      slope_inv = (caret_run * y_scale) / (double) (caret_rise * x_scale);
+      if (strong_pos)
+        {
+          strong_pos->x += descender * slope_inv;
+          strong_pos->width = strong_pos->height * slope_inv;
+          if (slope_inv < 0)
+            strong_pos->x -= strong_pos->width;
+        }
+      if (weak_pos)
+        {
+          weak_pos->x += descender * slope_inv;
+          weak_pos->width = weak_pos->height * slope_inv;
+          if (slope_inv < 0)
+            weak_pos->x -= weak_pos->width;
+        }
+    }
+/* }}} */
+/* }}} */
+/* vim:set foldmethod=marker expandtab: */
diff --git a/pango/pango-line.h b/pango/pango-line.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b41ae4db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pango/pango-line.h
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <glib-object.h>
+#include <pango/pango-types.h>
+#include <pango/pango-layout.h>
+#define PANGO_TYPE_LINE pango_line_get_type ()
+G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (PangoLine, pango_line, PANGO, LINE, GObject);
+PangoLine *             pango_line_justify              (PangoLine             *line,
+                                                         int                    width);
+GSList *                pango_line_get_runs             (PangoLine             *line);
+const char *            pango_line_get_text             (PangoLine             *line,
+                                                         int                   *start_index,
+                                                         int                   *length);
+const PangoLogAttr *    pango_line_get_log_attrs        (PangoLine             *line,
+                                                         int                   *start_offset,
+                                                         int                   *n_attrs);
+gboolean                pango_line_wrapped              (PangoLine             *line);
+gboolean                pango_line_ellipsized           (PangoLine             *line);
+gboolean                pango_line_hyphenated           (PangoLine             *line);
+gboolean                pango_line_justified            (PangoLine             *line);
+gboolean                pango_line_starts_paragraph     (PangoLine             *line);
+gboolean                pango_line_ends_paragraph       (PangoLine             *line);
+PangoDirection          pango_line_get_direction        (PangoLine             *line);
+void                    pango_line_get_extents          (PangoLine             *line,
+                                                         PangoRectangle        *ink_rect,
+                                                         PangoRectangle        *logical_rect);
+void                    pango_line_get_logical_extents  (PangoLine             *line,
+                                                         PangoRectangle        *ext);
+void                    pango_line_index_to_pos         (PangoLine             *line,
+                                                         int                    idx,
+                                                         PangoRectangle        *pos);
+void                    pango_line_index_to_x           (PangoLine             *line,
+                                                         int                    idx,
+                                                         int                    trailing,
+                                                         int                   *x_pos);
+gboolean                pango_line_x_to_index           (PangoLine             *line,
+                                                         int                    x,
+                                                         int                   *idx,
+                                                         int                   *trailing);
+void                    pango_line_get_cursor_pos       (PangoLine             *line,
+                                                         int                    idx,
+                                                         PangoRectangle        *strong_pos,
+                                                         PangoRectangle        *weak_pos);
+void                    pango_line_get_caret_pos        (PangoLine             *line,
+                                                         int                    idx,
+                                                         PangoRectangle        *strong_pos,
+                                                         PangoRectangle        *weak_pos);
diff --git a/pango/pango.h b/pango/pango.h
index eca66265..c2aa5669 100644
--- a/pango/pango.h
+++ b/pango/pango.h
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 #include <pango/pango-item.h>
 #include <pango/pango-language.h>
 #include <pango/pango-layout.h>
+#include <pango/pango-line.h>
 #include <pango/pango-matrix.h>
 #include <pango/pango-markup.h>
 #include <pango/pango-renderer.h>

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