[NetworkManager-pptp] (10 commits) Non-fast-forward update to branch lr/gtk-4.0

The branch 'lr/gtk-4.0' was changed in a way that was not a fast-forward update.
NOTE: This may cause problems for people pulling from the branch. For more information,
please see:


Commits removed from the branch:

  e0fc32f... build: don't include resource files in tarball
  897a49c... build: enable errors on autogen.sh
  7b1653f... build: check max gtk version
  d17c625... properties: remove NM_PLUGIN_DIR
  24e8a33... properties: rework advanced dialog layout
  7fce519... properties: rework main widget layout
  d50c695... properties: drop deprecated properties
  8217369... properties: use a header bar for advanced dialog
  ba63f02... properties: port to Gtk4
  30b25f5... build: specify maximum glib version

Commits added to the branch:

  1efe0fe... build: bump GLib version
  f622d5c... build: don't include resource files in tarball
  196bbb0... build: enable errors on autogen.sh
  cbd34c0... build: check max gtk version
  5a8c1ce... properties: remove NM_PLUGIN_DIR
  e0aee0b... properties: rework advanced dialog layout
  52a9885... properties: rework main widget layout
  2f1047f... properties: drop deprecated properties
  8200cb5... properties: use a header bar for advanced dialog
  fcafad5... properties: port to Gtk4

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