[gnome-shell/wip/snwh/style-updates] theme: fix and minify no-notifications icon

commit 64561cd3e454dcdb16262cfa5e2adb32f86fefef
Author: Sam Hewitt <sam snwh org>
Date:   Thu Jan 13 15:51:15 2022 -0330

    theme: fix and minify no-notifications icon

 data/theme/no-notifications.svg | 180 +---------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 179 deletions(-)
diff --git a/data/theme/no-notifications.svg b/data/theme/no-notifications.svg
index f79e42349f..3ca5711a52 100644
--- a/data/theme/no-notifications.svg
+++ b/data/theme/no-notifications.svg
@@ -1,179 +1 @@
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->>>>>>> 1ea28acca (theme: adjust notifications area)
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\ No newline at end of file

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