[librsvg: 11/23] Convert the individual chapters to Markdown

commit 94cbc240edbb42e50dedd6539320fbd8b840743b
Author: Federico Mena Quintero <federico gnome org>
Date:   Thu Jan 6 17:22:02 2022 -0600

    Convert the individual chapters to Markdown
    Part-of: <https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/librsvg/-/merge_requests/650>

 doc/migrating.md       | 310 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/overview.md        |  77 ++++++++++++
 doc/recommendations.md |  86 ++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 473 insertions(+)
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+# Migrating from old APIs
+## Migrating from the deprecated API that does not use viewports {#migrating-from-non-viewport}
+First, some context. Until librsvg version 2.44, the only way to render
+an RsvgHandle into a Cairo context was with the functions
+`rsvg_handle_render_cairo(handle, cairo_t)` and
+`rsvg_handle_render_cairo_sub(handle, cairo_t, id)` --- respectively, to
+render the whole document, and to render a single \"layer\" from it.
+Both functions assumed that the SVG document was to be rendered at its
+\"natural size\", or to the size overriden with
+`rsvg_handle_set_size_callback()`. Since the Cairo context can already
+have an affine transform applied to it, that transform can further
+change the size of the rendered image.
+Librsvg 2.46 introduced the following functions, designed to replace the
+`render_cairo` ones:
+* rsvg_handle_render_document() - renders the whole document
+* rsvg_handle_render_layer() - renders a single layer
+* rsvg_handle_render_element() - renders a single element
+* Plus corresponding functions to get the geometries of the document/layer/element.
+All of those functions take a viewport argument. Let\'s see what this
+means. But first, some history.
+### Historical note: before librsvg supported viewports
+When librsvg was first written, its API basically consisted of only
+functions to load an RsvgHandle, plus `rsvg_handle_get_pixbuf()` to
+render it directly to a GdkPixbuf image. Internally the library used
+libart (a pre-Cairo 2D rendering library), but did not expose it in the
+public API.
+The only way to specify a size at which to render an RsvgHandle was with
+`rsvg_handle_set_size_callback()`, and the callback would run at an
+unspecified time during *loading*: when just enough of the SVG document
+had been loaded to read in the `width/height` attributes of the toplevel
+`<svg>` element, the callback would let the application override these
+values with its own desired size.
+Some years later, Cairo was introduced, and it started to replace
+libart. Unlike libart, which could only render to in-memory RGBA
+buffers, Cairo had a notion of \"backends\": it could render to RGBA
+buffers, or it could translate its drawing model commands into PDF or
+PostScript. In Cairo\'s terms, one creates a `cairo_surface_t` of a
+particular kind (in-memory image surface, PDF surface, EPS surface,
+etc.), and then a `cairo_t` context for the surface. The context is what
+makes the drawing commands available.
+Being able to render SVG documents directly to PDF or PostScript was
+clearly attractive, so librsvg\'s API of `rsvg_handle_get_pixbuf()`
+would clearly not be enough. It would be better to pass a `cairo_t` for
+an already-created surface, and have librsvg issue its drawing commands
+to it. Then the application would be in control of the surface type, or
+in the case of GTK widgets, they would already get a `cairo_t` passed to
+their drawing functions. Librsvg got modified to export a
+`rsvg_handle_render_cairo(handle, cairo_t)`, and then it reimplemented the old
+`rsvg_handle_get_pixbuf()` in terms of Cairo.
+At this point, librsvg still kept the notion of rendering SVG documents
+at their \"natural size\": the `<svg>` element\'s `width` and `height`
+attributes converted to pixels (e.g. converting from `width="5cm"` by
+using the dots-per-inch value from the RsvgHandle), or if those
+attributes don\'t exist, by using the `viewBox` as a pixel size. The
+assumption was that if you needed a different size, you could always
+start by setting the transformation matrix on your `cairo_t` and then
+rendering to that.
+### The problem with not having viewports
+Most applications which use librsvg to render SVG assets for their user
+interface generally work in the same way. For example, to take an SVG
+icon and render it, they do something like this:
+1.  Create an `RsvgHandle` by loading it from the SVG icon data.
+2.  Ask the `RsvgHandle` for its dimensions.
+3.  Divide the dimensions by the GUI\'s preferred size for icons.
+4.  Scale a Cairo context by the result of the previous step. Translate
+    the Cairo context so the icon will appear at the desired location.
+5.  Render the `RsvgHandle` in that Cairo context.
+This is\... too much work. The web world has moved on to using the CSS
+box model practically everywhere. To embed an image you specify *where*
+and at *what size* you want to place it, and it gets done automatically.
+You actually have to do extra work if you want to do non-standard things
+like scale an image non-proportionally.
+### The new rendering API that uses viewports
+These are the *deprecated* drawing functions that do not take viewports:
+    gboolean rsvg_handle_render_cairo     (RsvgHandle *handle,
+                                           cairo_t    *cr);
+    gboolean rsvg_handle_render_cairo_sub (RsvgHandle *handle,
+                                           cairo_t    *cr,
+                                           const char *id);
+Starting with librsvg 2.46, the following functions are available:
+    typedef struct {
+        double x;
+        double y;
+        double width;
+        double height;
+    } RsvgRectangle;
+    gboolean rsvg_handle_render_document (RsvgHandle           *handle,
+                                          cairo_t              *cr,
+                                          const RsvgRectangle  *viewport,
+                                          GError              **error);
+    gboolean rsvg_handle_render_layer    (RsvgHandle           *handle,
+                                          cairo_t              *cr,
+                                          const char           *id,
+                                          const RsvgRectangle  *viewport,
+                                          GError              **error);
+    gboolean rsvg_handle_render_element  (RsvgHandle           *handle,
+                                          cairo_t              *cr,
+                                          const char           *id,
+                                          const RsvgRectangle  *element_viewport,
+                                          GError              **error);
+For brevity we\'ll omit the `rsvg_handle` namespace prefix, and just
+talk about the actual function names. You can see that `render_document`
+is basically the same as `render_cairo`, but it has an extra `viewport`
+argument. The same occurs in `render_layer` versus `render_cairo_sub`.
+In both of those cases --- `render_document` and `render_layer` ---, the
+`viewport` argument specifies a rectangle into which the SVG will be
+positioned and scaled to fit. Consider something like this:
+    RsvgRectangle viewport = {
+        .x = 10.0,
+        .y = 20.0,
+        .width = 640.0,
+        .height = 480.0,
+    };
+    rsvg_handle_render_document (handle, cr, &viewport, NULL);
+This is equivalent to first figuring out the scaling factor to make the
+SVG fit proportionally in 640x480 pixels, then translating the `cr` by
+(10, 20) pixels, and then calling `rsvg_handle_render_cairo`. If the SVG
+has different proportions than the width and height of the rectangle, it
+will be rendered and centered to fit the rectangle.
+Even better: the old functions to get an SVG\'s natural dimensions, like
+`rsvg_handle_get_dimensions`, returned integers instead of
+floating-point numbers, so you could not always get an exact fit. Please
+use the new functions that take viewports; they will give you easier and
+better results.
+::: note
+`rsvg_handle_render_element` is new in librsvg 2.46. It extracts a
+single element from the SVG and renders it scaled to the viewport you
+specify. It is different from `render_layer` (or the old-style
+`render_cairo_sub`) in that those ones act as if they rendered the whole
+document\'s area, but they only paint the element you specify.
+### New API for obtaining an SVG\'s dimensions
+Per the previous section, you should seldom need to obtain the \"natural
+size\" of an SVG document now that you can render it directly into a
+viewport. But if you still need to know what the SVG document specifies
+for its own size, you can use the following functions, depending on the
+level of detail you require:
+    gboolean rsvg_handle_get_intrinsic_size_in_pixels (RsvgHandle *handle,
+                                                       gdouble    *out_width,
+                                                       gdouble    *out_height);
+This returns an exact width and height in floating-point pixels. *You
+should round up to the next integer* if you need to allocate a pixel
+buffer big enough, to avoid clipping the last column or row of pixels,
+which may be only partially covered.
+`rsvg_handle_get_intrinsic_size_in_pixels` works by resolving the
+`width/height` attributes of the toplevel `<svg>` element against the
+handle\'s current DPI and the `font-size` that is defined for the
+`<svg>` element.
+However, that is only possible if the `width/height` attributes actually
+exist and are in physical units. The function will return FALSE if the
+SVG has no resolvable units, for example if the `width/height`
+attributes are specified in percentages (e.g. `width="50%"`), since the
+function has no knowledge of the viewport where you will place the SVG,
+or if those attributes are not specified.
+The other way of obtaining an SVG\'s dimensions is to actually query its
+\"intrinsic dimensions\", i.e. what is actually specified in the SVG
+    typedef enum {
+        RSVG_UNIT_PX,
+        RSVG_UNIT_EM,
+        RSVG_UNIT_EX,
+        RSVG_UNIT_IN,
+        RSVG_UNIT_CM,
+        RSVG_UNIT_MM,
+        RSVG_UNIT_PT,
+        RSVG_UNIT_PC
+    } RsvgUnit;
+    typedef struct {
+        double   length;
+        RsvgUnit unit;
+    } RsvgLength;
+    void rsvg_handle_get_intrinsic_dimensions (RsvgHandle *handle,
+                                               gboolean   *out_has_width,
+                                               RsvgLength *out_width,
+                                               gboolean   *out_has_height,
+                                               RsvgLength *out_height,
+                                               gboolean   *out_has_viewbox,
+                                               RsvgRectangle *out_viewbox);
+This function will tell you precisely if the toplevel `<svg>` has
+`width/height` attributes and their values, and also whether it has a
+`viewBox` and its value.
+::: note
+Remember that SVGs are *scalable*. They are not like raster images which
+have an exact size in pixels, and which you must always take into
+account to scale them to a convenient size. For SVGs, you can just
+render them to a viewport, and avoid working directly with their size
+--- which is kind of arbitrary, and all that matters is the document\'s
+aspect ratio.
+### SVGs with no intrinsic dimensions nor aspect ratio
+SVG documents that have none of the `width`, `height`, or `viewBox`
+attributes are thankfully not very common, but they are hard to deal
+with: the software cannot immediately know their natural size or aspect
+ratio, so they cannot be easily scaled to fit within a viewport. Librsvg
+has to actually measure the extents of every single element in the SVG
+document in that case. If you need to do this by hand, use
+## Migrating to the geometry APIs {#migrating-to-geometry-apis}
+Until librsvg 2.44, the available APIs to query the geometry of a layer
+or element were these:
+    struct _RsvgPositionData {
+        int x;
+        int y;
+    };
+    gboolean rsvg_handle_get_position_sub (RsvgHandle       *handle,
+                                           RsvgPositionData *position_data,
+                                           const char       *id);
+    struct _RsvgDimensionData {
+        int width;
+        int height;
+        gdouble em;
+        gdouble ex;
+    };
+    gboolean rsvg_handle_get_dimensions_sub (RsvgHandle        *handle,
+                                             RsvgDimensionData *dimension_data,
+                                             const char        *id);
+These functions are inconvenient --- separate calls to get the position
+and dimensions ---, and also inexact, since they only return integer
+values, while SVG uses floating-point units.
+Since librsvg 2.46, you can use these functions instead:
+    typedef struct {
+        double x;
+        double y;
+        double width;
+        double height;
+    } RsvgRectangle;
+    gboolean rsvg_handle_get_geometry_for_layer (RsvgHandle           *handle,
+                                                 const char           *id,
+                                                 const RsvgRectangle  *viewport,
+                                                 RsvgRectangle        *out_ink_rect,
+                                                 RsvgRectangle        *out_logical_rect,
+                                                 GError              **error);
+    gboolean rsvg_handle_get_geometry_for_element (RsvgHandle     *handle,
+                                                   const char     *id,
+                                                   RsvgRectangle  *out_ink_rect,
+                                                   RsvgRectangle  *out_logical_rect,
+                                                   GError        **error);
+These functions return exact floating-point values. They also give you
+the ink rectangle, or area covered by paint, as well as the logical
+rectangle, which is the extents of unstroked paths (i.e. just the
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+# Overview of Librsvg's API
+Librsvg is a library for rendering Scalable Vector Graphics files (SVG).
+Specifically, it can take non-animated, non-scripted SVG documents and
+render them into a [Cairo](https://www.cairographics.org/) surface.
+Normally this means an in-memory raster surface, but it could also be
+any of the other surface types that Cairo supports.
+Librsvg supports many of the graphic features in the [SVG
+1.1](https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/) and [SVG2](https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/)
+specifications. The main features of SVG that librsvg does not support
+are the following:
+* Scripting or animation: Librsvg reads SVG data and renders it to a
+  static image. There is no provision to execute scripts that may
+  control animation parameters.
+* Access to the DOM: Librsvg creates an internal representation of
+  the SVG data, but it does not provide outside access to the
+  resulting Document Object Model (DOM).
+* SVG fonts: Instead, librsvg relies on the system's fonts,
+  particularly those that are available through Cairo/Pango.
+Librsvg's API is divided into two main parts: one for loading SVG data
+and one for rendering it. In the *loading stage*, you create an
+`RsvgHandle` object from SVG data, which can come from a file or from a
+stream of bytes. In the *rendering stage*, you take an `RsvgHandle` and
+ask it to render itself to a Cairo context.
+## Loading
+`RsvgHandle` is an object that represents SVG data in memory. Your program
+creates an `RsvgHandle` from an SVG file, or from a memory buffer that
+contains SVG data, or in the most general form, from a GIO stream that
+will provide SVG data.  At this stage you can get either I/O errors or
+parsing errors. If loading completes successfully, the `RsvgHandle` will
+be ready for rendering.
+Generally you should use `rsvg_handle_new_from_gfile_sync()` or
+`rsvg_handle_new_from_stream_sync()` to load an SVG document into an
+`RsvgHandle`. There are other convenience functions to load an SVG
+document, but these two functions let one set the "base file" and the
+`RsvgHandleFlags` in a single call.
+## Rendering
+Once you have an SVG image loaded into an `RsvgHandle`, you can render it
+to a Cairo context any number of times, or to different Cairo contexts,
+as needed. As a convenience, you can pick a single element in the SVG by
+its `id` attribute and render only that element; this is so that
+sub-elements can be extracted conveniently out of a larger SVG.
+Generally you should use `rsvg_handle_render_document()` to render the
+whole SVG document at any size you choose into a Cairo context.
+## Example: simple loading and rendering
+The following program loads `hello.svg`, renders it scaled to fit within
+640x480 pixels, and writes a `hello.png` file.
+Note the following:
+* `rsvg_handle_render_document()` will scale the document
+   proportionally to fit the viewport you specify, and it will center
+   the image within that viewport.
+* Librsvg does not paint a background color by default, so in the
+  following example all unfilled areas of the SVG will appear as fully
+  transparent. If you wish to have a specific background, fill the
+  viewport area yourself before rendering the SVG.
+FIXME: include load-and-render.c here
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+# Recommendations for Applications
+## How sizing works in SVG {#sizing}
+SVG documents are *scalable*. The conventional way to position SVG
+documents, which comes from the web platform, is to consider a
+*viewport* in which to place the SVG document — that is, a rectangular
+region to where the SVG will be scaled and positioned.
+SVG renderers are supposed to use the viewport provided by the
+application, plus the SVG document's `width`, `height`, and `viewBox`
+attributes, to compute the position and size for the rendered document.
+Ideally, the toplevel `<svg>` element of an SVG document will contain
+`width` and `height` attributes, that indicate the proportions and
+"natural size" of the document. When those attributes are present, the
+SVG renderer can unambiguously figure out the natural aspect ratio of
+the document, and can also suggest a natural size for the document. For
+example, `<svg width="100px" height="50px">` has a natural size of
+100x50 pixels, but it could also be rendered scaled at 200x100 pixels.
+Since SVGs are scalable, it is not mandatory to actually use its natural
+size; it can be scaled arbitrarily. Of course, it is up to each
+application how an SVG document will be scaled: a web browser would want
+to consider the semantics of embedding images in HTML, which may be
+different from a GUI toolkit loading SVG assets with hard-coded sizes.
+If an SVG document's toplevel `<svg>` element does not have `width` and
+`height` attributes, then the SVG renderer can try to figure out the
+document's aspect ratio from the `viewBox` attribute. For example,
+there is no natural size for `<svg viewBox="0 0 100 50">`, but it has a
+2:1 (or 100:50) aspect ratio, so it is twice as wide as it is tall.
+If there is no `viewBox` either, then the SVG renderer cannot easily
+figure out the natural size of the document. It can either set a 1:1
+scaling matrix within the application's viewport and render the SVG
+there, or it can actually try to compute the size of each object in the
+SVG document to figure out the size. The latter is a moderately
+expensive operation, and can be avoided by having the SVG document
+specify `width` and `height` attributes. Try not to have SVG documents
+that just start with `<svg>` without any of those attributes.
+### How librsvg computes document sizes
+Librsvg looks for the `width` and `height` attributes in the toplevel
+`<svg>` element. If they are present, librsvg uses them for the
+"natural" size of the SVG, and this also defines the aspect ratio. The
+size has actual units (pixels, centimeters, etc.) depending on the value
+of the `width` and `height` attributes.
+If there are no `width` or `height` attributes in the toplevel `<svg>`,
+librsvg looks for the `viewBox` attribute. If present, this defines the
+aspect ratio and a "natural" size in pixels.
+In both cases above (with `width`/`height` and/or `viewBox`), librsvg
+can determine the "natural" size and aspect ratio of an SVG document
+immediately after loading.
+Otherwise, if none of those attributes are present in the toplevel
+`<svg>` element, librsvg must actually compute the coverage of all the
+graphical elements in the SVG. This is a moderately expensive operation,
+and depends on the complexity of the document.
+## Recommendations for applications with SVG assets {#recommendations-assets}
+Before librsvg 2.46, applications would normally load an SVG asset, then
+they would query librsvg for the SVG's size, and then they would
+compute the dimensions of their user interface based on the SVG's size.
+With librsvg 2.46 and later, applications may have an easier time by
+letting the UI choose whatever size it wants, or by hardcoding a size
+for SVG assets, and then asking librsvg to render SVG assets at that
+particular size. Applications can use `rsvg_handle_render_document`,
+which takes a destination viewport, to do this in a single step.
+To extract individual elements from an SVG document and render them in
+arbitrary locations --- for example, to extract a single icon from a
+document full of icons ---, applications can use
+### Injecting a user stylesheet
+It is sometimes convenient for applications to inject an extra
+stylesheet while rendering an SVG document. You can do this with
+`rsvg_handle_set_stylesheet`. During the CSS cascade, the specified
+stylesheet will be used with a ["User"

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