[librsvg: 1/7] Initial conversion of rsvg-convert.1 to rsvg-convert.rst

commit 2b83662cda1943feb43b4a3046c98b11ecaf20a5
Author: Federico Mena Quintero <federico gnome org>
Date:   Tue Jan 4 12:18:04 2022 -0600

    Initial conversion of rsvg-convert.1 to rsvg-convert.rst
    Not everything looks pretty; we'll fix it next.
    Part-of: <https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/librsvg/-/merge_requests/648>

 rsvg-convert.rst | 484 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 484 insertions(+)
diff --git a/rsvg-convert.rst b/rsvg-convert.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1921599b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsvg-convert.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+.. rsvg-convert(1):
+Render SVG documents to PNG images, or convert them to PDF or PS.
+Convert an SVG to PNG at its "natural size" and write it to standard
+   **rsvg-convert** *input.svg* **>** *output.png*
+Specify an output filename; the input filename must be the last
+   **rsvg-convert** **--output=**\ *output.png* *input.svg*
+Configure dots-per-inch (DPI), default is 96:
+   **rsvg-convert** **--dpi-x=**\ *300* **--dpi-y=**\ *300* *input.svg*
+   **>** *output.png*
+Render an SVG at a specific pixel size, scaled proportionally:
+   **rsvg-convert** **--width=**\ *1024* **--height=**\ *768*
+   **--keep-aspect-ratio** *input.svg* **>** *output.png*
+**rsvg-convert** renders SVG documents into PNG raster images, or
+converts them to PDF or PS as vector objects. By default
+**rsvg-convert** will render an SVG document to a raster PNG image and
+write it to standard output:
+   **rsvg-convert** *input.svg* **>** *output.png*
+To select another format, use the **--format** option:
+   **rsvg-convert --format=pdf** *input.svg* **>** *output.pdf*
+You can use **rsvg-convert** as part of a pipeline; without an argument
+for the input filename it will read the document from standard input:
+   **cat** *input.svg* **\|** **rsvg-convert** **>** *output.png*
+You can use the **--width** and **--height** options to specify the size
+of the output image. Most of the time you should specify
+**--keep-aspect-ratio** to scale the image proportionally; for
+compatibility with old versions this is not the default.
+   **rsvg-convert** **--width=**\ *100* **--height=**\ *200*
+   **--keep-aspect-ratio** *input.svg* **>** *output.png*
+You can also specify dimensions as CSS lengths, for example **10px** or
+**8.5in**. The unit specifiers supported are as follows:
+   == ==========================================
+   px pixels (the unit specifier can be omitted)
+   in inches
+   cm centimeters
+   mm millimeters
+   pt points, 1/72 inch
+   pc picas, 1/6 inch
+   == ==========================================
+The following will create a 600*900 pixel PNG, or 2*3 inches at 300
+   **rsvg-convert** **--width=**\ *2in* **--height=**\ *3in*
+   **--keep-aspect-ratio** **--dpi-x=**\ *300* **--dpi-y=**\ *300*
+   *input.svg* **>** *output.png*
+This will scale an SVG document to fit in an A4 page and convert it to
+   **rsvg-convert** **--format=**\ *pdf* **--width=**\ *210mm*
+   **--height=**\ *297mm* **--keep-aspect-ratio** *input.svg* **>**
+   *output.pdf*
+By default the size of the output comes from the rendered size, which
+can be specified with the **--width** and **--height** options, but you
+can specify a page size independently of the rendered size with
+**--page-width** and **--page-height**, together with **--top** and
+**--left** to control the position of the rendered image within the
+This will create a PDF with a landscape A4 page, by scaling an SVG
+document to 10*10 cm, and placing it with its top-left corner 5 cm away
+from the top and 8 cm from the left of the page:
+   **rsvg-convert** **--format=**\ *pdf* **--page-width=**\ *297mm*
+   **--page-height=**\ *210mm* **--width=**\ *10cm*
+   **--height=**\ *10cm* **--keep-aspect-ratio** **--top=**\ *5cm*
+   **--left=**\ *8cm* *input.svg* **>** *output.pdf*
+The **--zoom** option lets you scale the natural size of an SVG
+document. For example, if *input.svg* is a document with a declared size
+of 100*200 pixels, then the following command will render it at 250*500
+pixels (zoom 2.5):
+   **rsvg-convert** **--zoom=2.5** *input.svg* **>** *output.png*
+You can limit the maximum scaled size by specifying the **--width** and
+**--height** options together with **--zoom.** Here, the image will be
+scaled 10x, but limited to 1000*1000 pixels at the most:
+   **rsvg-convert** **--zoom=10** **--width=1000** **--height=1000**
+   *input.svg* **>** *output.png*
+If you need different scale factors for the horizontal and vertical
+dimensions, use the **--x-zoom** and **--y-zoom** options instead of
+The "pdf", "ps", and "eps" output formats support multiple pages. These
+can be created by combining multiple input SVG files. For example, this
+PDF file will have three pages:
+   **rsvg-convert** **--format=**\ *pdf* *pg1.svg* *pg2.svg* *pg3.svg*
+   **>** *out.pdf*
+The size of each page will be computed, separately, as described in the
+**DEFAULT OUTPUT SIZE** section. This may result in a PDF being produced
+with differently-sized pages. If you need to produce a PDF with all
+pages set to exactly the same size, use the **--page-width** and
+**--page-height** options.
+For example, the following command creates a three-page PDF out of three
+SVG documents. All the pages are portrait US Letter, and each SVG is
+scaled to fit so that there is a 1in margin around each page:
+   **rsvg-convert** **--format=**\ *pdf* **--page-width=**\ *8.5in*
+   **--page-height=**\ *11in* **--width=**\ *6.5in* **--height=**\ *9in*
+   **--keep-aspect-ratio** **--top=**\ *1in* **--left=**\ *1in*
+   *pg1.svg* *pg2.svg* *pg3.svg* **>** *out.pdf*
+**rsvg-convert** uses the **--dpi-x** and **--dpi-y** options to
+configure the dots-per-inch (DPI) by which pixels will be converted
+to/from physical units like inches or centimeters. The default for both
+options is 96 DPI.
+Consider this example SVG, which is nominally declared to be 2*3 inches
+in size:
+   <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; width="2in" height="3in">
+     <!-- graphical objects here -->
+   </svg>
+The following commands create PNGs of different sizes for the example
+SVG above:
+   **rsvg-convert** *two-by-three.svg* **>** *output.png* #### creates a
+   192*288 pixel PNG
+   **rsvg-convert** **--dpi-x=**\ *300* **--dpi-y=**\ *300*
+   *two-by-three.svg* **>** *output.png* #### creates a 600*900 pixel
+   PNG
+Note that the final pixel dimensions are rounded up to the nearest
+pixel, to avoid clipping off the right/bottom edges. In the following
+example, **rsvg-convert** will generate a PNG 300x300 pixels in size:
+   **rsvg-convert** **--width=**\ *299.5* **--height=**\ *299.4*
+   *input.svg* **>** *output.png* #### outputs 300x300 pixel PNG with a
+   fractionally-scaled image
+If you specify dimensions in physical units, they will be multiplied by
+the dots-per-inch (DPI) value to obtain dimensions in pixels. For
+example, this will generate a 96x96 pixel PNG, since it is 1x1 inch at
+the default 96 DPI:
+   **rsvg-convert** **--width=**\ *1in* **--height=**\ *1in* *input.svg*
+   **>** *output.png* #### outputs 96x96 pixel PNG
+Correspondingly, this will generate a 300x300 pixel PNG, since it is 1x1
+inch at 300 DPI:
+   **rsvg-convert** **--width=**\ *1in* **--height=**\ *1in*
+   **--dpi-x=**\ *300* **--dpi-y=**\ *300* *input.svg* **>**
+   *output.png* #### outputs 300x300 pixel PNG
+If you do not specify **--width** or **--height** options for the output
+size, **rsvg-convert** will figure out a "natural size" for the SVG as
+-  **SVG with width and height in pixel units (px):** **<svg
+   width="96px" height="192px">** For PNG output, those same dimensions
+   in pixels are used. For PDF/PS/EPS, that pixel size is converted to
+   physical units based on the DPI value (see the **--dpi-x** and
+   **--dpi-y** options),
+-  **SVG with width and height in physical units:** **<svg width="1in"
+   height="2in">** For PNG output, the **width** and **height**
+   attributes get converted to pixels, based on the DPI value (see the
+   **--dpi-x** and **--dpi-y** options). For PDF/PS/EPS output, the
+   width/height in physical units define the size of the PDF unless you
+   specify options for the page size; see **SPECIFYING A PAGE SIZE**
+   above.
+-  **SVG with viewBox only:** **<svg viewBox="0 0 20 30">** The size of
+   the **viewBox** attribute gets used for the pixel size of the image
+   as in the first case above.
+-  **SVG with width and height in percentages:** **<svg width="100%"
+   height="100%" viewBox="0 0 20 30">** Percentages are meaningless
+   unless you specify a viewport size with the **--width** and
+   **--height** options. In their absence, **rsvg-convert** will just
+   use the size of the **viewBox** for the pixel size, as described
+   above.
+-  **SVG with no width, height, or viewBox:** **rsvg-convert** will
+   measure the extents of all graphical objects in the SVG document and
+   render them at 1:1 scale (1 pixel for each CSS px unit). It is
+   strongly recommended that you give SVG documents an explicit size
+   with the **width, height,** or **viewBox** attributes.
+You can use the **--background-color** option ( **-b** for short) to
+specify the backgroung color that will appear in parts of the image that
+would otherwise be transparent. This option accepts the same syntax as
+the CSS **color** property, so you can use **#rrggbb** syntax or CSS
+named colors like **white**.
+   **rsvg-convert** **--background-color=**\ *white* *input.svg* **>**
+   *output.png* #### opaque white
+   **rsvg-convert** **-b** *'#ff000080'* *input.svg* **>** *output.png*
+   #### translucent red - use shell quotes so the # is not interpreted
+   as a comment
+An SVG document can use the **<switch>** element and children with the
+**systemLanguage** attribute to provide different content depending on
+the user's language. For example:
+   <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; width="200" height="100">
+     <rect width="200" height="100" fill="white"/>
+     <g transform="translate(30, 30)" font-size="20">
+       <switch allowReorder="yes">
+         <text systemLanguage="es">Español</text>
+         <text systemLanguage="de">Deutsch</text>
+         <text systemLanguage="fr">Français</text>
+         <text>English fallback</text>
+       </switch>
+     </g>
+   </svg>
+You can use the **--accept-language** option to select which language to
+use when rendering. This option accepts strings formatted like an HTTP
+Accept-Language header, which is a comma-separated list of BCP47
+language tags: https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/bcp47
+   **rsvg-convert** **--accept-language=**\ *es-MX* *input.svg* **>**
+   *output.png* #### selects Mexican Spanish; renders "Español".
+You can include an extra CSS stylesheet to be used when rendering an SVG
+document with the **--stylesheet** option. The stylesheet will have the
+CSS user origin, while styles declared in the SVG document will have the
+CSS author origin. This means your extra stylesheet's styles will
+override or augment the ones in the document, unless the document has
+**!important** in its styles.
+   **rsvg-convert** **--stylesheet=**\ *extra-styles.css* *input.svg*
+   **>** *output.png*
+For example, if this is *input.svg*:
+    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; width="100" height="100">
+      <rect width="200" height="100" fill="white"/>
+      <rect class="recolorable" x="10" y="10" width="50" height="50" fill="red"/>
+      <text x="10" y="80" font-size="20" fill="currentColor">Hello</text>
+    </svg>
+And this is *extra-styles.css*:
+    .recolorable { fill: blue; }
+    * { color: green; }
+Then the PNG created by the command above will have these elements:
+-  A blue square instead of a red one, because of the selector for the
+   the **recolorable** class.
+-  Text in green, since a fill with **currentColor** gets substituted to
+   the value of the **color** property, and the **\*** selector applies
+   to all elements.
+*-f --format [png, pdf, ps, eps, svg]*
+   Output format for the rendered document. Default is png.
+*-o --output filename*
+   Specify the output filename. If unspecified, outputs to standard
+   output.
+*-v --version*
+   Display what version of rsvg-convert you are running.
+   Display a summary of usage and options.
+*--page-width length --page-height length*
+   Page size of the output document; both options must be used together.
+   The default is to use the image's width and height as modified by the
+   options below.
+*--top length*
+   Distance between top edge of the page and the rendered image. Default
+   is 0.
+*--left length*
+   Distance between left edge of the page and the rendered image.
+   Default is 0.
+*-w --width length*
+   Width of the rendered image. If unspecified, the natural width of the
+   image is used as the default. See the section "SPECIFYING DIMENSIONS"
+   above for details.
+*-h --height integer*
+   Height of the rendered image. If unspecified, the natural height of
+   the image is used as the default. See the section "SPECIFYING
+   DIMENSIONS" above for details.
+*-a --keep-aspect-ratio*
+   Specify that the aspect ratio is to be preserved, i.e. the image is
+   scaled proportionally to fit in the **--width** and **--height**. If
+   not specified, aspect ratio will not be preserved.
+*-d --dpi-x number*
+   Set the X resolution of the image in pixels per inch. Default is 96
+   DPI.
+*-p --dpi-y number*
+   Set the Y resolution of the image in pixels per inch. Default is 96
+   DPI.
+*-x --x-zoom number*
+   Horizontal scaling factor. Default is 1.0.
+*-y --y-zoom number*
+   Vertical factor factor. Default is 1.0.
+*-z --zoom number*
+   Horizontal and vertical scaling factor. Default is 1.0.
+*-b --background-color [black, white, #abccee, #aaa...]*
+   Specify the background color. If unspecified, none is used as the
+   default; this will create transparent PNGs, or PDF/PS/EPS without a
+   special background.
+*-s --stylesheet filename.css*
+   Filename of a custom CSS stylesheet.
+*-l --accept-language [es-MX,fr,en]*
+   Specify which languages will be used for SVG documents with multiple
+   languages. The string is formatted like an HTTP Accept-Language
+   header, which is a comma-separated list of BCP47 language tags:
+   https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/bcp47. The default is to use the
+   language specified by environment variables; see the section
+   Include the original, compressed images in the final output, rather
+   than uncompressed RGB data. This is the default behavior for PDF and
+   (E)PS output.
+   Do not include the original, compressed images but instead embed
+   uncompressed RGB date in PDF or (E)PS output. This will most likely
+   result in larger documents that are slower to read.
+*-i --export-id object-id*
+   Allows to specify an SVG object that should be exported based on its
+   XML id. If not specified, all objects will be exported.
+*-u --unlimited*
+   The XML parser has some guards designed to mitigate large CPU or
+   memory consumption in the face of malicious documents. It may also
+   refuse to resolve data: URIs used to embed image data. If you are
+   running into such issues when converting a SVG, this option allows to
+   turn off these guards.
+   For developers only: render images for librsvg's test suite.
+   If the selected output format is PDF, this variable can be used to
+   control the CreationDate in the PDF file. This is useful for
+   reproducible output. The environment variable must be set to a
+   decimal number corresponding to a UNIX timestamp, defined as the
+   number of seconds, excluding leap seconds, since 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00
+   UTC. The specification for this can be found at
+   https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/source-date-epoch/
+*System language*
+   Unless the **--accept-language** option is specified, the default is
+   to use the system's environment to detect the user's preferred
+   language. This consults the environment variables *LANGUAGE*,
+   *LC_ALL*, *LC_MESSAGES*, and *LANG*.
+Dom Lachowicz (cinamod hotmail com), Caleb Moore
+(c moore student unsw edu au), Federico Mena-Quintero
+(federico gnome org), and a host of others.

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