[gtk: 1/2] gdkkeys-win32: Only perform substitution as last-resort

commit e5a4b91997a01f67e883821eed47620db6883b15
Author: Philip Zander <philip zander gmail com>
Date:   Sun Feb 27 16:32:59 2022 +0100

    gdkkeys-win32: Only perform substitution as last-resort
    Instead of performing keyboard layout substitution whenever we find a matching
    entry in the registry, first try to load the original layout and only attempt
    substitution when that fails.
    See #4724

 gdk/win32/gdkkeys-win32.c | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gdk/win32/gdkkeys-win32.c b/gdk/win32/gdkkeys-win32.c
index caa170b20a..eed0d8fd23 100644
--- a/gdk/win32/gdkkeys-win32.c
+++ b/gdk/win32/gdkkeys-win32.c
@@ -229,14 +229,9 @@ fail1:
   return NULL;
- * Get the file path of the keyboard layout dll.
- * The result is heap-allocated and should be freed with g_free().
- */
 static char*
-get_keyboard_layout_file (const char *layout_name)
+_get_keyboard_layout_file (const char *layout_name)
-  char    *final_layout_name = NULL;
   HKEY     hkey              = 0;
   DWORD    var_type          = REG_SZ;
   char    *result            = NULL;
@@ -249,24 +244,8 @@ get_keyboard_layout_file (const char *layout_name)
                                "Keyboard Layouts\\";
   char kbdKeyPath[sizeof (prefix) + KL_NAMELENGTH];
-  /* The user may have a keyboard substitute configured */
-  final_layout_name = get_keyboard_layout_substituted_name (layout_name);
-  if (final_layout_name != NULL)
-    {
-      g_debug ("Substituting keyboard layout name from '%s' to '%s'",
-               layout_name, final_layout_name);
-      g_snprintf (kbdKeyPath, sizeof (prefix) + KL_NAMELENGTH, "%s%s",
-                  prefix, final_layout_name);
-      g_free (final_layout_name);
-      final_layout_name = NULL;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      g_debug ("Could not get substitute keyboard layout name for '%s', "
-               "will use '%s' directly", layout_name, layout_name);
-      g_snprintf (kbdKeyPath, sizeof (prefix) + KL_NAMELENGTH, "%s%s",
-                  prefix, layout_name);
-    }
+  g_snprintf (kbdKeyPath, sizeof (prefix) + KL_NAMELENGTH, "%s%s",
+              prefix, layout_name);
   status = RegOpenKeyExA (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, (LPCSTR) kbdKeyPath, 0,
                           KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey);
@@ -326,6 +305,28 @@ fail1:
   return NULL;
+ * Get the file path of the keyboard layout dll.
+ * The result is heap-allocated and should be freed with g_free().
+ */
+static char*
+get_keyboard_layout_file (const char *layout_name)
+  char *result = _get_keyboard_layout_file (layout_name);
+  /* If we could not retrieve a path, it may be that we need to perform layout
+   * substitution
+   */
+  if (result == NULL)
+    {
+      char *substituted = get_keyboard_layout_substituted_name (layout_name);
+      result = _get_keyboard_layout_file (substituted);
+      g_free (substituted);
+    }
+  return result;
 static void
 clear_keyboard_layout_info (gpointer data)

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