[gnome-system-monitor] Start network graph data with a 0 to make the graphs start sync up

commit d9b89f6e71782e27795023baf74d15706484ae72
Author: ToMe25 <ToMe25 gmx de>
Date:   Sun Feb 27 21:57:01 2022 +0100

    Start network graph data with a 0 to make the graphs start sync up
    Add a zero data point to the start of the network graph to make it start
    at the same time as the other graphs.
    This is a purely cosmetic change.

 src/load-graph.cpp | 7 ++-----
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/load-graph.cpp b/src/load-graph.cpp
index d96d4179..377623fd 100644
--- a/src/load-graph.cpp
+++ b/src/load-graph.cpp
@@ -728,7 +728,6 @@ get_net (LoadGraph *graph)
     guint64 in = 0, out = 0;
     guint64 time;
     guint64 din, dout;
-    gboolean first = true;
     ifnames = glibtop_get_netlist(&netlist);
     for (i = 0; i < netlist.number; ++i)
@@ -743,7 +742,7 @@ get_net (LoadGraph *graph)
            those with only a LINK ipv6 addr) However we need to
            be able to exclude these while still keeping the
            value so when they get online (with NetworkManager
-           for example) we don't get a suddent peak.  Once we're
+           for example) we don't get a sudden peak.  Once we're
            able to get this, ignoring down interfaces will be
            possible too.  */
         if (not (netload.flags & (1 << GLIBTOP_NETLOAD_ADDRESS6)
@@ -774,13 +773,11 @@ get_net (LoadGraph *graph)
         dout = 0;
-    first = first && (graph->net.time==0);
     graph->net.last_in  = in;
     graph->net.last_out = out;
     graph->net.time     = time;
-    if (!first)
-        net_scale(graph, din, dout);
+    net_scale(graph, din, dout);
     gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (graph->labels.net_in), procman::format_network_rate(din).c_str());
     gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (graph->labels.net_in_total), procman::format_network(in).c_str());

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