[glib/wip/pwithnall/ci-cleanups: 7/7] ci: Run the Android API 21 and FreeBSD 12 jobs on a schedule

commit 916e7f3cf978238b73485afe85705c2ec186912b
Author: Philip Withnall <pwithnall endlessos org>
Date:   Sun Feb 20 12:47:27 2022 +0000

    ci: Run the Android API 21 and FreeBSD 12 jobs on a schedule
    Rather than running them on each commit on `main`. This saves resources.
    Given that Android API 28 and FreeBSD 13 jobs continue to be run on each
    commit on `main`, this seems like an acceptable tradeoff. It’s very
    unlikely that a regression will happen which affects the older systems
    and *not* the newer systems. If it does, it will be caught within a week
    by the scheduled job.
    Signed-off-by: Philip Withnall <pwithnall endlessos org>

 .gitlab-ci.yml | 10 ++++++++--
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 674644b46..11d1356e9 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -268,7 +268,10 @@ valgrind:
     - .cross-build-linux
-    - .only-default
+    # The API 28 build is run on each commit, so the API 21 build can be run
+    # less regularly to save CI resources. The chance of a regression on API 21
+    # and not API 28 is tiny.
+    - .only-schedules
   image: $ANDROID_IMAGE
     # FIXME: add --werror
@@ -377,7 +380,10 @@ vs2017-x64-static:
       - "_build/${env:CI_JOB_NAME}-report.xml"
-  extends: .only-origin
+  # The FreeBSD 13 build is run on each commit, so the FreeBSD 12 build can be
+  # run less regularly to save CI resources. The chance of a regression on
+  # FreeBSD 12 and not FreeBSD 13 is tiny.
+  extends: .only-schedules
   stage: build
     # To run a FreeBSD builder, install gitlab-runner package and start both

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