[gnome-initial-setup/wip/wjt/fdo-ci-template] ci: Switch to freedesktop/ci-templates

commit 8c4c7a3704a2886bb89482e446541dc65d1a5d7e
Author: Will Thompson <will willthompson co uk>
Date:   Fri Feb 18 21:14:10 2022 +0000

    ci: Switch to freedesktop/ci-templates
    Shamelessly cribbed from gnome-control-center.
    Fixes #138

 .gitlab-ci.yml               | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 .gitlab-ci/fedora.Dockerfile |  53 -----------------
 .gitlab-ci/run-docker.sh     | 138 -------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 207 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 02e5aaea..044e597e 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,10 +1,104 @@
-image: registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/gnome-initial-setup/fedora:v2
+ - remote: 
+  FDO_UPSTREAM_REPO: gnome/gnome-initial-setup
+  - prepare
   - build
+  variables:
+    # When branching a stable release, change 'main'
+    # to the release number/branch to ensure that
+    # a new image will be created, tailored for the
+    # stable branch.
+    FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: '2022-02-19.0-main'
+# See also https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freedesktop/ci-templates
+  extends:
+  - '.fdo.container-build@fedora'
+  - '.fedora.container.common'
+  stage: 'prepare'
+  variables:
+    # no need to pull the whole tree for rebuilding the image
+    GIT_STRATEGY: none
+    # Expiry sets fdo.expires on the image
+      @c-development @development-tools
+      meson
+      ninja-build
+      ccache
+      desktop-file-utils
+      gcc
+      gettext
+      git
+      NetworkManager-libnm-devel
+      accountsservice-devel
+      cheese-libs-devel
+      cheese-libs-devel
+      flatpak-devel
+      fontconfig-devel
+      gdm-devel
+      geoclue2-devel
+      geocode-glib-devel
+      glib2-devel
+      gnome-online-accounts-devel
+      gobject-introspection-devel
+      gstreamer1-devel
+      gtk-doc
+      gtk3-devel
+      gtk4-devel
+      ibus-devel
+      krb5-devel
+      libnma-devel
+      libpwquality-devel
+      libsecret-devel
+      malcontent-ui-devel
+      polkit-devel
+      rest-devel
+      webkit2gtk3-devel
+      xkeyboard-config-devel
+      iso-codes-devel
+      git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gsettings-desktop-schemas.git && \
+        cd gsettings-desktop-schemas && \
+        meson . _build --prefix=/usr && \
+        ninja -C _build -v && \
+        ninja -C _build -v install && \
+        cd .. && \
+      git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libgweather.git && \
+        cd libgweather && \
+        meson . _build --prefix=/usr/local -Denable_vala=false -Dgtk_doc=false -Dintrospection=false 
-Dtests=false && \
+        ninja -C _build -v && \
+        ninja -C _build -v install && \
+        cd .. && \
+      git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-desktop.git && \
+        cd gnome-desktop && \
+        meson . _build --prefix=/usr/local -Dwerror=false -Dgtk_doc=false -Ddesktop_docs=false 
-Dlegacy_library=false && \
+        ninja -C _build -v && \
+        ninja -C _build -v install && \
+        cd .. && \
+      git clone https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libhandy.git && \
+        cd libhandy && \
+        meson . _build --prefix=/usr/local -Dexamples=false -Dglade_catalog=disabled -Dgtk_doc=false 
-Dintrospection=disabled -Dprofiling=false -Dtests=false -Dvapi=false && \
+        ninja -C _build -v && \
+        ninja -C _build -v install && \
+        cd .. && \
+      true
 .job_template: &job_definition
+  extends:
+    - '.fdo.distribution-image@fedora'
+    - '.fedora.container.common'
   stage: build
     # In general, we would like warnings to be fatal. However, code copied from
     # gnome-control-center uses many deprecated functions. Until we have a good
@@ -13,21 +107,6 @@ stages:
       --auto-features ${AUTO_FEATURES}
       -Dwerror=true -Dc_args=-Wno-error=deprecated-declarations
-      -Dgnome-desktop:werror=false
-      -Dgnome-desktop:gtk_doc=false
-      -Dgnome-desktop:desktop_docs=false
-      -Dgnome-desktop:legacy_library=false
-      -Dlibgweather:enable_vala=false
-      -Dlibgweather:gtk_doc=false
-      -Dlibgweather:introspection=false
-      -Dlibgweather:tests=false
-      -Dlibhandy:examples=false
-      -Dlibhandy:glade_catalog=disabled
-      -Dlibhandy:gtk_doc=false
-      -Dlibhandy:introspection=disabled
-      -Dlibhandy:profiling=false
-      -Dlibhandy:tests=false
-      -Dlibhandy:vapi=false
       _build .
     - cd _build

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