[chronojump] RaceAnalyzer export can manage fixed/variable segments on same export (and produce all needed spread

commit 603658b72818ea61579e06ad8c8633301cb24d85
Author: Xavier de Blas <xaviblas gmail com>
Date:   Fri Feb 18 11:07:23 2022 +0100

    RaceAnalyzer export can manage fixed/variable segments on same export (and produce all needed spreadsheet 

 r-scripts/sprintEncoder.R | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++--
 src/runEncoder.cs         | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 2 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/r-scripts/sprintEncoder.R b/r-scripts/sprintEncoder.R
index d1b3c8fdb..64a46e8bc 100644
--- a/r-scripts/sprintEncoder.R
+++ b/r-scripts/sprintEncoder.R
@@ -920,8 +920,26 @@ start <- function(op)
         splitPositionAll = NULL
        for(i in 1:length(dataFiles[,1]))
-               splitPositionAll = c(splitPositionAll, seq(from=dataFiles$splitLength[i], 
to=dataFiles$testLength[i], by=dataFiles$splitLength[i])) #TODO
+               if(dataFiles$splitLength[i] > 0)
+               {
+                       splitPositionAll = c(splitPositionAll, seq(from=dataFiles$splitLength[i], 
to=dataFiles$testLength[i], by=dataFiles$splitLength[i]))
+               } else
+               {
+                       #as.character() because -1 (no triggers) is readed as a number and then the strsplit 
+                       splitsVariable = 
as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(as.character(dataFiles$splitVariableCm[i]), "\\,")))
+                       splitsVariableCumSum = 0
+                       for(j in 1:length(splitsVariable))
+                       {
+                               if(splitsVariableCumSum + splitsVariable[j]/100 < dataFiles$testLength[i])
+                               {
+                                       splitsVariableCumSum = splitsVariableCumSum + splitsVariable[j]/100
+                                       splitPositionAll = c(splitPositionAll, splitsVariableCumSum)
+                               }
+                       }
+                       splitPositionAll = c(splitPositionAll, dataFiles$testLength[i])
+               }
        splitPositionAll = sort(unique(splitPositionAll))
@@ -935,13 +953,17 @@ start <- function(op)
                prepareGraph(op$os, pngFile, op$graphWidth, op$graphHeight)
                exportRow = testEncoderCJ(
                                as.vector(dataFiles$fullURL[i]), paste(tempInstantFolder, i, ".csv", sep = 
-                               dataFiles$testLength[i], dataFiles$splitLength[i], splitPositionAll, #TODO
+                               dataFiles$testLength[i], dataFiles$splitLength[i],
+                               as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(as.character(dataFiles$splitVariableCm[i]), 
"\\,"))), #as.character() because -1 (no triggers) is readed as a number and then the strsplit fails
+                               splitPositionAll,
                                dataFiles$mass[i], dataFiles$personHeight[i], dataFiles$tempC[i],
                                dataFiles$device[i], dataFiles$title[i], dataFiles$datetime[i], op$startAccel,
                                as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(as.character(dataFiles$triggersOn[i]), "\\,"))), 
#as.character() because -1 (no triggers) is readed as a number and then the strsplit fails
                                as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(as.character(dataFiles$triggersOff[i]), "\\,")))
+               #print("exportRow:")
+               #print(exportRow)
                if(! is.null(exportRow))
                        names = names(exportRow) #exportRow is a list, get the names
diff --git a/src/runEncoder.cs b/src/runEncoder.cs
index 48867973c..6bf4804f6 100644
--- a/src/runEncoder.cs
+++ b/src/runEncoder.cs
@@ -470,14 +470,12 @@ public class RunEncoderExercise
                get { return Util.ListIntToSQLString (segmentVariableCm, ";"); }
        //same as above but return -1 if empty
-       public string SegmentVariableCmToR
+       public string SegmentVariableCmToR (string sep)
-               get {
-                       string str = SegmentVariableCmToSQL;
-                       if(str == "")
-                               str = "-1";
-                       return str;
-               }
+               string str = Util.ListIntToSQLString (segmentVariableCm, sep);
+               if(str == "")
+                       str = "-1";
+               return str;
        public bool IsSprint
@@ -599,7 +597,7 @@ public class RunEncoderGraphExport
        private RunEncoder.Devices device;
        private double tempC;
        private int testLength;
-       private RunEncoderExercise rex;
+       private RunEncoderExercise exercise;
        private string title;
        private string datetime;
        private TriggerList triggerList;
@@ -611,7 +609,7 @@ public class RunEncoderGraphExport
                        double mass, double personHeight,
                        RunEncoder.Devices device,
                        double tempC, int testLength,
-                       RunEncoderExercise rex, string title, string datetime,
+                       RunEncoderExercise exercise, string title, string datetime,
                        TriggerList triggerList,
                        string comments)
@@ -622,7 +620,7 @@ public class RunEncoderGraphExport
                this.device = device;
                this.tempC = tempC;
                this.testLength = testLength;
-               this.rex = rex;
+               this.exercise = exercise;
                this.title = title;
                this.datetime = datetime;
                this.comments = comments;
@@ -635,13 +633,24 @@ public class RunEncoderGraphExport
                        url = url.Replace("\\","/");
+               string segmentM = "-1"; //variable segments
+               string segmentVariableCm = "-1"; //fixed segments
+               if(exercise.SegmentCm > 0)
+                       segmentM = Util.ConvertToPoint(exercise.SegmentCm / 100.0); //fixed segment
+               else
+               {
+                       //it is a row separated by ; so we need , here
+                       segmentVariableCm = exercise.SegmentVariableCmToR(",");
+               }
                return url + ";" +
                        Util.ConvertToPoint(mass) + ";" +
                        Util.ConvertToPoint(personHeight / 100.0) + ";" + //in meters
                        device.ToString() + ";" +
                        Util.ConvertToPoint(tempC) + ";" +
                        testLength.ToString() + ";" +
-                       Util.ConvertToPoint(rex.SegmentCm / 100.0) + ";" + //in meters
+                       segmentM + ";" + //fixed segments (m)
+                       segmentVariableCm + ";" + //variable segments (cm)
                        title + ";" +
                        datetime + ";" +
                        printTriggers(TriggerList.Type3.ON) + ";" +
@@ -658,8 +667,14 @@ public class RunEncoderGraphExport
                return "fullURL;mass;personHeight;device;tempC;testLength;" +
                        "splitLength;" + //segmentCm on C#, splitLength on R
+                       "splitVariableCm;" +
+       public RunEncoderExercise Exercise
+       {
+               get { return exercise; }
+       }
 public class RunEncoderGraph
@@ -781,8 +796,14 @@ public class RunEncoderGraph
                localeInfo = System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo;
                string segmentM = "-1"; //variable segments
-               if(rex.SegmentCm > 0)
-                       segmentM = Util.ConvertToPoint(rex.SegmentCm / 100.0); //fixed segment
+               string segmentVariableCm = "-1"; //fixed segments
+               if(singleOrMultiple) //only on single
+               {
+                       if(rex.SegmentCm > 0)
+                               segmentM = Util.ConvertToPoint(rex.SegmentCm / 100.0); //fixed segment
+                       else
+                               segmentVariableCm = rex.SegmentVariableCmToR(";");
+               }
                string scriptOptions =
                        "#scriptsPath\n" +              UtilEncoder.GetScriptsPath() + "\n" +
@@ -795,8 +816,8 @@ public class RunEncoderGraph
                        "#graphWidth\n" +               graphWidth.ToString() + "\n" +
                        "#graphHeight\n" +              graphHeight.ToString() + "\n" +
                        "#device\n" +                   device.ToString() + "\n" + //unused on multiple
-                       "#segmentM\n" +                 segmentM + "\n" + //unused on multiple
-                       "#segmentVariableCm\n" +        rex.SegmentVariableCmToR + "\n" + //unused on multiple
+                       "#segmentM\n" +                 segmentM + "\n" +               //unused on multiple
+                       "#segmentVariableCm\n" +        segmentVariableCm + "\n" +              //unused on 
                        "#title\n" +                    title + "\n" +          //unused on multiple
                        "#datetime\n" +                 datetime + "\n" +       //unused on multiple
                        "#startAccel\n" +               Util.ConvertToPoint(startAccel) + "\n" +

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