[gnome-tweaks/ewlsh/remove-compose] Remove Compose tweak and dialog

commit 55ef916f15ad4ab5906942e8f3ed4f2646b1fb58
Author: Evan Welsh <contact evanwelsh com>
Date:   Tue Feb 15 21:58:31 2022 -0800

    Remove Compose tweak and dialog
    This was added to Settings in GNOME/gnome-control-center!785

 gtweak/tweaks/tweak_group_keymouse.py | 150 ----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 150 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gtweak/tweaks/tweak_group_keymouse.py b/gtweak/tweaks/tweak_group_keymouse.py
index 02da8bc..f0ebfff 100644
--- a/gtweak/tweaks/tweak_group_keymouse.py
+++ b/gtweak/tweaks/tweak_group_keymouse.py
@@ -34,155 +34,6 @@ class KeyThemeSwitcher(GSettingsSwitchTweakValue):
             self.settings.set_string(self.key_name, "Default")
-class ComposeDialogLauncher(Gtk.Box, _GSettingsTweak):
-    def __init__(self, **options):
-        name = _("Compose Key")
-        Gtk.Box.__init__(self, orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, spacing=18)
-        _GSettingsTweak.__init__(self, name, "org.gnome.desktop.input-sources", "xkb-options", **options)
-        key_values = ["compose:sclk", "compose:prsc", "compose:menu", "compose:ralt", "compose:rctrl", 
"compose:rwin", "compose:caps", "compose:lctrl"]
-        key_names = [_("Scroll Lock"), _("PrtScn"), _("Menu"), _("Right Alt"), _("Right Ctrl"), _("Right 
Super"), _("Caps Lock"), _("Left Ctrl")]
-        button = Gtk.Button(_("Disabled"), halign=Gtk.Align.END)
-        button.set_relief(Gtk.ReliefStyle.NONE)
-        button.connect("clicked", self.on_button_clicked, self.settings)
-        desc = _("Allows entering additional characters.")
-        vbox = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
-        vbox.props.spacing = UI_BOX_SPACING
-        lbl = Gtk.Label(name)
-        lbl.props.xalign = 0.0
-        lbl_desc = Gtk.Label()
-        lbl_desc.set_line_wrap(True)
-        lbl_desc.get_style_context().add_class("dim-label")
-        lbl_desc.set_markup("<span size='small'>"+GLib.markup_escape_text(desc)+"</span>")
-        vbox.pack_start(lbl, False, False, 0)
-        vbox.pack_start(lbl_desc, False, False, 0)
-        self.pack_start(vbox, False, False, 0)
-        self.pack_end(button, True, True, 0)
-        for index, item in enumerate(key_values):
-            if self.settings.setting_is_in_list("xkb-options", item):
-                button.set_label(key_names[index])
-                # We only support one Compose key so drop any one other set keys
-                for extra in key_values:
-                    self.settings.setting_remove_from_list("xkb-options", extra)
-                self.settings.setting_add_to_list("xkb-options", item)
-    def on_button_clicked(self, widget, settings):
-        a = ComposeDialog(self.main_window, widget, settings)
-        resp = a.run()
-        a.destroy()
-class ComposeDialog(Gtk.Dialog, Gtk.Button):
-    key_values = ["compose:sclk", "compose:prsc", "compose:menu", "compose:ralt", "compose:rctrl", 
"compose:rwin", "compose:caps", "compose:lctrl"]
-    key_names = [_("Scroll Lock"), _("PrtScn"), _("Menu"), _("Right Alt"), _("Right Ctrl"), _("Right 
Super"), _("Caps Lock"), _("Left Ctrl")]
-    def __init__(self, parent, parent_button, settings):
-        Gtk.Dialog.__init__(self)
-        geometry = Gdk.Geometry()
-        geometry.max_width = 500
-        self.set_geometry_hints(None, geometry, Gdk.WindowHints.MAX_SIZE)
-        self.set_modal(True)
-        self.set_transient_for(parent)
-        self.set_size_request(500,-1)
-        btn_sclk = Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_label_from_widget(None, _("Scroll Lock"))
-        btn_prsc = Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_label_from_widget(btn_sclk, _("PrtScn"))
-        btn_menu = Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_label_from_widget(btn_sclk, _("Menu"))
-        btn_ralt = Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_label_from_widget(btn_sclk, _("Right Alt"))
-        btn_rctrl = Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_label_from_widget(btn_sclk, _("Right Ctrl"))
-        btn_rwin = Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_label_from_widget(btn_sclk, _("Right Super"))
-        btn_caps = Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_label_from_widget(btn_sclk, _("Caps Lock"))
-        btn_lctrl = Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_label_from_widget(btn_sclk, _("Left Ctrl"))
-        compose_buttons= [btn_sclk, btn_prsc, btn_menu, btn_ralt, btn_rctrl, btn_rwin, btn_caps, btn_lctrl]
-        hb = Gtk.HeaderBar()
-        hb.set_show_close_button(True)
-        hb.props.title = _("Compose Key")
-        self.set_titlebar(hb)
-        switch = Gtk.Switch()
-        compose_enabled = False
-        for item in self.key_values:
-            if settings.setting_is_in_list("xkb-options", item):
-                 compose_enabled = True
-        switch.set_active(compose_enabled)
-        for button in compose_buttons:
-           button.set_sensitive(compose_enabled)
-        switch.connect("notify::active", self._on_switch_changed, parent_button, compose_buttons, settings)
-        hb.pack_start(switch)
-        grid = Gtk.Grid()
-        grid.props.border_width = 18
-        label = Gtk.Label(None)
-        label.set_markup(_("The compose key allows a wide variety of characters to be entered. To use it, 
press the compose key and then a sequence of characters.\n\n"
-            "Many unusual characters can be entered by combining standard ones. For example, compose key 
followed by <b>C</b> and <b>o</b> will enter <b>©</b>, <b>a</b> followed by <b>'</b> will enter <b>á</b>.\n"))
-        label.set_line_wrap(True)
-        self.get_content_area().pack_start(grid, True, True, 0)
-        grid.attach(label, 0, 0, 4, 1)
-        grid.attach(btn_sclk, 1, 1, 1, 1)
-        grid.attach(btn_prsc, 1, 2, 1, 1)
-        grid.attach(btn_menu, 1, 3, 1, 1)
-        grid.attach(btn_ralt, 2, 1, 1, 1)
-        grid.attach(btn_rctrl, 2, 2, 1, 1)
-        grid.attach(btn_rwin, 2, 3, 1, 1)
-        grid.attach(btn_caps, 3, 1, 1, 1)
-        grid.attach(btn_lctrl, 3, 2, 1, 1)
-        if settings.setting_is_in_list("xkb-options", "compose:sclk"):
-            btn_sclk.set_active(True)
-        elif settings.setting_is_in_list("xkb-options", "compose:prsc"):
-            btn_prsc.set_active(True)
-        elif settings.setting_is_in_list("xkb-options", "compose:menu"):
-            btn_menu.set_active(True)
-        elif settings.setting_is_in_list("xkb-options", "compose:ralt"):
-            btn_ralt.set_active(True)
-        elif settings.setting_is_in_list("xkb-options", "compose:rctrl"):
-            btn_rctrl.set_active(True)
-        elif settings.setting_is_in_list("xkb-options", "compose:rwin"):
-            btn_rwin.set_active(True)
-        elif settings.setting_is_in_list("xkb-options", "compose:caps"):
-            btn_caps.set_active(True)
-        elif settings.setting_is_in_list("xkb-options", "compose:lctrl"):
-            btn_lctrl.set_active(True)
-        for index, button in enumerate(compose_buttons):
-           button.set_sensitive(compose_enabled)
-           button.connect("toggled", self.on_button_toggled, index, parent_button, settings)
-        self.show_all()
-    def on_button_toggled(self, button, index, parent_button, settings):
-        for item in self.key_values:
-            settings.setting_remove_from_list("xkb-options", item)
-        settings.setting_add_to_list("xkb-options", self.key_values[index])
-        parent_button.set_label(self.key_names[index])
-    def _on_switch_changed(self, switch, param, parent_button, compose_buttons, settings):
-        compose_enabled = switch.get_active()
-        for button in compose_buttons:
-           button.set_sensitive(compose_enabled)
-        # Until we implement storing the old Compose key setting somewhere,
-        # just force the key to Scroll Lock since it's first in the list.
-        if compose_enabled:
-            settings.setting_add_to_list("xkb-options", "compose:sclk")
-            parent_button.set_label(_("Scroll Lock"))
-        else:
-            compose_buttons[0].set_active(True)
-            for item in self.key_values:
-                settings.setting_remove_from_list("xkb-options", item)
-            parent_button.set_label(_("Disabled"))
 class OverviewShortcutTweak(Gtk.Box, _GSettingsTweak):
     def __init__(self, **options):
@@ -367,7 +218,6 @@ TWEAK_GROUPS = [
                               desc=_("Increases the choice of input sources in the Settings application."),
-        ComposeDialogLauncher(),
         Title(_("Mouse"), ""),

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