[tracker-miners/sam/libav-testing: 12/12] TEMP: Disable all but libav tests

commit cfcde7e5d4425f4f1020bc5766f0b30507aa5287
Author: Sam Thursfield <sam afuera me uk>
Date:   Sun Aug 28 20:57:16 2022 +0200

    TEMP: Disable all but libav tests
    To speed up development

 .gitlab-ci.yml | 123 ---------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 123 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 4e67ed2de..ce3ca21bf 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -164,19 +164,6 @@ build-ubuntu-container@x86_64:
     - check-commit-log
     - check-merge-request
-  extends:
-    - .fdo.distribution-image@fedora
-    - .tracker-miners.fedora:36@x86_64
-  needs:
-    - build-fedora-container@x86_64
-  stage: code-review
-  script:
-    - git fetch origin master;
-      export common_parent_sha=$(diff --old-line-format='' --new-line-format='' <(git rev-list 
--first-parent "origin/${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_TARGET_BRANCH_NAME:-${CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH}}") <(git rev-list 
--first-parent HEAD) | head -1) ;
-      python3 -u ./check-style.py --dry-run --sha $common_parent_sha ;
-  allow_failure: true
 .build-template: &build
   stage: build
@@ -219,32 +206,6 @@ build-libav-fedora@x86_64:
     - build-fedora-container@x86_64
   <<: *build-libav
-  extends:
-    - .fdo.distribution-image@fedora
-    - .tracker-miners.fedora:rawhide@x86_64
-  needs:
-    - build-fedora-rawhide-container@x86_64
-  allow_failure: true
-  <<: *build
-  extends:
-    - .fdo.distribution-image@fedora
-    - .tracker-miners.fedora:36@aarch64
-  needs:
-    - build-fedora-container@aarch64
-  allow_failure: true
-  <<: *build
-  extends:
-    - .fdo.distribution-image@ubuntu
-    - .tracker-miners.ubuntu:rolling@x86_64
-  needs:
-    - build-ubuntu-container@x86_64
-  <<: *build
 .test_template: &test
   stage: test
@@ -282,14 +243,6 @@ build-ubuntu-rolling@x86_64:
       junit: "build/meson-logs/testlog.junit.xml"
-  extends:
-    - .fdo.distribution-image@fedora
-    - .tracker-miners.fedora:36@x86_64
-  needs:
-    - build-fedora@x86_64
-  <<: *test
     - .fdo.distribution-image@fedora
@@ -297,79 +250,3 @@ test-libav-fedora@x86_64:
     - build-libav-fedora@x86_64
   <<: *test
-  extends:
-    - .fdo.distribution-image@fedora
-    - .tracker-miners.fedora:rawhide@x86_64
-  needs:
-    - build-fedora-rawhide@x86_64
-  allow_failure: true
-  <<: *test
-  extends:
-    - .fdo.distribution-image@fedora
-    - .tracker-miners.fedora:36@aarch64
-  needs:
-    - build-fedora@aarch64
-  allow_failure: true
-  <<: *test
-  extends:
-    - .fdo.distribution-image@ubuntu
-    - .tracker-miners.ubuntu:rolling@x86_64
-  needs:
-    - build-ubuntu-rolling@x86_64
-  <<: *test
-  extends:
-    - .fdo.distribution-image@fedora
-    - .tracker-miners.fedora:36@x86_64
-  stage: analysis
-  allow_failure: true
-  script:
-    - .gitlab-ci/checkout-tracker.sh
-    - mkdir -p coverage-build/coveragereport
-    - cd coverage-build
-    - meson .. --prefix=/usr -Dtracker_core=subproject -Db_lto=true -Db_coverage=true -Dseccomp=false 
-    - ninja
-    - env LANG=C.UTF-8 LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 dbus-run-session eatmydata meson test --print-errorlogs 
-    - gcovr --html-details --print-summary --root=.. --exclude=subprojects --exclude=../subprojects 
--exclude=../tests --output coveragereport/index.html
-  coverage: '/^lines: (\d+\.\d+\%)/'
-  artifacts:
-    when: always
-    paths:
-    - coverage-build/coveragereport
-  needs:
-    - test-fedora@x86_64
-  extends:
-    - .fdo.distribution-image@fedora
-    - .tracker-miners.fedora:36@x86_64
-  stage: analysis
-  allow_failure: true
-  script:
-    # Build tracker, we must go out the subproject route as we don't want
-    # tracker code to be included in the coverity reports for tracker-miners.
-    - .gitlab-ci/checkout-tracker.sh
-    - export INSTALL=`pwd`/install
-    - pushd subprojects/tracker; meson build --libdir lib --prefix $INSTALL -Ddocs=false; pushd build; ninja 
install; popd; popd
-    - curl https://scan.coverity.com/download/linux64 --data "token=$COVERITY_TOKEN&project=tracker-miners" 
--output /tmp/coverity_tool.tgz
-    - tar zxf /tmp/coverity_tool.tgz
-    - mkdir coverity-build
-    - export CC=clang
-    - pushd coverity-build
-    - meson --pkg-config-path=$INSTALL/lib/pkgconfig ..
-    - ../cov-analysis-linux64-*/bin/cov-build --dir cov-int ninja
-    - tar czf cov-int.tar.gz cov-int
-    - popd
-    - curl https://scan.coverity.com/builds?project=tracker-miners
-      --form token=$COVERITY_TOKEN --form email=carlosg gnome org
-      --form file=@coverity-build/cov-int.tar.gz --form version="`git describe --tags`"
-      --form description="gitlab CI build"
-  only:
-    - master

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